ol ummier .._...---4--- SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY Sir . juatt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. VII, No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS CLIMAX IN ARCUMEN" OVER LIMITATION O NAVIES IS CONTINVEE OBSERVERS SAY SOMETHING I RA DICALLY WRONG AT CONFERENCE ENGLAND ASKS CRUISER United States Insists That She Need Natal Power To Protect Her Economic Interests (By Associated Press) GENEVA, July 6.--The crisis in th negotiations of the Tri-partite nava conference continued, if anything, i more accentuated form today. 'Something is wrong at Geneva," ob servers said tonight. ither the Aie ricans or the Englishmen are not talk ing the same language or their posi tions regarding cruisers are so re mote one from another, that it appear exceedingly difficult, it not impossible to put a finger on a compromise which will satisfy equally the people and governments of the United States and Great Britain. If a faithful account of the Geneva negotiations ever is fritten, some ob- servers feel that it will reveal to the world that a great Anglo-American tragedy has been enacted. The thread of the play, judging from reliable ac- counts in this--that Great Britain which has held the mastery of the seas for centuries, intends to main- tain this mastery and can see neithe justice ort wisdom! in a yuthful nation across the sea, the United States, wishing to lay down fleets equalling those of Great Britain. s Great Britain cntends that a high cruiser strength is essential and vital to te needs of her country, especially to give assurance that Great Britain shall not starve because of the cutting off of .her food supplies at distant points. The United States apparently gives recognition to Britain's peculiar eco- nomic position, but insists that Ame- rica, like Britain, must maintain com- munication with the outlying points of the earth for those broad economic reasons connected with the position of the United States as a great world power. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit, 9; St. Louis, 8. Athletics, 517; Boston, 1-0. No other games. National League New York-Brooklyn; rain. Boston, 4-3; Philadelphia, 6-5. HEALTH MEETING CONVENES FRIDAY The second Special Public Health Intsitute will begin Friday morning. These meetings are sponsored by the University Summer session depart- ment of health and hygiene, under the direction of Professor John Sund- wall. Their purpose is to make it possible for public health workers and others in that particular branch, who are unable to attend regular classes, to find opportunity for study of pertinent subjects in week-end In- stitutes. There are thirty-seven mem- bers registered to attend the meetings regularly and this should be .only a small part of the week to week at- tendance. Professor John Sundwall is at pres- ent out of the city due to the death of his mother in an automobile -acci- dent. The accident occurred in Mur- ray, Utah, where Professor Sundwall will remain for some time. Dr. Sundwall was scheduled to speak before the Institute tomorrow morn- ing but will not be present. It is as yet undecided who will take his place. TEIRD PLAY TO OPEN "Gammer Gurton's Needle" will open tonight as the third play of the Rockford Players' Summer session series. Further notices of the production will be found in the Music and Drama column on page 2.: . S cl n s ,, ' a r l [i Five New Power Boat Records Established (By Associated Press) ALBANY, N. Y., July 6.-Five new world speed records for power boats were established on thme Hudson river here today. "Miss Spitfire V," owned by James H. Rand, Jr., and driven by Ralph Snoddy, of Los Angeles, made one mile at the rate of 64.28 miles an hours, upsetting the formerrrecord of t60.11 miles. On a six-mile run, three miles up and three miles downstream, "Miss Spitfire" tore over the water at a rate of 62.88 miles an hour, another record perfomance. The craft is in the 151 class for hydroplanes. Miss Helen Hendshell, of White- stont Landing, N. Y., set up two new records for outboard motors. Driv- hig the boat "Cute Craft Herself," with a four horsepower motor ' she made one mile at a rate of 27.5 miles an hour, and went six times over the ourse at an average of 25.35 