IM Two THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1927 .... Published every morning except Monday during the Unyiersity Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en-I titled to the use for republication of all newsl dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. be easier ried for for Mr. Coolidge to get mar- publicity than try to look sensible in a cowboy unifrim, and easier for Rickard than matching heavyweights, and much less brutal. Of course there would be some who would decry the decline of a sacred institution, but we must not be so narrow as to have any more sacred institutions, and the West has already proceeded far beyond that stage. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, 'ostoffce as second class matter.! Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by mail, THE TRANSIT STRIKE (Ufices: Press Building, Maynard Street, It is indeed unfortunate that every Ann Arbor, Michigan. - community in which workers and em- EDITORIAL STAFF ployers live together has not a Mayor Telephone 4925 Walker to avert disaster in the form MANAGING EDITOR of strikes. Of course the suffering PHILIP C. BROOKS audience of the press is sick of tales Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern descriptive of the horrors of strikes, City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick and the more one hears about them Feature Editor....Marian L. Welles . . Night Editors the less vital they seem. They might John E. Davis H. K. Oakes, Jr. be classed with the solid old truths T. E. Sunderland Orville Dowzer ithat we sniff at when repeated, but Reporters wish we had heeded when they are Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell brought home with a shock. People Wm. K. Lomason Mary Lister must learn by experience. However, Bert Heideman W. Harold May the less bitter the experience and the -___-___--~ less loss entailed the better, although BUSINESS STAFF a philosopher might argue against it. BUSINESS MANAGER The fact remains nevertheless that LAUIRANCE J.AN ETUYL New York has learned the meaning of "strike" in this philosophically Advertising.............Ray Wachter vracious fashion. When a subway Accounts...........John Ruswinckel- i f W bay Assistants tie-up is imminent, the city public C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar is forced to at least think of the re- G. W. Platt. sulting inconvenience, if not actual G.__W._P_ tt chance. The feeling of the .subway Night Editor-JOS. E. BRUNSWICK employees goes without saying. - - Much distress to the public could WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1927 - A U 1927 a be avoided if mediators of character and intelligence could be found for --- -all deadlocks between enployer and FOR PUBLICITY PURPOSES GET employe. Whether sympathy lies MARRIED. with one group or the other the salu- Apparently a certain New York tary influence of some conciliating banker's son has set the world a bad personality is recognized as a dire xampe in thes lne of getting married, necessity. If a court for the express for scarcely had the press of the na- purpose of settling labor disputes tion recovered from his fiasco when- were created with necessary powers, tio reoveed romhisfiaco henmuch future trouble might be avoid- another publicity stunt on the same m .ch esttleetghtdbe avoid ordr ws istiate. Tis imeIt.ed. The settlement could be arrived order was instigasted. This time it tb an nelgntumtial was one of the far western states- boa d, neit e ntaused otyl Washington-that decided to capital- rd, neither harrassed by labor ize matrimony as a publicity feat, and union leaders, nor bribed by wealthy the methods there have changed but unintelligent capitalist rail- slightly, as we find the mayor of Ten- roaders. ino offering himself as groom in a The need for such a court is stead- public wedding to be held at the ily becoming more apparent-govern- Thurston county fair, in order to ad- ment intervention with hasty deci- vertise the fair. sions is to be deplored, even though Thomas Richards-that is the gen- it seems necessary for the immediate tleman's name, may the world remem- relief of some such condition as that ber it-has thereby caused to be during this country's disgraceful coal broadcast as an official proclamation situation. Without an intelligent un- under his hand as mayor that fact derstanding of the financial and hu- that he is in the market for an accom- ma interests of both parties-which phce in the publicity stunt. Mr. any untrained group cannot possess Thomas did not have to go as far as -no just decision can possibly be the north woods for his bride, how- reached. Three parties must always ever, for immediately following the be considered--public, employer and first newspaper advertising hundreds employee. A rather vicious trium- of replies from responsible spinsters verate to please under the most uto- throughout the nation requested pic- pian existence. The dearth of men tunes of the gentleman. All in all it trained in such problems is evident. promises to be a great public spec- There is a great field for men right tacle, with Mr. Thomas's lottery wife now to lead the laboring man-but as sideshow, and all the good folk of men of the proper requirements are Thurston county there . for the