THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY; JUNE+ 28, 19 'AGE_ YOUR FyYr LTU' .: A' Y411Y . so DAILY OFF1ICIAL B ULLETINK ___ 1~ this excursion, automobiles being furnished by the citizens of Ann Arbor. Carlton F. Wells, Director of Excusions. I Hlealth Service D)uring the Summner: All students regularly enrolled for the Summer Session are entitled l to practically unlimited medical attention of any nature. It is provided at the University Health Service, N. University Avenue, near Washtenaiw. D~ispensary : The Dispensar'y will be open from 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 daily, except Saturday and Sunday., Saturday hours from 9 to 12; Sundayj hours 11 to 12. Rooni(Malls : Students who are ill in, their room and wish medical l attention should call University 'Telephone Exchange for such service. lWarren E. Forsythe. Tm~ SJftudnts:~A~ CHINESE NOW USE TRENCHES IN WAR 1 SUMMER SCHOOL C TEXT 00KJH NEW AND SECOND-HAND urn UNIVERSITY Wanr" sBOOK STORE IWO~ iti All women students taking Physical Education, Hygiene or health are required to take a physical examination immedliately. your appointment at the Health Service. Public Make! r . Itarg iret Bell, 11L. U. ,. . ." -anncv avt_..._t.... r, ........, :. lv tt.s a n a3 in English 1605 SheakespIare's iragedies : This course may be elected by undergraduates this summer.tng Our frienids, whien re- It. P. 'tunily.g to Ann Arbor, alwaiys dIrop ini for our English 1296: I EXCELLEN'T MEALS. This course will meet Tuesdlay evening, 7:30, in Room 2220, Angell Hall. I rsLadies and Uentlenieii Louis 1. Bredvold. I Snl yas 0 5 ..... ,r..::Weekly Board $57 Tfhe 'Teaching of English: Section I of English 196 or Education D1.l0s, which was wrongly schedul- I ' or. State and Washington ed in the Summer Session Announcement, will meet at 10:00 in Room 2016, j Since the Boxer Rebellion, 25 years ___-__ _ Angell Hall. ~ago, the Chinese have learneda few - -------___________ Normna D. Solve. Ithings about modern trench warfare,p _________ and both armies are constantly sur- , 3lathentatics 163: : Qudrai ti nti and Quadratic Nunmbers: prising each other with some new This class will meet on'Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3 in Room; uan-killing device. This photo is of NO 108 Mason Haill.~ ~atec rPkn. Douglas Fairbanks IWASSHINGT.fOX, June 27.-Marine i Math einatics 26.3, The Seninary on *telat iiity: corps orders announced today disclos- This course will meet for the first time Thursday, June 30, at 3 '. 1M.,, ed that the Quantico, Virginia, regi- RO BIN in Rlooni 3012 Angell Hall. ment of marines, with the exception of H O G~. Y. Rauich. a single batallion, or 62 officers and t dinission 10c and _>ic 1,113S enlisted men, is to be kept in Philosophy 100's Contemiporary Philosophy.:Ncrgafi emnn uy This course will meet this week by exception on '~edy, June25,-- --- -__ from 4_ to 6, instead of on Wednesday. ?111[![1111l[[1111[1t[[i[11t[lli I~lll ll[[l[1111[l[1[ C. 1B. Yibbert. r 40Graduate Students with at least one year's work in German wishing to comply with the requirement in German for the Doctor's degree have!=. an opportunity to work in that direction in a class formed for their special:=- = benefit and meeting in .Room 201 University Hall, M, T, W, Th, at 10 o'clock.! Phy sics 231 and 262: N W Any one interested in either of these courses will meet in Room 1041,1 AlEast Physics Building, at 12, today, to arrange hours.= IL.31. Randall. K Chinese , "tudents' Club:_ Any change of address for both old and new students should be in by today. Call 6615 in the evening. Y Prsidet.