'AGE FOUR DAILY OFFICI AL'B ULLETI N Summer Session Office, Room 8, University Hall. Only by having such advance information (by Wednesday, June 29, 9 P. M.) can adequate auto- mobile transportation be assured. Tour starts Thursday, June 30, at 2:30 P. 'M., from the steps of the University Library. There is no charge for thip xcrsion automobiles being furnished by the citizens of Ann Arbor. THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SOUTH TAKES UPI FOREIGNAFFAIRS I (By Associated Press) ATHENS, Ga.,-The South is going in for a more serious study of mod- ern domestic and international politi- I SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT Lls e2lct4L u flfl , 1-i - Carliton F. Well , Director of Excursions. cproblems. I During the Southern Institute of I Health Service During the Sumer: Politics, at the University of Georgia, All students regularly enrolled for the Summer Session are entitled June 27-July 8, many leading journal- ists, diplomats, educators and econom-I to practically unlimited medical attention of any nature. It is provided at thes, t d University Health Service, N: University Avenue, near Washtenaw. ists are gathered to consider questions Dispensary: The Dispensary will be open from 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 ranging from county government to daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday hours from 9 to 12; Sunday!the foreign policy of the United States. horI1t 2 Woodrow Wilson and Henry Cabot' roo 11tCalIs: Students who are ill in their room and wish medical Lodge in foreign affairs will be dis- cussed byJspuDailfre attention should call University Telephone Exchange for such service. y JOsephs Danels frer Warren E. Forsythe. secretary of the navy. The tariff, elec- .re..tric power in relation to public af- Women Students: fairs, universal mobilization in time of All women students taking Physical Education, Hygiene or Public war, America's agricultural policy, in- Hfealth are .required to take a physical examitiation immediately. Make ternational law and the United States, problems of the Near East and na- your appointment at the I-ealth Service.1 yMargaret Bell, 3. D. tional versus state rights are a few of the other subjects., NEW AND SECOND-HAND UNIVERSITY W.anrsBOOK STOR E u Our friends, when re- turning to Ann Arbor, always drop in for our EXCELLENT MEALS. Ladies and Gentlemen Single Meals, - 50c 65c Weekly Board - $5.75 (for. State and Washington r--. ENJOY A REAL VACATION! Visit Detroit and Melis Educational Chuh: All men interested in public school work either as teachers or admin-1 SAN FRANCISCo, June 28.-John istrators are asked to meet in the Michigan Union, Room 316, this evening Irew, veteran actor, was reported in at 7:30. Plans will be considered for the organization of the Men's Educa- a much weakened condition today af- tional Club. ,ter a replapse suffered Sunday. Lit- J. B. Edonson. tle hope is held for his recovery. History 46-Recent A merican History: CLASSIFIED ADS. Both picturesque and.historical is beautiful Put-In-Bay. Here abounds interest for young and'old. There is bathing, dancing, sailing, mysterious caves, picnic groves and Perry's monument beneath which the dust of heroes lies. The palatial steamer Put-In-Bay leaves the foot of First St. (Detroit) daily at 9 a.m. returning at 8 p.m. R. T. fares: $1.00 week days. $1.50 Sundays. Steamer runs thru to San- dusky daily making connections with Cedar Point Ferry. Thru to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay. Perry Monument CEDAR POINT Drive to Detroit and enjoy the DANCING On Fridays a special excursion is run MOONLIGHTS to Cedar Point. Steamer stops one hour Leave Detroit 8:45 p.m. Sundays. With its huge hotels, electric Retrn1:30edP ~ park, magnificent bathing beach and Fare; Wednesday andbahg Thursday, 60c. board-walk it can rightfully be called SaturdaySunday and the City Holidays. ,5. teAtlantic Ctyof the WeSt, This course will meet in Room 1035 Angell 1 School of Education: There will be an assembly of the studentsf of education on Wednesday afternoon, at 4:04- P. School. A full attendance is requested. Engineering Mechanies 2a and 5: These courses will meet on Wednesday at 1c Engineering Building to arrange hours. lall instead of Room 1018. 1r. Jmeso. IFOR RENT-Across from Engineer- ing Arch, large airy room. Call 545 E. Univ. and faculty of the( school FOR RENT-Large front room, either ;M. in the University High single $4; or double $6. No other roomers. Phone 8196. 