PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY .. U - UI~fr $uutuger Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispiatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $2.0 Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, .Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF * Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles Night Editors Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. John E. Davis Orville Dowzer T. E. Sunderland Reporters E. M. Hynian , Miriam Mitchell Robert E. Carson Mary Lister Wm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus BUSINESSi STAFF Telephone 21214 ' BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising.............Ray Wachter Accounts...........John Ruswinckel Circulation..-............Ralph Miller Assistants C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar G. W. Platt Night Editor-.T. E. SUNDERLAND WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1927 STANDARDS, through encouraging the correct path; and while the action of the guards who held the 1200 New York prisoners at bay, while three men drowned scarcely a stone's throw away in the riven beneath them, may have been practical and justified, the possible widows and orphans of these three men have perhaps a different view to offer. TRANS-ATLANTIC AVIATION With the recent completion of three successful or partially successful flights across the Atlantic, and the statement by Lieut.-Commander Rich- ard E. Byrd that trans-Atlantic com- mercial lines are practical, there is brought into the foreground the ques- tion that has lurked in the background ever since the Orteig prize was do- nated; and that is, to what extent, and how soon, commercial aviation will alter our present modes of travel. To be overly optimistic and expect the establishment of vast trans-At- lantic air liners plying regular sched- ules between the Old World and the New immediately is probably as er- roneous as stating the air travel will never be feasible. Certain it is, how- ever, that transportation by air is still in its infancy, and that immense developments will have to take place, especially in the line of increased safety, before the general public can be converted. It is an ironical commentary on Commander Byrd's statement antici- pating air - travel that the day it ap- pears in the press there appears also tho announcement that one of the es- corts of Colonial Charles A. Lindbergh has been killed in an accident at To- ronto. It is also a commentary that Byrd himself failed to reach Paris, though with him he carried a naviga- While 1200 prisoners in Sing Sing tor at least as excellent as any wirc prison at Ossining, New York, looked a commercial air line could afford. Hi n in horror, a canoe on the Hudson failure, it must be remembered als iver capsized and three young men, was recorded after waiting severa apparently unable to swim, drowned months for weather conditions t before their eyes. A low wall sepa- change, and under auspices tha rated the prisoners from the wharf should have been most favorable. and. the river, but guards with riot Some system of landing, facilitie guns manned the wall and threatened throughout the length of the flight wil to shoot the first man that crossed it. have to be established if trans-Atlanti While guns kept the rescuers back, travel is to succeed, and a method the three men struggled in the river, also, of averting the effects of ic and one of them finally succumbed storms and fogs must be found. Spee only fifteen feet from the prison and comfort the air travel no doub wharf. affords already, but increased safet It was a ghastly event, this drown- is an indispensable factor to th ing with hundreds of ablt bodied men growth of commercial aviation. Thre within calling distance. It involves a of the four attempted trans-Atlanti complex set of standards, and there flights recently have failed to lan will no doubt be a long and loud- where they intended, and one ha voiced criticism of the armed guards been a complete failure. A 25 per who caused the drowning of three, cent record of safety is not larg There is the side of the sentimentalist, enough to attract even a considerabl who would be anxious to give the number of passengers, and whil prisoners a chance to escape anyway, travel by air is in the offing, and onl and then there is the side of the stern a matter of a short time, we have no practicalist, like Warden Lawes, who yet entered the age of the airplane. said that previous faithlessness of the sternprisoners made the action of the RESULTS guards necessary. Last year in Wayne county and De. The death of three persons is a tre- troit there were two deaths from fire mendously tragic event-for more works on the Fourth of July, with' 18 tragic than the possible escape of a ijdries. Several of those injure trio of prisoners. The guards