..._ _ . i i.'4 . .i T.. 0. 1 . IMER MICHIGAN ._A I S _.. F'1f * tt1mr IAone of the finest college athletic plants in the world. The facilities of the building were M E Al irI~i au ~ UIJ broadcast to the world, and other col- li Published every morning except Monday leges, green with envy, proceeded to e Boarthe Un ver ty SummdenteS Publia duplicate. It is true, of course, that - tions. a student who is not for a Varsity C The Associated Press is exclusively en- team dare enter the locker rooms for Three dispatches eitedto repuication of at owse even a shower, much less use the merous f credited in this paper and the local news pub- I equipment; and it is likewise true into a c sthat the average student can not re- triangles Ee redaateAn, shor, Mihiga, main on a Varsity or freshman squad. problem postoffice as second. class matter. mi Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by mail, The Varsity coaches have little en- fourth p Ofiices: Press Building, Maynard Street, couragement for the man who is program Ain Arbor, Michigan. merely out to gain physical develop- opening EDITORIAL STAFF ment for himself, and the second week formanc TelephIone 492A he reports he finds his locker cleaned The h MANAGING EDITOR out with a note to see the coach. That happines PHILIP C. BROOKS dignitary then informs him that the which e Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern place for students with so little prom- company City Editor....Joseph E. Brunswick ise physically is back at the gym- cursios Feature Editor..... Marian L. Welles perin nasium, and that his (the coach's) ern lau Night Editors time must be spent in training the chuckle Carlton G.ChampeH K. Oakes, Jr. Varsty athletesh e John E. DviE. s Orville Dowzer So the gentlemen of the Men's Edu- Fren T. E1. Sunderland S From' cational Club must take care lest they the old Reporters be deluded into thinking that this E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell language Mary Lister athletic development means a posi- die Snat Robert E. Carson ettPulver tive benefit to the whole student body. dent Wn. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus Only the Varsity athletes-the stu- cesm dents who need physical training suesn. BUSINES STAFF least-can partake of the cream of seasons. Telephone 21214 our multi-million dollar athletic plant. six funr BUSINESS MANAGER The rest of the students can exercise modern LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL in obselete, overcrowded, and other- franknes Advertising....... .....Ray Wachter wise unfit Waterman gymnasium. theme,t Accounts ...........John Ruswinckel Varsity athletes from Ypsilanti State the pres Circulation.............. Ralph Miller Normal college and the Detroit high The st Assistants schools are allowed the use of the die aged C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar Field house gladly, for they are in humiliat G. W. Platt one case Varsity athletes and in an- their po0 Night Editor-ORVILLE DOWZERiother potential Varsity athletes; but ate by' ____tEdt__-___ ILE___ WER_ our own student body can never hope boys to SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1927 to get closer to the facilities of the their w building than the balcony from which than an they are generously allowed to cheer. which h TO ~ORRECT A POSSIBLE FALSE To suppose that any sudden revul- les do IMPRESSION EIAsion of policy will take place when in a de' the Athletic Association completes its that is new field house is, of course, ridicu- sure, bu "No university anywhere will lous, for it undermines the basic prin- ElsieF have such a magnificent all-round ciple of intercollegiate athletics- artist of athletic plant as will the Univer- which is "Athletics for the Few." Any is charm sity of Michigan next January 1" altruistic motives which the Athletic fresh ch -Coach Fielding IL. Yost in ad- Association may have in the construe- Mary B dress to Men's Educational Club tion of the new building are belied by the ring Tuesday night. the announcement that the swimming who pro That statement is an inspiring trib. I pool will have accommodations for goei uteht te poress of Michant a 1500 spectators. The unalienable Amy s no doubt it was made in perfect sin- right of the student body to cheer is Ethel D cerity, for in a large measure it is at least not to be denied, but as far as comlete true. Tho.se who heard it, howeve, the student body as a whole is con- Robert and are new to the campus, should cerned the "magnificent athletic facil- Spaniar not be misled by a false