miles per. hour. The previous record for one' mile was 24.83, and for six miles 24.8. Jay E. Wilkinson, placing an eight horsepower outboard motor on "Cutel Craft Herself" made six one-mile tests at an average rate of 29.87 miles an hour, compared with the former record of 26.4. All tests were timed by officials of the American Power Boat associa- tioin. EXTENSIVE ATHLETIC FACILITIES PLANNED Over Three Milions To Be Expended OnI ncreasing Equipment And Required Space1 YOST DESCRIBES PLANT I 'No university anywhere will havel such a magnificent all-round athletic! plant' as will the University of Michi- gan, 'next January 1st," was the key- note of the speech which Fielding H.1 Yost made at th2 Union last Tuesday I night to the Men's Education club. Mr. Yost went on to say that this plant consists of 278 acres of landr and that by next January, three and1 one-half millions of dollars will have) been expended on it. That the women , of the University are not being slight- ed is shown by the fact that 250,000 t FURTHER PRSPETt REEVES R1 OFCA FO A RAL E PL0ITS Ate OeninA s iiASouth merica asc Trngatesrfront the ll pointed by Presideni International Comm EXPECT FOUR FLOTILLAS OF' for the purpose of c AIRPLANES TO FLY ternational law of th TO EUROPE Jesse S. Reeves, hea science department, LEVINE MAY FLY HOME Arbor recently to te ie resession. Byrd's IeroismI nspires Cripple TO The commission, to Walk In Paris HIospital Reeves was appoint For War Wounded at Rio de Janeiro in, upon 12 convention. (By Associated Press) public, and a complet PARIS, July 6.-Public interest in international law. C America's transatlantic aviators con- lies in the western tinued to rise today. It spead to were represented. I aviation in general, as there were transmitted to the stories of four flotillas of airplanes ments represented, coming to Europe, of Charles Levine finally for considerat returning home as an air passenger adoption at the sixt in the Columbia with a French pilot Congress at Havana at the "stick," of a 4,000-mile flight The other repres from Brussels to the Belgian Congo country was Dr. Jan across the heart of the Sahara, and formerly solicitor of further plans of Commander Byrd for meat, a delegate to t exploring the region around the South conference of 1906, a Pole. visor on international Stimulating this interest were nume- Peace conference in rous incidents of various kinds, the .Pessoa, formerly pre most dramatic of which happened and now a judge of th when Commander Gyrd and his com- the Hague, was presi rades paid a visit to the Hotel des mission. Invalides, home of France's war The session was the wounded. It is here that the "broken ever to be held, Prof wings" of the war are spending days plained in an inter in peace. mission being created The mutilated men were lined up I American Congress ETURNS FROM SESSION AV MISSION STUDYING CODE pUL UIIrv ERICAN IN TERNATIONAL LAW Seeral months in tions of the South American nationsLON'FRANKLIN one of two dele- Professor Reeves noted especially the 'ted States ap- improvements in public works under ICoolidge to the ! the administration of President Leguia, S C IT SI~ TS ission of Jurists of Peru, and the reform of administra- odification of in- ! tion under the present extremely SPEAKER TELLS HOW WORK OF i I e Americas, Prof. d of the political returned to Ann ach in the Sum- which Professor ed in 1923, met April, and agreed s or treaties of e code of private, )ut of 21 Repub- hemisphere, 17 The results were various govern- to be referred ion and possible h Pan-American in January, 1928. entative of this ies Brown Scott,. the State depart- he Hague Peace nd technical ad- law to the Paris 1919. Epitacio sident of Brazil e World Court at ident of the com- e first of its kind essor Reeves ex- view, the com- by the fifth Pan- at Santiago in strong executive in Chile, where great strides have been made in removing sinecures and cleaning up corrupt practices in office. The government ' there has dealt with Communism in a unique way by deporting several hun- dred of its supporters to an island in the Pacific, giving them a certain amount of food and lumber, and al- lowing them to put their ideas into practice among themselves. Buenos Aires, Professor Reeves said, as