1jr #'ummtr 00-Lecture by McAndrew 00-Lecture, Prof.1 Good- dsch.u s vW--Educational banquets l~r-Visit to Ohservatory.> £frp i43ait.j MEMBER ASSOCIATEi PRESS [I, No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1927 PRICE FIVE C ARD ILLUST RA TES ERENCES BETWEEN ILLS AND UMANS LA0GIST COMPARES 1SAL AND HUMAN BEHlAVIOR ANI-, NTRASTS TWO GROUPS cribes Method Used In Experiment pith Rats; States That Rodents Must Be Tanied First low Animals and People Learn" the title of the lecture delivered; Prof. John " F. Shepard, of the chology department,. yesterday af- oon in Natural Science audito- /r i.i. r. Shepard spoke particularly of; experiments conducted by the iartment and: the results whihh e brought forth. He stated that discover what associations an aal will make, how and how much ill learn, and what certain char- risties it will develop, the best, ce is a maze such as occurs in rent public amusement parks. he University snails, ants, rats, and humans were used~ as sub-' CROCKER'S CLASS WILL GIVE PLAYS Three plays will be 'presented to- morrow evening inbSarah Caswell Angell hail , by Lionel Crocker's class in "Presentation of One-Act Plays. "Cinderella Married," deals with her disillusionment after her marriage to the Prince Charming who was not quite so charming. "Another Way Out" is a clever play depicting the companionate mariage of a couple who were willing to face the jeers of the neighobrs who saw noth- ing but ill in their lives. The third of the group is "The Pot-Boilers." This play reveals the secrets of play direction, the trials and tribulations of the director, and the feeling, good and otherwise of the actors in re- hearsal. We hardly know which de- serves the most sympathy. Miss LaNola Fox, professional and teacher of dramatics in Grand Rapids,, will take the leading role in two of the plays. Other parts will be taken by the members of the class.- Tickets for the Ann Arbor perform- ances are 50 cents and on sale at the bookstores. ,I NTERNATIONAL BRIDGE DEDICAED TOPEACE, PARTY' LEADER VISITS COOLDGE SE[ES CLOSEi RACE, FORNOMINATION THINKS COOLIDGE WITHDRAWAL, WILL MAKE 1928 RACE "NECK AND NECK" UNWILLING TO COMMENT First Leader To Visit Coolidge Since His Statement Thinks He Means What He Says Former Instructor Honored By Annual Memorial Lectures. (By Special Correspondent) The memory of E. D. Campbell, who, though totally blind, taught chemistry at the University of Michi- gan for nearly a quarter. of a cen- tury, is. kept alive by the American Society for Steel Treating through its annual Campbell Memorial Lec- ture which this year will be delivered Wednesday, September 21, during the annual convention in Detroit, Septem- ber 19-23 inclusive. The board of directors of the so- ciety have chosen as the second lec- turer to honor the noted teacher and (By Associated Press) RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 8.-From the first of the Republican national leaders to visit the summer white house since President Coolidge issu- ed his note disclaiming another term, the impression was gleaned today that the race for the party's nomina- tion is at present a neck and neck. affair between a group which, how- ever, does not include the President. Completing a week-end, visit at the game lodge during which he had de- dlined to comment, William V. Hodges, treasurer of the Republican national committee finally spoke of the party prospects, but eventhen in such care- fully guarded phrases that it was dif- ficult to determine just what he thought of the President's terse state- nent of his intentions in 1928. "As a party man," he said, "I be- lieve the party has been made strong- er under the leadership of President Coolidge and it will be able to meet the task of selecting a nominee and COUNTRY MOURNS SOLDIER'S DEA TH Pf~AIFT A F[IRST APPEAL ~. DELAY OF EXECU" I y means of several slides the or illustrated the different forms hazes. These were the dead-end e, the circle, and the long-short way maze. describing the method used in rimenting with a rat, Dr. Shep- stated that preliminary training t be gone through first. This con- of taming they rat and then ning him one or two mazes Then ial work is ready to ,priceed. The aal is.placed in the stArting box new ma.e, and is allowed to n the way to the feed box. After ecomes proficient at this several te walls of the device are changed the reaction of the rat is noted. this method pyschological- data be grathered as to the learning er of animals. [n summerizing the results of the rih-ents, conducted so far Dr. >ard stated that a snail was able >rm associations but not able to i even a simple dead-end maze. were able to learn dead-end{ es but not able to adapt to:l ges. Rats and cats, which the or