who died later in the month and the resul. held the hundreds of prisoners in was such a revulsion of public opinio check took the great responsibility of that Detroit passed a- city ordinanc being somewhat directly responsible prohibiting the sale of fireworks this for the death of three men, yet at the year. Monday, consequently, Detroi same time also they have been directly celebrated its first safe and san responsible for the enforcement of a Fourth, with the result that there was code which is a bright spot in the an- not a single death or serious injur nals of prison management. They recorded from the use of explosives. held the mass in check while that The results there are plain and ob mass had every impulse, and perhaps vious. Even the most skeptical coul even popular sympathy, for the pro- ask for nothing more conclusive tha Jected break, and the result can not that in favor of the ordinance. Nin help but be an increased respect for dealers, to be sure, combined an the discipline at Sing Sing prison, hired an attorney to fight the ruling as It is entirely possiblt that had three unconstitutional, but their' efforts wen' or four of the prisoners been allowed for naught, as all efforts in selfish in to go to the rescue they would have terests should go for naught whe swum for safety immediately upon be- contrasted with the common good. ing outside the prison walls. They Last winter at the regular bi-ennia have all had their opportunity in so- session of the state legislature a simi- ciety, and instead of doing the heroic lar law was proposed for the whol they played a disgraceful role, for state. In spite of the vigorous lobb which they are still paying the pen- of the fireworks interests, the bill alty. passed the house and would hav The regrettable part of the whole passed the senate if it hadn't been re- thing is, of course, that it was neces- ferred to the senate judiciary com- sary to confine the men in the prison, mittee, which, if it was conscious that at all, and that they could not be there was a bill before it at all, forgo trusted. The crimes that they com- to report it out until the last day o initted have cost more than their own the session, when, in the mad hurri- confinement, they have cost three cane of last minute legislation the lives, for the three men could easily measure failed. have been saved if the prisoners had If any of the selfish commercial in- been free to do so. terests which would continue to muti- On the other hand the opportunity late children in order to increase their to perform a really worthwhile role business need proof of the efficacy of might have been the salvation of some an anti-fireworks law they need mere- hardened criminal, and might have re- ly look at the example of Detroit. It formed him from his path of way- is true, of course, that somewhere wardness. It is a curious set of stand- someone will lose the profits that are ards indeed that prevents men from annually made out of the traffic in ex- performing the heroic, and even the plosives; but then, when the armis- chance that they might have taken tice was signed there was a gipch advantage of their opportunity to es- larger loss to the manufacturers of cape is insignificant when compared to ammunition; and the nation survived the possible saving of three lives. that crisis quite admirably. It is pos- The event at Sing Sing constitutes a sible that were we faced another time queer and unique application of our with the same situation we would present set of standards. It is the again sign an armistice, application of a system which confines When state legislatures cease to be as punishment for crime rather than the tools of the business lobbies, and attempting to prevent the crime when they learn to consider the inter-. ;h s o, al to at .11 c d, e :d t Y Le e lc A is - ;e le le y A STEDROLL DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE Recently, to be exact Monday, most of the people of the United States cele- brated the Fourth of July as the 151st anniversary of the day they declared their independence from a tyrant, and asured themselves of personal free- dom. Not so with the Student of the University of Michigan, those who though of it morned the loss of this liberty and their automobiles. Just to inform the .yarious school teachers in attendance this summer of the true facts, and to display our knowledge of American history we wish to state here that the Declara- tion of Independence was lfot signed on the Fourth of July nor was it de- clared on that day. * * * It is now time that the students arise and take arms against the im- position on their personal liberties. Rolls offers the following declara- tion: UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS IN ANN ARBOR ASSEMBLED When in the course of student' affairs it becomes necessary for one people to serve the bonds of oppres- sion which hold them to another it is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. There is not much malice in what we say. His majesty, King Little has influenced his Parli- ament, the Board of Regents, to pass such acts of repression that a free student body can no longer bear such acts. He has caused the following to be enacted: 1. The under-class men were de- nied the use of the most necessary automobiles. 