PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY g4W )'mnwr Published every morning excelt Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en-l titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein.7 Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, p().toflliceas second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $.50O; by mail,7 (tics Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 9925. MANAGING EDITOR PILIP C. BROOKSI Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor..... Joseph E. Brunswick Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles Night -Editors; Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr. John E. Davis Orville Dowzer T. E. Sunderland Reporters Ea M HT7n Mirim Mitrhll ANOTHER WALK-OUT On July 1'the bituminous coal min- ers of the union mines in central Pennsylvania will walk out. Their strike comes as the culmination of a heated attempt at arbitration, where the operators proposed a 15 to 20 per cent decrease in wages and the miners refused. The commission then ad- journed sine die and the nation as a whole can be edified with another coal strike. The whole business of coal strikes,' however necessary they may be, seem to be approaching rapidly an immense practical joke, with the general public as the suffers. The Jacksonville wage agreement expired March 31, and, since then the miners have been work- ing under a temporary arrangement, but every agreement for the last ten years has been temporary, and no ef- fort has as yet been made to eliminate Music An Dram THE BUTTER AND EGi! MAN A Review by John E Davisj Sit down, sister-this is a wow of a show! I mean "The Butter and Egg Man," which is, you might say, not a solid play bill, but a sort of glorified vaude- ville skit. Great stuff, sure-ideal for, the hot nights, and it starts the Rock- ford Players with a big wide flat-palm gesture-but it's going to take more theater to give them a chance to show what they really have in their histri- onic sample cases. The curtain flips up on Paul Faust and Bob Wetzel barking ham-pro-- dAr NawVn Yrnn t ea r.othe-- 5 SKILLED REPAIRING I 5de's Rider's Pen Shop Observe that Rider Pen Service something more than dealer service. is It is one of the few places in the whole country where skilled pen makers are employed in a retail service, this is value to you. Tpewriter hp Where skilled repair men are employed Headquarters for the easy running Roy- als and Royal Portables and Coronas. All makes of machines (good ones) for sale or rent. Give us a trial You will note the dif- ference. I f.'o)ii fato}ry. Rider "Masterpen" direct We manufacture them. I 315 South State St. Phone 8950 24-HOUR SERVICE i. . yman ivram WLiez aucer ew o xvese U aC c~e U. . J Mry isterthe cause for strikes by finding a fair ! , Robert E. Carson Betty Pulver standard and sustaining it. and it is in the same vernacular that Wnm. K. Lomason Louis It. Markus Competent experts who have investi- Elsie Herndon Kearns makes her in- -Sgated the coal mining situation report itial bow to Ann Arbor theater sitters. .INES S FF thatthere aetee tias mny A good bow, this, with assortment of Telephlonze 21211 miners as needed. and that if the nunti-i BUSINESS MANAGER ber were reduced the remainder could wise digs pushed out of the corner of L RANCE J. VAN TUJYL be employed all the year around in- the mouth, so to speak; but it's not Advertising . ........... Ray Wachter stead of two or three months eacfhi enough to open any actress's bag of Accounts ............John Ruswinckel year. If this were accomplished the tricks very far. Miss Kearns will be- Circulation ..............Ralph Miller wages could be reduced slightly, the the boards in Cicuaton........alh ilergin to step tebadinearnest whenI Asstants annual incomes of the families of min- C. T. -Antonopulos S. S. Berar ers would still be increased, and the she plays Judith Bliss in "Hay Fever" G. W. Platt general scale of living could be in- tomorrow afternoon. -- But the big part in the Butter and Night Editor--ORVILLE DOWZER creased with it. - _-------_ In the meantime, however, strike is Egg Man, as the parts go, is Bob FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927 a cruel and dangerous weapon, which, Henderson's. If there is any charac- in the hands of labor should be wield- ter development (something which no ed only in the most extreme cases. A one expects in .a comedy anyway) it is group of narrow capitalists, in control in that role; superficial enough-but of the mines has brought the situation enough. The moving forces are the Less than seventy years ago a giant about, beyond a doubt, and is as re- show game and Amy Loomis, with caravan moved slowly across the sponsible as any single group for first Amy finally winning for fineness and western plains. Men still alive can the excessive number of miners em- love and the hotel business in Chilli- remember the painfully slow move- ployed and second the attempts to 11cothy, Ohio. Amy should get better reuthlessly pareduce !roles, after