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July 10, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-10

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t -. Vitt, 10. 13






Aetor's Vitality Was The Only Thing
Whieh Kept Him Alive So Long,
I)eclare His Physicians
(By Associated Press)I
Drew died here today. He had been
in a hospital since May 31, ill of arth-
ritis and rheumatic fever. He was 731
years old.
Mr. Drew arrived in San Francisco
the latter part of May to play an
engagement in "Trelawney of the Jol
Wells." Noted stage st
Because of his physical condition he day in San Fran(
was forced to cancel his appearance of about a mon
and was taken to a hospital. His con- was 73 years of
dition grew so serious. that, \June 4, 1 actors with whoa

A Reiiew, by Philip V. Brooks
At "ye signe of ye lame flea," just h never told two people the same:
heheeboDm Cawthwo n reGrdton, . he 1tollowedyby an FIRST TIMEMONDA Y
three miles from Norwich, lived Gam- lie. And there was an admirable bat-
mer Gurton, and across the road lived tle between the factions of Dame Chat
.e.eihor x.;htwthwo and Grammer Gurton, followed by an L ISIE h _S IL p
her relations would have been all attempt at settlement through the ef- Ay LEADINi Il1IINE
, very nice if it hadn't been for the forts of Doctor Rat, the vicar well car-)CARACTER
schemes of the mischievous Diccon. ned by Robert Wetzel. But the vicar
But before the story comes the intro- enjoyed his bottle more than striving
beit n goesteinr-to do justice adlittle good resulted.WiLL SHGW FIVE TIMES
l, an good resulted. *:,.;;
After being pushed into one's by Then there came Master Baily, the vil-.
-Stenet And Acting' T aken ironiLife;
the burly Hodge,-whom Robert Hen lage justice who handled the situation
bulyth statonheiua r::;:;:;:.;:::::::::::{-s Ilisco anted Wives AndPayu
derson portrayed in splendid fashion, its a
"::: wi. l tth majestic savoir-faire. Paul,. ... -nhnSI hm
and receiving flowers" from boisterous Faust (oes things that way. :{s.:';::,::T;.:"
a dbut bewitching Doll, in whose charac- The addition of Charles Edgecombe , Norma V$Itchell, co-author with hus-
ter Helen Hughes ably disguised her- to the cast appeared desirable, al- Isell Medcraft of th New York laugh
self, one could hardly help but be in though his enunciation did not com- success "Clad> Snatchers" which will
a rollicking, receptive mood for the ine effectiveness with clearness as ,be the fourth prduction of the Rock-
"pithy merie comdie of Gammer Gur- sid that of the others. Miss Kearns ford Players opening Monday, July 11,
ton's Needle, as played on the stage was splendid in a part quite different I for five performances insists that
not so longe ago in Christes Colledge, from those she has played here before. writing comic "laugh-hits" is an ex-
in Drew at Cambridge," or as more recently Rather than the sophisticated, satin- act science. Whether she is right or
tar I played on the stage of Sarah Caswell cal, Judith Bliss of "Hay Fever," she not, she and Mr. Metcalf seem to have
ars, whted yneser- Angell hall by the Rockford Players. was a whole hearted and thorough Suas Strawn crowded a goodly number of laughs
th, Ter aies It is a wonder that the banner bear- fighting neighbor, taking her part Chicago, lawyer who ma be a-into one play when they wrote "Cra-
a. Theeat to r eing the above description of the play, with an enthusiasm which carried d y p de Snatchers."
n he had been aso-Isad
aswl seayhn lei h 11,mc ovcin hi o uthermore, the characters. in ad


'ijmxco wmeh was left vcnbyI, Wcvta Ue., IIU
John Barrymore, Mr. Drew's ehew,c-ated morned his loss and sent mes- was not trompled by the lumbering Frances Horine did a fine piece of the r aa
was called from Hollywood and he, sages of regret to members of his 1rew stg nt field. It is reported in official circles taken from life and present types an
with Drew's daughter, Mrs. Louise family. John Barryore, his nephew, show with all the cast in fantastic at- different and difficult, and certainly that Strawn is under consideration. lrictypes of many who may be resi
Devereaux, came to the noted actor's was present at the time of his death. peoye fmn h a er'i
Deeeucm otentdatrswa rsn ttetm fhsdah itudes. But such slaughter could noti made a good and proud old lady. Amy . dents of this town. Discontente
bedside. occur with Paul Faust dexterously Loomis, always far better than her wives and playful husbands are a
Suffered Relapses guiding the horse's front feet. I part, Helen Hughes, delightfully earn- favorite theme.
