PAGE TWO Urliga$'iDal 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en-I titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $; by mail,j $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925i MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles Night Editors Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. John E. Davis Orville Dowzer T. E. Sunderland Reporters E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell RobertE.CarsonMary Lister Robet K CasonBetty Pulver Wi. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus BUSINESSi STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising ............. Ray Wachter Accounts ........... John Ruswinckel Circulation..............Ralph Millerj Assistants C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar G.i . Platt Night Editor--JOS. E. BRUNSWICK THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUINDAY . JULY. A1i02 ously consider whether or not the camp is worth a considerable con- tribution. Surely, if there are any among us who are interested in the youth of the nation, and the fine work which the Student Christian Associa- tion is doing among them at Pater- son Lake, they can accomplish few more concrete things with a small ef- fort than by generously contributing to the Fresh Air Camp fund. THE UNDERPAID ACTORS Chief among all financial develop- ments of the past few weeks is the an- nouncement by the movie producers that the salaries of the stars will be cut. Outside of the inveterate hard- ship which the pay cut of ten percent will work on the thousand dollar a week performers who adorn the silver screen, the issue involves the whole question of fitting reward for service rendered, and the question as to how much one who contributes as little as a movie actor to the general welfare of the public should be rewarded. Of course of the twelve-dollar a week laundry girl who goes to the neighborhood movie house on Satur- day night, after a dismal week spent drapping bundles, and see there for fifty cents all the glitter and glamor of the world she never will experience, and sees the dissipated looking actress spun through several thousand feet of thrilling exepriences, climaxing with a passionate love scene which she and her delivery boy friend will never approach, the actors and act- resses can not be overpaid. By en- abling this class of persons to live LV, 1OZI f t SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1927 in a world unreal and apart, the movies manage to vitiate the ambitior that might otherwiseexist, to achieve TE FRESH AIR CAMP realy instead of by proxy. The accomplishment of the actors The University Fresh Air Camp for and actresses, and the move as a underprivileged children, under the whole, however, has been negligible t auspices of the Student Christian As- any worthy end. To compare the ac- sociation, is about to stage its annual complishment of the movie actors tc summer campaign for funds. Some the accomplishment of the workmer $500 isj needed this summer, accord- building the building across the street ing to the estimates, if the-camp is would be folly indeed, for the work- to be continued, and as usual the men are accomplishing something; student body will be solicited, or yet the actors are getting paid any- rather given the opportunity, to as- where from ten to a hundred times as sist. much as those workmen for the same The boys who are given the advan- amount of time. Tihs does not seem tages of this camp are children from to be equitable. the lower classes of Detroit and other To carry the comparison further, large cities hereabouts. They are we find that nearly all first class ac- boys who would have no other chance tors are making more money than the to receive a vacation if they could not president of the United States, and do so gratuitously, and the ten days while the President, to be sure, is not outing which they receive at the Pat- indispensible, still it is likely that erson Lake Camp is for many of them he too accomplishes somewhat more, the first time that they have been off in the course of the year, than the the pavements of the large cities. majority of the first rate actors. In For this period of somewhat over a short, we find, by any comparison we week they are given the chance to may draw, that the salary of the ac- swim, to live outdoors, to roam the tors and actresses is not in proportion woods, and not least to gain contacts to service they render. with University students. All of the Now in any just and equitable sys- advisors and leaders at the camp are tem of society the reward must be students who are giving up their sum- comparable and in proportion to the mer months, without any compensa- effort expended. Our system is not tion, with the exception of the direct- just and equitable, but that is no rea- or, in order to serve the cause by son why it should not be, and no rea- giving the underprivileged