4 AGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST : _~_._._ Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session b. t oard in Control of Student The Associated Press is exclusively en-i titled to the use for republicatioa of all news' dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, u ostoffice as second class matter. $ Subscription by carrier, $i.so; by mail, 2l.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925, MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswickj Feature Editor..... Marian L. Welles1 Night Editors John E. Davis H. K. Oakeg, Jr. T. A. Sunderland Orville Dowzer Reporters Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell Wm. K. Lomnason Mary Lister Bert Heideman W. Harold May BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising ............. Ray Wachter boots, a high cowboy hat, Mexican spurs, and buckskin gloves comprised the ensemble, and when one remem- bers the handsome figure and impress- ive presence of the great president one can easily understand why the assem- blage cheered when he appeared on the platform-no one accused cowboys of lacking a sense of humor. But then, our most famous cowboy is not planning to run for re-election, he says, and we cannat therefore ac- cuse him of another publicity stunt. But when the hardy pioneers who made the West rode over those trails surrounded by hazards and not pfo- tected by a corps of secret service men, their deeds were not heralded from coast to coast. Truly great achievements, however, came from the work of those men; achievements which made the nation over which Coolidge presides. When we run short of things to laud, then, why not re- member the men who made the West rather than those who visit it? A PERFECT RECORD Not many persons have heard of Mike Luscovich, and not much has been previously said about this gentle- man. Yet of all the persons in the United States, Mike is no doubt the Accounts........... John Ruswinckel only one who has achieved a perfect Assistants record in his profession, and while C. T. Antonopulos . S. S. Berar his profession is rather a unique one, G. W. Platt perfection is so rare as to deserve more than passing notice. Night Editor-T. E. SUNDERLAND The profession which Luscovich fol- SATURDAYAUGUST13,1lows is that of. a vagrant. It is only AT A Atwo days since his last arrest, in New York state, completed his record of ---------- ------ - 48 states and the Dominion of Canada THE WRECK OF THE HESPERUS and made him an enviable mark in Whatever reputation Longfellow the annals of criminal justice. Mike, as vagrants go, what is more, is still may have had as a poet has now been' a comparatively young man, just pass- shattered, and the New England bard!d., ed 39, and what his affect as an un- might as well rest in an unmarked official ambassador to foreign countries grave, for the United S'tates Coast and will be after he enters the larger and Geodetic survey has disclosed that international field is difficult to con- there never was any wreck of the template. Some narrow minded persons there Hesperus, at least not at the place are, of course, who would say that where Longfellow said it was, and there must be something wrong with from a historical standpoint the record our system of criminal justice when of Mr. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a man can be in jail in 48 states be- once famed as a poet, is shattered. fore reaching the age of 40. Yet there The revelation comes as a distinct is little excuse for this attitude, as shock to those who still had some any prison reformer can tell you, be- small amount of respect for the de- cause after all criminals are to be lightful verses of the former poet, for pitied rather than punished, and Mike it casts a doubt on the authenticity of will be released in six months or so all of his works. Perhaps the next again in order to continue his re- thing that will happen is the dregging markable record. If the convictions of some harbor to see if The Children's of this gentleman cost the state five Hour ever existed, and when this myth I dollars apiece, which is extremely con- is exploded the engineers from the servative, he has already cost the tax- coast guard can drag the countryside payers of the nation almost $250 for for the existence of the village black- convictions laone. This sum would pay mith. It is probable that neither of tuition for two deserving students at these things will be found, and then the University of Michigan, with, Longfellow, who has previously given enough left over to buy most of theirI so much pleasure and entertainment books, and the fiasco promises to be to the world through his work, will carried even further gecause Lusco- entirely be discredited, and his name vich is above all an ambition gentle- will certainly be omitted from the role men,.and on his release in six months of American