characterized as beKug fairly ' lar, were able- to learn all kinds nazes, and adapt themselves to ges. However, they -ossessed peculiarity of learning froni the of the maze. The humans learned es and aidapted themselves to ges bul.i 2arned the maze from >eginning. ,This latter character- showed that humans were more, e to go at the matter in a sys- tic manner than were either rats its. / 431EBALL SCORES (By Associated Press) American League )stop,3; Detroit, 2. ev1eland, 6; Washington, 1. her games-Train. National League 1 games postponed. UCAT1ON CLUB 2 HOLD BANQUE T ckets for the annual banquet of Michigan Educational Clubs of the ol of Education may be purchas- >r $1.75 at the School of Educa- office and from Prof. Raleigh, rling, 313 University high school. Le banquet will be held at the Prince Of Wales, Baldwin, Kellogg And Dawes Laud The Century Of Frkendliness 'VALES GETS OVATION (By Associated Press) BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 8.-A span of stone and steel across the Niagara river, today stood officially dedicated to the more than a century of peace- ful relations between the United States andGreat Britain. Dedication ceremonies, attended by the Prince of Wales, his . younger brother, Prince George, Vice-Presi-j dent Charles G. Dawes, the primed ministers of Great Britain, Canada and the province of Ontario, Secre- tary of State Frank B. Kellogg, Gov. Alfred E. Smith and other officials, brought a successful culmination 17 years of effort to have the Niagara crossed at Buffalo by a vehicula4 bridge. The common keynote of the speeches at the, exercises took the form of mutual British and American pledges of friendship, despite the outward clash of interests at the recent Ge- neva meeting over the cruiser prob- lem. The official spokesmen of the two governments, Premier Baldwin and Secretary Kellogg, touched very lightly on the Geneva failure, but Vice President Dawes, who today was the guest of the Dominion of Canada in Toronto, seized the opportunity to declare that the instinct of self-pre- servation bound the English-speaking} peoples together in a bond that "will j never break.", Addressing himself directly to the Geneva failure, Mr. Dawes declared it was "unthinkable" that Great Britain and the United States, sol- emnly pledged to the principle of naval equality, would enter on com- petitive . building programs "because i their experts temporarily disagree." From the beginning the cere- mony was colorful and carried out in ideal weather. The international boundary line at the center of the bridge was marked by a white ribbon I extending from side to side, and, at a signal from the Canadian side, the. British and American parties slowly approached each other on opposite sides of the ribbon. Mrs.. Dawes and Mrs. W. D. Ross, wife of the lieuten- ant governor of Ontario, reached for- electing him next year." Declines To Comment He declined very definitely to! be drawn into discussiondof whether Mr. Coolidge's name might be brought be- fore the convention, butrwhen the conference was over there was a feel- i that he was convinced the Presi- dent intended to retire from the White House March 4, 1929, no matter what the Republican party did. He wasl /equally reticent when a discussion' arouse regarding the next convention city. When he was asked about San Francisco's chances he said this: "The people of the West would be happy to have the next Republican national convention held in San Fran- cisco, and the leaders are very active in their .4rrts to grave it brought there." ' focver Probable Candidate It was suggested that the probable cauidacy of Herbert Hoover, the Californian, might be a hinderance to the San Francisco effort, but Mr. Hodges onlysmiled and declared that lhe had said all he wished to say. He did report that the finances of the Republican party were in good shape and that there had been no deficit since the 1924 campaign wound up with a surplus. The fact that Mr. Hodges looked upon the selection of a candidate as "a test" indicated, it was suggested, that-he did not expect Mr. Cooldige's name to be presented, but he declined to discuss the mat- ter further nor would he express an } opinion as to the chances of Secre- tary Hoover, Vice President Dawes, Nicholas Longworth, Frank O. Low- den and the othersi who have been mentioned tentatively since the White House emphasized that the President intended to leave office at the end of his term. scholar, a Clevelander famous in metal and engineering circles, and himself once a college professor, Dr. Zay Jeffries, now consulting engineer for the General Electric Company's Nela Park works in Cleveland an for the Alumnium Company of Ame- rica. Campbell, who lost his sight in his undergraduate days at Columbia uni- versity in an explosion during a hy- drogen experiment, was made an honorary member of the Amerian Society for Steel Treating in 1923, two years before his death.