children son why we should not endeavor to contacts with a high type of older make it so. Of course, if we paid the men. The value of these opportuni- movie actors what they were worth ties for the underprivileged boys is they would all starve, and a charitable inestimable. To them it is their first consideration, if nothing more, pro- chance to see what a great univer- hibit that. A ten percent decrease sity produces; to hear, if they wish, in salary, however, is not such a se- about the university, and in a number rious blow to a person earning more of cases the week and a half spent than the bricklayers and the president at this camp has been a turning point of the United States, and consequent- in the life of some youngster, and has- ly this reduction could be effected been the point that decided him on a without any serious consequences. profession or future, and which The movie industry, i t short, has helped to inspire him to accomplish far overreached itself in lavish ex- that end. penditures, and it is time that the The camp has been running a num- public demanded a halt. Even in ber of years, now. Hundreds of boys towns where no theater monopoly ex- have been given the opportunities ists, extortionate prices are charged, that it offers, and though it is still too and when entertainment lasting an early for any of them to have pro- hour and a half costs as much as the duced any astonishing results,' the common laborer can earn in an hour, effect that a camp with a university then it is time that there was an ad- atmosphere must have on the boys justment in our system of compensa- from the alleys of the cities is too tion or price if the common laborer is profound to be estimated. to enjoy the form of amusement. Thus far the entire funds used in After all, the only things that are re- financing the camp have been con- quired for the movies are beauty and tibuted by the student body, and it a good press agent, and from some of is a tribute to the generosity and the results one is even inclined to doubt the beauty part. There is very sense of public service which univer- doutte eatyat.nghere i e sity students possess that never in'Amerativeainds nd i roth the history of the enterprise has it American movie industry, and from lacked funds. True it is, of course, moviee actors reit semimo itmosth that some of the permanent buildings whom it is morally dangerous to en- have been erected by interested pri- vate persons, and that such donations trust large sums. Fabulous prices are not necessary have reached the point where the to attract movie talent. Most of the place is one of the finest equipped actresses could scarcely earn a decent among such camps throughout the ving if the charitable pub did not state, but the actual money required pay to see them in the clutches of the to operate the enterprise has been movie villians, and if any of them were raised on the University of Michigan lost they could be replaced from a campus. dozen different sources, except that re- Michigan students in the summer placement in kind would seriously im- session will of course contribute gen- pair the supply of domestice servants. erously to these funds again as they If the movie producers themselves, have in the past, and thereby they finally, are not able to reduce the will be doing a great and significant salaries of actors it is time the pub- service. They can do more than just lie took the matter in its own hands, give the matter a moment's thought- and by blacklisting the recalcitrants less attention, however, they can seri- force them to accept the decrease. 0 e 8 a 1 1 1 3 '' i III tl i II OASTEOLLS L IrSCENARIO o CONTEST Having become disgusted with The Daily, the paper that is given away every morning with each copy of Rolls, we are adding to the stupen- dous prize of $100 offered by the - Times-News for a scenario, two Swiss - cheese sandwiches to make the win- ning really worth while. The rules for Roll's contest are the same as those printed in the Times-News, recently. t * The following is the scenario which would win the contest were it submit- ted but we shall not do so in order to give others a chance. * * * The story opens on a farm. John Jones is the boy working in the field. (Here we shall tell a secret. He is the hero of the story and will win his way to fame and fortune working on the Ann Arbor Times-News. Emulate him and be wealthy yourself.