TODAY'S EVENTS 5:00--Lecture, "Puritans and Pilgrim Fathers." 4MEMBER 8 :0,-One-Act Plays: Sarah A [EUI Caswell Angell hal. 1* SOCIATED 8:15--Visior'er-ighs 3 bIeI PRESS VOL. VIII, No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS CHICAGO SCHOOL HEAD ADDRESSES TEACHERS AT ANNUAL BANGUET McANDREW THINKS TEACHERS NOT ENOUGH INTERESTED IN THEIR WORK CLASS PRESENTS ONE-ACT PLAYS By Miriam Mitchell The combination of an able direc- tor and willing amateurs is bound to have good results. Lionel Crocker has worked with his class in "Pre- sentation of One-Act Plays" so that the finished product in the form of the presentation of three plays is al- together delightful. "Cinderella Mar- ried," "Another Way Out," and "The, Pot-Boilers" were given in the LOOKS-FORBETTER WORK Sujerintendent Thinks More Teachers Are Finding Out What They Want To Do And How To Do It r Urging that administrative officials should take a more active interest in the academic activities of their schools, William McAndrew, '86, sup- erintendent of the Chicago public schools, last night deliveredan ad- dress on "The Man With Folded Arms" at the annual banquet of the Men's and Women's Educational clubs of the School of Education at the Union. Mr. McAndrew said that in the past university professors almost invari- ably considered the organization of their classes to be their main business and after this was done folded their arms and let affairs run on. their own momentum. "During my freshman year," he said, "75 per cent of my work was wasted time while only 25 per cent was worthwhile, and this because I had a good professor." This one man was a professor of Latin who impressed his students with he living qualities of his subject." Mr. McAndrew feels that far too many professors present their material as a sort of literary hash, making even the best seem dull and dead. Now, though, he thinks that superintendents are being found who are able to pick men likt his old Latin professor who are able to make their subjects in- teresting and useful to their pupils. "I could have learned what I learned in college in six months in the business world," said Mr. McAn- drew. Students, he thinks, prepare their lessons only when they think' they will be called on to recite. Work should be more carefully supervised and what is accomplished should be better recorded so that only that w ch is of greatest value will be g ven.t i But Mr. McAndrew is optimistic for the future. "More and more," he con- cluded, "the teachers are knowing what they want to do and how to do It." BASEBALL SCORES (By Associated Press)1 American League Detroit-Boston, rain. Washington, 4; Cleveland, 2. Philadelphia,8; New York, 1. Chicago-St. Louis, not scheduled. National Leaguet Pittsburgh, 7; New York, 6. Chicago, 2-4; Brooklyn, 0-5. Pnly games scheduled. MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS t American League1 W L Pct. New York.............76 32 .7041 Washington ............64 41 .610 Detroit................55 47 .539 Athletics ...............56 50 .528 Chicago ................52 56 .481 1 Cleveland..............44 63 .4111 St. Louis..............41 63 .3941 Boston.................34 70 .327 National Leaguet W L Pct. Chicago. ....... ........65- 40 .6191 Pittsburgh.............61 43 .592 St. Louis ...............59 45 .567 New York..............57 50 .533 Cincinnati..............49 56 .467 Brooklyn ...............47 60 .439 Boston ...............38 60 .388 Phillies ...... ......39 62 .386 t t -ct l. -Fredlcts that It will be iair and Brighton theater at Brighton last night to an appreciative audience. Although these plays do not have the ultra-finish of professional produ- tions, yet they evidence the interest and understanding of those who take part in them, and after all the true interpretation of a piece of literature can onlyl come through self-identi- fication with the eperiences portray- ed in the play or poem. It is the directness and sympathy which comes through this identification which so appeals to an audience, and makes a play a success. In this laboratory course in play presentation, these things have been considered primarily, and their worth was undoubtedly evidenced in the performance last night. Miss LaNola Fox makes an ideal Cinderella, and her stage experience added a great deal to the plays, but others, particu- larly Dan huff as director in "Pot- Boilers," Alfred Foster, as the ter- rible villain, Henry Moser, the old man, and Madeline Brumbaugh gave some good bits of acting. These same plays will be present- ed in Sarah Caswell Angell hall this evening at 8 o'clock, and promise to be even better than last night. Tick- ets can be secured at the bookstores for 50 cents. Costumes for both performances are furnished by Mack and Co. MISSISSIPPI DISTRICT' THREATENED BYIFLOOD' Arkansas City Endangered By Tur- bulent Streanis Continually In- creased By Heavy Rains j GOVERNORS IN MEETING (By Associated Press) LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Aug, 9.