THE GRAND FINALE GOOD-BYE 'TILL SEPT. 20) o 4 'uwmtr iltr AL t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. VIII, No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS WOLVERINE FOOTBALL TEAM WILL MEET FOR PRACTICE NEXTMONTH EIGHTEEN LETTER MEN AND TEN OTHER EXPERIENCED MEN WILL REPORT EXPECT TEN ENDS Baer and Gabel Will Return To Play Tackle Positions; Thisted and Truskowski Are Centers. Eighteen letter men, 10 additional experienced men from the 1926 squad, and about thirty first year men make up the Michigan football crew that Coach Fielding H. Yost and his asso- ciates will meet here on September 15, the first day of practice in the Big Ten. The date is just one month away. Ordinarily the coaches have ten days in which to work with the men and get them in shape before the be- ginning of school. The two sessions a day will continue but three days,' however, this year, the men report- ing on September 15 and school work starting.on September 19. Little more than organization work will be pos- sible during the first week end. One advantage of the advanced cal- endar, however, will be an earlier ap- pearance of the freshmen. The first year men, in fact, due to the organ- ization of Freshman Week, ar due to appear in Ann Arbor before the Var- sity, something that has not happened before in the history of Michigan football. If the freshmen appear on September 12 as planned, it may be possible for the coaches to get the squad fairly well organized before the beginning of work, with the regulars. Ten Ends Report In the list of 63 names being con- sidered by the coaches, Captain Ben- nie Oosterbaan leads a gr~oup of 10 ends. His associates, of former years who wear the Michigan "M" are Her-, man Nyland, jr., Grand Haven, and Leroy Heston, Detroit. Nyland was a substitute last year and worked sot perfectly in the game against Minne- sota at Minneapolis that he was con-t sidered to have won himself a regu- lar place this year. Appearance of ends from the freshman squad has, changed that opinion a little. Nyland,c in the spring work, showed aptitude, in spearing forward passes, and whether he makes the regular positiont opposite the captain or not, he is go- ing to be a handy man to have aorundc if he keeps up his last year's game. Frank Harirgan, Grand Rapids, and M. H. Boden are the men who wereI on the squad lat year. The endt field is so promising that the coaches are considering switching Harrigan to a back field candidacy. Ray Baer and Normal Gabel, lastI year's regulars, are the letter men tackles who will return. Gabel, aI litle below his sophomore form lastt year, should give a go daccount oft himself this year. Baer is at homeI at either guard of tackle, and must ber considered as the "factor" of the Michigan line this year. Other tackles present a year ago are Pommerening, a local boy, andI Henry Grinnell, Detroit. Some addi-t tional material will be developed for this position, as Coach Yost has nevert ben found wanting in replacement ofc his tackle positions. While he is not likely to have another combination like Hawkins, Edwards, and Babcock for many a moon, Michigan's veteran head can be relied upon to produce a man or two who is acquainted with all the tricks of tackle play. Veteran Guards Back Palmeroli and Squires are the vet- erans of the guard positions, each of them letter winners last year. Both have speed, one of the requisites of the Michigan line play system, but neither can take the place Jack Lov- ettp established for himself last year. The men who have been on the squad before and who will be invited back are George Nicholson, Kansas City, and R. J. Williams, Detroit. Neither were in gams last year, so their abil- ity under fire is unknown. Joe Truskowski, of Detroit, and C. E. Thisted, Great Falls, Mont., are the men who have had experience passing the ball from center for Michigan. Thisted was the understudy to Cap- (Continued on Page Three) WVILL PLAY OPEN AT MEADOWBROOK (By Associated Press) NORTHVALLE, Mich., August 13.- Turf, equal to that on any of the golf courses of eastern Michigan, and a surprising variety of holes differen- tiates the Meadowbrook country club golfhcourse nearohere from many of Michigan's Detroit district courses. The Michigan Open tournament will be held here Monday and Tuesday, August 15 and 16, this having been the course where Al Watrous, Grand Rapids, won his state open title a year ago with Davie Robertson, Detroit, runner-up. Few of Michigan's courses have the setting of rolling ground, wooded area, a brook or two and a lily pond to give variety and pleasing scenery to the players: The course rambles over a large amount of ground, al- most none of the holes are parallel and not one has the same problem of the tee shot and approach. The rolling terrain has been