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July 08, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-08

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VOL. VIII, No. 11




Demand Of British For 70-Odd Cruls-
ers Of Different Sizes Causes
Protest Of Admiral
(By Associated Press)
Geneva, Switzerland, July 7.-Ja-
pan's declaration that she is for all
possible limitation of tonnage in the
cruiser class of warships, thereby tak-
ing even a stronger stand than the
Americans, who had offered to raise
the maximum tonnage to 400,000 tons
in order to appease Great Britain, was
the dominant topic of discussion today
among delegates to the three-power
naval limitation conference.
The fact that the technical experts
were called for discussion today was
taken as indicating that the Japanese
announcement, while staggering Brit-
ish hopes, had cleared the atmosphere
enough to permit reapproaching the
cruiser problem from another angle.
The British demand for 70-odd
cruisers of assorted sizes, with- the
chances that their combined tonnage
would be nearer 600,000'tons than 300,-
000, caused the Japanese to come out
in the open with a protest.
Salto Announces Stand
Admiral Saito, their spokesman, an-
nounced the Japanese stand at a tea
Wednesday night, to which all the'
plenipotentiaries were invited. He
contended that the interests of the
world would best be served by adher-
ence to the original minimum cruiser
tonnage figures of the United States of
250,000 tons.
If we went back with a treaty pro-
.viding merely for revision upward, in-'
stead of real limitation," one facetious
son of Nippon remarked, "we would
*not dare land' in." Japan. We would
have to go to Korea, where Admiral
Saito Is Governor, and get him to pro-
tect us.
W. C. Bridgeman, first lord of the
British admiralty, said the figures
mentioned by Admiral Saito were im-
possible as a basis of discussion.
From all that has been said bf the
British to back up their contention
that a large fleet of small cruisers was
needed by Great Britain because of the
far-flung nature of the empire, the in-
dications, are that they will not recede
from their stand.
Miss Lenna Cooper of Columbia has
accepted the position of Dietitan-
buyer or food director of several
women's houses for the coming year.
Two dormitories and eight sororities
will have her services. These are
Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour
dormitories, and Kappa Kappa Gan-
ma, Kappa Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Delta, Delta, Delta, Alpha Gamma Del-
ta, Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Kappa,
and Phi Sigma Sigma sororities. Mar-
tha Cook dormitory is also interested
in the project, and is contributing to
Miss Cooper's salary, although it, is
unable to use her services this first

This is a project in which President.
Little is very much interested. It is
also promoted by Miss Ellen Stevenson
of the personnel research committee,
and by Miss Alice Lloyd, office of the
advisors of women.
Miss Cooper is one of the outstand-
ing women in her field. She is teach-
ing in Columbia University this sum-
mer, where she was employed last year
also. Previous to her appointment to
Columbia she was connected with the
Battle Creek college.
American League
Detroit, 9; St. Louis, 6.
National League
Brooklyn, 3; New York, 2.
Cincinnati, 11; Philadelphia, 4.
Chicago, 2; Pittsburgh, 1.
St. Louis, 12: Boston, 1.

Dr. Nathan Sinai, of the depart-
ment ,of health and hygiene, will give
the lecture at the second Public Health
Institute today in place of Profes-
sor Sindwall, who was called away
in the early part of the week because
of tie death of his mother. The sub-
ject of Dr. Sinai's lecture was annuoc-
ed yesterday as the "Development of
Preventative Medicine."
The Health Institute will sponsor a
lecture this week by Miss Sally Lucas
Jean, a member of the Metropolitan
Health Organization of New York.
Both speakers are authorities on their
respective subjects.
The purpose of the Institutes as
has been explained before, is to make
it possible for health and hygiene
workers, who are not able to attend
regular classes in this field, to find
opportunity to study in the week-end
scedule of the institutes.
Biggest Crowds In haweye History
Recorded For Contests Of
Last Sport Year
IOWA CITY, July 7.-Watching the,
teams in action, more spectators at-
tended the home contests of 1926-27 in
six University of Iowa sports thani
ever before in Hawkeye athletic his-
tory, a summery compiled by Ken-
neth E. Griffin, manager of ticket
sales, reveals.
The total attendance at Iowa City
contests was 112,418, the figures being
for football, basketball, baseball,
track, wrestling, and swimming. In
1925-26, the number was 108,288. I
Iicigan Teams Gets Crowds l
Records were set by the number of -
people who saw basketball, baseball,
wrestling and swimming contests. The
Michigan basketball game drew 5,4041
fans to the new field house, shattering
the record of 4,533 set by the Ohio
State game in 1926.
When the Hawkeye baseball team
cinched a tie for the championshipt
by beating Minnesota in the final home
game, 2,841 people saw the triumph.
The Gopher team attracted 2,648 the
year before, which was the record.
Wolverine Cagers Top Others I
Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan
teams were the best drawing-cards,
the records show. Minnesota led in
football, track and baseball; Illinois
attracted the largest attendance -in
wrestling and swimming; while Michi-
gan topped nine other basketball
These are the total home attendance
figures for each sport: Football, 42,-l
956; basketball, 39,110; baseball, 14,-
149; wrestling, 4,289; track, 3,642; and
swimming, 3,141.
Coach Fielding H. Yost, in an in-
terview given to The Daily yesterday,
stated that the prospects for next,
year's football team are fairly good
although it is still too early to make
any definite statement, and whether

