THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DA .Yi BOOKS OF THEI DAY aapsody: A Dream Novel. by f[lesser writers. ur Schnitzler. New York: Simon The story is of only a day or so in the lives of a young doctor, Froiin, buster. 1927. $1.50. and his wife, Albertina. As the story hile fully comprehending that the 'opens they are telling each other of c s ould be moderate both in their temtpations to infidelity to none e and dispraise, not only do I call of which either has yet succumbed. Schnitzler's latest book, "Rhap-, The doctor is called to an old man's. ," the best of the quartette so far deathbed, and, afterwards, feeling shed in this country, but I must strangely "phantomlike" and disinclin- he whole way and call it the fin- ed to go home, innocently steps forth ong short-story it has ever been on an evening's adventure which is good fortune to read, because the fantastically and splendidly conceived, rial of the story, unlike that of both psychologically and descriptively, a Cather's "My Mortal Enemy," in to test his faithfulness to Albertina. h too much was left out, and the Arriving thome a little before dawn, of writing are best suited to this Fridolin's wife tells him of a very real- id form. And I say this after istic dream in which she was unfaith- rook has been out of mind for sev- ful to him. months, so it is a judgment which I will not divulge the amazing ad- i never later blame on rashness. ventures of Fridolin and Albertina, thur Schnitzler is a master of the nor will I try to decide which. was pique of the. long short-story, and dream and which real, for the rehader interior-psychological" method'of will want to find out and de'ide for acterization (to borrow a good himself. The book is most fascinating, se) is also well-night flawless, so I and there is a deal more in it than can form does not overbalance matter, be gotten from one reading. so often and sadly'the case with _-1 W. I. WA GIRLS LEARN HOMEMAKING IN MODERN COLLEGE CURRICULUM (By Associated Press) : Miss Fisher said id. PALEOLITHIC SITE Model homes, including children, F are maintained at Ames, she said, FOUND IT POLAND where students receive practical (y AssociatedPress) perience. In addition to household Poland.-Traces of the maxxagement, the two major subjects ! uCKfa rhsorcstleeto are "food and nutrition" and "the suite of a prehistoric settlement of economics of clothing." the early paleolithic era, estimated! Engineering and home economics ' t.o be 4,000 years old, have been dis-' departments correlate their research covered by Professor Joseph Wos- 1 work. In this way more efficient ap- trzewski of Posen, near the Bay of pliances for the home have been de- Puck on the Baltic sea shore. veloped. The site is on the estate of Count Belov, last German Ambassodor to. DISSENSION WILL END St. Petersburg and the former estate! AM T E RELIGIONS," TIof ing John Sobieski of Poland. AM ONG THREE RLGO S The professor excavated three hu-! man skeletons in a sitting position. (By Associated Press). h Very distinct traces of two human CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey.-The dwellings were indicated by a great! Cross of Christianity and Jewish star abundance of bones of domestical may soon dwell in harmony with the animals, fish, stone tools, vessels and Crescent in Turkey as emblems of trimmings. The professor is con- great world religions of the present tinuing his excavations and all ob- governent has its way. jects found by him will be located in The people of Turkey may have the museum of Posen., any religion they wish, according to Dr. Tevfik 'Ruchdi bey, Turkey's Foreign Minister and spokesman for CLASSIFIED ADS. President Mustapha Kemal Pasha. Attention Students! f But religion, he adds, must not hamp, Typing, neatly and accurately done - er' the state. at ten c nts a page. Dial 8001. 1424 Dr. Ruchdi pointed out that the Washington Heights. 35! NEW YORK ;Skipper Thomas WESTHAMPTON BEAC] Howell, of the Red Star Liner Bel. Robert Gair, known as fat genland, has been 46 years at sea and paper bag and paper contai will retire when his vessel completes try, is dead here at 88. its present trip to Antwerp. READ T HE WANT PRESBYTERIAN S Huron and Division Streets , Merle 11. Anderson, Minister 0:30--Church Bible School. _l a 4 r I 1 C . t i r. 1 St ANDRE EPISCOPAL CU Division and Catherine Sei'eith Sunday After July 24, 1927 Rev. Henry Lewis, ] Rev. Thanas L. Harris, 10:15-Rev. John T. Dearborn, M i c h i preach. 5:30--Social hour and student group. Irewell of g a n, will supper for 6:30--Young meeting. People's Society 8:00 A. M.--Holy Commu 1.: oO A. M.-Holy Commu: sermon by Rev. Thon ris. 4 to 6 P. M.--Musicale at Harris Hall. During August the Inusi( under the direction of Rey Schenk, assisted- by vested i vo ces. i Y FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST FIRST MET EW YORK.-Home-makers must' to science if they are to maintain sort of homes that have for gene- >ns been the ideal of American1 lies, believes Miss Genevieve er, recently appointed dean of division of home economics at i. State University, Ames, Ia. She ow at Columbia University work-! for a master's degree. 