adroitly used by a skilful golf architect to make useful every shot known to the Scot- tish game. The course is not especially diffi- cult and the "ancient and honourable" would frown at the scarcity of traps, but natural hazards make the course as difficult as the average golfer de- sires to attack. Meadowbrook is one course where the average golfer seems to have been considered in- stead of the par-minus star. ONLACT LAYS ARE PROVENSUCCESSFUL Students Do Well In Presenting Plays For Which Instructor Had Small Choice For Cast SET PRECEDENT By Miriam Mitchell With the close of Summer session comes a break in the activities of* Lionel; Crocker's class in "Presen- tation of One-Act Plays." The class this summer has had better success than those of previous sessions, both financially and in material gained. The three performances consisting of three plays each a distinct achievement, and the two out of town trips which the class made were an innovation. Both Webster and Brighton furnished good sized and appreciative audiences, and the Ann Arbor audiences was the largest that one-act plays have ever drawn. It must be remembered in a course of this kind, necessarily experimental in nature, that the students choose the instructor rather than the in- sturctor choosing the students. So the instructor who has to fill the role of director has the double prob- lem of breaking in amateurs and se- lecting plays in whicl the actors he has access to will fit. Considering these difficulties it will be admitted that Lionel Crocker has donea real bit of work in his direction this sum- mer. Students Do Well As for the students themselves, they did remarkably well, vying with Miss LaNola Fox, the only professional in the group. Miss Fox's personality, naturalness and ability make her a real addition to the personnel of the class, and she brought to the parts Cinderelle and Miss Ivory a sponta- neity that was refreshing and enter- taining. Dan Huff made a name for himself in both of his roles, and his ability to extemporize cleverly came to his aid several times. Miss Made- line Brumbaugh also gave us a hint of the professional, and it was diffiicult to tell whtther she was more fascinating a a prince Charming or as the Villai- ness. A notable fact is that every member made himself heard to the back of the auditoriums. No Serious Plays Given No serious plays were presented,] unless "Cinderella Married" might be considered in that category, but the combination was a pleasing one and again we must remember that plays had to be chosen to fit the ac- tors, not actors to fit the plays. The class his summer nas set a precedent which sould be a good ex- ample to future groups of the same nature, and dicetor and students alike dtserve the praise due to those who have done their work well. SINK, GIVES CONCERT SCHEDULES FOR1BOTH NEXT YEARNS SERIES CHALIA1PIN, GIGLI, JIOFFi1AN RAISA, LUBOSHUTZ, AND HESS INCLUDED DAMROSCH WILL APPEAR Maler and Pattison, Detroit Symphony Flonzaley Quartet and St. Olaf Lutheran Choir Scheduled Announcement of the six Choral Union and five Extra Concert series engagements for the coming year was made yesterday by Charles A. Sink, President of the University Musical Society. The 49th annual Choral Union series will open with Beniamino Gigli October 7, while the ninth an- nual Extra Concert series will begin October 28 with Rosa Raisa and Gia- como Rimini. Others on the older series are Maier and Pattison, Leo Luboshutz and Josef Hoffman, Paul Kochanksi, the New York Symphony orchestra, on its forewell tour under Walter Damrosch, and Feodor Chaliapin. The second group is completed by the Flonzaley Quartet, Ossip Gabrilo- witsch and the Detroit Symphony or- chestra, the St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, and Myra Hess. Gigli Will Appear The appearance of Gigli has been arranged after months of negotia- tions to effect a contract. He is an outstanding tenor of the Metropolitan Opera company, and his time is so completely taken up in opera work that he seldom appears in concert. Every spring following the close of the New York season he has been en- gaged in operatic singing in Italy and South America. Guy Maier and Lee Pattison are to appear Nov. 10, as the second number. They have developed .the two piano field yin a distinctive manner, and are appearing here previous to an ex- tended concert tour. Mr. Maier is a member of the faculty of the School of Music, but wil have a leave of absence this year to fill concert en- gagements. Hoffman and Luboshutz to Play Lea Luboshutz, violinist, who ap- peared in the May Festival this spring, and Josef Hoffman, Russian pianist, will give a joint recital November 23. Mr. Hoffman has ap- peared in Ann Arbor on several oc- casions previously, but not in recent years. He