implication. ities" offered consist of Waterman the Swe They must not get the idea that that gymnasium, one of the most ancient teSe "magnificent athletic plant" is for the relics on the campus. Frem hemb studeit body of the University._Fritchie These irreverent remarks abou ou' Man," t intercollegiate athletic system no lI)SENSION O OLYMPUS Thet doubt sound blunt and somewhat irre- It now seems that oie is not al- Edgeco ligious. They are made with perfect lowed any privacy even above the ert Wet sincerity, however, and with complete broad and heaving Atlantic when it is in thei regard for the facts. Michigan's ath- possible for some newshound to Mrs. Dr letic plant, as magnificent as it is, scrape up faint clues of scandal. Rockfor is not for the student body as a whole, Commander Byrd and his aides, it ap- on to p and the impression that this is the pears, are somewhat at odds in their up by t case. is false and should be dissipated.1 accounts of exactly what happened to "Gam Particular notice was taken in Pro- keep them from landing in Paris. interesti fessor Yost's speech of the new field Several scfraps of evidence have its runI house which is planned for Ferry been pieced together by a Chicago perform field, and for which the contracts are Tribune correspondent to show that iscA m -i - L1S1C 9Lf1%.'VJ V^ . "I I RADLE SNATC"! IS . wives, three Y bands, au flappers and ca e ,tc omplicated set u. in a new versia- t a in "Cradle Sm: ' '. hr production on of the Rock ity&r Monday, July 1, ,'or iv p es. usbands decide to e.jh s on a week-end huuag t, nds in their reso on to a their wives on e 3 > in -the future. i & a d gh vehicle, iavolvil ov after another uti' i h ds in a gloriou, rmr. "Gammer Gui(ron's Ndic est comedy in the P lsh , the Players juml, 4 :ora- chers," one of the most re- tropolitan "hits. which ron lly in New York ihr thre It is considered one ut the iest plays writ'. theatre; and rep ss in the hardl i absolutely charts ' rv.a of ertt American ae ory centers abou t t ye mdud- d women, exasperated ami ed by the philanderings (ot impous husbands who 'aoi- hiring three young collee fan the fires of jealousy n ayward mates, ut rather other mere "triangle play, as been worked irom aepho- wn, "Cradle 5nanierY an lightfully new manthr, ce thoroughly modern, to he tequally sensible -md logical elHerndon Kearns, the a1mi the Rockford Players, who ning her audiences with each haracterization, will play the oland part of Susan Martin, -leader in the trio of wives ve that "What's sauce for the Lapplesauce forthegander." Loomis is cast " as the proper )rake, and Frances Horine es the triangle as Kitty Ladd. Henderson is playing the d, Jose Vallejo; Paul Faust de, Oscar; and Franz Rothier, ered for his work as Oscar in "The Butter and Egg he adventurous Henry. three husbands are Charles mbe, Samuel Bonnell and Rob- zel; and Helen Hughes is cast ingenue role of Anne Hall, ake's niece, Evelyn Olson of d, Illinois, has been brought ay one of the flappers picked he philandering husbands. mer Gurton's Needle," the ng old English novelty, ends with a matinee and evening ance today. may, " +., ' .r' a, S '° ': ,'S f "~ - -_ t; ;"l, ',;; ~> - . ,. ; , '' , : - ~ r ~ F ° ' 4 r r I) r\t Oij. : : ,;; _; b _", ., : R . - %4 ,:: i, t - 9 '_ .. ' 4 (V 5RLV *,mIt i 'i-- ~ 11 f ,--c . WEy 00 14 I The 1se last few Iaysv yo hae I swimmimg las much as possible, since the water is the coolest pjace n t be in hnt w Pher. Y Iave acqui-ed a tan, or at least a sunburn, of which you are proud. The more you xwimi Int, mUo'- i eie y ur 1tn II will bE AWhi te Suilt 4 are good this year, and the 14 01] mi a aly itie, t'(Owuj fl C ;,to 4I t ii- SW( )Nl).L~h~i12 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MICHIGAN SUMMER DAILY to be let soon. The new structure will all is not well in the Byrd ranks. He contain, it is pointed out, a number of points out that it was the unemo- indoor tennis courts, wrestling facil- tional Balchen who had been brought ities, squash courts, handball courts, along as a sort of supercargo who courts for indoor baseball, and a giant really piloted the America during al swimming pool, in addition to golf the .time that it was lost in France nets. At;first glance one would think and not Acosta who was supposed to that this meant the dawning of a new do it; that although Byrd says that era for' the student athletic facilities 3ne compass failed to work there were of the University, but for those who two others which were probably are familiar with the policy of the working; that although supposedly present field house, and