fire- difficult to find. Labor needs men works and the other free acts. The who not only live and understand, idea of any respect for the institution work and think, and form an integral of matrimony has never occurred way part of the group, but who at the out there in the wide open spaces, same time have the requisite mental and perhaps such territory would be training and poise to meet and sanely fruitful field for pastors who seek to evaluate opposition. It requires a create national sensations by advocat- day laborer who has an Oxford de- .Ing free love. gree, who is a good politician and at The idea of weddings has not been the same time possesses character and1 capitalized nearly enough by the ad- strength of conviction. This seems1 vertising agents, it seems. Curiosity almost too much to hope for, but common to all morbid events is there is a Job open for big men. bound to be excited to a feverish pitch r of excitement over such an event, 1__ _~_ though of course it has the disad- CAMPUS OPINION vantage of not being easily repeated. Anoizmous communications will be Either Tenino, Washington, will have disregarded. The names of communi- a ~nts will, however, be regarded as to elect another mayor or Thomas tonfsdential upon request. will have to get a divorce in order -__ to repeat the stunt at the next fair, On an interurban car from DetroitI and either course involves difficulties. Sunday evening a red headed woman,r Nationally in politics matrimony has suffering from her alcoholic risibili- scarcely scratched the surface as a ties, was sitting beside a man still vote getter. Think of the possibilities more intoxicated. Suddenly his be-a in this type of thing for President fuddled sense of propriety inspired Coolidge, if he should divorce Grace him to kick a respectable womanr and announce a public marriage to passenger, sitting directly ahead oft take place with a cowgirl bride. The him. West would be thereby secure in 1928, The interurban conductor was as- and the Yankee stadium would not tounded and perplexed. He had hold the news reel men who would never received a complaint durig want to attend. The whole Republi- the whole of his seven years career onn can campaign could be financed from the D. U. R. the revenues, and though Grace would "I really do not know what to doa of course, be left holding the bag, so inder the circumstances," was his to speak, she should be glad to do helpful comment. this for her husband. hef comemnt The public marriage also has econ- There were many men, students from this university who were eye omic possibilities. If Tex Richard,d s witnesses. Instead of rendering as- for instancce, were to hold such mar- riages on the off season before and sistance, they dedmed it a huge joke5 after Red Grange's appearance on the that a drunken bum had grossly in- t football field, they would add draw-1 sulted a lady with impudence whichb iug power to the gate. Then, perhaps, would have been a credit to a cheapp we could declare a world's champion , vaudeville show. i marryier, who could command fabul- Let the reader draw his own con- ous prices for his 3,150th venture onto clusions. -R. W. E. t the stormy sea of matrimony, with, of course, the poorer performers touring Since Chicago has the Dempsey- p the chatauqua, vaudeville, and-county Tunney fight no doubt the Republican p fair circuits until they had made a and Democrat national conventions name for themselves. All in all the can be run as a sideshow downtown. v commercial possibilities of matrimony Those not seeing the fight could see a U have scarcely been touched. It would real battle. OATED ROLL PUT- IN - BAY EXCURSION RETURNS Contrary to conflicting reports, the University excursion to Put-In-Bay, Ohio, returned Saturday almost as scheduled. The accompanying faculty members, having eaten their sand- wich and hard-boiled egg at 11:30 in the morning, were reported as ap-! pearing wan and pale by the time the buss returned with the last of them at 10:00 o'clock at night. * * * Lake Erie, out of respect to the pedagogical dignity of the affair, was serene and calm for the day. BENEVOLENT ORDER OF ENGI- NEERS AND MECHANICS ALSO EXCURSES In addition to the delegation from the University, the special boat to Put-In-Bay, which leaves every day! at 9 a. in., carried the annual mid- summer excursion of the Benevolent Order of Engineers and Mechanics. During the intermissions on the steamer the publicity men of the or- der handed out reams of publicity to the college boys, remarking therewith that "You look old enough to be in- terested in this;" thereby combining subtle flattery and even more subtle irony in the realization that that is the most that any of the college stu- dents will ever amount to. BENEVOLENT ORDER HAS SEVERAL OFFICERS In the literature given out by the Benevolent Order of Engineers and such things there was one page of pictures of officers, another page'-of officers nemes, a blank page, and a page containing the information "1920-1927." For a young organiza- tion Rolls can recommend no more adequately officered crew.S * * * BUT THE STUDENTS ALSO AREj ON THE BOAT But the students from the Univer- sity were also on the boat. Some of them were females; they all showed a passionate interest i geology. (This was a geology trip). In Lake Erie