the team will be of championship cali-
bre or not only time will tell.
There is a sufficient number of last
year's Varsity men returning to form
the nucleus for next year's team. In
addition, there is a number of men1
who showed ability on last year's_
freshmen squad who will be eligible
for Varsity next fall.
The following are the names of the
men who have had previous experience
and who will return for the next
season: Capt. Oosterbaan, Gilbert,
Baer, Gabel, Babcock, Puckelwartz,
Miller, Domhoff, Grinnel, Palmeroli,
Squier, Heston, Hoffman, Truskowski,
Schoenfeld, Rich, Greenwald, Thisted,
Nyland, ,Harrigan, Meese, Nicholson,
Cook, and Fuller.
ILLINOIS.-Lorado Taft's ronze
statute of 'Abraham Lincoln, a gift to
the city of Urbana, was unveiled re-

Unique Presentation Marks Opening
Night Of "Gammer Gurton's Needle"
# A Review, by Marian L. Welles
A "vacillating" donkey that bent a ! was carefully worked out, the inter-


bit precariously in the middle led the
procession in "Gammer Gurton's
Needle," given its first performance
by Rockford Players last night. Then
followed a bevy of shouts and cries
surrounding two coquettish flower-
girls intermingled with the loutish
Hodge and the Puck-like Diccon, the
curate, Cock and the rest. It was a
jolly crowd, a gay fest of merriment
and fun. The success of the opening
parade marked the first obstacle over-
come: the audience responding readi-
ly so that the whole auditorium, fdr
the moment transformed into the town
commons, was one infeeling; the ob-
ject of the evening being, from that
time on, to enjoy every earthy pun
and seedy bit of wit that so amused
the peasant audience of the fourteenth
There were a few other moments
near the beginning which might have
dragged but the opportune appear-
ance of a really good fight between
the two old women saved the produc-
tion from that possibility for good and
all. From then on, the players and
the play scampered and pranced
along until the lost needle was found
in the most unusual place of all.
Every act of that incorrigible liar and
mischief maker, Diccon, added to the
complications and finally even Doctor
Rat, Master Bailey, Doll and every-
body were drawn into the conflict.
A Credible Revival
But the play, being among the old-
est in the language does not need de-
lineation-it must have been a de-
lightful thing in the fourteenth cen-
tury! There was a danger that the
wit might be too crude for the sophis-
tication of a modern audience-but
that was averted also by the opening
parade. It was all in the spirit of
the occasion. In fact, it seemed as
though the Rockford Players sur-
mounted most of the difficulties in the
way of presenting a fourteenth cen-
tury play some six hundred years af-
ter its first production. The detail
Announcement was made late yes-
terday by Prof. Kirtley F. Mather, of
the geology department and conductor
of the Niagara Falls excursion, that 43
students had registered for the trip
which starts this afternoon, and that
there was room for four more. Any
persons who still desire to make the
tip can do so by arranging with Pro
fessor Mather this morning or early
this afternoon.
Furthertentertainment has been pro-
vided for the excursionists. Prof. Ma-
ther stated that there would be danc-
ing from 9:30 to 11 o'clock on the boat.
He also said that the party was not so
large and those who were going wold
have ample opportunity to visit the
points of interest, more so than if the
party were larger. -
According to announcement made by
Francis L. Goodrich, associate libra-
rian, the total enrollment in the de-
partment of library science has reach-
ed the number of 81 students. Thir-
teen of the students are graduates,
34 are seniors in library science and
the remaining 34 are taking the ele-
mentary courses.
The total enrollment in this depart-
ment is not as large as it was last
Summer session; however, the decline
can be explained by the fact that