-Out of the mu'rk and the mud and the water, less than a month after be- ing submerged for three months by three successive floods, Arkansas city; was threatened tonight with a fourth deluge by the end of the week. Heavy rains Monday and Monday night sent the turbulent streams to-9 ward flood height again today and through the broken lengths in theI chain of levees a new inundation wasi spreading over Desha and Chicot, counties. Already made virtually barren by the previous highwaters, the crop loss will be slight and the relief problem will no be great. In these two southeastern Arkansas counties are concentrated all of the 25,000 per- sons still being cared for by relief agencies. Governors of Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisana were to meet in New Orleans tomorrow with the chairmen of the reconstruction committees for, the three states to consider a definite plan of flood control legislation to be asked of Congress this winter. The1 meeting is a result of a recent con- ference held here at the call of Gov. T. E. Martineau. UNITED STATES NAV WILL BEGIN BUiLDING COOLIDGE AND WILBUR MAKE ANNOUNCEMENT AFTER CONFERENCE PLAN NOTREVEALED Active Arangements On Enlargement Have Been Delayed By Geneva Conference (By Associated Press) RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 9.-The United States will move forward im- mediately to meet a naval program described as moderate, it was de- cided today by President Coolidge and Secretary Wilbur after surveying the consequences of the failure of the Geneva Naval Limitations confer- ence. Work will be hastened for the com- pletion of the eight additional cruisers already authorized by Congress. The program of the general board for future ship building was accepted at the conference. Just what is the plan of the general board was not revealed. Mr. Cool- idge considers it moderate and ade- quate for defense purposes. The secretary declined to discuss it, but it is understood from Washington that it calls for the construction of twelve more 10,000-ton cruisers in addition to the eight. Within three years Mr. Wilbur hopes to have the eight cruisers on the seas. Keels for two already have been laid. Plans for the other five have been drafted, but it so happened that work had not been commenced pending the Geneva parley. These eight cruisers included three for which Congress insisted on appro- priating money over the wishes of President Coolidge and the budget. It was emphasized at the executive offices that this country already had a naval program on present condi- tions, It was hoped that something in the way of disarmament could be t accomplished at a conference. The President is still hopeful of futurel disarmament but pending that he realizes the present program must be carried through. It also was restated today that the President will carry through the avia- tion program outlined by his special commission in 1925. The secretary said this would give the navy almost a -thousand planes within five years. However, work was called off today on plans for construction of the gi- gantic lighter-than-air ship author- ized by the last Congress. Mr. Wil- bur reported that the only firm which had submitted acceptable plans was insisting upon a cost plus fixed price contract to which he objected. He said he would ask Congress to pass on this before going ahead with new ships which would be three times as large as the Los Angeles and would cost about $4,500,000.f 144 ENROLLED IN HEALTH INSTITUTE Statistics from the Summer Session Health Institute show a total enroll- ment, for the six institutes, of 144. The lowest attendance at a single in-I stitute was at the first with 36 pres- ent; the highest attendance was atl the second with 53 present.I An analysis of the statistics re-! veals that of the total enrolled 93 attended but one institute; 11 at- tended 2, 18 attended 3, 3 attended 4, 5 attended 5, and 14 attended all' 6. A further analysis shows that the enrollment represents 15 different professions; nurses had the largest representation with 100 enrolled; there were also on the roster a doctor a statistician, a bacteriologist, a sanitary engineer, a food inspector, and a laboratorian. There were 20 cities represented, according to a geographical ana- Cabinet Splits C14URC-ILL A delicate situation has arisen im England, due to ,the departure of Prime