Mr. Drew rallied several times, but This same Hodge, it seems, had est, and Sam Bonnell, very clever in CIUU The three wives in "Cradle Snatch
invariably suffered relapses,, each RAN[ Il, K Ui[LL {suffered some damage to his trous- his character part, furnished a great ers" have a problem on their hands-
leaving hion weaker, ers. Frankly, he bad a hole in them, deal of amusement with their singinghrapnsTyr tr :
OnJne9 flown arlas, h and be had reason for bemg so per trio in the first act, and their some-stngahmewieherusnd
On June 9, following a relapse, the Ii 11H0T I IIJ II UI LIIstin at home while their husbands
physicians issued their first bulletin L turbed as to lament that "if nothing what rough but attractively strange _l are elsewhere seeking the necessary
admitting that Drew's condition was stops the gape in my seat, I'm ut- dance later. - Three Members Will Present Vocal "kick" out of life, and decide to have
"grave." Rhetorician Will Speak On "Permian- terly undone." The gape would not The piay has little to offer as a And Piano Selections In Two la little excitement of their own. One
Through all this suffering Mr Drew eny And Popularity In Litera- have lasted long, except for the truth dramatic type, but provides an op Groups Each of the wives has an idea! It is spelled
wascheerfull his mind keen, and he f re" onday Afternoon of his complaint that "I live with such portunity for companies like this to "cake-eater"and after serious dis-
showed great interest in the flood of ja pack of fools, I'd better be in hell." furnish a program of fun and frolic. INVITED cussion they decide to teach the non-
telegrams from friends in all parts of i iKRUYT TALKS TUESDAY For Ganer Gurton, who would have They seemed to enjoy it all, but it EPdomestic husbands a deserved lesson,
the world. The vitality of the actor _____sewed them up for him, could not would not be 'strange if they all fell Three members of the faculty of They import three young college boys
and his unwillingness to admit that "Permanency and Popularity in work without a needle, and betore she exhausted after the arduous task of the University School of Music will to furnish the jealousy element and
he was playing his last part on the I Literature" and "The Application of got her needle, much ensued. pulling the needle from Hodge's. unite their efforts in a program of mu- by the end of the play succeed in ac-
stage of life was declared by those Ulysical Chemistry to Industry" are There was a most upsetting line of trcusers, where, now that it is all sical numbers at the faculty concert complishing their purpose.
who attended him to be the only rea- the widly varying titles of the two confusions caused by this Diccon, who over, we can tell you that Gammer to be given Wednesday at 8 o'clock Elsie Herndon Kearns will appear
son he survived so long coming University lectures to be de- delighted in being original in his tales Gurton left it. in Hill auditorium. as the leader of the feminine trio, in
A steady stream of friends passed lIvery at five o'clock next Monday INEi James Hamilton, tenor of the School the Mary Boland part of- Susan Mar-
through the hospital doors, but none and Tuesday respectively in the BRITISH CONQUER CONFERENCE NEAR of Music will sing two groups. Mr. tin. Amy Loomis and Frances Horine
except the actor's daughter, her hus- Natural Sciencc ruditorium.: AME rAN rIAL BR ABI T Hamilton has appeared in concerts will take the parts of the other two
band and Mr. Drews nephew was al- Prof. Thomas E. Rank, of theE IABREAK AS throughout the United States and has wives, while Robert Henderson, Paul
lowed into the darkened sick room. Rhetoric department, is the speaker IN TRACK MEET DISAPPROVE PLAN been heard in Ann Arbor several Faust and Franz Rothier will be the
Stars Of Long Ago in the first lecture. Professor Rankin times. He was on leave of absence imported "cake-eaters" and Charles
The company with which Mr. Drew 1has been a member of the faculty of (Jy Associated Press) (By Associated Press) last year for instruction under thejEdgecombe, Samuel BonnellandRob
came to San Francisco started its tour the Udiversity since 1905 and during STAMFORD BRIDGE, Eng., July 9. GENEVA, July 9.-The Tri-partite famous teachers of Italy. Maude ert Wetzel, the wayward husbands.
from New York, Jan. 31, Its cast of that time has written a number of -Led by their titled captain, Lord naval conference almost broke up to- Okkelberg, of the piano faculty, will Helen Hughes and Evelyn Olson will
15 players was to ned by stars known 1 books on literary subjects. Perhaps I David Burley, the combined Oxford day. Reliable information concern-; play the accompaniments for Mr.1 play the ingenue parts of Mrs Drakes'
to theater-gcers 20 years ago. the best rknown of the is "Method and and Cambridge teams today upset uing the happenings at a secret session Hamilton. I niece and a flapper picked up by one
Drew, with one exception, the old- Practice of Exposition," which is used calculations by conquering their Ha- of the executive committee this morn- Mre. George B. Rhead of the piano of the husbands, respectively.