what she did, say, as the ruthlessly reduce wages. ment of that army of laborers, and Coal and the fuel of the nation are Duchess in "The Firebrand." how behsd them rone ed miles and a public utility, just as surely as the Still about Bob: whether by coinci- miles of shining new steel rails. Fin-postal service is a public utility; and dence or by careful choice of plays ally the last spike was driven, and if the natural economic forces can not (he hasn't told me) he nearly always the army of workmen went wild with operate successfully without causing slides into a tailor-made role-the joy as the first train passed over the name of which would be the mascu- rails of the Union Pacific from the annually immense losses it is time thatC the artificial agency of government line gender of ingenue, if there were west coast to ke east, and back; andsu wetcatt asn control were interposed. When a coal such a word. (Why isn't there, any- ® , r ' t : . BLUE LANTERN BALL ROOM ISLAND LAKE ,.., .---- r.. .:.:......M. ,. r Three Day Celebration of Nation's Glorious Birthday Saturday, Sunday and Monday Nights Sunday and Monday Afternoons McKinney's Famous Cotton Pickers Orchestra DANCING fireworks Lake Illumination Lunches Served All Day in Blue Lantern Grill. On Grand River, 1' Miles East of Brighton. Management of Jean Goldkette, Inc. 1 1" v G"f }'} P 4 k4Yl @ I tili# t OLNk " 4. tyEG60tN Irv, ..ate F ,n. they believed they had written a chap- ter in the history of transportation- and so they had. From a tedious journey of months the trip from New York to San Fran-, cisco had become one of weeks. Men' marvelled, and immediately there en- sued a period of heavy investment in this type of transportation, and in the' vast empire that it was developing. strike occurs it is the nation that loses, more than, the miners or the operators, and if the people are to' have a voice in their own destiny, which is one of the cardinal premises' of democracy, it seems rather fair that they should be given an oppor- tunity to control the vital supplies. 1 The miners have a right to strike;t there is no doubt about that at all how?) Bob is in his glory as naivete itself-and so he is as Peter Jones---- of Chilli-cothy, Ohio. For the rest: Paul Faust, who was once the soul of dignity as the drum major of the University of Wisconsin band, is a changed man since lie hit the road with the Haresfoot club, un- der the tutelage-I vow-of one Rus- sell Winnie, who was a bearcat under I TYPEWRITERS Coona, Remnington r 11141nd Rwya portables. and 'ivruilf typeivriters of .Ill irth-es. l oWCt° f rices. -C, sy 0 D. MORRILL U Nickels I1catle Phone 6>15 J t _ q ¢4 d ( G i i z f 1 t 1 i f Scarcely dreamed these pioneers of The operators, under the-present sys- a derby hat. The black derby-a heri- places as remote as Hawaii, and Paris ten, have the right to hold out all tage, surely-hid Paul's curls last was a long voyage by the fastest winter if they wish, and the only re- night; and the part hid his dignity.; steamship. The youths of 170 could sult is an increase in the price they 'Briefly-with a superbly swaggering hardly have imagined that even thtat can charge for their coal. If com- stage business-he was a knockout, magnificent speed was to be surpassed plete government ownership is not and one may well pray for ore -while some of them, and nearly all feasible, government supervision, such black-derby roles for Faust. -Robert of their children, were alive to see it. as we now have over the railroads, Wetzel, always very earnest, seems to Scarcely a month ago a throbbing certainly is; and a plan which can Ihave acquired more aplomb. His motor dropped out of the dull gray save the public the disastrous cost ofI speeches would stand just a little less sky near Paris and Charles A. Lind- the annual coal strike is not only passion and less twang. bergh stepped out of the cockpit which We but inevitable. Frances Horine had a mediocre role he had entered 33 hours previously in in this first play-and overworked it a New York City, on, another continent. bit. That is, she gushed too much; Then Chamberlin and Levine, then THE WINDSOR BRIDGE but she was superficial in her inter- Byrd, and Hegenberger, and Maitland, Another step forward in the de- pretation. Her best work-and it is and in their wake will doubtless spring velopment of a great industrial center good work--is in roles which partake a line of trans-oceanic air pilots as has apparently been taken by the citi- of reserve and dignity. Henry Horn- long as the generations of sea cap- zens of the city of Detroit with the a.p- berg, Franz Rothier, and Helen tains that have'followed Columbus. proval of the Windsor bridge. Always Hughes are going to do well by the * It is but a matter of months, or even the immediate loss tf a great project Rockford Players; their start is good. weeks, until long distance transporta- is disagreeable to some persons, and But as a telephone operator wlmp knows tion by air on the American continent the millionaire real estate