THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1927 -ACADEMY FILLS VACANCIES' (By Associated Press)I iii:i AL BIi L l II H "Immortals" to fill the vacant chairs ion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of °teFec cdm.Te r Abel Hermant, novelist and play- iversity. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session 1Wright, and Emile Male, historian and 30 p. in. (11: 30 a. in. Saturday). authoriyo meevlrigusat Till SUN DAY, AUGUST 7, 1927 Number 87 1 - iyo eivlrlgosat CLASSIFIED ADS. y Nights: Attention Students! for Visitors' Nights at the Observatory, August 8, 9, and 101 Typing, neatly and accurately done tined at the 'office of the Summer session from 10 to 12 A. M. at ten cents a page. Dial 8001. 1424 P. M. These tickets are intended for l'students of the Summer Washington Heights. 351 o will present their Treasurer's receipts when. applying forI dents desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity to visit LOST-Green gold wrist watch, Tues- atory should apply for tickets at once as the supply is veryl day evening. Initials "N. K." Gold wrist band. Reward. Dial 2-2209, T. E. Rankin. 102 Waslitenawr Apts. 35, 36, 37 IClub Banquet: LOST-If the person who appropriated cnual banquet of the Men's and Women's Educational Clubs willj a brief case from room 123 Univers- the ball room of the Michigan Union, T1uesday evening, August ity High School will mail the con-j Superintendtnt William McAndrew of Chicago will be the priu- tents to 1309 Washtenaw, he is wel- cer. Tickets $1.75. come to the case. 36 TheCoiuitee fAM driving to North Central Iowa _ k Stationery Bargains A Miscellaneous Lot of Box Stationery at 10c - 25c - 45-e Wahr's BOOK STORE now 1i ,k TYPE WRITERS -All makes sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and re-- paired. Largest equipment and best rep~air service. Established 1908. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 READ THE WANT ADS __....__.._y _. _ _. __ - - in College of Literature, Science, and the Arts : ents registered in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts ect to be graduated at the 'end of the Summer Session must pay ?Ionia Lees before the Session closes. Floreie Mohr, Recorder. 94, French Biblography:s f next meeting of this course will take place in room 301 Universityk Monday, August 8, at 3: 00 ,o'clock. Books dealing with French music, and sculpture will be on display for examination. An invitation is lto all interested, in the sub ject... August 20. Have room for thre people. Phone 6195. 36,097 l The famous stage play proves THE-DEVIL" for Gilbert .fiery of bootleg kings. another "FLESH-AND- love-making in the haunts r ROMANCE I NG AS' A STARTS TODAY AS THRILL FIRSTKIS n" her Master of Arts degree. I___________________ amily, which is so energeti- eping the Scotch educational , has five mlasters ;of arts and j_______________ tors of medicine. b izabeth Dunbar and Dr. Joan l TYPEWR ITR moth practice medicine in I New L. C. smiithi, ugh. The Misses Joan, Mar- Corona, Remingtoni :lsie and Helen Dunbar are and Royal portables. ;in various high schools in Seconid-hiand and rebuilt typewriters 1.Mrs. Mary Innes, the onf! of all makes. Lowest prices. Easy sister, became th wife of Dr. #trs fter finishing the liberal arts 0.D MO R L ' it Ahd~n 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Bleantift Winso Fascima Intrigui Gorgeot *4 Scintil captiva; I azzlin *8 Who 11 Steal 7w' I. .BILLIE lOVE I~ neIl 1~! * , r*'s lutig! ating! ing! rI{SUND)AV £ I l,9R - 14;00 Wouldn't x Y ADpLTS THE C~rj -_,_h,,f- GREATERk. Gilbert's Finest Romantic 1~ii7: Role! ;. AAlt I POLICY 2:04) f'hildrea 2 "Jc. directed by JACK CONWAY t ' An amiiing tale of ships that pass in the nighty and the drama that stalks their decks. Rum-runners, hbi, jackers, fighting, lovenitking-try to imagine n fiun4 romance better suited to the daslhng John Gilbert, .y .. . ~ctrqoid~q"MVa gcals Also LLOYD HLAMILTON linils Toplvs BIETTER-HlALF" and News Ps Keith Headliner- = lj Mjestic Evcikts-' A Sennett Comed1y COSCIA & VERMI ~~A! PLA~R in == Paramount A Aewy Aesop STRINGING COM1EDY News F1blo E 1111111111111111111111111111 l11!111111111111 jilllll1iiiuiiitiiiiiiisii111 11111111111111111l~l So"~T:HE REJUVENATION OF AUNT .MARY" COLLEGE COATS SNAPPY SERVICEALE WATERPROFir t711 tize'9o with Cooe e #7 Sport Coats I.,-' (YELLOW OR OLIVE)/.' *1 ~oon-Renee Adoree in "HEAVE~N O' EAR TH" e e B iltfor a @ Championship FEET 1,40 Ralph Jones Professional (t) Perfect Fit; (2) Foot Protection; (3) Foot Control-these are the three essentials of 1 good basketball shoe. In addition it must b Mnade of t~ siphe right sort of stuff, to stand the gafof caponhpplay. T6 these needs was the R~alph Jones Pro, fessional built. Its bpeial features make. it athletically perfect. (i) Mouilded suction sole z~) real vacuum cups; (3) extra heavy, scutffr toe; (4) narrow well-cushioned heel (S) non-heat insole; (6) full double foxing re. inforcepient; ('v) scientific last for extra sup. port to instep-made to keep foot fr~m slip. Bing forwar. For every game and sport" that? requires ease, 4uikness 4'nd accuracy of footwork, the Ralph} nsProfessional wins the approval of atli etes and sportsmen. r Try it on at yopr near, ~tevs detler.Prices: Men's (t6 I2) $4.00; 4Servnos (2 $)8 $3.50; BYs1 (23216) $3.50. E91, ervus Rubber Co.. Rock Island, 4n S~OqXtS 'Si ~ 4 K; v AJ. TOWER CO. BOSTON