last year the same courses were taught
in the regular session for the first
time. Last year the new arrangement
was inauguraated with notable suc-
cess, such as including subjects of
library science in the regular school
year. The faculty members of the
department are very well satisfied
with the new plan and express their
satisfaction in seeing the enrollment
as large as it is this summer.
LOS ANGELES.-Florence Reed,
star of "The Shanghai Gesture," is
suffering here from a nervous break-'
down. Her condition is said to have
followed an absecessed condition of
the throat, She collapsed Sunday

ludes were especially charming. A
credible revival.
An old school play, interspersed
with songs and dances by the actors
themselves, depends so much upon
the individual talents of the actors
that any comment on the play would
be incomplete without recognition of
the special abilities of Amy Loomis,
Helen Hughes and Smuel Bonnell as,
shall we say, "old English singers?"
And the following interlude of danc-
ing especially featuring Paul Faust
was a happy episode in the whole hap-
py evening.
Diccon, too, deserves a paragraph
by himself, for his gay interpretation
of an age-old part. He fairly breath-
ed petty, malicious intrigue.
Interesting Experiment
Believeing the scientific method of
direct description to be the fost ac-
curate in criticism as well as in bio-
logy, the foregoing account of the ac-
tual appearance of the parade and the
general atmosphere surrounding the
players and their puppets and their
audience, is enough to show that the
attempt at an interesting experiment
in revival was successful. It cannot
be compared with other plays, be-
cause it is an innovation in their
repertoire, but it can be said at least,
that the Players have added an un-
usual piece and an original bit of
work to that repertoire.
Copies of the Summer Students' Di-
rectory will again be on sale today ac-
cording to the announcement of the
managing editor, Thomas D. Olmstead.
As has been previously stated the book
contains the names, addresses, class
designations, home towns and the local
telephone numbers of all students reg- I
istered for the Summer Session. Cop-
ies will be on sale at the center of the
diagonal and at all the bookstores and
are priced at 35 cents.
Yesterday a supplementary list
through F of those who registered too
late for the regular directory was pub.-
lished. Today the Daily publishes a
list from F to M which is on Page 4 ol
this issue. This includes those whot
enrolled between the dates June 30 and
July 5. Tomorrow the list will be con-
tinued. Extra copies of these issues<
containing the supplementary list can
be purchased at the Daily Office. 1
NEW YORK, July 7.-France is
sending its junior tennis champion to
the United States this season in quest
of title honors in addition to a formid-
able Davis Cup challenge. The youth-
ful invader is Paul Barrelet de Ricou,
whose entry has been received for the
National Junior and Boys' turf court
tournament to be held at Forest Hills,
L. I., beginning August 1.
"Big Bill" Tilden who ,watched the
French youth play abroad, has pre-
dicted a bright future for De Ricou.
WASHINGTON, July 7.-Adminis-
trative control of the Philippine is-
lands is to remain with the war de-
partment, rather than be transferred
to the interior department in the
opinion of Governor-general Wood,
here on leave.
The general expressed this view af-
ter a conference with Secretary Davis
and Maj.-Gen. Frank McIntrye, chief
of the bureau of insular affairs.
Transfer of the islands to the interior
department has the endorsement of
President Coolidge.
GENEVA, July 7.-Chu Chao-hfin,
who has been representing the Ieking
government on the council of the

League of Nations, today informed Sir
Eric Drummond, the secretary-general,
that he intended to return to China
and to become politically a free-lance.
Inasmuch as the League deals of-
ficially only with the Peking govern-
ment, the council will be obliged to
accept whomsoever the Peking gov-
ernment should appoint in Chu's
Chu's abandonment of his post has
created a considerable stir in League
circles since his action leaves China
without a representative on the coun-
cil to which it was given a seat at
the last session of the League as-

