ol 4r # ummrr TODAY'S EVENTS - :1 5--ThIe Comedy of Er- rors," by Rockford Inayers, Sarali Caswell Aingell hall. A6U mm-mommadiffilim" MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. VIII, No. 35. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS DIRECT NEGOTATIONS ,HOPED FOR AS NAVAL CONFEENCE GIVES P FRIENDLY SPIRIT PREVAILS WHEN GENEVA PARLEY COMES TO END MEMBERS ARE HOPEFUL Meet Is Failure, Nevertheless, Since Agreement Is Not Reached on Main Points (By Associated Press) GENEVA, August 4.-War between Great Britain, the United States and Japan is unthinkable, declared Hugh S. Gibson, America's chief representa- tive, at the closing session of the Tri- parttite Naval confe'rence today. Hence there is no reason, he added, why an agreement, which has not been obtain- ed at Geneva, should not be reached shortly as the result of direct negotia- tion among the governments or a re- conciliation of the divergent views.E The burial ceremony of the confer- ence, held in the presence of a large assembly, was carried out without the employment of words of recrimination and, as W. C. Bridgeman, head of the British delegation, said: "We are not dispersing in a spirit of bitterness or despair." When the conference adjourned sine die, after the adoption of a joint reso- lution suggesting direct negotiation between the governments, Mr. Bridge- man walked up to the stairs of the hotel EsBerquen, in whose ballroom the last act of the naval drama was played, to the private office of Mr. Gibson and shook his American col- league warmly by the hand. This was hailed as an indication that the first lord of the British admiralty believed the differences between the United States and Great Britain, manifested at the confernce, were nothing more serious than a slight family tiff. Admiral Saito, distinguished mem- her of the Japanese delegaton, join- ing in the thought of Mr. Gibson and Mr. Bridgeman, declared in a valedic- tory address that he for one declined to view the results of the conference as a rupture of negotiations. He was convinced, he affirmed vigorously, that in some form or other, attempts to limit extravagance and competition in naval buildings, already limited in practice by common sense, will con- tinue and eventually succeed. The joint declaration, adoption of whichinvolved automatic adjoiirnment of the conference, represents an ef- fort to summarize the points of the three delegations on the matters on which they agreed and on those on which they disagreed. The declara- tion shows that the conference was wrecked yn two points. The first, that of total tonnage limitation, for cruis- ers on which the British and the Amer- icans were unable to attain an'accord; the second, on the problem of so-called eight-inch guns on cruisers. The fact remains, however, that des- pite the friendly phrases embodied in Ithe final addresses and the official dec- laration, the Tripartite naval confer- ence has failed. It is true a complete agreement was reached on the sizes of individual destroyers and submarines, and on the sizes of the guns to be carried by the warcraft, but on the main problem of the parley, that of cruisers, the delegates were said to have been as far from accord at the end.of the conference as at the start. BASEBALL SCORES! AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit, 6; New York, 2. St. Louis, 1-2; Washington, 5-11. Chicago, 1; Boston, 2. Cleveland, 3; Philadelphia, 0. C LEVINE AND PILOT NEAR SETTLEMENT (By Associated Press) PARIS, August 4.-Some progress was made today in the task of patch- ing up the differences between Charles A. Levine, ownernofsthe transatlanthi plane "Columbia" and Maurice Drou- hin, French aviator, who Levine en- gaged'to pilot the ship on a return flight to the United States. Their lawyers yesterday discussed the ser- vice of a summons on Levine last night by Drouhin demanding tbIat Levine carry out his agreement witih the pilot as to financial arrangements.