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August 09, 1927 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-09

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y of the West Wind Lending l big town.

The American
for a glori(
~alow-cot t

he Absolute at Large," by Karel#
k. New York: Macmillan, 1927.
e shall have to admit that we are
familiar with Mr. Capek's previous
k or fame, so we shall play safe
not praise him overly- much,.
le "The Aboslute at Large" is.
sing, its author lacks the prophe-
ad satiric qualities necessary in
st-rate writer of this kind.
he story is about the world as Ca-
thinks it will be in 20 years. With
invention of the karburator, a de-
for splitting up atoms and thus,
ucing unlimited sources of power,
ntheistic God also comes into ex-
ice whose presence is felt wher-
these engines are used. His ef-,
is to make people deeply religious'
even fanatical, and when He be-
es so efficient that he not, only
ishes power buttdoes all the man-
turfing as well ther4 is nothing
for the people'of the cities to do.
I unlimited supply, manufactured
Is become valueless, but since
e is no system of distribution for
eless goods the people are worse
Lan in the ordinary economic order.
.lly the world is plunged into re-
us strife which leads to the worst
s ever known, and in turn leads,
ie case of one reader at least, to
ting the book with a snap.
e author is very clever, but not
e clever enough. His scientific
Nledge is superficial and his pro-
on into tli-e future not quite imag-;
ve enough, perhaps, to make it as
resting as the possibilities would
to permit. However, toward the
lie and a little past that point the.
mntic story is very skilfully hand-
and if the author could have kept
pelf at this level. for longer
ches, thebook would have been
good reading indeed instead of
ly passable for the most part.
ie book is short, easy to read
quite possibly, may interest
y readers who are looking for
rimer" reading; the translation is
natically good, Capek evidently
g a Czecho-Slovak.
R. W. R.
ple Round the Corner." by Thyra
ter Winslow. New York: Alfred
Knopf. 1927. $2.50.
Uis is a collection of Mrs. Wins-
s short-stories, first published in
iverse magazines as the "Century''
the i"Red Book." We think you
tell which came from which. The
es are mostly about small town,,
le class people, although there are
w about small town people, in the

These pictures of the "People Round
the Corner" are true enough no doubt,
but the author lacks sympathy with
her characters. We see the people in
her stories, career-hunting, husband-
hunting, adventure-hunting girls most-
ly pretty but untalented, through un-r
pitying eyes though they nearly always
lose their careers, their men and their
thrills. Many of the stories are melo-
dramatic, and we will confess that we
liked them. There is, for example,
"The Pier Glass," in ;which 'a young
wife's reflection so pleases herythat
she is almost unfaithful to her hus-
band in her searrch for pleasure.
When she breaks the mirror the spell
is broken and she becomes once more
the dutiful wife.
The quality of the stories is very even,
in fact, none of the stories are brill-
iant, but all are good. They are rather
long and written objectively. "When
We Get in With Nice People" and
"Ambition" are perhaps the best of the
lot, although none rises far above the
others. "Her Own Room" is the story
of an old woman who lived with her
married son. She does not have a
room of her own, but she manages to
get her unattractive granddaughter
married. After she has taken the long-
coveted room the bridal pair return
from their honeymoon and tecide to
live with the bride's parents. This old
woman is one of the few characters in
the book for whom Mrs. Winslow
seems to have any sympathy.
"Hattie," the story of a regenerate
maid, "Ambition," the story of an un-
talented small-town girl who seeks
histrionic fame, "A Boy's Best
Friend," and "Waldie'' are some of th-e
better stories in the book.
(Vy Associated Press)
TASHKENT, U. S. S. R.--The latini-
zation of the Moslem alphabet in So-
viet Republics of Central Asia is,
-pJogfnE uelsi.oa o4 uxeouoo 2ulsnna
ties. They fear that as a result
young Persians will fall below the
cultural level of their neighbors.
It takes, not less than ten years
for a Persian youth attending a
"medresse," or native school, to mas-
ter the complicated eastern alphabet
and' learn to read and write properly.
Persian authorities are said to have
applied to the Tashkent Soviet of-
ficials for particulars of their new
system in order to avail themselves
of it in a proposed reform of Per-
sian educational institutions.



