AGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 042OrumtrrI Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- t ons. The Associated Press is exclusively . en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $; by mail, $ 2,00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor ...Joseph E. Brunswick Feature Editor..Marian L. Welles Night Editors Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. John E. Davis Orville Dowzer T. E. Sunderland Reporters E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell Robert E. Carson Mary Lister Betty Pulver Wm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus BUJSINESS1 STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising............. Ray Wachter Accounts ....... . ... John Ruswinckel Circulation.............. Ralph Miller Assistants C. T. Antonopulos G. W. Platt S. S. Berar Night Editor-JOHN E. DAVIS FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1927 INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN If a single person were to act with the open obstinacy and unmasked stubbornness that nations as a whole display, he would immediately-be os- tracised from the society of cultured people and allowed to mend his ways or spend the rest of his days in soli- tude. When nations do it, however, a sort of halo surrounds the action, and the national obstinacy that results is often cloaked under much finer and more presumptions names, such as diplomacy and statesmanship. Children, in their earliest youth, are taught not to be selfish, and are told likewise that all the world hates, a selfish person, but if those same chil- dre. could read the accounts of a dis- armament conference they would no- tice a striking similarity in the ac- tions of the so-called diplomats and their own, and they would feel prop- erly flattered at the sight of the chil- dren playing the game of national politics. Right now the world is being edi- ied with anothir of those unique spectacles which occur every two o three years-a disarmament confer- ence. Immediately after the war there were some diplomats who re- membered the terrible cost of the conflict so well that they were willing to actually disarm to some degree, but that kind of thing is not the duty of diplomats, and it could not go on. Their principle chance to display themselves to best advantage comes in the midst of a war, and conse- quenoly hostilities can not be too strenuously discouraged. So when the disarmament meets, or, more correctly, the naval confer- ence, it is not at all surprising that the grown men with childish outlooks on international politics should make of it a woeful mess. Cardinal among the principals observed by these dip- lomats is that no one else is to be trusted and one must not be too hon- est himself.. The main objective is to get the other person to accept more of your views than you have to accept of his. The question of right and wrong should never be allowed to enter an international conference, they agree, and only in rare instances should the best interests of the na- tions they represent be served, in the mind of the delegates. Immediately upon meeting at the present conference the United States; decided that it was too early to have the conference, and that everyone might just as well wait until 1929. This plan would have given the American statesmen two more yearst to play golf, but since the golf courses1 in Japan and England are not as good c as Long Island the other representa- tives insisted on the meeting, so the meeting was held. 1 Then, only a few weeks after thes conference opened, the principalI British representative is forced toc leave because he has promised to ref-7 ese a shooting match back home.I The shpoting match is a great deala more important than the internationals arms parley, but it is not such a ser- c ots loss, because a British admiral iso not good for-much more than referee- b ing a shooting match.a Then the real difficulties begin to develop. After a heated discussion of t submarines, after which it is decided n that the best way to promote world peace by limitation is to abolish limi- tation, the delegates pass to the cru- cial question of cruisers. Great Bri- tain, of course, must have dozens of cruisers, and during the World War, one of her delegates points out, as many as 70 of these ships were used in running down the German raider Emden. The United States, on the other hand, does not see the need for so many cruisers, and prefers to build large ones that can go 'a long ways without refueling, rather than a large number of small ones. So there we have the essence of a very excellent disagreement. The British entered the conference with a plan calling for limitation of cruisers at 600,000 tons, and the United States declared that 300,000 tons of the things ought to be plenty. Then the United States, in the generous spirit of compromise which always charac- terizes her treatment of the more backward nations, offered to com- promise at 400,000 tons, something after the Hebrew method of bargain- ing, and there the situation stands, Iwith neither knowing what to do. Meantime the idea of