- Library Science Students: ' There will be a meeting in Room 110 of the Genertl Library, followed by a tour of the Library, of all students enrolled in the Department of - ' /- Library Sicence, at two o'clock Wednesday, June 29, 1927. Sydney B. 11tchell, Professor of Library Science. (graduate Students i. the Department of Library Science: There will be a meeting of students enrolled in graduate courses in the Department of Library Science in Room 110 of the Library at two _ ON Tlll STAGE-_ o'clock, June 28', for the purpose of arranging hours for seminars, etc. - WILTON SISTERS= Sydney B. Mitchell, Professor of Library Science. -"''HOSE IDIHANA GIiRLS" Rockford Players. Plan Eight Productions '' l~il)A -I TED DOOLEY & CO._ For Entertainment of Summer Studentsi "The Cameo Comic" I F l_____________________t[1111[![1II[1[u l[[1Mllllt11[1[11 11I~n t CLEARANCE SALE Oni CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY Twenty per cent discount from regular prices oiX all plain stationery and die embossedI Michigan papers. Stock is first qualiityflmpHu )Ikir, Eaton, Crane & Pike, Whiting's and other well knowii n111,kes. 0. D. MORRILL I.= .. 17 lielcels Arcade '.he Stationery and Typewriter Store '11111 I I I I I I I I 11111 IIUIIIU 11111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. _ UNIVERSITY GOLF CLUB - Ann Arbor's Oniy Public Course Nine Holes - 2,885 Yards= . ~Full Week .Day Privileges, $1.00 - Special "Twilight Golf" Fee South State Street Beyond Ann Arbor Railroad- 1Summer Memberships available at $15 each, paya- Eble by cash in advance. Lessons mornings. 111111111111111 iii 1II1111111111111111111111111lll1111111111f11111111111 1111111111111111 Il I Summer school, playgoers are rapid- ing the last five years she has been ly making season reservations for per- ingenue leading lady with Walter formances of the Rockford p layers, Hampden, playing, Juliet to Hampden's" Nvhse pparacelas !igh oene Romneo, Nerissa in "The ;Merchant of whos apearncelastnigt oene Venice," Bianca in "The Tamning of a run of six weeks as Sarah Cas well the Shrew," as well as the leading. Angell hall. Tickets for the season j feminine roles in his production of and are available at the door before! "The Servant in the House" and Mes- been placed on sale at the bookstores, singer's "A New Way to Pay Old and are avilable at the door before ; Debts." each performance. Plays will be given every evening "The b~utter and Egg Man," which except Wednesdays and Sundays, with opened last night, will run through a matinee on Saturday. The next pro- three more performances, to be fol- duction will be Noel Coward's English lowed by seven other plays including farce, "Hay Fever," which will be Shakespeare, old English burlesque, followed by an old English burlesque, Ibsen, and Shaw. '"G ammer Gurton's Needle." Elsie !Herndon Kearns, for five years George Kelley's "Craig's Wife," the Walter Hampden's leading lady, will Pulitzer prize play which was so en- be with the company throughout thle thusiastically received by the New summer. Robert Henderson remains I York critics, will be given for five I as dir~ccwr and Amy Loomis as lead- I performances, and then "Pigs," the ing lady. 1 comedy which played to packed houses Miss !Learns secured her first pro- here this spring, will open Saturday fessional engagement with WinthropI evening, July 16. This is the onlyt Ames which lasted for two seasons. ; revival of the summer season, and will She then appeared with the original be given four presentations. production of Maeterlinck's "The Blue' "Fanny's First Play," Bernard Bird" at the Century theater, follow- Shaw's comedy on the older genera- ed by stock engagements in Columblus, tion, will open Friday, July 22. Ib- Indianapolis and. Philadelphia, and a i sen's "Hedda Gabler," the most am- season in vaudeville. bitious production of the season, will- Later she became the leading woman open Thursday, July 28, for five per- with the Ben Greet Players and with formances, with Miss Kearns in the her own company for two years. Dur - title role. L N.: ':. N.: NOW- Harrison Ford- and Bessie Love ,1 NOW SHOWING. -"RUBBER TIRES" -CI ,)IN( SU~NA:- LOINCHANEY in "THE UNKNOWN" I. __ T ti ... III11N X1111 CIAIil.. . . . . . . . . .~rrr The Rockford Players Second Summer Season -Every Evening This Week and, Saturday Matinee A TRIUMPH--Ask anyone who sawe it "THE BUTTER- AND EGG MAN " Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (above Barbour Gymnasium) All seats reserved at 75C at Bookstores and Door TONIGHT AT 8:015 11111111CI1111N1llf11111 ,