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$70 and u p, round trip
IT DOWN and plan your vacation trip
to Europe, NOW. Tourist Third Cabin
costs astonishingly little-little, if any,
more than a vacation spent at home.
Last year thousands of students trav-
eled by the United States Lines ships and
this year will certainly show a further big increase in
bookings. For these ships are your ships, owned and
operated by the United States Government to give
you the highest standard of service demanded by
Americans. Clean, airy staterooms, inviting public
rooms, the best of food, exclusive deck space and
daily concerts all contribute to a delightful voyage.
Get all the facts now from your local steamship
agent, or write to the address below for complete
illustrated literature. Make reservations well in

check t (LOT'I SHIRTS

Men's Fancy Shirts, coll
tached, stripe, plaid and,
percale. Full cut center.
pearl button coat style.
3 for $2.65


Just received a new shipment
of well tailored white shirts,
highly mercerized. Pearl but-
ton front, collar and band at-
tached. Good quality,

The United States Lines operate the LEVIATHAN,
from New York to Cobh, Plymouth, Cherbourg,
Southampto Bremen.

Light weight French flannel
;hirts. Fine for that vacation
trip. T)o not fail to buy one.


$.50 Value
Reduced to $2.79

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United States Li



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Phone 4161

Read The Daily "Classified" Columns

To all men who make a
hobby of pipes

_ D u J


\ ''
<^ +} l
l/tV 1 ,T
I i

ET it all. Don't miss
any of it, the dizzy
lights and party-colored
frocks; stepping to the
frenzied blare of saxo-
phones; senses tingling
with being alive and in
the midst of it all. And
next day-instructors who
are likable but exacting.

MAYBE you've spent half your life and
fortune on this old hobby-collecting
everything from peace-pipes down to the
latest "L and Maria" underslung. M aybe
you know the pipe encyclopedia from
amber Americanus to Zub zuagd.
But if you're a pipe smoker, you learned
long ago that no matter how much a
man may know about trick pipes and
pipe tricks what he gets out of any pipe
depends on what he puts in it.
And if you know your tobaccos, you
know that any pipe's a sweeter smoke
when packed with grand and glorious
old Granger Rough Cut... The finest
Burley that grows, mellowed Wellman's
way and specially cut for pipes... .
A man may have a hundred pipes but
he needs only one tobacco... and that''
Granger. For whether you put it in a
meerschaum or a corn-cob, Granger is al-
ways the .same cool, sweet tobacco....
worthy of any pipe in the world.

This Pen Must
Stay In Perfect Order
or we make it good without charge
The custom of sending Gifts to Graduates has
now been extended by general accord to include
those in the lowerclasses who have manifested suffi-
cient industry to pass their final exams.
To know what to give, one needs but observe the
students' own expressions of preference for the Parker
,DuofoldPen and Pencil.
To have earned the favor of the younger generation
is our reward for serving it with studied personal in-
terest. We havelifted the frowns from student brows
[among others] by giving the world a writing pair that
are inspirations to work with and beauties to possess.
All those in favor of owning, or giving the finest
- whether for Graduation, Birthday or Wedding
Gifts, or for prizes at Bridge or Golf-will signify by
stepping in to the nearest Parker pen counter. The
first thing to look for is the imprint,"Geo. S. Parker,"
on the barrels. Then nobody will be disappointed.
Parker DuofoU Pencils to match the Pens:
Ludy Duofold,$3; Owr-size Jr., $3.50; "Big Brother" Over.size, $4


To get the most out of college you must be
full of vitality, must have every- nerve and
muscle working full time. Right food is the
key to it. The Shredded Wheat habit will
help you to make mind and body alert and
throw off the poisons that bring sluggish-
ness. You'll like it, too. It's appetizing
eaten half a hundred ways; smothered in
fruit and cream or toasted with butter
and hot milk are just two of them.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.


nd vac-
r ty five
nled in
n cents.°

The half-pgur
cents, the foil
package, seal
glassine, is ter.

Red and Black
Color C ombiamou
Reg. Trade Mark
U. B.Pat. Ofaick

for pipes o


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