THEIF SUMMER. MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGIUST 11, 1927 1 , 17 .f 'ti+/ V iTi1P A. .4 ..Ri 4 Ta.a va ,aa va f . l.+a as rs r x .rs:9Y'::'.-fxresiy: b's-r.+ -xIRU', _; ,. i...a.. ailwl i [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until Z:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday). Volume VII THURlSD)AY,-AUiGUST 149 91.7 umber 40 ExaniiiatloiiSchedule: The examinations to be given at the close of the eight weeks Session will be conducted in strict accordance with the schedule printed on page 33 of the Announcement of the Summer Session. Edward H. Kraus. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: All Students wishing to have their records transferred to any school or college on this campus or elsewhere should leave their namies in the Recorder's Ofrice, Room 4, University Hall, sometime this week. Florence 3ohr, Recorder. Exhibit of Library Extension Service: There will be an exhibit of University of Michigan Library Extension Service material in Room 112 of the University High School on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. The exhibition will feature current pamphlet material of special interest to executives, teachers in secondary schools, with special reference to administrative problems, the teaching of English, economics, the social sciences, public speaking, and dramatics. All of this material may be borrowed during the year free of charge by any Michigan citizens. There will be on exhibition also a collection of juvenile classics in -beautiful editions. Raleigh Selorlin. CORNELL HOLDS SOVIET CALLS CONFERENCE RESERCH TUDYWASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-Although One of the few laboratories for the Soviet Russia never has been recog- study of conditioned reflexes outside nine I by the Washington government, of, Pavlov's laboratory in Russia, is it has been successful in having an one_ which was established at Cornell international conference called to university in 1924. which the United States has named This laboratory is supported finan-j two official representatives. cdally by the Hecksher Foundation,I The conference, on international by the Sage Foundation, and by regu- air mail, will be convened at the lar appropriations from Cornell un- Hague September 1 by the Universal versity. Dr. Howard S. Liddell, '17, Postal union. W. Irving Glover, who received his MA. in psychology second assistant postmaster-general, in 1918, and Professor Thomas L.j and R. Eugene White, superintendent Bayne, who is teaching psychology of foreign mail, will attend on instru- in the School of Education this sum- Ition of Postmaster-general New. mer, are in charge of the laboratory.jf Dr. Liddell and Prof. Bayne have as OPERA GOERS VEXED their field of special research, the I___R "motor" conditioned reflexes in sheep. ( (y Associated Press) A description of the laboratory at BERLIN .-A public demonstration Cornell has appeared in the American agaist the hitherto very popular Journal of Psychology, July, 1926, Metropolitan Opera baritone, Michael and the preliminary experimental Bohen, was evoked by that artist's work has been reported in an article abrupt refusal to sing the title role entitled the "Auditory Conditioned in the scheduled "Don Giovanni" per- Reflexes in the Throdectoiizedj formance. Sheep and Goat," in the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Bo-1 for the use of English-speaking scien- logy and Medicine, 1927, and in an tits. abstract found in the American Jlour h practical importance of this nal of Physiology, 1927. work in the diagnosis of human be- By means of a grant from the Heckc- havior and nervous diseases is in- ,shier Foundation in 1926, Dr. Liddelll dicated in a recent article by Dr. N. was enabled to visit Pavlov's labora- I. Krasnogarski in the American tory at Leningrad and to study squip- Journal of Diseases of Children, De- ment and method at first and. He cember, 1925. The title of the article also brought back valuable publica- is, "The Conditioned Reflexes and tions which will soon be published: Children's Neuroses." CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST-.-Pair shellrimmeid glases Thursday afternoon on South Uni- versity. Please notify Miss Hoff- man, 22217. 33, 30, 40 FOR RENT-Three room completely furnished apartment, available imi- miediately. For young couple, teach- ers, nurses or basiness girls. Phonie 8544. 422 E. Washington. 39, 40, 4:1 Subscribe For The - .. - r y s.. YY:Qi Y Z k ery t~arains A Miscellaneous Lot of Box Stationery at 10c - 25c - 451e aiiiS BOO K STO RE .... ~- - . C pzv.) r .,y,. ; , a ; k ' yr r 11 " tilln lo i~o~ai] >,w c c , Shop" 11 ItOs SO. I Cm* A.rcl . i I Those whto appecat goodfood Eland lpleasant envionmet tae their i 7 i 11' nI TZ ~E U Ai I lI'7 R I !!'i r H yam: _._' -~ + +, -= ;; , POMFRETAn) ,ARROW CS HJRT ARROW COLLAR onmit CAREFULLY MADE of a TRUE ENGLISH BROADCLOTH AT YOUR DEALERS Subscribe For LTh 1e hI iln WeeklIN MAY OBSO andSTARTING S HAVERTODAY , PHYLLIS HAVER(4'et eao /A(Appeiz N EJUtftI4!9 C u keith Ifealineri Ilerbcrt Cliftoni preseluts his "TFRAY ESTiES OF T 'l WAKER SEX" WITH HAKRISON FORD and FRANKLIN PANGBORN Take, your Choice ',\ \\~ Rich Mack and Gold, i11re Mack.tipped hLacquer-red, or Parker Duofold is made in all 3 effects Those who like green 1de will aore \\\ \\it s eas~y to decide which jade to0 bay. For here, in the Parker Duos.Id, this popular { Colo: 1:3 '?'comb~lination with trimlack I ~Ti ps-i 3us-; smart and cl ective, 11, I with the Ink-Tight 'Duo-'3!e:ve Cap and Farm!A of Nn-rca_ 'Zable Permanite. The f en with the Point that's guaranteed 25 years, not only for mechanical perfection cl but fJor wear! So don'~t conf use Parker Duofol4 with e..her tc:3 that are simiar in color only. i Lcok for the imnprint of master craftsman- ' ' +I 1i1ship-- Gei.o. S. Parker---DUOFOLD." , tuckq Coee q and zgYear Point Over-size Duofold Pene, $7. Dis4:r2ofold Jr. or Lady O d$5. Pencils to match $3, $3.50 and $4, C - . ng to size. All good dealers have them. TH AK7 P ,)/PNY AEVL._WG~~1 SBEN 'TI I{PIN r Ir c THE JOLLYE JILTER = Also SMichigan Lacails= =Today's NewsE =Arcade ReviewE 64 I/ all a l ike will ALSO about fior days. Hal Roach presentst SLIPPERY WITES Varamount Ne-ws Orchetra Gt SO e 'oq- Our WIEA'TEST TRIPI'EF FA1TItE BULL - - "Frandng Yoa tl"-"Rohled Stowlkhigs"-:Cook aid Otmni A etrfOlW3Ifl. n piec'ruiu R.. r Sunday-"DANCE MAGIC" With Ben Lyon