Minister Baldwin to accom- pany the Prince of Wales on his Canadian trip. It was at first an- nounced that the Farl of Balfour, lord president of the council, would be head of the government during the prime minister's absence. Then plans were changed and official announce- ments stated Sir Austen Chamberlain, foreign minister, was to be acting prime minister while Winston Churchill, Chancellor of the ex- chequer, was delegated leader of the lower house. Since Churchill and Chamberlain both are desirous of succeeding him, Baldwin, eager to avoid trouble, chose Sir Austen, lead- er of the moderate wing of the con- servatives while Churchill become's idol of the die-hards. NEWSBRIEFS (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9.-The latest models in transoceanic air- planes glistened in the sun over San Francisco bay today piloted in trial flights by 7 of the 13 entrants in the Hawaiian aerial derby for prizes ag- gregating $35,000. They sailed the skies while ap- praising eyes of federal inspectors judged the work of the planes and their occupants before facing the starter's flag which will send them down the airways toward Honolulu Friday at noon. PARIS, Aug. 9.-A downpour of rainlike that of the anxious night when Com. Richard E. Byrd was awaited, soaked LeBourget today, holding up last-minute preparations for the four planes now being groom- ed for the long hop across the At- lantic. The rain made test flights impos- sible for two of the transatlantic planes which are not yet quite ready and somewhat depressed the spirits of the French pilots, Maurice Drouhin of the Columbia and Leon Gizon of the Bluebird, who are both eager and ready to take the air. WASHINGTON, Aug. 9.-Leonard Wood, soldier and executive, is bivouaced tonight with nation's dead in Arlington National cemetery. With all the honors a grateful gay- NEW WEEKLY WILL APPEARIN FALL Those not in attendance at the Uni- versity during the regular session next tall, wno are interested in the events occurring on the campus, will have an opportunity to follow them in the Michigan Weekly, a new pub- lication which is to be started this 1 fall. The Weewly will consist of re- prints from The Daily, selected from each department of the daily paper. Choice of material to be published in The Weekly will be mae by Charles E. Behymer, '28, formerly a night editor of The Daily, who has been appointed as Managing Editor of the new publication. The leading news articles of the week, the out- standing editorials, musical and dra- matic criticisms, women's notes, sports stories, and features will be printed. The Weekly will appear on Monday, so that it will form a com- plet.- digest of the wrk. including the Sunday Daily. While the pape wll be vublished chiefly for the parent of students. it will furnish for anyone a concrete account of the campus events. The first isue will appear on Monlay, Sept. 26. Order for subscriptions, either for The Weekly alone, or for The Daily to be delivered in 'Ann Ar- bor, and The Weewly to be mailed in a combined subscription, will be received at the offices in the Press building on Maynard street. GOODRICH DISCUSSES GROWTH OF LIMBRAIES Professor States That West Has Gained In Number Of Volumes And Now Equals East LECTURE IS ILLUSTRATED "It is the belief of the librarians that the library is an index to the co-R munity," stated Prof. Francis L. D. Goodrich, associate librarian, in his illustrated lecture, "The Westward Expansion of Libraries," which was delivered yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Goodrich stated that pro- vision was made in the state constitu- tion when Michigan was admitted to the union for public libraries. Fifty years ago there were but few libraries west of the Allegany mountains. To-- day, the east still leads though not by such a large margin as before. There are as many volumes in West- ern colleges as in Eastern schools, and as many in Illinois as in Penn- sylvania. "This shows a steady westward trend," said the Professor. Professor Goodrich showed slides and described the large libraries of the country, beginning with the Cleve- land public library, built in 1867, and one of the largest in the United States. Pictures of the Detroit public lib- rary were shown, and also tle branch at Grosse Pointe, upon which Pro-' fessor Goodrich made special re- marks. The Highland Park Library, the Chicago library, and the libraries at the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin were dis- cussed, LEAGUE TO GIVE TEA The Women's League of the Uni- versity will give a tea from 4 to 5:30 this afternoon in the parlors of Bar- bour gymnasium. All women are in- vited to attend. years of distinguished service the former chief-of-staff of the Army and governor-general of the Philippines was buried today on a knoll in the section set aside for the "Rough Riders" whom he commanded at San Juan Hill, and El Caney in the stir- ring days of '98. SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y., Aug. 9.