I ard and Yale rivals in a battle forI ing has it that Lord Cecil went so far:_____________
est of them, was supported by such internationally. "A History of Eng-s a si faculty will also contribute two
actors and actresses of yesterday's lish Literature" and "A History of international track and field honors. in the course of the tumultous dis-roups. She is also a pianist of re- 3600 BIRDS USED
stage as Mrs. Thomas Whiffen, Effie American Literature" are also popu- Displaying marked superiority in cussion of the cruiser problem as to gps his alsoa ait e- ,B RU
Shannon, John E. Kellerd and Law- lar. the track events, the British collegians bang his first on the table and ex- Iprehsavin aser with C eealt FOR ' FAN
Thi ysve"Ti s efc nnes. orchestras such as the Chicago, St.
pence D'Orsay. The author of the second lecture, won by seven points to five for the claim: This is perfect nonsense" Louis, and Detroit orchestras.
Prof. Hugo R. Kruyt of the University Americans in a cotest decided by Lord Cecil exploded in this fashion Tyassociated Press)
NEW YORK, July 9.-The heat of of Utrecht, Holland, is a guest maem- first places. I after Rear Admiral Hilary T Jones, Andante con Variazioni......Haydn EnglandLONDOas July 9.-Queen Mary t
I Harvard and Yale entered the meet of the American delegation, had quiet-among other hobbiethat
Br oadwayghts wichas s unde r the bern gf the fau ltyer f hes U nve is strong favorites, but unexpected set- ly delivered an explanation of the . Aria, a ele Ros ...h.HdI of collecting fans. In her collection
bright lights was saddened by the luring the Summer session and is I ra Care Seve....... ......Handel1 there are moany difentypsro
conducting a number of activities onibacks on the track upset their I American proposal concerning cruis- (from the ope Atalanta") the ms intyiafferenw typesfrom
death of John Drew as it could be cia chemistry, which is his ances in a contest, which saw the ers. Hugh S. Gibson, head of the dele- plthenmost intricate jewelled to the
touched by the few final exits from its special field, he being recognized as shattering of three meet records, one gation, who already had listened toa fom the pera "I Pagliacci) plainest leather; but the most remark-
stage. For nearly half a century the leading colloidial chemist of British record and equalling another reproach made at an earlier session by James Hamilton able of all is one made from a special
Broadway knew John Drew and to the Europe. meet mark. Cecil, is understood to have risen to Intermazzo Op. 118 No. 6 feather found only on woodcocks.
lrathewas anefavohrie n oteInelazOp. 8 .......ArensyThis fan was made some years ego
The victory was the fourth for Ox- his feet at this point and to have de- th e birds tat the ynand his
"Usthe Jasn"favsrte affetorndSIXTY CAN ATTEND for and Cambridge and squared ac- clared with firmness that unless Lord GnheLr gpn8................. Lisztjm the birds that the King and his
"Uncle John" was the affectionate rAcounts in the international series Cecil withdrew this remark, Mr. Gib- Gfriends killed. Since there are 3,500
XT ETE., 71. U'Black Mabel Ross Rhead
term by which.perhaps the stage fok ..a T E XUR A which dates back to 1899. son would be obliged to leave. CecilSe whe ou lhef yfeathers in the fan and each woodcock
knew him, following the precept of -- Lord Burley and J. W. J. Runkil, withdrew it. Arangd by May possesses only one of this type of
the nephews and nieces of the Barry- I he fourth excursion of the Sum- Cambridge sprinter, were the aces of An earlier incident of the hectic ses- . Kentucky NgroLulaby ) Prie ss Mary aso has acqe d the
moe la er sasson, under the leadership of teBiihta.Rklsahdaso a unse lob odCcl (A Kentucky Negro Lullaby) Princess Mary also has acquired the
morreaio, ndrlimaladrsipof the British -team. R'ukel smashedl a sion was furnished also by Lord Cecil, Miy Way's Cloudy, Negro Spirituals Qenshbtbt fcushsn
Mr arlton Wells, will be to the Ford brace of brilliant victories in the 220 who is reported to have asserted with Queen's habit but, of course, has no
Skinner Pays ribnte 1 ~v Rouge industries next Wednes-l and 440-yard events while Lord some heat that the Americans.were . ...........Arranged by Burleigh such extensive collection. Queen Mary
Otis Skinner, friend and admirer of dy YafternoonJuly13, at 1:15. The "D- Were you there, Negro Spirituals is saydrtYphaoreinherited thisah-buy
admirermore tof 40 usary ,afternoonis lyte13 , w l g at 1:15. The is said to have inherited this hobby
Dre w f or more than 40 busy years,' party, w hih is limited to 60, will go performance, winning the 220-yard Ialways wanted to have their way. .Run, Mary . .Arranged by Manney ____hrheD_ es__k
paid tribute to his greatness in front of Angell HallStatelow hurdles in record-breaking time, Vice-admiral Field of the British...........rrg byl o
"He, more than any one, heled tret. Secial motor busses have finishing second to his teammate, delegation also is understood to have J iLEAGUE OFFICIALS
peIbeen chartered for which the round .oJames Hamilton
raise the business of acting to where .. Weightman-Smith, the South African, contributed to the discord between cHOLDING OFFICES
it is today," said Skinner. " en we trip fare is $1.00. ickets must be in another record-shattering race in "the high conflicting parties" when, the e e ption s maid -
secured in Room 8, University hall,1h12-adhghudeanfiihatrtedlvryoanA rcn tend with the exception of small child-
were ounmen actors were ked the 120-yard high hurdles and finish- after the delivery of an American I Three women are holding office in
weeyunTacose 6 . . ren. Those attending are requested i
upon as vagabonds, disreputable, usu . ing second in the 880-yard run. The argument that cruisers necessarily the Women's League this summer.