'he servant class has disappeared merica. Today's housewife must; a single-handed battle. If she o make the sort of home her dmother made with the aid of! or three servants, or 'hired girls,' must be a model of efficiency," Miss Fisher. he old haphazard, mother-to- -hter instruction in housekeeping r no means adequate for girls of generation. n the Middle West, where home- ing has become a sort of religlon, parents are generally realizing the necessity ,of giving their daughters technical training in household, man- agement. As they'send their sons to college to study agriculture of engi- neering, so they send their daguhters to college to study home economics." life led by the thousands of., apart- Miss Fisher believes the cramped ment hotel dwellers in New York is far from the ideal of the Middle West. "A large percentage ofA girls who study home economics at Iowa State marry within three or four years after graduation," she said. They learn to maintain the hest type of homes and still have time to raise children and lead a life that is not made ugly by drudgery." Iowa State was a pioneer in estab- lishing a , home economics depart- ment in 1871. lIt has grown to be the largest sch'dol of its sort in America, government already had, done away with most of the Mohammedan priests in Turkey and that there are too many mosques where few devotees are seen.; PITTSBURGH-Richard Purcell, 36- year-old carpenter, wagered 50 cents he; could do a "Steve Brodie" from Glenwood bridge, 125 feet above the Monongahela river. He leaped and was injured fatally, although twice before he had successfully made the jump. LOST-Green gold wrist watch, Tues- day evening. Initials "N. K." Gold wrist band. Reward. Dial 2-2209, 102 Washtenaw Apts. 35, 36, 37, LOST-If the person who appropriated a brief case from room 123 Univers- ity High Sichool will mdail the con- tents to 1309 Washtenaw, he is wel- come to the case. 36 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice, subject "Spirit." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:45-Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. The Re ding room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. Cor. State and Washin Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., , Patley C. Bingham, Asso Minister and 'Student Dir Margaret Stair, Student J 10:30 A. M.-Public Worsh mon ,"Who Knowetl Rev. Bingham 12:00-Student Bible Class ley )H-all. 6:00 P. M1.--Devitional Mee students at Wesley 1-Ia Margaret Stair, leader AM driving to North Central August 20. Have room for people. Phone 6195. Iowa three 36,37 "..LA -BRSXI'B SIX'-SON ALAGANCB EST SANS RE'PROCHR'"--LALTQ, VAR1I_ Bowser in "Ri t-'C - ye .. \! _ r 4 e r '.. , Industry GREAT electric plants are lubri- cated by Bowser systems that con- tinuously clean and purify the oils. Railroads depend o1 Bowser for oil house systems, supply cars that travel thousands of miles Of track. Automobile plants'equip production lines with Bowser systems that fuel and lubricate new cars at one opera- tion. Great steel mills are Bowser-equipped. So are paint manufacturers, paper mills, machinery makers-in fact, Bowser pervades industry from "i" toy This, too, in addition to our leader- ship in the gas and oil industry, where the Bowser name is rec- ognized as the mark of [Ethe leading manufac- Y, hey .. SMART iLots of good looks, trim line', fspbisticatd air. vy pep, too, I bet!"'l ght, but you re a bit late . ..she's wearinga. Deke dn now. uean the car, you ham-that new Erskine Coupe!" .~'4' '-C'' _, .. . R. .4. . UNE DAYS ... Youth steps on the gas. A round of golf. . . sailing, with rails awash . . . tennis . . . a dip in the surf ... a spin down the roa1 at twilight .. . June nights . . . white flannels. . . a dance at the country club., A riotiof music. . . white hot. The girl with the asbestos slippers.. . on with the dance. Then home-the way silvered with June moonlight-in your Erskine Sport Coupe. Dietrich, America's peerless custom designer, has styled it with the sophisticated Parisian manner for America's youth. Trim as a silk glove, yet at no sacrifice of roominess . . . two in the commodious lounge seat and two more in the rumble seat-just a foursome. Youthful in its eager performance too. Rides any road at sixty-smoothly as a drifting canoe. Goes through traffic like a co-ed through her allowance. Skyrockets up the steepest hill like a climbing pursuit 'plane. Stops in its own length, turns in its own shadow and parks where you want to park. Joyous June, All too short ... lots of glorious living to be crowded into one month. Make the most of it- with an Erskine Coupe-the car that matches the spirit of Youth. The Erskine Six Sport Coupe, as Illustrated, sells for $995 f.o. b.factory, complete with front and rear bumpers and self- ergizing 4-wheel brakes. See it at any Studebakersbowro,.. I I' tuter. A the nameplate that rs on especially well- gasole and oil ment for fllingesta- -d garages on sy- i Men who have the am- bition to travel and grow with a leader are invited to write us. M ERSKLA(/ SIX I S.F. WSER+&COMPANY,Inc. pendable Pumps and Tanks' W AYNE , INDIANA U.S.A. LONDON - PARIS BERLIN . SYDNEY THE -LITTLEA SORT