- . The Campbell Memorial Lecture, established soon after his death, car- ries with it a $500 appropriation to financeresearch and study in pre- paration for the lecture. The xfrst chosen to give the annual lecture was Dr. William G. Guertner of Germany. Dr. Jeffries is the segond. Besides being the highest salaried metallurgist in the world, Dr. Jef- friesnis recognizedmasthe. world's leading theoretical metallurgist and, with his assistant, R. S. Archer, or- iginated the slip interference theory of metal hardening. He formerly taught at CasedSchool of Applied Science, Cleveland. The convention of the American Society for Steel Treating will be held concurrently with the annual meeting of the American Welding So- ciety, the Institute of Metals, and the Society of Automotive Engineers, as well as the Ninth Annual National Steel and Machine Tool Exposition, all in Detroit toe week of Septembei °19' Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood Noted Army official who passed on Sunday following an operation. He was Governor general of the Philip- pines and hadarecently returned to the United States to report to the President.. WOD TO- BE BURIED IN -ARLINGTON IElLD Six Soldiers Escort General's Body To WashIngton; High Military Honors To Be Conferred HONOR %GUARD OF 1,500E -( By Associated Press) BOSTON,, Aug. 8.-A detail of six soldiers from Fort Banks will accomi- pany the body of Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood to Washington late today on the Federal express. The squad, commanded by Catpt. Roger Williams, mar~ks the first of the military honors to be paid by the Army to the man who rose from the medical branch of the service, to be one, of its most distinguished lead- ers, both "in the line" and in civil administration. At the station in Washington, the six will be increased to 1,500 as the War Department takes over the ceremonies. lai the party will be Mrs. Wood, at1 wh~se request interment in Arling- ton Cemetery beside his former comn- rades was ordered; her three child- ren, Leonard, Jr., Osborne and Lu-i sita; Maj. Burton Y. Read, military aide to the general; and Capt. L. Z. ' Fletcher, his personal physician. So far as could be learned, no ser- vice will be held here prior. to de- parture. Mrs. Wood was in seclusion a~t her hotel yesterday and today. { Gen. Wood returned to this, faun-, SYMPATHIZERS URGE COOLID TO HALT EXECUTION A ND MAKE INVESTIGATION , j STILL HAVE TWO CHANCI State Justice Sanderson Also Refu To Bring Case Before Supreme Court Or Grant Writ. - (By Associated Press) , . BOSTON, Aug. 8.-Justice Geo: A. Sanderson of the state supre court today denied petitions by e( sel for Nicqla Sacco and Bartolon Vanzetti for a writ of habeas corl and a stay of execution. He also nied a petition for a writ of err which would have takentthe case fore the full bench of the state preme court for a review of both I facts and the law. Sacco and Vanzetti were rep: sented by Arthur D. Hill, Elias Fie and Richard C. Evarts in the pr c eedings.. Warden William 'Henry of t Charlestown prison, where the t men are confined awaiting exe tion, was in court. Justice Denies Writ Of Error Justice Sanderson said that aft giving the arguments all consider tion he must deny the applicati( for a writ of error. "This court," he continued, "h no authority to grant a stay of se tence. The question included in t petition for a writ of habeas corp are not proper to an action for a wr of habeas corpus and are therefo fdismissed." There now renains two mo chances for the two radicals. O: is a motion for a new trial and st of execution which has been fl With Judge Webster Thayer, whic is expected to be acted on later t day, and the other is an 'appealf Gov. Alvan T. Fuller for a stay execution. Fuller's Decision Not Yet Given When the governor would a nounce his decision on the plea f a stay of execution directed to hi was uncertain. The only word whic had come from him at his suinm home -at Rye Beach, N. H., was telephone call to his secretary, He man A. MacDonald, to the effect th he would not act on the petition befo today. Riots on Boston common and desperate appeal direct to Presilde Coolidge in chalf of Sacco and Va zetti marked the opening of the we for the two radicals. Sent Telegram To Coolidge A telegrahi to' the President Rapid City was sent by the Saco Vanzetti Defense Committee. It ur ed him to intercede with Gov. Full to halt the execution while the Pres dent might conduct an inquiry in the case. NEWSBRIEFS (By Associated Press> SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Aug. Capt. F. T. Courtney,dthe British tor, tonight indicated he might at any moment on his projected# 8.