5, 1927 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE. ri g. -'I I BOOKS OF THE DAY I D. H. LAWRENCE WRITES HIS LAT- thing that ever made him think of EST BOOK FROM THE PORCH forsaking vegetarianism was George OF AN ADOBE HOUSE. Jean Nathan's recent inspiring cata- D. H. Lawrence has made his perm- logue of the culinary delights of New anent home (as permanent as anything York published in The American Mer.- can be on this changing globe) in New cury. In Mr. Nathan's forthcoming Mexico, some few miles north of Santa book, "Land of the Pilgrims' Pride" Fe; and out of his residence there, to be published by Alfred A. Knopf, where he lives in what he -describes the author has a long chapter on the as a "rather crumbly adobe house," outstanding cuisines of the Americcan and his trips west across the state line I metropolis. to Arizona and south across the Rio Grande river to the foreign neighbor of ours called Mexico, has grown his- newest book, "Mornings in Mexico." Mr. Lawrence begins by warning us not to expect anything very ex- tensive: "We talk so grandly, in capi- tal letters., about "Mornings in Mexico All it amounts to is one little individ- ual looking at a bit of sky and trees, then looking down at the page of his exercise book." Mr. Lawrenc with his gift for intuitive phrasing, has given us eight beautiful sketches remarkable for their atmosphere. The last few months Mr. Lawrence, with Mrs. Lawrence has been in Flor- ence, Italy, where, to prove how ver- satile is genius, he has been painting+ pictures. On his return to these shores, ITALY WILL READ THE LIFE OF THOMAS EDISON George S. Bryan's "Edison: The Han and His Work," has just been translated into Italian, and will be published shortly by the Casa Editric Apollo. TWO SHORT STORY BOOKS REACH THE BEST SELLER LIST. Books of short stories are supposed to be notoriously bad sellers, but this year two volumes of them have reached the best sellers list, perhaps removing for all time the prejudice against them. Thyra Samter Winslow's "Peoplei Round the Corner" has been a best) seller for many weeks, and EdnaI Ferber's "Mother Knows Best" has1 been achieving that list regularly, too. BERNARD SHAW TURNS VEGE. TARIAN UNDER THE INFLU. I OF G. J. NATHAN Mr. Nathan's "The New American Credo," just published in England, makes the third of that author's works to be published there within the last year. A UNIFORM SET OF SIX H. L. Mencken's "Prejudices: Sixth Series," whiich has been released this month, includes essays on, journalism in America, on the American bureau- cracy, on the jury system, on the decay of liberty, on chiropractic, on eugenics, on criminology, on pholosophers, on suicide, on faith, on New York, and on the movies. Simultaneously the s.x volumes of "Prejudices" in a uniform set and boxed, has been published. The series began in 1919, and the first vol- ume, which is published in two edi- tions in America and also in England, has reached its thirteenth printing, The second and third volumes are in their seventh printing, in this country, and the fourth is in its fourth. SACCO-.VANZET TI REPORT PUBLISHED (Continued from Page One) and 20 cartridges which fitted his pistol. Upon being questioned by the police, both men told what they after- wards admitted was a tissue of lies. Sacco claimed to have been working at Kelly's shoe factory on April 15, the date of the South Braintree murder. Upon investigation, it was proven that he was not at work on that date. He then claimed to have been at the Ital- ian consulate's on that date, but the only confirmation of this claim is the memory of a former employe of the consulate who made'a deposition in Italy that Sacco, among 40 others, was in the office that day. This employe has no memorandum to assist his h s a Y , 1 1 1 i i . r i record and my personal investiga-! CHICOPEE, Mass.