limitation has become completely nullifed, because both the United States and Great Bri- tain will have to build tons of cruisers before they can approach t-he "limit" of 400,000. When the disagreement on cruisers is over and ironed out, the delegates can proceed to the disagreement on submarines and this is all without be- ginning to take into account the po- tentialities of the Japanese when it comes to abetting disagreements. If it comes to the worst, and things look as thought the delegates must agree, they con always adjourn and save themselves the ignominy of accom- plishing anything. Meanwhile nothing is being accom- plished in the cause of international peace or good will either, for that matter, and nothing will be as long as our statesmen take the attitude of spoiled children towards each other. After all, what does it matter if we come out a cruiser more or less? If England must be supreme on the seas let her be; we are at least reducing our war debt, and while the nations of Europe are spending billions in prep- aration for the next war we can be saving our immense national re- sources to the point where they can not stage a decent war unless we finance it, and then we are sure to command respect. NIAGARA WEARS AWAY If the estimates of the geologists are correct, and they are likely to be at times, Niagara Falls on the Canadian side is wearing away at the rate of four or five feet each year. To the average person this may not mean much, but when one remembers that it will only take the thundering wat- ers 1,320 years to go a mile at this rate, and that Buffalo is only about 40 miles up the river, the problem is one that assumes proportions of gravity for our grandchildren. By that time the Republican party may have decided to build the St. Law- rence waterway, and then the real dif- ficulties will arise if the falls extend into Lake Erie and impede naviga- tion there. All of the other natural wonders, also, like the Shredded Wheat factory and the carborundumn works will have to move with the falls, if they are to keep theirrepu- tation, which will involve considerable overhead expense. Nevertheless, though the problem of checking Niagara is not vital at the present time, the idea of a University excursion to investigate the matter is a sound one, and it is to be sincerely hoped that a large number of the student body will take advantage of this and of the other excursions, for they offer a worthwhile part of the summer curriculum. THE KLAN AGAIN D. C. Stephenson, former Klan boss and political magnate of Indiana,,also a murderer at times, has decided to disclose all he knows about corruption in Indiana politics, according to the rumors printed. In fact it is claimed that he has already done, so, but that the prosecuting attorney who was his confidant is keeping the matter se- cret. Such a man as Stephenson is a great credit to theprofession of public service. He has been connected with' Indiana politics for years, and has only once been convicted of murder. The incident reminds us of a speech, presented on this campus a few weeks ago, in which one of the eminently successful politicians of the nation de- clared that young men who were anxi- ous to do public service could do no better than entering the "profession" of politics. Of course, Stephenson violated even he code of his profession, for a large number of politicians never have to TEEDEROLL YEAR 'WITHOUT A SUMM~tER 6 1 1927 is a year without a summer. It may not be generally known, for those who make asinine predictions seldom boast about them when they go wrong, but it is only three years since a professor of the Smithsonian insti- tute, in a fit of publicityseeking long distance forecasting, declared that "1927 will see another year without a summer, as in 1816." For a sunueress year the weather has done remarkably well, however, and perhaps hereafter the gentlemen from the Smithsonian institute will, confine their efforts to telling condi- tions three years in the past-it would be safer. MICHIGAN MICE HUNTING EXPE- DITION NEARS LAIR OF MAN EATING MICE The mice hunting expedition of the University of Michigan, under the leadership of one of the University's best known personages, is rapidly nearing the South Sea Islands, where mice can be found, it is claimed. If a mouse Is found lie will be brought back to the United States and form an interesting part of the col. lection of prehistoric animals in the new museum. Before leaving the of- ficials of the expedition ascertained that no mice existed any nearer than the remote islands of the South Seas. It is understood that a movement is' on foot among the alumni to purchase a full grown stuffed mouse as a mas- cot for the athletic teams of the Uni- versity. MEN'S EDUCATIONAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING Rolls has learned from an authentic source that the Men's Educational club has held a meeting, though all efforts at secrecy have of course been made. Rumor has it that the director of intercollegiate athletics at the Uni- versity addressed the group, pointing with particular pride to Michigan's vast athletic plant and the