the whole pol- lost they were able to strike north icy of intercollegiate athletics here and land on water; that while the 1lsewhere, the very idea that the others say they could see nothing,I olde od , a whole will reap any Balchen says he saw a light; that beneitsfrom nthis nw building is too when they landed in the water they tabsu t enrtpinIq all stiruck out for themselves, al- liihig aeadyias one'feld house though Acosta had suffered a broken la g enourN o thcaeeorhe modest collarbone and one arm was useless noe s o the student 46yas a whole, and all four should naturally have ittat body w e allowed to use it. looked out for each other after being isnot n year since our direc- 40 hours together; Acosta and Bal- I rI ' 1'I -$L 110Jlo 4o tmiecs was giving glowing chen disagree about who piloted the aont egli th mile track, the ship over France; that Byrd stated Meetr oa tnalT 'iamond and football he feared to land for fear of hurting gridiro the handbal, courts, and the someone or something although there YaskN cedrts of that building. At. would be few people abroad at 2 at t ,li six years ago, the students o'clock in the morning; and that there had not become familiar with the pol- would naturally be dissatisaction icy of inter-collegiate athletic asso- among the crew when they could not 't't6ios, and they gathered the im- find Paris. rgsion that perhaps all of them 1 The Tribune's correspondent is very ,b6uld partake of the advantages of ingenius to put all this together, but 'he new building. what really does it mean? The They were sadly disillusioned before achievement of the four men was very long, however, for the first thing glorious enough, even if there was that was done when the new building some mar on their relations with each was opened was the erection of signs other. The type of journalism that inviting spectators to proceed to the likes nothing better than to defame balcony. This announcement does all of humanity's heroes in a slightly not assume any peculiar significance lower class than the type of histor- until one realizes that every student ians who would muckrake all the who is not a potential Varsity athlete dead heroes of history. le ranks ini is a spectator as far as the Athletic a lower class because the dead men Association is concerned. can't be. harmed. FATIE1IS AFFAIR - When grandmother arrives on the scene in "Father's Affair," the attrac- tion beginning Monday night at the Bonstelle Playhouse in Detroit, things begin to happen fast and furiously. The audience will find itself hurrying to keep up with everything. "Fath- er's Affair" handles the eternal tri- angle delicately. It is not built around any single character or person; it is a story of three generations and is the kind of a play that will find.counterparts in an audience of all ages. It exposes the foibles of forty; it teaches twenty the road to happiness; and makes three score and ten the contented judges and jury of their grand-pro- geny. Arthur Harry, in writing this play, has attacked the divorce evil from a human standpoint-no character is hiding a lurid past--it is the unfaith- fulness of man and wife from an open-minded view. Preceding the performance, there will be a short dance program by the Bonstelle-Cassan dancers including Mlle. Cassan, Thayer Roberts and Olga Fricker. The curtain will rise I at 8:15 o'clock as usual. gloats in such discoveries is somewhat discounted when we remember the great and lasting tribute that these four men made to aviation. The discovery that Mr. Coolidge got large portions of his Gary speech from an encycolpedia has created a tremendous commotion among the Great Statesmen who make up their history and statistics as they go along.-Detroit News. Maybe the campaign can be resumed from the doldrums by having the Democratic nominee next year get Nicarague or somebody to recognize him as our defacto President.-De- troit News. It was boasted with pride that there were -locker facilities for some 2,000 or so athletes in the new build- ing, and the statement was true. Not only were the locker facilities there, but there were water softeners, rub- bing rooms, and apparatus that made, as the Athletic Association predicted, Perhaps even the brave and daring correspondent who pieced this scan- dal together would have found things not conducive to perfect tranquility in a flight of forty hours, during which neither land nor water could be seen for over half the time, and even the type of yellow journalism that \UMMMMUMMMUMM, Gyin~ Wh a Refractories-Foor Grndny M hiand Stair Thles -\-\M Mk ,