2. Not satisfied with destroying the pleasure of these all students have been denied the use of automobiles. All men are born and created equal and it is their inherent right that they be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or anything else they may wish to pursue. We appeal to the reason of all who may read this. How can students pursue happiness of anything else without the use of their automobiles? We appeal to the sene of justice of the Regents, abolish your laws. We appeal to the voters of the great State of Michigan, go to the polls with a vengeance and vote for new Regents. Your children may some day or may at the present time by students at the University and they must have automobiles to pursue happiness and everything else. We rest our case. * * * John Hancock is not present in our office at the time of going to press but we expect his signature within the next month. * * * REVERE RIDES AGAIN YPSILANTI, July 5-(Special)- Paul Revere IV rode through here early this afternoon on his way to Detroit to warn students of the latest restriction. Paul lost his motor ear in Ann Arbor, the seat of oppression. He left there on June 28. ROLLS KEEPS PROMISE In accordance with out promise of the other day Rolls has secured an in- terview with one of the school teach- ers enrolled in the University for the summer. The first lucky teacher was Miss Matilda Smythe of Mt. Calm high school. She talked so fast that the reporter had difficulty in keeping up and missed part of her story but it is funny anyway. When asked the reason she had come to Ann Arbor, Miss Smythe stated that she thought she could learn something. She said, "I am teaching senior English and the stu- dents think too fast and ask too many questions so that I can not answer them so I came to Ann Arbor to take a few courses so that" (here the re- porter was lost in the flow of words. He picked up the trail again.) The funny thing about it is the fact that the course I like best is not in my field but is beginning sociology which I take from Robert Angell; it has given me a whole new outlook on life and on my work (lost again.) Yes, I read The Daily r igiously and es- pecially Rolls. You see I am trying to keep my youth and Rolls helps. You see when I was young I used to laugh at funny things and now I think that laughing at Rolls keeps me young." (Here the reporter was drowned in the flow of words.) -Jeb. ests ,of the general public on a parity with those of the fireworks dealers, then, perhaps, Michigan and other states may have anti-fireworks legis- lation that will make the Fourth an even more glorious holiday, and which will have statewide results as the ordinance of Detroit has had re- mits. Observe that Rider Pen Service is something more than dealer service. It is one of the few places in the whole country where skilled pen makers are employed in a retail service, this is value to you. Buy your Rider "Masterpen" direct from factory. We manufacture them. Rider's Pen Shop Rider's Typewriter Shop Where skilled repair men are employed Headquarters for the easy running Roy- als and Royal Portables and Coronas. All makes of machines (good ones) for sale or rent. Give us a trial You will note the dif- ference. 315 South State St. Phone 895o 24-HOUR SERVICE RAE 1 LAST TIMES TODAY ART ACORD == FREEMAN 'S -in- "The Ridin' Thurs., Emil Rascal" Jannings HALLER'S State Street. Jewelers I "FAUST" This "AD" with 10 Cents RAEi DINING ROOM 809 E. Washington One block from Hill Auditorium I " ' ' ... SKILLED REPAIRING I A EDUCATION TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING Morning Class Now Forming. Individual Instruction. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Sts, Subscribe for the Summer Daily UNIVERSITY GOLF CLUB Ann Arbor's Only Public Course Nine Holes - 2,885 Yards Full Week Day Privileges, $1.00 Special "Twilight Golf" Fee South State Street Beyond Ann Arbor Railroad 10 Summer Memberships available at $15 each, paya- Sbl e by cash in advance. Lessons mornings. :_ -Ittuttuttttuutnuutnllituuuuilillnuutnlutlniu ttulntnul ii 1 :5 d It n Is 1t ,e .e iii i .. i' e s -- d '1 0 Hot weather makes the shirt an important item for the man who wishes to be well- dressed. You will find shirts t of many patterns in this collec- tion, narrow stripes, small fig- ures, and soft shades. a.~ I 1 i l t rir it111111111LU111i1111111t111111l11111 1 ,. 4 1111fllfllfl 1 1111f1tf111111111ftf1f11 ..