facilities offered for playing summer tennis. "One dollar out of every fourteen is spent on the women," he said. "This proves that they have not been neg- lected." The members of the club registered widespread disapproval at the vast sum squandered on the women and on the intramural program, and a resolu- tion was adopted requesting the Ath- letic Association not to reduce the salaries of the Varsity athletes under any circumstances. It was pointed out that already some of them are un- able to procure free roadsters from lo- cal auto dealers, and before long we shall be losing our prominent position in the eyes of the educational world if we do not take pains to boster our intercollegiate athletic system, the resolution continues. " * * WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL CLUB MAY HOLD MEETING ALSO It was rumored late yesterlay at several places on the campus that the Women's Educational club may also met at some date in the not far dis- tant future. In the absence of Presi- dent Little, the head of the coaching school refused to affirm or deny the report. EXCURSIONS ARE HELD The University geology department has found even different occupations from hunting wind poles in Greenland, according to latest news. The prepar- edness bloc of the University has ar- ranged several excursions, it seems, the first of which will be to Niagara Falls and beyond (Niagara Falls, On. tario) this week-end. One has to hand it to the staff of that department for subtlety, however, for instead of of- fending the more refined by stating clearly their mission they have cloaked it in the gentle words that "The party will cross the river at night to see the illuipination of the Falls." Special arrangements have been made for those who are sober the next morning to go on a sightseeing tour. But all in all, its a bargain, for by sharing a stateroom on the boat with two others, and taking along only one toothbrush, the whole trip can be made for a measly sum of some 20 or 30 dol- lars. This does not include the ex- pense of the Canadian trip. commit murder, and the worst crime of all is that he was caught doing it. From all appearances, however, and the state of pollution into which cer- tain state political organizations have sunk, it is about time that some young men did enter the "profession" of pol- itics, if only to abolish the politician. HALLER'S State Street Jewelers met Oh Henry! "The loyalty of my Legions was un- questioned and now for the first time I'll bare my secret. I paid them, you see, with bars of Oh Henry! A Fine Candy IOc Everywhere Oh Ner fis ther"gsteOredtrademark of the Williamn- sonOandy Oo., Chicago. Ili.. Geo. H. WilamsonPres. ICE A'LSO HAVING an Electric Refrig- erator does not mean that you need be without ice. The Electric Refrigerator makes ice whenever you want it - small-sized, cube of purest ice ready for use at table or else- where. Tinted with fruit juice, if you like. 'The Electric Refrigerator is a great comfort. rou have perfect food-savng cold without the slightest effort or inconvenience, THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY mW a U. s Take a canoeon your next picnic on the river bank. SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY Huron River at Cedar St. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MICHIGAN SUMMER DAILY forEverybo yEerywhee -i. . The Coach a ,<' {' /l f ,F Widely popular be. cause of its hand. some appearance, comfortable seating arrangement and low price. f.b. $595 Flint. Mich. y -a / The Sedan A beautiful enclosed car, notable for its marked distinction in line, color and ap- pointments. Accom- modates five persons i n comfort. $5f. o. b. /9 Flint. Mich. The Touring Car A car of unusual utility and economy because of its low fuel and oil con- sumption, and its ablity to withstand . a2rd usage. MONG the eight beautiful Chevrolet passenger car models there is one particularly suited for every driving prefer- ence-a. Chevrolet for every- body, everywhere. The family seeking an all- purpose automobile-those women and men who require personal cars of unquestioned smartness-the business man who demands combined econ- omy, utility and fine appear- ance-owners of high-priced automobiles who wish to enjoy the advantages of additional transportation without sacrifice of quality or prestige- -all find in Chevrolet exactly the car that meets their needs, at a price whose lowness re- flects the economies of gigantic production! rI of Ia 5- $' The Ineral Lauda his notableexample fstyle . err-Jcsign'ug tfvcds true customu- ,ilt appearance Q*sd ;zrv. 780 F Mich. l he C.abrio let - rhe most distinctive two-four pasnger car ever offered in the low-prided fetM Spacious rumble seat. ~75FintMich, . 0 The Landau Fin. appearaoce e hsied by bei!e bf-wn uco finis black leather rear quarters and landau $745 s The Roadster avorite among those -~who demand etcon- 2' otnical operation and smart appearance in a car. $ r2 f t+- a. The Coupe Combines smart ap- pearanace, and aill around utility with low price. Popular for pro. fesina r peroal 625fob. University Chevrolet Sales 102 South Ashley QUALITY ',,AT LOW COST