has a world reputation of long standing, and Miss Luboshutz has made a profound impression in her shorter career. Paul Kochanski, Polish violiist, who has made a spectacular entrance unheralded into New York musical circles, is scheduled to play on Jan. 18. He was engaged for his first per- formance in this country as soloist with the New York Symphony under Walter Damrosch. His first appear- ance was such a decided success that popular demand brought him back for five additional concerts in five weeks. Kochanski has played in miany of the capitals of Europe, with consid- erable acclaim. He studied in Poland, and was at an early age a professor in the Conservatory at Warsaw, later holding the same position at Petro- grad. LECTURE SERIES WAS of VERY HIGH ORR STATES DEAN KRAS , REGRETS THAT CITIZENS OF CITY OUTNUMBERED STUDENTS ATTENDANCEINCREASES Faculty Members Were Chosen From Many Departments; Topics Varied From Poetry to Geology In the conclusion of the lecture on "Virgin Islands" delivered Thursday afternoon in Natural Science audito- rium by Robert B. Hall of the Geogra- phy department there ended the Uni- versity series of special lectures for the summer of 1927. In commenting upon this series Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Sum- mer session, stated, "The series of lectures were of a very high order, and covered an extremely wide range of subjects, many very timely national and international issues. The speak- ers were all experts and authorities in the various fields that they repre- sented. It is to be regretted that a larger number of students did not at- tend, for at most of the lectures a larger number of the citizens of the city were present than ,there were students of the University." Increased Attendance Felt This fact of the low attendance of students wah commented upon by sev- eral in authority. However, a -gene- ral increase in attendance was felt. Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, secretary of the Summer session, stated, "it was gratifying to note that the audiences for the lectures were larger than they have been for some years past. The quality of the lectures justified this." Of the 26 lectures scheduled, 18 were delivered by University faculty members and 8 by those from other institutions. This latter group con- tained a member of the Geographicalx Society of Denmark, professors of Clermont Ferrand, France, University of Uterecht, Floating University, Bald- win Wallace college, the Dean of< Rollins college, Florida, and the head of the Salt Administration of China. 1 University Staff Lectures The members of the University who lectured were drawn wrom the lawt school, the lighary staff, and the de- partment of Zoology, Botany, Socio- logy, Psychology, Forestry, Minerolo-1 gy,, Geography. Electrical engineering,l Political Science, History, Rhetoric, I English, and French. The subjects varied from material- istic topics such as "The Erruption of Mount Etna" to discussions of poetry and literature, such as "William Blake and William Wordworth," or "Popularitw and Permanency in Lite- rature.'' However, most important point ofE all is that according- to rumor, not lecture started later than five minu- tes past the appointed time. This, in it,self, makes this a singular seriesE of lectures. FOSCUE RETURNS TO TEXAS HOMEl Augustus W. Foscue, Jr., who has been an intsructor in Economics in1 the University, will return to hist home in Dallas, Texas, next Tuesday. MEXCAN STATION AE[T SPLANS FETE EOR ORIENTATION Of , j SEPTEMBER FRESHMEN' I+I I Former Governor Robert P. Bass of New Hampshire, above, is looked upon with favor by Mexicans as a successor to Ambassador James R. Sheffield, re- signed. His libet'al ideas have made an impression upon Mexican labor leaders. DEAN KRAUS SPEAKS ON SUMMER SESSION! Notes Increase in Attendance of Students With More Than One Degree EARNESTNESS IS TRAIT "Th'e chief Characteristic of the' summer session student, in thin ses- sion has been the earnestness with which he has regarded his work," said Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Sum- mer school, in characterizing this semester's work, in an interview yes- terday. He further stated that among the most gratifying things of this ses- sion, was the fact that there had been no serious breaches of the regulations for the government of the student body. Bring New Interests Efforts to. bring new interest into the life of the summer student, such as the engaging of the Rockford Play- ers, and the establishment of the Pub- lic HeHalth Institute, were, he said, from all, indications, highly success- ful. The Public Health Institute is an innovation in college curriculum; . s aim is to give, in weekly lectures, he progress and the methods of the f- forts to raise the general stani i