several fish could be seen float- ing by-dead. No doubt they hd been hit by steamers such as ours. Then everyone who was hungry ate lunch and shortly thereafter the boat docked at Put-In-Bay. CAVES ARE SEEN At Put-In-Bay there are three caves. These caves are just satiated with geology, so the serious minded students of the delegation, led by their intrepid faculty men, betook themselves therewith. The caves were very exciting, being damp and musty and filled with electric lights and guides. Before seeing them the dele- gatts were forced to listen to a speech by the faculty on how. they were made. This was included free, and was part of the price the students had to pay for the reduced rates. STALACTITES ARE FEATURE The word that is misspelled at the heading of this paragraph is what all geologists look for in caves. Nearly all of the stalactites had been broken off the last time the geology class visited the caves, however, and so there were few good specimens. After crawling through a narrow passage.. way, however, for the benefit of the admiring throngs, the Rolls delegate had more stalactites in his hair and down his neck than the whole class had gathered previous to that time. The faculty, with a hammer, was only able to break off a piece of strontium sulphate a quarter of an inch square,; also, while Rolls's assistant delegate came out with a pocket full of four- inch crystals. Rolls does not say this to be boastful realizing that the com- parison is with a faculty man. BOAT ALSO RETURNS After the caves the faculty an- nounced that there would be a race against time through the underbrush around the edge of the island-those who won would see a glacial groove and make the boat back while those who lost would see the glacial groove. Several dropped out of the contest by default. The hardier ones returned to the ship on time, and there gathered were the good looking co-eds, who had not been on the trips through the caves or the race. Accompanying them also vere the knickered youths, for whom Rolls had no use at that time, and though they may not have learned much geology they were much more presentable than the remainder of the arty. The trip home was eventful-but we should. have brought that matter up before. Kernel. Sale Continues $325 FOR $40, $45, $55 Adler Fall Suits So great was the demand for our clothes last week that we and the Adler Co. have decided to offer two large shipments that. have just arrived at the same price. NOTE: These suits are de- signed by Mr. Del Prete. Same quality clothes that have made This store-the leader. EXTRA SPECIAL Palm Beach and Tropical Worsted 2 price $2.50 White Broadcloth Shirts $1.00 Athletic Underwear 3 for t 5 o l ancy Socks, 3 pars for * .$1.0o +213 East Liberty Glkc largest selling quality pencl in the world black degrees Superlative in quality, the world-famous copying ENUS At all dealers Buy give best service and a longest weal. dozen Plainendspei-doz. $100 ------- ubberends, per doz. 1.20 American. Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave.,N.Y. Makers of UNIQUE Thin Lead Colored Pencils in 12 colors-$ 1.00 p'er doz. , ! 1 '.'.' ,PAt wi i,';, , P ; 1 1y III,'? R i. 1 I' 1 1'4y 1, ' R i 1 ' , I . , I , ,! , , , I i , i I I , , __ -- -_- , t ' '' ,,i , , , , ! , : I I ,, M 1 ; I IN+ , ' 1 ti1 1 ' ! . I;, c , i II i w , i , . 1 ;, l ,11I ,, ,, , i1 1 :' :. Take your Choice Rich Black and Gold, Black-tipped Lacquer-red, or Green Jade Mlack-tipped Parker Duofold is made in all 3 effects Those who like Green Jade will agree it's easy to decide which Jade to buy. For here, in the Parker Duofold, this popular color is in combination with trim Black Tips-doubly smart and effective. And Parker Duofold is the only pen with the Ink-Tight Duo-Sleeve Cap and Barrel of Non-Breakable Permanite. The pen with the Point that's guaranteed 25 years, not only for mechanical perfection but for wear! So don't confuse Parker Duofold with other pens that are si.ilar in color only. Look for the irnpr int ,,fmasterer i nan sh.p-Geo. s kIer---DUO .1 y vi ParDuofold JorLad mach, $3, $3.50 ands$4 according to size. All good dealers have them. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY, JANESVILLE.WISCONSIN The SECOND s. S.RYNDAM- ?ILLEGE CRUISE ROUND THE WORLD SEPTEMBER TO MAY Why stay within four walls when The World and all the Countries Of the Seven Seas are calling You? THE WORLD IS OUR CLASSROOM A University for Men. College Courses studied dur- inga school year around the World. Enrolhent X limited to 375 young men, 17 or more years of age. Visit 27 countries. Study under competent professors and instructors, aboard ship, in foreign lands. For illustrated booklet and catalog with courses, write: READ THE WANT ADS College Cruise Studenta at Kamakura~Japan University Travel Association, Inc. 285 Madison Ave., New York City - f "That's the tyocketAhl" .1 "A_ s~ irs/ AV 47 AV !~ w i' w vivvvs A welcome summons to the best thing any cigarette can give- natural tobacco taste a likej b ~qualiti4 charac and ge: c v fi ness.1 gives #" some! 7 ther cigarette offers measure of natural es, naturalness of ter, purity of taste, nuine tobacco good- Natural tobacco taste all that-and then Chestril i7,q l '4fsj't and yet, they're MILD LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO.