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August 04, 1927 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1927-08-04

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S1~ It is established that it was seeming-
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Quebec, Canada, where he 1receivod I mosbefrayn ogti r
design of Professor Albert J. Rous his ear ly education and w~xher e he wa~s our of the rooms after the murder, and
seau, of the School of Architecture , later admitted to the practice of archi- The "Canary" Murder Case after the usual futile attempt on the
has been chosen as one of the first tecture while 21 years of age. Hie By S. S. Van Dine. New York: part of the police, Philo Vance, young
six of those submitted in the contest contfinued his studies in Paris at the Scribner, 1927. $2.00. social aristocrat and art-collector,
now being conducted by the American Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux Here is a detective story which al- comes in to assist. Many people from
Shakespeare Foundation; the winning Arts, and won the Grand Prize Jay, most lives up to the wild press-agent- time to time appear to have motives
design to be used in the construction the ,pnly man on this side of the At- n whc ispuisrs av benfrklngheC aybthrer
of te nw teatr atStrtfod-On laticto ttai th hoor.giving it, which is to -say that it is many upsets before the real murderer
Avon. These six winners are comn- He has studied and worked under pretty good. This Philo Vance tel- is at last found. The most we will
missioned to develop their designs IJoseph P. Oucllet, former president of low is the latest thing in detectives, tell you is that you cannot guess who
and to have them fully completed by the Royal Architectural Institute of employs all the modern scientific the murderer is before the end of I
November 1, at which time a final set- Canada; L. Beviere, inspector of the methods of ratiocination and at the the st-ory nor how he got out of the
tleentwil b mae.public monuments of Paris, and sae ipossesses all the old-time apartment.
The old Shakespeare theatre which Louis Bernier, D. P. L. G., Grand Prix glamour. The publish-ers have even B. W. B.
was located at Stratford-On-Avon de Rome, and Member of the Institute Imanaged to throw a veil of mystery _____________
aurned more than a year and a half of France. arudh Wto ntepro f WABASH, Ind.-Mrs. Ernest Hard
go. The board of governors decided He has been on the University fac- ~M. Vn ine who, they say, is a dis-
;o erect a new theatre exactly upon ulty for the past ten years, and js tinguiishied man in quite a different acre dreamed she was in a room full
he old sitie, which is upon the river a member of the Royal Institute of field of work. jof smoke and flames. She awoke and
ankandnea te curc wichshe..Canada, Academie Latine dsSciences, Van Dine has decked out his story found it true.

lOW-COSt trip
to Europe
$170and p, oundtri

IT DOWN and plan your vacation trip
to Europe, NOW. Tourist Third Cabi
Costs astonishingly little-little, if any,

