Y, AUGUST 7, 1927 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY I BOOKS OF TH i V A SPONSOR FOR YOUTH Prohibition and Christianity-byI John Erskine (Bobbs-Merrill, $2.50). Obviously it is inconsistent and in- compatible with logic to be a Pres- byterian and a prohibitionist at thej same time, according to John Erskine especially for anyone who takes either' the bible or prohibition seriously. His thesis is that prohibition and christianity are but the first in a ser- ies of American paradoxes; that by' the letter of the law of the Patriarchs, prohibition is irreverant; that in the ethical interpretation of the law, it is disrepectful and absolutely contradic- tory, and that in the Christian observ- ance of the eucharist, it is nothing short of childish to substitute unfer- mented for fermented juices. On the whole Mr. Erskine's standpoint is ten- able but his proof does not measure up to his conception. He is definitelyi popular in his first argument. It is' rather flippant at times but reasonable behind it all. His stand on prohibition is that it' is unchristian and unnecessary andl title. terial, about 1a mos the Pr unsuc jof the titled morec proofi He doe in the timisti intellig flatters to the About prohibi temper can ad others, of mod stinenc The pr mark o prohibi other like, is devotio attract Beyo "This is a materialistic, commercial age" is not doing all the things that E DAY people like, Bertrand Russell believe that it is. There is however a big problem in eductation; to bring the He is a bit too close to the ma- spiritual back into the material, to or perhaps feels a little sharp ?keep an ideal before the labor move- the question having just had Jment. For the poetic, he calls this t unsatisfactory argument with spiritual quality, poetry, for the more esbyterian friend which proved practical he dubs it efficiency of a bet- cessful due to the placid faith ter kind. friend. The next article en- There are several articles in this "The Prohibition Tangle" is book which the 100 percent rotarian comprehensible and logical-the would hate to mace-his inside desire is less biting and more effective for aristocracy which he is unfit for es not stoop to parady as he has because of his lack of knowledge of first. And then, he has an op- the past and this indifferent interest c faith in the temperance and in the present. But most rotarians .ence of youth, which of course would not see where John Erskine' us, and binds our allegiance gentle raps applied to them. second article. "Popular discussion of youth and t the ideal of temperance versus its behavior begins to die down. Our ition he says: "The ideal of generation wil soon be accustomed to ance is heroic and noble; youth youth." The discussion while it last- Lmire sacrifice for the good c' ed, observed Mr. Erskine, was carried and can see the moral beauty on by those who had not recently, if eration, of self-control, of al' ever, been young. "The goodness of e for the sake of a fine en(' youth is only a promise and the bad- actice of temperance leaves the ness only a threat." And he takes the )f beauty on the temperate. But side of youth in the argument. He tion, the passion of preventir believes in it, in its worship at the feet people from doing what the3 of real leaders, those who came at the essentially a mean passion, and I climax of civilization. Youth ignores n to it has never 'yet develope' Benjamin Franklin who admittedly ive or lovable character." was a great man but who is not ade- nd his sarcastic treatment of quate for the present because he came that it is temperance which we should advocate instead of abstinance byl force. Some evil results of the pres-I ent situation are: Class resentment because liquor is almost legal for the' upper classes and economically out of reach for the loiver classes; the end of law and order must follow where the same law bends so flexibly ,forr the wealthy and the poor; ands manyl a good cause can be ruined by a bad] law, the keeping of which results in corruption among the agents. In other words, prohibition itself has ac-] cepted a co ipromise which "ham- strung" their law in order to get thair law on the statute books. It is too bad that Mr. Erskine called 1 his book "Prohibition and Christian- ity" because most of his other essays are better than the one bearing the Typewriter { Ribbons, Carbons and Supplies for all makes of typewriters. Rapid t*rnoer, fresh stock, insures best quality at a nmoderate price. O. . D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 i. Christianity, Mr. Erskine is mild and'at the beginning instead of the end very human in his studies of modem'n of a development. Plato, Michael An- American problems. He emphasizes gelo, Leonardo-these are men leader- at other times the importance of build- ship can be felt in all ages. And it 'ing "attractive and lovable character" is to these that youth is turning. Their 'as in his "Poetry and Work" in which disrespect for industry, which some of he recalls that the seamstress who the elders have decried with flattened plied a needle all day long on dark and outstretched palms, is not serious blue serge, probably did not find much because much of the industry which I more poetry in fire than the person who manipulates a machine today. It is comforting sometimes to think that the machinery of which we are so! patriotically proud when we affirml ARAC F 4 JACK HOXt'E they ignore is unnecessary for them, having already done its work. Yes, Mr. Erskine is behind youth. All the way through his book, the subtle stabs and digs at modern American society, all his criticism; and suggestions seem to hinge around his faith in what youth will do-from prohibition to chirstianity. -3f. L. W. AiI r HIDDEN LOOT CORONA The pioneer portable Nearly a million '.ib hs"ad" 'll IOC Moday-Loin Chaney in "Mr. W1.:1 RAE " in use. 0. D. MORRILL, Dealer L. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters, Inc. 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Feel the Thickness of this Paper / ~ 7' 4,, ~ e.. - cj~ ~---.. I -then imagine it : split twelve times Without a stop! Surely and swiftly the preference for natural tobacco taste is trav- Y The paper on which this is printed is approximately three one-thou- sandths (.003) of an inch in thickness. The mechanics of America are grinding in every-day practice within limits of accuracy of twenty-five hundred-thousandths (.00025) of an inch-that is just, about one-twelfth the thickness of this paper. 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When thoughts turn toward extreme accuracy and research, they turn toward "Norton"-the machines of precision, the abrasive products of the electric furnace. ,. : wt } We '% In no other cigarette do men find such natural- ness of taste and charac- ter-and what, after all, can be better than that? (4 NORTON COMPANY, WORCESTER, MASS. I -zt1, ~ ad v^t ; t_ - - -'- N "04 Q"