- avia- start flight WORLD CONGRESS HONORS ZAMENHO - (By Associated Press) WARSAW, Poland, Aug. 8.-Dele-' gates to the world Esperanto congress which has been sitting at Danzig have arrived here to pay tribute to the memory of Fr. L. Zamenhof, crea-, tor of the international language, who made his home in Warsaw. A monument to Dr. Zamenhof, erected by the Esperantists, was unveiled in' the Jewish cemetery, with speeches' by delegates from Australia, Japan, Scotland, France, Holland and Po- to New York, risking the possible in- efficiency of his wireless apparatus which has been giving much trouble. NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-Robert T. Jones, Jr., Atlanta, Ga., was placed at the number one position in the ranking list for 1927 announced to- day by the United States Golf asso- ciation. George Vaughn Eln, Los Angeles, was number two, and Jess W. Sweetser, New York, number three. Francis Ouimet, Boston, Watts Gunn, Atlanta, and Von Steine, Seat- tle, were placed fourth, fifth and sixth. Eddie Held, St. Louis, was seventh, Jess T, Guilford, Boston, eighth, Harrison R. Johnson, Minnea- polis, ninth, and Roland MacKenzie, Washington, tenth. ANGORA, Turkey, Aug. 8.-Hittite history of -some two score centuries ago is being pieced out, with pick and shovel, by University of Chicago exca- vators at Alixhar, 350 kilometers east of here, and half that distance from Doghaz Koi, once Hattushash, capital of the Hittite kingdom. Dr. Hans Henning Von der Osten, of the Oriental institute of the Uni- versity of Chicago, is field director of the expedition which began work at the end of May. His principal as- sistants are Frank H. Blackllurn, also of the Oriental institute and Erich Schmidt, of the American Museum of Natural history. Much of great interest to archeolo- gists has been discovered during the excavating. In general the result is said to confirm strongly the theories try recently to report to PresidentlCONVCE MEN Coolidge and to rest. He had been VITED RECEIVE operated upon for hernia last Jan- SUPPORT OF ROUMANIANS nary and was believed never to have fully recovered his accustomed ro- (By Associated Press) bustness. Death came early yester- BUCHARFST, Roumania, August 8. day after another operation for re- --Six represetatives of the Roumanian currence of an old tumor ailment. socialist party, successfully- evading He had been in the hospital only two a heavily armed guard of soliders and days. policemen, penetrated the American legation today and presented a long WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-The little petition, begging President Coolidge to plot in Arlington Cemetery set aside save Sacco and Vanzetti from execu- for the."Rough Riders" regiment of tion. the Spanish-American War, tomorrow The charge d'affaires; Robert R. will receive the remains of the regi- Patterson, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, ment's commander, Maj.-Gen. Leonard told the delegates that the legation Wood. would forward their petition to -The body, accompanied from Bos- Washington, but said that the legation ton by Mks. Wood and a military es- itself could do nothing to stay the cort, will arrive in Washington early course of the law. in the day and, following present Thereupon the chairman of the plans, be taken at once to Arling-! delegation reached into his pocket as ton for interment ceremonies, if to draw a pistol, but to the sur- High officials of the War Depart- prise of Mr. Patterson and the as- ment and of the Government will ac- sembled guards, withdraw only a red company the funeral cortage along carnation which he attempted to pin Pennsylania avenue and down the in Mr. Patterson's buttonhole. winding road to the cemetery, while . The charge d'affaires avoided an the military guard of honor will be awkward incident by grasping the a .t 6:30 o'clock tonight. Sup- ward tot sever the ribbon, and through ent William McAndew of the gaps strode the members of the will speak on "The Man With1 two groups, greeting each other in an Arms." informal way. --All eyes were upon the heir to the British throne as he alighted from an - . +I lautomobile at the speakers' stand on 4 'I- * _. ,- - x --- - - -- - - - - - --' I the American side and he was re- 'land, peatedly cheered. As he spoke, his words were picked GOODRICH WILL LECTURE up by a battery of microphones, some of which were to carry them to radio "The Westward Expansionjbf Lib- stations which planned to re-broad- raries" is the title of the ilustrated cast on short wave-lengths so that the lecture to be delivered at 5 o'clock