- The lawyers reached no final agree- ment, but said a new contract m be agreed upon tomorrow. Levine's answer to the summons that he would deposit the 300,000 francs insurance fund for Drouhin's family was follow- ed today by a more optimistic note in the Drouhin camp. The French avia- tor took the "Columbia" up for a gaso- line consumption test and it was found that the motors that took the aero- plane from New York to Germany con- sumed five per cent less fuel. Drouhin expressed himself as en- tirely satisfied with the test, as did "Doc" Kincaid, the Wright motor ex- pert and the Belanca expert. The question remaining to be set- tled is just when the 300,000 francs is to be deposited. Drouhin's lawyer demands that this be done at once, since everything is ready for the flight with the exception of a load test. Levine's lawyer is understood thus far to have avoided setting a de- finite time, although giving assur- ance that Levine was in accord with Drouhin on this point. VISITORS ATTEND I CAMP EXHIBITIONi; University Of Michigan Biological Camp Gives Exhibition Of Their Summer Activities I PROF. LARUE IS DIRECTOR Exhibition of the activities of the University of Michigan's biological station, in charge of Professor R. La- Rue, at Cheboygan, Michigan, held on the afternoon of July 31, was attend-~ ed by obut four hundred people. This is the first time that the camp has been open to public inspection this1 summer. The officials at the exhibition reg- sitered 370 visitors between the hours of 2 and 5; there were at least thirty' more who came after registration had 'ceased. Among the visitors there were several Ann Arbor people; they were Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Cole, 1 Mrs. Bishop and William Bishop, Pro-1 lessor Henderson, and a number of1 the staff now at Camp Davis. One of the most interesting people1 who saw the review was an old Ger-1 man farmer, a typical peasant type, who claimed 88 years, and 45 of them I in this country. This grizzled old fellow told his story to the re-f ception committee and then asked "Is dere any beer?" He repeated his i story and his question to every group he met and was only partially satis- fied -by two bottles of ginger ale bought at the store. The display at the exhibit included the vertebrate laboratory, the botany laboratory, the insectory, the aviary,7 the invertebrate laboratory. The University of Michigan Biolo- gical Station, branch of the Univer- sity of Michigan, was established inI 1909 on the shores of Douglas Lake Michigan, for the study of plants and animals in their natural environment. The 1927 enrollment for the eight weeks' course which it gives every. summer, is 81. The Station main- tains a teaching staff of 11 menJ drawn from seven different collegesI and universities. There are fifty-one frame buildings of which eight are used for laboratories, 37 for living quarters, and the remainder for in- cidental purposes. As a result of this work each year the investigators publish ten or more scientific ar- ticles, which are sent to men of science in all parts of the world. ATLANTIC CITY-Bigger and bet- : ter policemen for the Boardwalk are urged by a section of the Chamberj of Commerce. GOVERNOR'S SACCO-VANZETTI I OPINION IS GIVEN IN REPORT' In order to allow a complete knowledge of the reason given by Gov. Alvan T. Fuller of Massachu- setts for his denial of executive clem- ency in the case of Niiuoa Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Ta Daily pub- I fishes the fell text of his report: (By Associated Press) BOSTON, August 4.-"The inquiry that I have conducted has had to do with the following questions: "Was the jury trial fair? Were the acused entitled to a new trial? Are they guilty or not guilty? As to the first question, complaint has been made that the defendants were prose- cuted and convicted because they were anarchists. As a matter of fact, the issue of anarchy was brought in by them as an explanation of their suspicious conduct. Their counsel, against the advice of Judge Thayer, decided to attribute their action and conduct to the fact that they were anarchists, suggesting that they were armed to protect thmeselves, that they were about to start out at -10 o'clock at night, to collect radical literature, and that the reason theyi lied was to save their friends. Consulted Jury "I have consulted with every mem-( her of the jury now alive, 11 in num-l nying them all and refusing a new trial. The supreme judicial court for the commonwealth, which had before, this appeal of four of the motions had the opportunity to read these same affidavits which were submit- ted to Judge Thayer, declined to sus- tain the contention of counsel for the accused. In my own investiga- tion on the question of guilt, I have given the motions and their support- ing affidavits and the witnesses every consideration. Ignores Madieros Confession "I have given no weight to the Madeiros confession. He is popularly supposed to have confessed to com- iitting this crime. In his testimony to me he could not recall the details or describe the neighborhood. He furthermore stated that the