The part y will visit the Fordson' to be seated promptly at the begin-
ally, and charming occasionally. Drew, half mile decided the meet in convmc- must be measured by total tonnage, he . Miss Mary Louise Murray28oneof
plant of the Ford industries which. ning of the concert as the doors willi MaryLouiseMurraya'28,ooneno
genuine gentleman always, on stage ing fashion, for V. T. Brown of Oxford exclaimed: Total tonnage? Why, it o r thersthe principals in the Junior Girl's play
c ove;- over 1,100 acres, including the be closed during the numbers. pa
and off, gave the business dignity and atook first place, with Lord Burley at means nothing more to the average this year, is president. The other of-
blast furnace which manufactures his heels and the last American hope, 'mind than mere gallons" i
anse. Tgh good over 1000 ton of iron a day, the foun- , t ti ALTERATION cers are Gladys Appelt, 28, treasurer
actor and a finer man." Hogan, of Yale, in third place. The Such were the outstandng icidents o the summer League, and Lydia
th eonly hiholys rvdinieto'A TEN ___ M UE
"John Drew's. brave light for life Americanof the meeting, which only served DEAN'S OFFICE Prahl, '28, chairman of the open-house
the powerrlants andit," sode. docks.was scored by "Max" Smith of Yale increased the impression among par- committee. Miss Josephine Norton
Ivantrueto hs trditins, aidAll of these units will be in operation. Icmite isJspieNro{
David uelasco. "He was a gallant lin the three mile run. ticipants and observers that things Extensive carpenter work has been '28, is usher chairman for the Rockford
gentleman, as well as a superb actor. Charlie Pratt, Harvard football cap- were going very badly in the Three going on in the past week in the shape Players.
gentlean, a wellaasuperb ator. BASEBALL SCORES tai, broke the meet record for the Power disarmament conference. of moving the partition between the
The place he occupied on our stage_______________
can never be filled any more thanshot-put with a toss of 44 feet, 5 in- office of the recorder and the dean of
can ne e filled an moe han American League ! ches, while George Deacon, of Yale, (By Associated Press) students. According to Joseph A. Vur gather
can the place n he held in tehat___
ofhwone the broadjump to complete the PARIS, July 9.-Commander Rich- Brsley, dean of students, his office
friends publi and te n of is New York, 19-4; Detroit, 7-14. list of American winners. and E. Byrd tonight boasts citizen- was pressed for room last year and 1
ed. A brave and gentle man, in St. Lois, 7; Philadelphia, 8. ship of at least three cities in the in order to enlarge the office, space J
At the Actors Equity Association Boston, 2-0; Chicago, 1-5. (By Associated Press) world. Both Dunkirk and Calles con- had to be taken from the Recorder's
officers referred to him as "our be- Washington, 6-3; Cleveland, 5-2. LANCASTER, Ont., July 9.-Donald ferred this signal honor on him to- office.-.I'
loved fellow member" and declared a N a gCiday, and the people of these ports Later in the summer the partition
"ainlLau arct 3ya-l ebro h made their tribute in appreciative between the office of the Summer ses- '
"nbrilliant m dfand illusro uste he figure" ha Pild pi, 12 Cnc nt, 1.
" antnd str sgure""has Philadelphia, 12; Cincinnati, . Scarboro golf club of Toronto, Onta- manner. ion and the Recorder's office will be
Sthe t Pittsburgh, 4; Chicago, 0. dio, today won his second Canadian Paris gave the four men of the removed to allow the later office the -w"m - -_____rachoyi
winest ideals of uisprofessionity an Brookl, 7-; Bo tork, 5-L mateur golf championship in three Ameairs. good sendoff when they space which It is losing from this -Says he believes It will be fair
n said '; rcwell to the capital at noon. first change, Dean Burley stated. and cooler today.

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