literary men. will no doubt embark on an even more As long as the government has ent- strenuous campaign of prison breaking ered in the business of verifying lit- from the outside. erary events it may as well settle a From a purely financial standpoint long line of possible delusions. It it would pay us to confine our crimin- could begin with an attempt to verify als who are repeters. It may be nice the Paul Bunyon tales, and then the and kind to let them go, but it is un- Autocrat of the Breakfast table should sound, as 47 other states found after certainly be substatntiated as a real the first onegave Luscovich a parole. character if literature is to retain its _ prestige. When it finishes with the jobs at home it could go abroad and CAMPUS OPINION probe for the existence of Don Juan, Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- and then verify Gunga Din, and inves- cants will, however, be regarded as tigate hundreds of other doubtful eonfidential upon request. cases. When this titanic task is finished, FORD'S STATEMENT ROLLS 1 ATTENDS ClATAxuQlA Part One: Properties necessary for attendance at Clhatauqua: Adequate bodyguard, (preferably blonde), three cases of Flit, the mosquitos' enemy, sense of humor, $1.041 (with allowance for body- guard), evening to waste. Part Two:- AChatauqua is located in a tent near the outskirts of town.. All of the persons from the sub-normal city are present, and when one is three- quarters of an hour late he has to sit toward the rear. On ,entering each customer receives his flock of mos- quitoes and program. Part Three:-- Upon entering one sees some lights at the further end of the tent. Be- hind the lights are some Russian dancers (so-called dancers). A pano is also behind the lights and one of the dancers is working, on the key- board with dire results. No one is throwing pennies. .This is educatiouna- Part Four:- Russian so-called dance act comes to close amid riots of applause and snores. Leader of Rolls' mosquito flock finds way down behind collar Rolls delegate to Chatauqua applies I coercion to first mosquito, but is de- nounced by bodyguard for brutality as mosquito perishes. Mosquitoes don't care for blondes. None of thei are gentlemen. Part Five:- GENTLEMEN ENTERS behind light spot. Rolls' bodyguad opines that it is handsome gentlemen. Rolls dis- agrees but blondes are irreparably stubborn. Gentleman commences to speak. Mosquitoes make rapid pro- gress in caravan down back of Rolls' delegate. Coercion fails. Part Six:- GENTLEMAN .SPEAKS: "Ladies and Gentlemen and the Delegate from Rolls," he says. "This is, as you may know already, a chatauqua. I hope you will all speak to us on the street. Speak to us first becausewe may not recognize you. My name is (Lost amid cheers)." (Blonde bodyguard makes notation of tele- phone number). "I like pie. In fact at Oshkosh, Indiana, where we came from, they said I was pious' (Retires amid cheers, snores and egg from Rolls delegate. Blondes always were gullible). Part Seven:- * ** MISTER WHITNEY, reader, enters light spot. Mosquitoes making rapid progress in entrenching themselves. Coercion fails. Blonde sees moth. Blond mistakes moth for bat. Rolls become hero. Blond forgets handsome announcer. Mister Whitney is still pleading with the children in the front rows to keep quiet. Children finally fall asleep froiin exhaustion. Mister Whitney proceeds. Part Eight- * * * MISTER WHITNEL making rapid proceeding. Flock of mosquitoes be- gins working on bodyguard. Coercion applied. Flock deserts blonde for more tolerant field. Blond laughs at smart remark made by Rolls. Rest of audience gives intolerant stares, Blonde is not under influence of liquor. just congenial. Blond- laughs again. Part of audience moves away. Mos- quitoes start offensive up left arm. * * * PartW ine:- MISTER WHIITNE Y RAPDY near lug close. Several persons still awake, including Rolls, but not from listening. Dramatic climax in Mister Whitney's play is reached. Handker- chiefs produced. Flit fails to deter mosquitoes. Advance guard reaches elbow. "You're a regular guy," says Mister Whitney (This is a play) "and the curtain falls on the last act." Mis- ter Whitney has audience awakened and retires amid thunderous applause. * * * Part Ten: Rolls, its bodyguard, and mosquitoes gather for exit. Bodyguard finds It' necessary to wait at door in order! that someone else from its public speaking classes will see her and ver- ify her presence. "Gentlemen Prefer Blonds' is augmented by "Professors Don't Trust Them.' No one else from public speaking class is there so Teri- fiaction fails. Rolls presents blond with seat checks for proof. Mosquitoesj make rapid progress in Wilderness campaign. Part Seven:- ROLLS ASSISTS bodyguard through fields to sidewalk. Chatauqua said to be over as crowd leaves. Mosquitoes also leave. Rolls concludes investiga- tion of Chatauqua. Rolls decides against public speaking as a. pipe courser Official report lost as body- guard occupies attention of Rolls on way home. - Saunder's Canoe Livery is open until 12 o'clock on Saturday Night There is a Full Moon Tonight! II ND Of the Season Sale 1 a o 0 0 0 0.. 