-Various attaches ion of the case, including my inter-! of the city hall assert the building views with a large number of wit- was overrun with all types and con- ditions of cats within a few hours nesses, I believe, with the jury, that after the death of "Ruth," veteran Sacco and Vanzetti wereguilty, and municipal rat-catcher. The concensus that the trial was fair. is that a soft political berth was being "This crime was committed seven' sought years ago. For six years, through dilatory methods, one appeal after another, every possibility for delay has been utilized, all of which lends itself to attempts to freighten and coerce witnesses, to influence changes! in testimony, to multiply by the very ; falUfactureO byOLDTQMWCANOECO.,Old Towf, l.laje years of time elapsed the possibilities of error and confusion. Delays In Case Unavoidable "It might be said that by under-) taking this investigation I have con-' tributed to the elaborate considera- tion accorded these men. My answer G is that there was a feeling on thej part of some people that the variousCE delays that had dIragged =this case) A O I G through the courts for six years were evidence that a doubt existed as to the guilt of these two men. The feel-! ing was not justified. Theapersistent, determined efforts of An attorney of 3 h onst t1: extraordinary versatility and indus- T try, the judge's illness, the election Tonight efforts of three district attorneys, and j dilatoriness on the part of host of) those concerned are the principal causes of delay. The delays that have dragged this case out for six years are inexcusable. A SAUNDE R "This task of review has been a laborious one and I am proud to be!CANOEI associated in this public service with clear-eyed witnesses, unafraid to tell LIVERY the truth, and with jurors who dis- charged their Gbligations in accord-) ance with their convictions and their oaths.'' Hlu ron Rver ,t Cedar St. --Signed, ALAN T. FULLER, Gov. of Massachusetts. f THIRD C41%1 f --- -- _ .__ ___ + I - MINNEKAHDA MINNESOTA WINIFREDIAN DEVONIAN MAJESTIC BELGENLAND LAPLAND CEDRIC' CELTIC DORIC REGINA MEGANTIC LAURENTIC The only exclusively Tourist Third Cabin liners in the world. No other passengers carried. World's largest ship. Largest and finest ships to Ant- werp (Belgium). Largest "Tourist Third" carriers to Liverpool (convenient port for Shakespeare country and English Lake District). Largest "Tourist Third" carriers over the short, scenic St. Law- rence River route. N or others of our steamers which will provide many Tourist Third Cabin sailings to Europe this year. Accommodations, of course, are reserved only for college people, business and professional men and women and similar congenial travelers. Early reservation is recommended. WHITE STAR LINE RED STAR LINE LEYLAND LINE \M ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE INSSNA?ONAL M CANTILE MA RiM 1COMPANY i George Bernard Shaw has told his memory. friend, St. John Ervine, that the only j "As a result of my study of the .............. ....... - - I ii wf The HFappy HFostess It is not only that the Elec- tric Refrigerator preserves the family food supply in perfect condition -without effort or thought on the part ofanyone. It is a joy besides to the hostess when guests come. In the convenient little freez- ing trays may be prepared the most delectable of frozen desserts, appetizing salads, delicious jellied meats, little cubes of clearest ice for table use. SAND ALL DONE Automatically THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY fo consomic Tronsportafio4s r _ I- __ in Chevrolet tlistorq IAI ar Offerini the most amazing quality in Chevrolet history today's Chevrolet is the most popular gear-.shift car the world has ever known.= 1-64 (CS Quality in design! Qrndity in construction! Quality in l ow C appearance and performance! Never before has a low- rices!carpossessed thmto such an amazing degree- a a -. u~" 525 -because no other low-priced car combines the pro- Roaste gressiveness of Chevrolet and the diversified experience, Thoc 5te vast resources and facilities of General Motors. Te c-or $62 Go with the crowds and study today's Chevrolet. Mark eso 69 well the aristocratic beauty of its lines-the superbly ex. Sedan ecuted details of its bodies by Fisher. Te Spr 715 Then go for a ride! Revel in the thrilling spurt thtre- s = D1h The L74d5usuits when you "step on the~gas. Delight in the smooth The Imperia $e (~Operation-th~e sitsweep 01th passing mls Larrdau 0H is the most desired of American life (asi.g~ on 39 a car of amazing quality-for everybody, everywhere - ~(Chassis only) 49 a r hc chevrolet C3~ Delivered Prices -. a+,= im.es i.. i handling and finanene - University Chevrolet ales 102 South Ashley QUALITY AT LOW COST prcehcr osesedthm-------------------- 0 N'