operator that people go to the shows they like, will become a reality. There will be whose subdivisions decrease in value Helen Hughes doesn't quite seem the a veritable panic of'development in air as a result of the span, together with prom queen she was at Wisconsin a lines, as there was in railroads follow- the mayor that that millionaire so few months ago. Complete in both ing the Union Pacific, and out of the graciously helps to continue in office, lines she is: versatile-and how! inevitable failures and successes will were extremely perturbed. * * * rise the nucleus of a system of air Detroit is growing, however, and HAY FEVER transportation that will carry the it must expand. To raise an ar- Without consulting any other mem- pioneers back to the western plains in tificial barrier, or to maintain a nat- bers of the family, each of them in- less time than it took them to reach ural one, to that expansion is unwise vited a week end guest from London: the railroad station in days gone by. and narrow, even though the expan- the mother, a car-card athlete, the As the puffing passenger train skims sion is going to benefit the people on father a flapper, the son a sinuous across its shining path below, snail- the opposite side of the river as much siren with a frigidaire attachment, like with its sixty or seventy miles as it is the Detroiters themselves. As and the daughter a walking stick from and hour, the giant liners of the air 1 the great motor city grew it was in- the foreign office. will ply the skies above, and at the evitable that tbte narrow ribbon of A situation indeed, when you con- water's edge, when the passengers water which separates it from a new sider that each member of this fam- from the train disembark, a morister and undeveloped region be spanned, ily is a definite personality not en- plane will lift them over the seas and and the Windsor bridge, as approved tirely harmonious with the others. 111111 ~I7, 8usgNusS ED UCAT1ON TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING Miorning Class Now Forming. Individual Instruction. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Sts. I I I Varsity M ethods The majority of Michigan students are satisfied cus- tomers because they ap- preciate the regard for. personal ownership that is so characteristic of Var- sity methods. DIAL '! F.' WMW Typewriter .Ribbons, Carbons and Supplies for all riakes of typewriters. Rapid turnover,, fresh stock, insures best 4 qua lity at a moderate price 0. D.MORILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 615 carry them in a few hours where it would have taken days before. Space and distance, in the language of the pioneer, will have disappeared, and disappeared during the lifetimes of many of thost hardy men who laid that first steel, path across the continent. America has become a neighborhood, and world peace does not even seem so remote when one thinks of visiting I friends in Paris or Berlin for a week- end. The world has witnessed, in the past few weeks, an inspiring specta- by the voters of Detroit last Tuesday, And from this situation on Noel Cow- is the culmination of that inevitable I ard, with sharp, pricking repartee has situation. written in "Hay Fever," three act of In addition to the inevitable nature excellent amusement. of the structuv'e eventually, the erec- j The doings of this double quartet tion of the br idge under the present serve to keep the audience in a highly specifications Js as liberal a proposi- amused state for two hours. The tion as the citizens of Detroit could author, who is incidently the same have hoped to secure. Though private capital will finance the construction entirely, the city of Detroit will have the opportuni1 y to enforce reason- able rates, by the terms of the fran- cle, the harbinger of a world revolu- chise, and will have the additional tion, not by force or intimidation, but chance to buy the structure at somej by the onward march of civilization not too far distant date. The citizens and the progress of science. The pio- of Detroit are to, be congratulated for veer of the western plains, looking up the judgment th'ey showed when they from the cobwebbed stagecoach in approved the project by a vote of the barn, can see in the sky the glis- eight to one, andt the construction of tening hull that symbolizes the the Windsor bridge marks a forward achievements of man-the conquest of step in 'the progvess of their "dyna- space, iic" city. Noel Coward of "The Vortex" fame made no pretence of writing for the Pulitzer prize when he wrote "Hay Faver." The play was built for amusement purposes only and as such proved a great success in London where Marie Tempest appeared in the role of Judith Bliss, the mother, for over a year. "Hay Fever" opens Saturday after- noon at the 3:30 matinee and plays four performances, Saturday night, and Monday and Tuesday nights at 8:15 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Use I T [XtiI Ill ssified Cumin to Rent \otir Rooms Ul LIBERTY AT FIFTH 1 f +orA' 'A'+.a urr