- William T. Tilden and Rene LaCoste,. probable finalists in the 44th= annual invitation tournament which started here today reached the third round. LaCoste defeated three opponents in straight sets, but Tilden was extend- ed to the limit by John Von Rind of East Orange, N. J., national intercol- legiate doubles champion, in a seven- fF0 RD1FVORS GIVING SACCO AND VANETTI 1NEW CHANCE FOR LIFE DOOMED MEN LOSE IN APPEAL TO JUDGE THAYER FOR ANOTHER DELAY FATE RESTSWITH FULLER Detroit Mianufacturer Says That He Is Opposed To Capitall t1hiiiisl. ment In Any Case (By Associated Press) BULLETIN BOSTON, Aug. 9.-The possibility of a new respite for Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti loomed large to- night when Gov. Alvan T. Fuller an- nounced that lie ha "taken under advisement" the plea of attorney Ar. thur 1). Hill, of defense counsel, for a furtl: r stay of execution. At the same time it was announced from the state house that the regular meeting of the governor's executive counsel, which had been set for Thursday, had - been advanced to to- inorrow. If a new respite is granted, the governor must act "by and with tha advice of his co'ulsel and the hastening of the counsel meeting gava rise to the beclef that the new plea for the further respite will be given eaueful coinsideration. DETROIT, Aug. 9.-Henry Ford to- day expressed again his opposition to capital punishment as he discussed the case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolemeo Vanzetti. "I do not know much about the court record of the case," Mr. Ford said. "If there is any doubt about the fairness of their trial they should be given a new trial, but in zany event they should not be killed. We cannot approve the state's doing what we would not do ourselves. Killing of human beings is always an act of vengeance. I can't see it any other way. I don't believe in it. "The country and the capitalists who are charged by sympathizers o these men with responsibility for the killing system would be far better off if the culprits were not subjected to the death penalty. Besides there is always the possibility that the con- denmed man is not guilty. Human judgment ma ybe perfectly sincere and still be mistaken. Killing of human beings by the state cuts off any pos- sibility of righting a mistaken judg- inent. "I believe Sacco and Vanzetti should not be executed. The sen- tence of death could be revoked with- out the verdict of guilty being an- nulled, and this would give opportuni- ty to weigh new evidence that may appear in the men's favor. Provided the man is guilty, imprisonment pro- judgment may be perfectly sincere and time a chance to turn up new evi- dence and right a great wrong." With Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti doomed to execution tomor- row morning, demonstrations by their sympathizers yesterday worked up toward last minute efforts in their behalf. Judge Webster Thayer, trial judge, and now superior court judge, yester- day refused to stay or revoke sen- tence. An appealwassmade to the full bench of the state supreme court from a decision refusing a writ of er- ror. Action on the appeal is ex- pected today. Meantime violence or attempted violence was reported in cities throughout the world. In London a bomb exploded in a subway, but lit- tle damage was done and police con- cluded it was set off by a practical joker. In Chicago police laid the bombing of a Catholic church to Italian Sacco- Vanzetti sympathizers and an unex- pected bomb was found in a building next to a subpostoffice. Boston po- lice began investigation of the report of caches of explosives near the city. At Rapid City it was reiterated ii behalf of President Coolidge that he STUDENT INJURED WHEN HT BY CAR Suffering a broken collarbone and posible fracture of the skull at the base of the brain, when he was struck down by a Ford touring car last night, Edward Finch, '29, was taken to University hospital. According to the police Finch and Miss M. L. Waite were attempting to cross Washtenaw avenue at South Univer- sity when the car, driven by Alfred LeCureux, Ypsilanti, knocked down Finch. Miss Waite was uninjured. Hospital officials tonight said that lysis. The city that had the largest number registered was Detroit. There also were nine states represented. The number of men attending the in- stitutes was 22, the number of con e