9 of Summer Dresse0s We have a number of very pretty frocks that are good hot days as well as fall wear. These summer mtodels of flowered chiffons are lovelyfor the evening dance. Many of these dresses have been marked as high as $25 but are reduced to clear out our shelves for the fall season. Make this your opportun- ity to purchase one of these smart frocks. man will tide in 7What the well-dressed $ '.95 . __ ,, f 1 i l t to sity, ho dit i float down the highway with the comfort of the Twentieth Century ... Four-wheel brakes will ease you down to a smooth, quick stop without the screaming of steel or the burning of tires . . . It will dodge into the smallt of perking It will fit into your vacatio plans like a bal in a taha'asmitt -will arouse shrieks of u -peria ties from feainine lips. And why not? A saucy coupe for four-in- spiced by continentl idea---body designed by ieukh; chasti by studakec -truly a-ttle Aria. wcrrt. " Trim as an oil king's yacht -and as graceful-itrefectsEuTo- pean manners to the nth degree... Plan your summner on whel- S aE ineSpwtCoupl ON dixtiv. at all Sswddaker sMeurpss ERSKINE SIX SPORT COUPE $991. C ,cSadanS ,p; BftusssC,4v$gA E RS K/NE SIX t UT 1 'L E /ARISTO'CRAT )q -I i In this group are many printed and floweredchiffons, fresh flmny frocks for mid summer wear. We advise your immediate selection. They are such excellent valaes you'll want to purchase several. Chic, new and sumart are these frocks. Two-piece sport figures. flares, jabots, dainty lace and in- broidery trimmings. Just the clever styles you have been looking for. Coyne and be the first to choose. Second Floor ~A~f~5 222 S. Main Phone -161 ~ "That's the ticket!" ' . A A welcome summo best thing any ciga give - natural tabs our government, with its newly found To the Editor:- passioh for accuracy, might turn to Henry Ford's statement condemning the less conesquently things, and ex- capital pnishment and especially re- plain what happened to the Couzen's tax money, and whether there ever commending that Sacco and Vanzetti was any real- agitation for farm relief be not electrocuted must win the ap- or a Boulder Canyon dam. When these proval of all who consider the matter things are all done there, are literally carefully. It agrees with the opinion dozens more that the survey bureau of the entire French press which could handle. ; whether royalist or communist, wheth- After all, however, the facts about or democratic or socialist has protest- these aesthetic governmental things ed against Governor Fuller's refusal are not half as necessary as clear cold to granot another trial. Professor ,definitions of poetical occurrences. In Frankfurter of the Harvard Law literature we need facts and expect Schooi has shown that Sacco annd them, and the Wreck of the Hesperus Vanzetti are probably innocent; the certainly cannot live realistically in report of the committee appointed by _~ ;-vonrl llr chn hn iall )ns to the rette can aicco taste - . I literature if it did not actually occur. '"uovernor v un 0flsnows LnL inLau In government it is different, however, cases where they had to choose be- for such things as governments need, tween the statements of conflicting not be operated on a practical basis witnesses they prefered those who to be effective, as has been many times i were unfavorable to the accused. shown. Too much praise cannot be As Henry Ford pointed out repeat- given to the Geodetic and Coast survey jedly capital punishment is a remnant for their brilliant discovery. ; of the barbaric ages; in this particular case where the guilt is highly ques- COWBOY COOLIDGE ON HIS HORSE tionable electrouction would disgrace Calvin Coolidge, America's cowboy our nation in the eyes of the whole president, has recently descended into civilized world. the limelight once again, as he has so Francis L. Onderdonk. rarely done in the past, and this time it was by riding a horse to Keystone We are glad to read that Michigan mountain or somewhere in order to students have to take in a special give a speech while Gutzon Borglum tour of the state prison to get started a monumaent to the four great acquainted with the place. presidents of the United States (ex- cluding Mr. Coolidge). To read the papers you would think The speech wasn't brilliant enough that students would be more likely to attract attention, but Mr. Coolidge's to have to take a sightseeing tour of NIo other cigarette offers a like measure of natural qualities, naturalness of character, purity of taste, and genuine tobacco good- ness. Natural tobacco taste gives all that-and then "1 2' Chestyeld 4 j f4 /i* aand yet, they're- MILD