624 So. Div. A. S. Whitney, Dean. FOR RENT-At 930 Dewey, comfort- able room in private home. Two south windows, reasonable rent. o'clock in Room 101 West Phone 5035. FOR TRENT-Two singles and one R. S. Siwinton. suite. Two blocks from campus. YOU The Graduating Seniors Are facing the question of "WHAT TO DO NEXT" Suinuner Session Faculty: Blanks for Class Lists are being distributed by the University mles-I senger and should be in the. mail boxes not later than Thursday morning. Kindly report all failures to receive them promptly. E. H. Kraus. WELLS WILL LEAD FIRST STUDENT TRIP IN LOCAL IT Y OF ANN ARBOR Carlton Wells of the rhetoric de- partment will conduct the first stu- dent ekcursion at 2:30 tomorrow. Anyone can go on the trip although it is primarily meant to acquaint the new students with Ann Arbor and itsI climbed. The excursion will termi- nate at the library after a drive down1 Cedar Bend boulevard. Following the- excursion, a personally conducted tour through the main library, the William L. Clements American history library and the Union will take place. Stu- Continuous hot water, 311 Thomp- son. 3, 4, 5 LOST-German Police dog. Finder call 7617. Ask for Lamb. Reward. WANTED--Two students for part time work at Court Cafe. 108 East Huron. 4,5 W ANT ''D-Meals in private home for eight men. Call 5618. 4,5,6 NANTED----Woman student to do light work for room. Mrs. George Alder, 309 N. Division. Phone 47'31 evenings. 4 FOR RENT--To graduate student, pleasant, newly decorated room. Home privileges. 309 N. Division. Phone 4731 evenings. 4' IO l1,RENT---One double and two single rooms. Nice, cool, well ven- t ilatud, located one block south of Clements LIbrary, at 912 Monroe. Phon' 8741. t Some of you are well fixed; you have a family business to work with. It will be to your interest to think about the new develop- ment, Group Insurance, which will be a factor of increasing impor- tance in the relations of your business to its employees. Some of you have a decided bent, and are going to follow it. One way of making sure that you will finish the course of life you have chosen is to take advantage of Annuity, Endowment, and Straight Life Insurance. Some of you have worked for your education and must earn as much money as you can, as quickly as possible. The selling of Life Insurance gives the most and quickest return for hard work; it also offers the greatest freedom for original enterprise. It is not a push-button job. The John IHan. cock is looking for men like you and would like to hear from you. Write to us in regard to any of these points. We shall answer your inquiries without any oh. ligation to you. Address the INQUIRY BUREAU, .LFE INSUAN CMPAN'C"- 197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. If your policy bears the name John Hancock, it is safe and secure in every way. ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First St. Detroit, Michigan ms s ' r. vicinity. To insure a sufficient num- dents are urged to remain and take ber of automobiles, which are being; this trip although it is not compulsory.I furnished through the courtesy of the; This is the first of a series of ex- Ann Arbor Exchange Club, it is ur- cursions which will take place this gent that every person taking the trip sumtmer, including trips to Niagara leave their name immediately in Room Falls, the Ford Motor company, Ford 8, University hall. River Rouge blast furnaces, Detroit' The group will start from the steps News building, General Motors build. of the main library promptly at 2:30. ing, Put-in-Bay, and the Michigan They will first tour through the resi- State prison. dential sections and then turn North- east to the Geddes avenue boulevard, NEW YORK, June 28.-Myron T. taking Glen Drive to the river, across !Herick, American ambassador to the bridge and out the Whitmore Lake France, returned for his annual vaca- road into Barton Hills. The return tion today and in an address at City trip is via the River road to the bridge, hall told of the international good and following over to North Bend will created by the trans-Atlantic drive where Broadway hill will *be flight of Charles A Lindbergh. HALL ER'S State Street Jewelers ' ' E ; b: . - 1111111111 !I I I I t t 11111111111111111 ' Last Times Today f Uli r i I -i cl "l Ill r- ' _ .. . =I _ .f i _ ( .. _ _ {{ i .. =f i 'I,. FRANK CONDON'S Great Comnedy rr r rrr rrr7. r rr.rw MAY ItOB;ON and - JUNIOR (OGMALN' - td4 ZELDA SEARSA _ s sawTAY GARNETT?rom t~ ' trqbnj'FfANKCONDON s t Direted bqAL AN HALE E i4 Produced by Of MILME PICTURES CORPORATION U aALAN IHALE P1 PR.ODUCTION -9 I ON THE STAGE- WILTON SISTERS "THOSE INDIANA GIRLS" 'I'TlIR{,DAY TED DOOLEY & CO. "The Cameo Comic" riurniinrr~rrrrrrrrrrrurrurnrwrnrnrlli ill ilr illlillinnurllurrrnil Ham Hamilton ' Michigan Topics of Latest Coicdy Locals the Day News Views hy I RENE RICH IN " CLIMBERS" 111111111111141111111116; -- . T IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111 Everybody's Saying---Don't Miss The Rockford Players Second Summer Season -Every Evening This Week and Saturday Matinee "THE BUTTER AND EGG TONIGHT thru FRIDAY at 8:15. Opening Sat. Mat., "HAY FEVER" 1111111IIIIIIIII