govern- ment had double-crossed him and he proposes to double-cross the govern- ment. He feels that the District At- torney's office has treated him unfair- ly because his two confederates who were associated with him in the com- mission of the murder for which he was convicted were given life sen- tences, whereas he was condemned to death. Ile confessed the crime for which he was convicted. I am not impressed with his claim to the knowledge of the South Braintree CROCKER'S CLASS TO PUT ON PLAY'S Lionel Crocker's class in One-Ac Plays presented a program in Webs- ter last night. The plays given were "Cinderella Married," "Judge Lynch,' and "The Pot-Boilers," and were very much enjoyed by the audience. It has been decided that "Another Way Out," by Lawrence Langner, a play dealing with companionate mar- riages, would fit in the group of plays better than "Judge Lynch." so it will be substituted in the next two per- formances. The three plays will be presented to the public on Tuseday evening at Brighton, and at Sarah OR1 GUTH LEICTURES t ON HIS WVORK IN THE TPHILIPP.INEISL NDS WAS HEA) OF EXPEDITION FIl ANiCE) BY ALUMNUS OF TIE UNIVERSITY NOTED AS ARCHAEOLOGIST Sttes That ite Filiplio People are Much Different Tluiti Country By Whom They a e Governed. Caswell Angell Hali on Wednesday, "g August 10. "The University of Michigan Expedi-. Miss Dorothy Ornstein, pupil of tion to the Philippine Islands" was the Theodore Tarrison, will sing during ( title of the illustrated lecture delivered the intermissions. yesterday afternoon in Natural Senc4 Tickets are on sale at the book auditorium by D. Carl E. Guthe, Asso- stores, and cost 50 cents.ub ah deate Director of Anthropology, Uni- versity Museum. B tLIEY COOLIDGE TioDr. Guthe was head of the expedi- Lion which was financed by an alumnus of the University, and which began work in 1922 and continued until 1925. RACE1Thiis expedition was sent forth to study the archeology of the slands. Hen Closest To President Think I e. Dr.'Guthe spent two years and eight cision To Withdraw From months in active work and was accom- Office Is Definite panied by his family. iBefore he showed his slides the Doc- PRESIDENT IS SILENT tor cited the fact that the Filipinos are a much different people than the coun- RAPID CITY, S'. D., Aug. 4.-The try that governs them, and that his audience should remember this in opinion that President Coolidge's state- dealing with the future problems coil ment that he does not choose to run cerning the islands. for President in 1928 might have more Proceeding to his slides the doctor than one meaning dwindled further in illustrated the fact that most people the Summer Capital today and the be- (1 not realize the distance which America is from the Philippines. That ief had become almost positive that 1, - r' h d of4'atern her. They consider the judge fair; murders. that he gave them no indication of "It has been a dificult task to look his own opinion of the case. Affidav- back six years through other people's its have been presented claiming that eyes. Many of the witnesses told me the judge was prejudiced. I see no their stories in a way I felt was more evidence of prejudice in his conduct a matter of repetition than the prod- of the trial. uct of their memory. Some witnesses "That he had an opinion as to the replied that during the six years they guilt or innocence of the accused af- had forgotten; they could not remem- ter hearing the evidence is natural her; that it was a disagreeable ex- and inevitable. perience and they had tried to for- "The court proceedings in this case get it. I could not hope to put my- may be divided into two parts: First, self in the position of a juryman and the trial before the jury with Judge have the advantage of seeing the wit- Thayer presiding; second, the hear- ness on the stand and listen to the ing on the succession of motions for evidence and judge the spoken word. a new trial which were attersted to The motions for a new trial, how- the judge and passed upon by him. ever, were all made from affidavits All those proceedings have been at-j and, therefore, they could be review- tacked by some of the friends of the ed under the same circumstances as accused men and their counsel. prevailed when the judge heard them. "The attacks onthe jury take two Reviews Bridgewater Holdup foims-First, it is asserted that the "The next question, and the most men are innocent and that there was vital question of all, is that of the nc. sufficient evidence before the jury guilt or innocence of the accused. to