-Adv.) John has on several occasion been forutnate enough to read a newspaper, and being disgusted with conditions on the farm he decides to go to the city and work on a big metropolitan newspaper. The next scene shows John arriving on the Ann Arbor railroad in the city from which the train takes its name.. He immediately sets out in a search for employment. Arriving at the Press building he applied for work on The Michigan Daily but is told that he must be a student to work there so he breaks down and applies for a po- sition at the Times-News office. There he is immediately set to work chasing copy. As always happens in any good movie, the first day our hero falls in love with Mary, the beautiful daughter of the managing editor. He tries to attract her attention in many ways and finally after months of trying he chases some copy into the managing editor's office when the girl is there. She, of course is struck by his manli- ness, etc., and although she will not admit it to herself is madly in love with him. THE FATHER AT WORK In consequence with this winning of the heart of the daughter of one so high on the staff, our hero is imme- diately promoted to the position of star reporter, but the managing ed- itor insists that he get a scoop be- fore he can have the hand of the beau- tiful daughter in marriage. (Don't mind the ambiguity of the pronouns, that adds to the intensity of the story.) Our hero immediately dashes out, plans a murder, gets the only story on it for his paper, marries the daughter and lives happily ever after. Thus the Times-News is portrayed as the best newspaper in the United States, and if you write a scenario like this model you will win the prize. --Jeb. CAMPUS OPINION The Daily will publish at its discretion letters to the editor, under the heading "Campus Op- ino"when they are deemed tonse of general interest and pertinent to events of the day in or about the University. All Imembers of the Summer session are urged to contribute their views, with the hope of stimulat- ing intelligent discussion. All communication must be signed, but initials only will be published if requested. By a regulation of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications, all letters must be read and approv- ed by the Managing Editor and Editorial Director, and a copy of each, bearing their signatures must be kept on file in The Daily office. After all a thousand dollars a week ought to be plenty for most any ex- stenographer to live on, even taking into account certain overhead expenses which actors and actresses are bound to incur. The movie industry at pres- ent is carrying a tremendous lode- stone chained to its ankle, nad it is time that it retrenched. Not only should the cost of pictures be reduc- ed, but the reduction should and must be passed on to the neral public if an equitable se'tsIuent is be reached. For refreshments and deli- cious toasted sandwiches, Vsit the Sweetland 212 S. Main St. RAE Today and Monday "The Ridin' Cowboy" Tuesday-Wednesday Tim McCoy -In- "War Paint" This "Ad." with 10e FREEMAN'S DINING ROOMI 809 E. Washington One block from Hill Auditorium HALLER'S State Street ! Jewelers ( I; b~-~ For a Pleasant, Healthful Outdoor Pastime ---, <_- . Try canoeing. The Huron River and Barton Pond offer exceptional opportunities for enjoying nature. SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street. Rates by Hour, Day or Season. Open 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. Friday and Saturday Till 12 P. M. This is the nameplate that appears on especially well- built gasoline and oil equipment for filling sta- tions and garages; on sys- tems for storing oils in industry; on lubrication and filtration systems for prime movers and driven machines. A automobiles increase, better gasoline and oil service will be essential. What has been done by rule- of -thumb will be done scientifically. Already there has been great progress-but that is rela- tively nothing, compared with what is to be. In this,Bowser will lead-and those who are with Bowser will grow accordingly! .r I S.F.BOWSER & COMPANY, mc, Dependable Pumps and Tanks FORT WA YN E , INDIANA, U.S.A. TORONTO LONDON-PARIS BERLIN SYDNEY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MICHIGAN SUMMER DAILY I ;r ell the plu , , IC ,- "O- t- 7 archs start plutarch ing AT THE night sessions, when class philosophers vie with class Merry Andrews in deciding the heavy problems of the world-or burlesquing them - notice the royal guest, Prince Albert. Chiming in with the spirit of the occasion. Fill- ing the air with the finest tobacco-aroma ever. Do you smoke Prince Albert? It will bring you more pleasure and satisfaction than yOu ever thought a pipe could give. The instant you throw back the hinged lid and release that wonderful P. A. fragrance, you suspect you are in for some grand smoke-sessions. The very first pipe-load confirms your sus. picions. Cool as a gate-tender. Sweet as the week-end reprieve. Mild as the coffee in Com- mons-mild, yet with a full body that satisfies your smoke-taste completely. Get yourself a tidy red tin this very day IRI NI5E ALBER T P. '.is soever re in tidy red ins, poundtand healt. pound tin humidors, and pouund cry'stal glass humidor* with sponge-moistener teop. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by she Prince Albert process. -no other tobacco is like itd 0 1927, R. I Reynolds Tobacco CcmpaY. Winton-Salem, N. C.