SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1927TH SUMR ICGA DIL THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAC i e irnra rr ra r..nMrrr"aw+or. _-_ o rrorr rs . or - _. .. _ _ . .. _ ...-. --- -- -v""" DAI LY O0F F ICIAL B ULLETI N Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday). V0luiiie VIII S UNDlAY; .1ULY 10, 1927 Number 13 GUILD GOES TO came connected with the Anatomy JOHN. H JOPI INS laboratory here in 1912. He is also 'the author of several series of re- According to a recent announce-I search papers particularly on Otology. ment, Prof. Stacy R. Guild, of the Ana- Dr. E. S. McKibben, of London, On- tomy department in the University, f tario, will take up Dr. Guild's former lino __;+n~ +_fhn an ,_ F duties. 1 1 t I1 n as been jJU~1~UL apoite it tepositioni o Director of the Otological Laboratory CL ASSIFIEDl ADS. Excursion No. 4: Ford River Rouge industries, including the blast furnace, steel mill, coke ovens, Fordson plant, glass plant, andl ore docks. *All of the above will be seen in operation. The party will leave in special motor busses, Wednesday afternoon, July 13, at 1:15 P. MV., in front of Angell, Hall, State Street. Round trip tickets ($1.00) must be securedl iniRooml 3, University :Hall, by Tuesday, 6 P. M. Carlton Wells, D~irector of Excursions. French Ribliograpiy (French 190) : Monday, July 11, meeting in University Library, Room 301. The next meeting in this course will take place in the University Lib- rary, Room 301, and will be (devoted to an examination and discussion of certain significant books dealing with French Geography and History. The books 5will beC on exhibition in one of the rooms in the Library. All interested in the subject are invited to attend. Wit). A. McLaughilin Men'u Educational Cluj): Regent J. El. Peal will speak at the regular mneeting of the Mens' Educa- tional Club onl Tuesday eventing, July 12. His subject will be "Some Thoughts About English Universities." There will be special music. A large attendance is desired. The Committee. Women's Educationial Clubi: The Women's Educational Club) will meet at thte Haunted Tavern Tues- day, June 12, at 6:30 P. M. Mrs. Hlerbert S. Mallory will speak on "The Social Development ofl the Child." The Committee. Hlinduistan Club: The Club picnic will be held today, July 9. All the members are requested to meet either at Lane hall or at the island at 2 P. M. Friends are welcome, but information should be given beforehand. For such purposes call 21734 between 11:30 and 12:00 A. M. S. S. IBerar. Aeronautical Laboratory: Wanted a dlraftsman to work on instrumients in Aeronautical Laboratory. See Mr. J. D. Akerinan, Room 304, East Engineering Building. J. I1). Ackermni. Subscribe for the Summer Daily A of Johns Hopkins university. This new position will involve almost every j LOST-Cameo broach in gold filigree phase of ear research.j setting. Return to 1145 Washtenaw. Dr. Guild has been working at Johns Phone 3597. Reward. 13, 14, 15 Hopkins this past year, being on leave4 of absence from the University facul- LOST-A Nu Sigma Nu pin, near Lib- ty. He received his preliminary de- erty and State. Address Box 197,1 grees from Washburn college -and be- Michigan Daily 13, 14, 15 Starting Today r ,, r - t I_ 1 c. 'i is R 1 I j I II'l I,, I /- - I j 1 I Hie '*1s ajust a college 1boob, but -wheni she loolped into Iuis oyes - WOW I! - the worin turned into a figh1ting~ lion! And lie carried his college to victor -itihe miost sensational race ever seeni! -),i . i Tillie's in te Movies Now! N 0 W l1ith JACK MUJLHALL and CHAS. M URRAY' Adapted by hard Sehofield from the Play by Ji. C. and Elliott Nugenut. Great Added Stage and Screen Bill I . I qlplw low ~fze *Ier -k' The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta. Ga. W.hen Three Are Not a Crowd CocaCola is enjoyed by more people, of more ages, at more places than any other drink. IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHER T iS 7 ;ILLLION ADA Y --Add ed- "3111)SUi' MER N~ITS' STEAM-1" Inilierial Comnedy kMlthl(~i\ILOCALS eJlf TOPI1CS T{)JA 'S, IES Show s Sunday 2:00-3 :35-7 :25-9:00 Prices Sunday Balcony, 35c Ifaiii floor, 50c Chfldren, 100 Russ Westover's great comic-strip that has tickled the ribs of the nation, has now been brought to life in a hilarious, lovable filmh play. And what Marion Davies does with the role of Tillie! Granger Rough Cut is made by the Liggett & Myers Tobacco I.