FOUR THE SUNIMP-7,'R N110-11GAN DAILY Z , . i.!_.e A~er...'it$iff R.Rm..xi } a EXAMINAT~ION O' D AIL Y OFFICIAL BUL'LIEIN Examinations n (101olgeo 1. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of erature, Science and the Ar t,Lu the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session neering and Architecture, andi ".,_ until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). cyanintecolsfDnitr Volume VIII lFItI1)AV AUG1,TST 1 ', I1927 Number 41 and Education will be given Wednes day, T'hursday and Friday of nex°t, Examinirtaion Schedule: week. They will last two hours. The xamnatonsto e gvenat he los oftheeigt weksSesion Seven o'clock classes will meet for' The exaintritoaeivrdacetthe wsc heue itweeonspaesioexamination Wednesdlay from 2-4: ill be conducted io'sriockscofrome 4-6;te 9choulelocnte on pge 3 Of the Announcement of the Summer Session. Tusa -0 0ocok -;1 Edwad hl.,Itaus" o'clocks Friday, 3-10; 1 o'ciocks 10 - a^ _ . _ 1. j - < ..v. .u e srr rrr rr i isargain AMiscellaneous Lot of Box Stationery at lOc ® 25c College 'of 1Literature, Science, and the Arts: l All Students wishing to have their reco~rds transferred t~o any schoolt or college oan this campus or elsewhiere should leave their nallnes in the Recorder's Office, Room 4, University Hall, sometime this week. Florence Mohir, Recorder. ( The Class in Short-Story IWriting: Mr. George Pierrot, Editor of the American Boy, will speak to the class hi Short-story Writing at 9 o'clock this morning, Room 225, Angell Hall. Students interested are invited to attend. I~hiC.e1l. Thorpa. PiDeaKap:Remember the steak fy at the Lake Saturday, August 13. Meet, at Tappan Hall at 3:15 sharp. Bring your car if possible. W. W-laggard, President. rhO All Students Hlaving Library Books: 1. Students having in their possession hooks drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 15, before{ th1e impending examinations.4 2. Students who have special needs for certain books between August 15 and August 22 may retain zuch hooks for that period by application t1o the Office of the Superintendent of Circulation on or before August 15. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Wednesday, August 17, will be sent to the Recorder's Office, where their credits will he held up until such time as said records are cleared, in compliance with the reg~ulations of the Regents. W. IV. Bishop, Librarian. NEWS BRIEFS CLASSIFIED ADS. (B soitPes ETROIT, Aug. 11.-The famous i 1'OlR RENT\'--Three room completely flying team of "We"-Col. Charles A. 1Uiih~ apartment, available im- Lindbergh and his "Spirit of St.! iiediately. For young couple, teach- Louis"-made additional aviation his- e °s, nurses or business girls. Phone tory today. They persuaded Henry ! 54 422 E. Washington. 39, 40, 41 Ford and his son, Edsel, to make their t LOST-Sunday. ____horn___rimmed______ first flight. Visibly well-pleased by ;anes in or near Arcade Theater. their experience, both the motor king l Notify Miss Healy, 9837. 41 and his son then took a second ride --- in one of their own tri-motored all- F01RSALE-_-Ford Roadster, 1924, for metal planes, while Lindbergh alter-$ sale. Call 8974 41 hated at the controls with Harry I FRRN -laatsemHae Brooks, chief Ford pilot. ,IFRRN1-laatsemhae Ireom for coming school year. Reas- 12; 2 o'clocks Thursday 10-12; 4 o'clocks 2-4; 4 o'clocks Friday 2-4:' - and irregular classes Fr'iday 4i k - ~ __ _ _ ~ W- T_ UNI!VERSITY Waki~ BOOK STORE . .. .. .w.... Never a waver in the Edgeworth A: ' '. .§, flavor ': f* ' l , t 't 1. I- l~maiixing' 4 glil ARE~ IT PAYS TO INSIST ON ARROWS ARROW BROADCLOTH, SHIRTS WITH COLLARS ATTACHED OF IMPORTED ENGLISH BROADCLOTH OF PER- MANENT LUSTER AND GREAT DURABILITY CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. INC MAKERS 1. .,. PARK i 1 r : 'N f BAY CITY, Aug. 11.-Forty-one farmers of the Saginaw valley and Thumb districs are trying out fiveE acres of Hardigan alfalfa as a, seed crop, as a result of the alfal_:1 t'--rLe a y1ear". On several Vo, etaoin slirdlu ,e Eastern part of Michigan this year. 0n several of the farms~, alfalfa has beeni a good hay crop io ieas The farmis are located in aMd land,. Sagina-w, Isabella andGrto counties. onaly priced. Phone 5035. 411 FOR RENT-Upper duplex five rooms, bath, sleeping porch; garage if -de- sired. 905 orest Ave. Phone 6137. 41, 41, 43 NOC IC' --Driving North After School? NVill gladly share expenses, furnish eoii'ipmy, and help drive. Home nerCheyboygan., Phone or write 1. 3 and I will see you personal- lv. 41, 42, 43. r ri._ ,ns y.: u.=, ._si __ __ n r .... MA OBSONand Today and Tomorro' PHYLLIS HAVER lltenaerSao /A( L~r AptizeN oJ~untfIrq ..e...,, . fed up food advice. ;. ~bothersome1 But you actu. - f enjoy sense ing by just rt oneimeal W L meal, every Y . Shredded 6 )W Subscribe For The WEEKLY MICHIGAN - : .- .: : e q ' r '' rr ' "VI ^ y. . 6 . _ ,1t ¢ e t - r,