justify a finding of guilt; second, it In this connection I reviewed the is asserted that trial itself was unfair, ( Bridgewater attempted holdup for the attacks on the proceedings and on which Vanzetti had previously been the motions for a new trial are in tried before by another jury and substance that the judge was biased found guilty. At this trial Vanzetti and unable to give the motions fair did not take the witness stand in his and impartial consideration, own defense. He waived the privi- Lists Objections lege of telling his own story to the The allegation has been made that jury, he (lid not subject himself to conditions in the court room were cross-examination. Investigating this prejudicial to the accused. After care- case, I talked to the counsel for Van- ful inquiry of the jury and others, I zetti at the Plymouth trial, the jury- find no evidence to support this al-I men, the trial witnesses, new wit- legation. I find the jury were nesses, present counsel for Vanzetti. thoroughly honest and that they were I have talked with tle government wit- reiuctant to find those men guilty, nesses who saw the Bridgewater hold- but were forced to do so by the evi- up-and who identified Vanzetti, and I deuce. I can see no warrant for the believe their testimony to be sub- assertion that the jury trial was un- stantially correct. I believe with the fair. Jury that Vanzetti was guilty and that "The charge of the judge was sat- his trial was fair . I find nothing un- isfactory to the counsel for the ac- sual about this case except, as noted cused and no exception was taken to above, that Vanzetti. did not testify. it. In the Bridgewater case, practically, 'I can see no warrant for the as- everyone who witnessed the attempt-- sertion that the jury trial was unfair.! ed holdup and who could have identi- The supreme judicial court for the fled the bandit, identified Vanzetti. commonwealth has considered such of "The South Braintree crime was the more than 250 exceptions taken particularly brutal. The murder of during the course of the trial as coun- the paymaster (Parmenter) and the sel for the accused chose to argue guard (Perardelli) was not necessary and overruled them all, thus estab- to the robbery. The murders were ac- lishing that the proceedings were complished first, the robbery after- without legal flaw. wards. The first shot laid Perardelli Believes Trial Fair low in the roadway, and after Par- "I have read the record and ex- menter was shot, he dropped the amined many witnesses and the money box in the road and ran across jurymen to see from a layman's the street. Tihe money could have standpoint whethier the trial was!been taken but the murderers pursued fairly conducted. I am convinced that Parmenter across this road and shot it was thim again, and then returned and fired After the verdict against those three more shots into Berardelli, four in all, leaving his lifeless form in the men, their counsel filed and entered 1 roadway. This plan was evidently to seven distinct supplementary mo- kill the witnesses and terrorize the tic-ns for a new tiial, six of them ont bystanders. The murderers escaped in the ground that newly discovered an automobile driven by one of their evidence, all of which were denied. confederates, the automobile being I have examined all of these motions afterwards located in the woods at and read the affidavits in support of Bridgewater, 18 miles distant. them to see whether they presented Accused Men Both Armed any valid reason for grauting the ac- "Vanzetti when arrested on May 5, cused men a new trial. I am con- had in his hip pocket a fully loaded vinced that they do not, and I am revolver. Sacco had a loaded pistil further convinced that the presiding tucked into the front of his trousers ,! t I , . , . I !. , i C E C , I 4 he has unequivocally eliminated him- self from occupand of the White House after March 4, 1929. COuIn LIr s tXs1%ou0 ale, aU M tu-U standard time, which is used in Ann Arbor, and is, at least, more than two weeks journey by boat. Dr. Guthe I l hiic family loft RnS 7 F an i r anadns amii y eI oan rrancic Ujnlike Washington, where a more,~'" a~~. ~U~LL~ runle isa September 21, 1922, and arrived at rounded opinion always is obtain-; the islands October 21, a month alto able on any public question of the gether consumed in transit. first importance, opinions which are The doctor also stated that few reached in Rapid City must neces- realize the island's size for they cover sarily be based upon the impre - ,a region equivalent-in