the center of a great agri- cultural region, appears prosperous, and its inhabitants show a love for luxuries, on which they spend enor-I mours sums. With the latest fashions and importations from. France and England, and shops finer than in any other city but New York, it has become one of the metropolises of the world. It has the finest docks and the largest cold storage plants, he stated., In considering the situation of Bra- zil, Professor Reeves praised the record of President Washington Luis, a representative of the progressive and' energetic city of Sao Paulo, whose administration is engaged in drastic financial reforms, involving the stabi- lization of the currency. PLANS F[0OR NIAGARA TRIP ARE COMPLETE Prof. Itather Will Conduct Excursion To The Falls And Various Points Of Interest OVER SIXTY WILL AT'END Plans for the excursion to Niagara Falls and vicinity, which is to start i .. .. _ ._ r . V IRelig E "F scien Prof, Ferr, of th of hi lutio Eigh liker toriu Pr at t] centi the and neatl (lisse subst instit drew was tyrau der t ered scene calm door exper ening the 't dispr that plicat At Paris work on by mana than Franl in th 1790. Pro ligiou eights how villag to meet the American airman, some 1923. The League of Nations has been of them standing, others in wheel- studying the codification of interna- chairs. Among the latter was Capt. tional law for some time, it was stated, Charles Legendre, a paralyzed French I but their group was one of individuals, aviator, who was so moved by the ap- ;not of official representatives of gov- pearance of Byrd and by the courage ernments. the Amercian flyer had shown, that Professor Reeves traveled more than he determined he would walk and 16,000 miles on the South American be did walk. !trip, and expressed satisfaction at With jyrd holding onei arm and No- having sailed on United States ships ville the other he mountTd the stair- enhrly. Te extension of lines fly- way leading to Napoleon's tomb amd lg the American flag has been a very with them gazed down on the em- desirable development in his opinion. peror's resting place for the first j One of the great factors to the cred- time, though he had lived within a it of the United States in South Ame- few yards of it since 1918. rica has been the work of Prof. Ed- Legendre in a losing fight with a win W. Kemmerer of Princeton uni- German plane over the harried car- varsity in his work -of financial reor- rion of Verdun was shot through both ganization. Another such factor is legs, which have been almost helpless I the achievement of the Rockefeller since, the muscles being torn away. foundation in public health research The moment Byrd appeared, Legen- and improvement. dre wheeled himself to the steps of I In a brief commentary on condi- the tomb. He was the first man to tomorrow, have been completed and over thirty-five students have regis- tered for the trip, according to Pro- fessor Kirtley F. Mather, of the geo- logy department, conductor of the ex- cursion. It is expected that over sixty students will actually take part in the affair. The party will leave Ann Arbor to- morrow prqmptly at 3:15 o'clock from !' 1 a. OLTAIRE WAS CONTINUED W1ITh ALMANACI( lOWS BIRTH OF IDEAS ious Condition Of France DLurig ighteenth Century Alleviated By The Great American ranklin's purpose was to give to ce a human attitude' Thus essor Bernard Fay of Clermont- and, France, ummed up the life e man who formed the subject s lecture, "Franklin and the Evo- n of Ideas in Europe in the teenth Century," which was de- ed in the Natural Science audi- m yesterday afternoon. ofessor Fay went on to state that he beginning of the eighteenth ry Europe was characterized by strong condition of her churches her governments. However, be- h this imperial surface there was nsion which soon sprang out and ituted for the former autocratical utfons a system of chaos which many into it simply because it a method of escape from the ical forces then in order. Un- this reigme science was consid- as an amusing game. Upon this Benjamin Franklin entered, and wigless, and broke open the of science to the, world. By his iment with the kite and light- ; he proved that the mumbling of huider was -not God voicing his oval of man but a phenomenon man might classify and. even du- te if he so wished. the tine of Voltaire's death in continued the lecturer, his was considered to be carried YFramklin. "Poor Richard's Al-. ck" was more popular in France the catechism of the church. klm was the most famous man e world from the years 1778 to fessor Fay, to illustrate the re-, is condition in France in the eenth century, told a story of a young woman, hivimng in a small 'e, had erected upon her house itening rod. The village govern- however, ordered this removed sre it mocked God, amnd although oung woman hired a young law- y the name of Robespierre to her case, she lost and the rod removed. The lawyer became so siastic about his case that he his speeches printed and ciru- them about France. It was this of a situation that Franklin -al- ed. RECTORY SALE °0 START TODAY tial appearance of the Summer nts' Directory will be made this ing, according to Thomas D. ted, managing editor. The book contain nanmes, addresses, class nations, home towns and local hone numbers of all Summer ses- students. It is to be placed on. at the State street bookstores, at s on the diagonal, and several convenient locations, and will 'iced at 35 cents. those who registered too late ye their names published in the tory, The Daily publishes a sup- ent to the Directory in today's on page 4, containing all the s registered between June 30 July 5. Extra copies of the issue ining the list can be purchased e Press building. CTURE TODAY 3N WASTE LANDS 'he Idle Lands of Michigan" will he subject of an illustrated lec- to be given this afternoon at five wk in the Natural Science audi- nm by Professor Kenneth G. .Yc- y of the Geography departmunent. McMurry has been working with Department of Conservation of the on the utilizing of these great es of land, and has also conduct- Ifferent researches into the urob- dollars is being spent at the present whom the commander was presented A VIA TORS LOSE the corner of State and Packard a time for the new Field House at Pal- in the ranks of the "broken wings." LIVES IN streets in special interurban cars for bac a mer eld.Detroit. At Detroit they will leave on Better facilities for the athletic ac- FACULTY C6NCERT ' (By Associated Press) a lake steamer, on which a special the y( tivities for all the men in the Univer- PINE CAMP, GREAT BEND, N. Y, block of staterooms have been ob- yer b sity will be provided by the new In- INITIA6TES SEASON tamed, for Buffalo and will arrive at plead termural Field House which is to be July 6.Two.fying officers of the New Niagara Falls at 9:30 o'clock Satur- was r built on the location of the old north The Faculty Concert Series opened York National Guard lost their lives day morning. Saturday and Sunday enthu stand. In this building there will be the Summer musical season with a today in an airplane crash while en- will be spent in touring and inspect- had 1 14 squash courts; 24 hand' ball coutrs; presentation of the two artists, Nell gaged in military maneuvers. The ing the various points of interest, such lated 4 basketball courts; 4 courts for ir IB. Stockwell, pianist, and Royden F.; victims of the accident were Capt. as the Cave of the Winds and the i- t door tennis and two for indoor base- duta lnt uha teSrde ball; a large swm inoowih al-I Susumago, tenor, in a joint program Curtis Wheeler and Lieut. Carl J. dustial plants such as the Shredded leviat ' I last evening in Hill auditorium. An Sack, both of New York. Wheat company. The expedition will lery seating 1,500 and ten golf nets. leave Buffalo at 6 o'clock Sunday and DL Committees were appointed to take audience in the summer demands re- k eaef, a ccdent anot will return by the same route that was T care of activities during the Summer lief from the intellectual, the heavy known, adr aGmili anom H. taken to the falls, arriving in Ann inel~taGillett ordered a military court to!Abra115o'lc nd session, and Regent Junius E. Beal is program, and in its stead are pleased sty. Imit P~jaseubl toher hetesimmm o'ro. athr1 o'coceod tay. l Sue scheduled to speak on "Some Faults with the light, the dainty and more witnesses in an effort to fix the blame. . Prof. Mather announced that all Stide of English Universities" at the next romantic offerings. In this respect Captain Wheeler and Lieutemant students desiring to take the excur- mnorn meeting of the club. the program given met with apprecia- Sack were flying ii an old Curtis JN-4 sion should register not later than Olmst 'Ltive acclamation. army rlane, built in 1915. - Te flyers this evening in order that he may will( NEWS BRIEFS '1By far the most difficult as well as were cooperating with the 105th in- Imake the final preparations for the desig ambitious selection on the program fantry of the National Guard in work- accommodations of the party. He also teleph NEW YORK, July 6.