John Drew1
Noted actor, who is ill in a hospital
in San Frencisco, and is not expected
to live more than another day. He
is suffering from septic poisonings,
following an attack of arthritis. <
International Congress, To Confer
About Questions Of English
Speech, Held in London .
Prof. Fred Newton Scott, formerly
head of the rhetoric department ofn
the University of Michigan, recently
resigned, was a delegate to the Inter-
national Conference on English at
London last month.
The International Conference wast
held for the purpose of discussing the
problems of the common language of:
the English-speaking countries. Thist
would be an investigating body to de-c
termine the fact in disputed usages1
and other kuestions of language.
,Other American delegates were:
Professor Jonn Livingston. Lowes,
Harvard University; Dr. Henry Siedel
Canby, editor of the Saturday Reviewi
of Literature; Professor Kemp Ma-
lone, Johns Hopkins University; Leon-f
and Bacon, poet and critic (University
of California); Major George Haven
Putnam, publisher (G. P. Putnam's
Sons); Professor Louise Pound, Uni-i
versity of Nebraska (editor of "Ame-1
rican Speech"); Professor Georgec
Krapp and Professor Harry Morgan
Ayres, Columbia University; Robert
Underwood Johnson, secretary ofl
Arts and Letters, former ambassador
to Italy.]
British delegates include Lord Bal-f
four and G. Bernard Shaw.
Students of the Summer Session are
to be entertained from 8:30 to 11
o'clock tonight by an informal recep-
tion, given by members of the faculty,'
in Barbour gymnasium. Administra-
tive officers of the University and fac-
ulty will act as hosts and hostesses,
and dancing will be held in the gym-
nasium. Admission will consist of
the student treasurer's receipt.
Judging from the outcome of the
affair which was held last summer
this one is expected to be an excep-
tional success, Dean Edward H. Kraus,
head of the Summer Session, announc-
Drawing for the annual summer ten-
nis tournament being sponsored by
George J. Moe, Ann Arbor sporting
goods dealer, has been postponed un-
til next Tuesday when.Dr. G. A. May,
director of Waterman gymnasium, will
line up the matches. As was announc-
ed last week medals will be given to
the winner and runner up in the sin-
gles and to the winners in the doubles.
All matches will be played upon the
Ferry field courts. Registration,
which may be made at Mr. Moe's store
on North University, and requires a
fep of 25 cents, will continue' until
next Monday. All men students of
the Summer school are eligible.

Inportmaint ?esealices IIave ee
Made By Land Economic S-uey
Of State Conservation
Devoting the idle lands of Michi-
gan to recreational purposes is the
most practical method of utilizing
them, acording to Professor K. C. Mc-
Murry of the geography departmeit,
who lectured on "The Idle Lands of
Michigan" yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium. 'Phis
idle land, therefore, may conie to be
looked upon as a very valuable asset,"
continued the professor.
Agricnlture, Lumbering decline
Professor McMurry proceeded, by
means of slides, to explain to the au-
dience that the northeyn portion of
the state is only in a slight degree
adapted to the raising of staple crops.
Also, that in the past Michigan has
had two natural industries, agricul-
ture and lumbering. Lumbering has
practically ceased and agriculture has
shown little 'growth since 1910. Since
agriculture is limited to the lower
part of the state the disposition of
this upper part is the important prob-
lem. The northern section possesses
many abandoned farms, and many
more carelessly cut forests.
Professor McMurry concluded in
saying the the Land Economic Su -
rey of the Department of Conserva-
tion of the State has made important
researches into this problem and has
found three solutions. The first is,
that the region which was formerly
devoted to hardwood forests shduld
become agricultural, since land which
will raise hardwood trees is usually
suitable for most farming.
Recreation Is Third Incdhstry
Second, reforestration and lnber-
ing activities should be encouraged.
That is, that if fire protection be en
forced and if the different substitutes
and synthetic processes for produc-
ing cellulose continue, the forests
will be allowed to grow and, therefore,
in a reasonable length of time rational
lumbering activities can again he
commenced. Third, Northern Michi-
gan should be encouraged as a land
of recreation. It has been estimated
by the Western Michigan Tourist Bu-
reau that $200,000,000 was expended
last year in northern Michigan by
tourists, and that in the industries
of Michigan, automobiles come first,
agriculture second, and recreation
third. This latter as has been men-
tioned, is the most practal way of
disposing of the 10,000,000 acres 01
idle land in Michigan.
Announcement has been made from
the office of Dean Edward IH. Kraus,
head of the Summer Session, o
changes -made in the lecture progrftn
for the coming week.
Instead of the lecture on the Uni
versity cruise which was to have been
given by Assistant Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the astronomy department,
Dean George E. Carrothers of Rollins
College, Florida, will speak on the
"Rollins Plan of College Instruction"
at 5 o'clock Wednesday. The lecture
on the University cruise which was to
have been divided into two parts will
be combined and given by Lionel C.

Crocker of the public speaking depart-
ment at 5 o'clock Thursday.
-Thinks it is going to be fair and

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