North America i i nsr oy e e w u o the mpres-to that from the Straits of iM ackinaw sions of the few who know to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the President more intimately. ' Atlantic ocean to the Mississippi river, In some quarters closets to Mr.! although in area they are only as large Coolidge, there is next to nothing as the combined New England states being said, but -when the shreds of and the state of New York, omitting information are put together it be- I Long Island. They have a population comes rather plain that here no of 110,000,000 but this is a- small double meaning is accredited to the amount of the people that could be President. taken care of. The Reasons The islands, according to Dr. Guthe Several reasons for this belief were first inhabited by negritoes, who come most prominently to' the fore were later driven into the nountains in Rapid City. First, it is pointed by an invasion of the Malays from out, - Mr. Coolidge could scarcely the south, called Christiances and who have used any other than the word bore some knowledge of Hindu civili- "choose" in making his pronounce- zation. Later in the thirteenth or ient and still keep the country fourteenth centuries a second invasion from thinking him to be presump- of Malays took - place, these people, tive to the extent of believing the however, being under the influence of nomination next year actually was Mohammadism. This third invasion his. Had he said: "I will not run for! President in 1928," he would have presumed, it is held that the Re- publican convention would nomin- ate him. It is argued further that if Mr.' Coolidge had said "I will not be a candidate for the Republican nom-1 ination in 1928," the same contro- versy would have arisen with the could have by itself easily swept the islands,. but was halted by the Spain- ards and both type's of Malays are now prominent. "Manilla," said the doctor, "is indeed the crossoards of the Pacific besides being a cosmopolitan city. If you wish to know the Philippines you must go elsewhere in the islands." Dr. Guthe spoke of the work of the expedition in searching for-the tombs belief that the President was mere- of the islanders who buried both in ly declaring himself not a candi-l caves and in the ground. Most of the date, but not that he would decline travel in the island is conducted by the nomination if forced upon him. I boats, and to aid the expedition Dean It is declared by those in touch ( Conant Worcester, formerly connected with the President that by his state with the University as professor of ment Mr. Coolidge closed the door to Zoology, placed at their disposal his pledged delegates from some states private yacht which was used through- which hold their primary election be- out the work. fore the national convention. Dr. Worcester, who died in 1924, was No Open Door one of the leaders of the coenut in- It is pointed out that the statement dustry of the Philippines and mater- could in no way be construed as leav- ially aided the expedition by his help, ing the President in an easy position The result of the work was brought to go one way or another in the eveR to America as the Key collection, anmd the nomination was offered him. contained more than 10,000 specimens. It is held that in the final analysis,! Dr. Guthe told of an interesting in- when the time came for him to accept cident in which' he discovered human or reject the re-nomination the choice teeth inlayed with piecces of gold, would be up to him and since he al- The chronicler of Magellen mentions ready has made hMs choice not to ri in his work the fact that Magellen that there was little reason to believe was attracted by certain of the Fill- he would reach a different conclusion. pinos whose teeth were inlaid with In addition, the President by making gold. Doubtless a relation may be his pronouncement was held to have drawn between the discoveries of Dr. tacitly assented to any other individual Guthe and those of Magellen. declaring himself a candidate and___ __ seeking support, because, when he NATIONAL LEAGUE made his choice he must have appre- New York, 4; Cincinnati, 1. ciated that he could not expect the Philadelphia, 553; Pittsburgh, 8-7 field to remain closed to others wh( Boston, 4; Chicago, 5. do choose to ?rU tII P Etdt. Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 2. OurWeatherMan -On reading all the evidence pro id con ventures the suggestion that ie weather is unsettled ' and that ol judge gave no evidence of bias in de- (Continued on Page Three)