-It seems was the Beethoven "Soitta, Op. 26," ing out a regimental advance problem. stated that hotel arrangements were sion doubtful that Leo T. Flynn, astute for piano' with which Nell B. Stockwell The plane, piloted by Lieutenant being made and that special guides sale a a fistic mind as he is, will make a began the cocert. The theme in the ISack, had been exchanging wireless had been procured for the trips in tables "clever" fighter out of Jack Demsey in first movement, "Andante con Varia- messages with the infa unit be- Niagara. other the short space of a few weeks. zione," was somewhat pastoral and low when it flew to within 200 to 300 The Niagara Falls excursions were be pr The notion persists that Dempsey quaint departing for a moment into a feet of the earth. Then, seemingly, it started in the summer of 1905 by Dean For is still primarily a slugger of the old pathetic minor variation. The third Edward H. Kraus, head of tjie Sum- to ha school and that if he whips Jack movement, "Maria funebre sulla morte iednto ane ud.c mer session, and have been operated direct Sharkey on the night of July 21st, it1 d'un eroe," popsessed that same emo- continuously for the past twenty- plem Jwill be by beating the sailor to the tional feeling that is found in the WOIE1N'S ANNOUNCEMENTS two years. Dean Kraus stated yes- issue I __ terday that he expected this excursion mama; punch, not by outsmarting him. second or allegretto movement of his i torbe tte th in epstn am Seventh Symphony. Nell B. Stockwell to be better than any in the past, and WAhHrNGare.-Liblriafhasvpaidcins i udging from the lecture which was ( conta4 WASHINGTON.-Liberia has paid in displayer a fine technique but lacked the women's swimming classes in the gn b rom the Tuesday as he th full its war debt to the United States somewhat the necessary force for Michigan Union pool. The classes given by Prof Mather Tuesday as he at th amnounting to $35,600. great artistry. In her rendition of meet at 9 and 10 o'clock on Monday, siethd ever hear on th part REDDING, Calif.-While 500 per- Schubert's "Impromptu Op. 90 No. 4 -Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, subject. sons were listening to a Fourth of she showed the most all around bril- with Miss Josephine Schmid of the s . July address in Lassen Volcanic Na- liance by combining with her skill an Sargent School of Physical Education tional Park, Lassen Peak, America's interpretation that was previously as instructor. The pool is also open "TI only active volcano, obligingly burst missed. to the women each Thursday evening OurW eather anT . be th into eruption, furnishing fireworks for Royden F. Susumago bigan his from 7 to 10 o'clock. ture 15 minutes. group with a song in Italian, "Per la Any women wishing to earn W. A. o'clo DETROIT.-A11 but one of the five Gloria" by Buononcini. He has a A. points in W. A. A. sports and acti- !,toriu ballons in the Detroit News Balloon- sweet lyrical tenor voice which only vities (luring Summer school may do - s Murr ing Trophy race have been reported requires greater power to match the so. The slips for recording points are - Dr. 1 down. Svend Rasmussen, pilot of the dramatic feeling that the singer in the W. A. A. box at Barbour Gym- the E Detroit II, has set a new world's rec- evinces. The familiar Verdi number, nasium. Slips should be turned -in State ord for distance, landing near Kins- "La Donna e Mobile" did not fail to not later than two weeks after partici- wast ton, N. C., approximately 580 miles draw an encore because of its spright- pation. For any further information f < ed d from here. ly and altogether bantering mood, call Gladys Appelt at 3318. -Is pretty sure it will be warmer. lIem.