wtas yest
for the memorial are being raised in! ican Association for the Advancement diagrans and has a pleasing style CL--FEIA S boks or ceta
England by popular- subscription and of Science; and the Michigan Society entirely different from that of most LOST-A black and white cameong.Fotes
inAmrcabyte mrianSap-of Architects. He designed the Ann! mystery writers. He takes into ac- broach, set in white gold. Lost 01 operated by the Unit
speare Foundation of which the late Arbor Masonic Temple as a member count social theories of crime punish- campus or in Majestic. Reward. Amterigs. Clean i
Elihu Root was the former president. of the firm of Rousseau and McCon-! ient, and is not at all vindictive nor Please return to 1317 Wilmot street A eias laa
eenysx rhtes fteBishkey. either sentimental. We entirely ap- or call 5974. 32, 33, 34 omhebsofo
EmpirandtheUitedtateen-prove of h'is type of writing. ! ai concerts
te pre and co t e nte StatesE L I V Ehe stor is of the solti n of th e L O S T - L am b da C hi A lph a fratern ity G eyl facts o
Tee thetes FORDe DELIVERS murder of Margaret O'Dell, well-| pin. Reward. Call Mr. Bills. 2-2342. Getal thLacs
TheNe i t ate s toe Eibe btin, FREIGH T PLANE known Broadway beauty, known as the: 33, 34 agent, or wite to the
Modern, or Grecian type, and allow-. (B Associated Press) advII~lllliliiliillliliigliig|g i|ggg iutace ieatr
ances are to be made so that per- jDET IAg..- ganFrddv c.
formances may be presented in theTR T, Ag .-- gin Fo dTeU tdSaesL
dyimet th outShkeaid arifiiari-motora tansport, one of the lares SWVIFT'S DRUG STORE - GORGE;WA;;I
did not burn when the old theatre did ica, fitted as an aerial delivery truck, V 4 .S A ES.fo ELT YPrkSDN t
is to be incorporated into the new took off at Ford Airport this morning .E TSfouhmptN YBretn
theatre.for Cleveland en route to New York
Professor Rousseau is an advocate jfor delivery to a typewriter coimpany,!~fr-
of progressive architecture and his which will use it to deliver products 2.~~. ~ 5
design was executed to portray nobil- toprhsr.Te'ln a h
it n ipiiy wt :cranfirst freight car'rier of its kind to be F~' nainLU J.. erice.L=
amount of romanticism. : - The design built for service outside the regular
which he submitted for the Chicago Ford airlines. -
Tribune Tower contests received hone- I CAO-Dmgs $10 00ur Ala te JiIgs J re IDeliCjous
than 200 architects from all parts of are asked by Pauline S. $arlow, for -S d s
the world. This tower was dedicated mer editor of Home Folks Magazine, i d- 10
July 4, 1925. in a breach of pronmise suit file d I IugIlIIIti i'
Professor Rousseau is a native of against William A. Wh.ok IIlIlIlIIII IIIIlII iIIIIIIIIW I2H i i i i i i iiiiit i i i i i 1jH , I
your t
Julia Claussen,

ar thousands of studentstr-
o nited States Lines ships and
show a further big increase in
hips are your ships, owned and
ed States Government to give
dard of service demanded by
ry staterooms, inviting public
od, exclusive deck space and
ribute to a delightful voyage.
w from your local steamnship
address below for complete
Make res'ervations welli

nes;operat te giT N,
Cobh, Plymouth, Cherbourg,


ii at sea' sLO~
obaCCO.. .

I ~

V W W~ '~' tin-. ~ ~ 1L

'mm.-, LI


who protects her voice,

"When I decided to smoke cig-
arettes, I looked about to see
which brand was in favor with
most men. The answer was
easy to find. Inoticed that prac,-
tically all the men at the opera
were smoking Lucky Strikes. I
learned from them that this cig-
arette, delightful in flavor, left
their voices in splendid shape
for their singing. So I tried
Lucky Strikes and knew that
the men were correct in their
judgment. I am enthusiastic
about their flavor and the fact
that they do not affect my

4 *:: :. .
.................................. . Y.......
....... kes....a..............a........e.....w-....he:.
.......es.... ..garettes.y....ver.s..ked
made.......e.....es..T..k.s. andd.
is an extraSprcess "eyt's tse -
Strkearess mild an mellow-bthe


MAYBE y ou've sailed the seven seas search-
ing for perfect pipe pleasure. . . Maybe
you've tried oceans of tobacco without
running~ into pne you can anchor to..
but don't give up the ship. Plenty pipe-
pilots were once in the same boat .. .
Just shoot an s. o. s. to G. R. C.. for
Granger Rough Cut is a life-.saver to ie
in distress. It's rich and spicy-and mel-
lowed by the old "Weilman Secret~it's so
mild you can stoke-up and lire away at
full sail!
Then jot this down in the old log:.
Granger's rough cut flakes smoke as cool
as a zippy sea 'Zephyr. .. Man, your old
smokestack'll puff wreath after wreath
of perfect pipe pleasure.
And don't wait till your ship comes in
to take on a cargo of Granger. The pocket-
package is not high-priced..,. for packed
in foil (instead of costly tins) this quality
tobacco sells at just ten cents. Load up
-to-day... and bon voyage!






When in New York you are cordi.
Ball diwiyt d ee hw Lucky t rike



Your Throat Protection

Broadway and 45th Street.

-aner oug u is mad byth igeor pipers oby! C pNy


anger Rough Cut is made by the Liggeti & Myers Tobacco Ca'm.pany

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