)UR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1927 1. BOOKS OF THE DAY "'-a-,.- Ir stories that will last. Probably they will never be compared with. "Au American Tragedy" or "Sister Carrie," but they are works of both merit and' distinction. S "Chains," by Theodore Dreiser; New maintained. They are tales of Ibn York, Boni and Liveright Co., 1927; Abdullah' and Gassar-el-din-both $2.50. beggars to whom no one will give A Review by Vincent C. Wall, Jr. alms and tellers of stories to whom As in two earlier publications, Theo- no one will listen. But the marts and dore Dreiser has chosen a book of short mosques and coffee houses of the Far stories for "Chains" his latest literary East rise in vivid and c5lorful pro- vehicle. The resulting opus is of some cession, even if there is realistic variety and of varying merit. A few i treatment to the whole. of the fifteen stories costained are ex- The title story, "Chains," and an- cellent creations, worthy of encomium- other, "Fulfillment," deserve a further ism; others are less interesting; and classification for another reason. They some are medicore. In fact this vary- possess the merits and defects of thel ing value almost leads one to surmise others, but are written in a rather dif- that the author found himself with a ferent manner-technique, it might be PREMIER IN U. S Stationery Bargains A Miscellaneous Lot of Box Stationery at 10c - 25c - 45 A UNVWERSITY WanBOOK STORE few satisfying stories, and needing termed. They are told as the trans-I more, set himself down between tea lated thoughts of the principal charac- time and dinner and nonchallantly ter, in the case of the former a re-. dashed them off. flection of his life and that of hisI Several genralizations may be made wife, in the latter of a woman's philo- concerning their commond trend. They sophy of her life and loves. An origin- 8 are nearly all tragedies-or of tragic al distinction, however, lies in the proportions, but are merely so many fact that the various interruptions andj incidents clipped from the lives of the intrusion of external affairs are placed characters. There is seldom, even an in italicized paragraphs of one or two I attempt at selection or synchroniza- sentences. tion. They are life as the author sees This permits a both vivid and realis- it-realism that descends at times to tic treatment which is entirely in line the dross and squalor of petty lives . with the author's customary style, but; . an accurate tale told by a re- leads to one final comment on his porter who sacrifices everything for work in general. Mr. Dreiser seems veracity. Because of this there is little always to be on the outside reporting happiness for any of the characters. the events that are occurring in the There seems to be an accentuation-of lives of his characters. He seldom Premier William McCormack of their misery and suffering. Their sor- uses the first person, in fact in but Queensland, Australia, who is staying rows are permitted to corrode and fes- one story in the entire collection, and herin Chicago. Premier McCorm.ck te, without the healing adjustment of here but as a reporter of events in came here to stdy Ameran mann- time. which others figure. The first and best is "Sanctuary," This habit, however, does not detract facturing methods. and here the recitation of the travail I from his work, but rather in certain and calamity attending Madeleine instances is extremel ysuitable for his CAPE TOWN, South Africa.-Thirty Kinsella is typical. She was born of I style and diction. And although his Africans and two Europeans were a drunken mother and dissoluate fath- flare for realism at times alsmost runs killed in a collision betwen a freight er, and her life was spent in the streets away with him, he has created some and a mail train near Heidelberg ' and tenments. A few moments of ha D- CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT-Cool single room on first floor. 912 Monroe. 8741. 30,31,32 WANTED-Girl to do dusting, etc., in small house, in exchange for room. Phone 21655. 30, 31, 32 LOST-A green swimming suit with' yellow stripes, Thursday afternoon. Call Cunningham. 7317. 30,31,32 'LOST-In Michigan Union Cafeteria, black Pin Seal Wallet ontaining bills. Libral reward. Rturn to Waldo Willhoft, 509 E. Jefferson at.' 22418. 30, 31' LOST-Horn Rimmed glasses, Agnew. 21720. 30 LOST-Alpha Chi Omega pin, between Helen Newberry and Congregational church. Please return to Helen Newberry. Reward. 31 32 LOST-A. black and white cameo broach, set in white gold. Lost on campus or in Majestic. Reward. I Please return to 1317 Wilmot street or call 5974. 32, 33, 34' WANTED-Experienced stenographer and accountant wanted immediately. Temporary position. Can use part or full time. Must take dictation rapidly and accurately. Good kages. Apply University Music House, 601 E. Wiliams. 32 --_ !imp, JEJT!s 2).00-- 3:30 TODAY-WED. 7 :20--9:0,0 ~'0 -1l9c YOUR OLD FAVORITE IS BACK AGAIN RICHARD with MARY BRIAN DIX as an ex-officer of the U. S. Tank Corps who smashes through opposition and danger to success and the girl of his heart! ON THlE STAG~E International Cyclists The Oxford Trio In Play Ball and How THURS-THE CALLAHANS I. '...I f piness with faithless lovers, and un- wanted child-and the way of all flesh. She eventually seeks refuge in a con- vent. This pattern si followed in mose of the others. tI is true of Ida Zobel in "Typhoon;" and Frank and Marie in "The Old Neighborhood." It is almost true of "Khat" and "The Prince Kho Was a Thief," but here there is a dif- ferent milieu that is well caught and '7)hat the, 0 Graduate School Law School College of Liberal Arts School of Music School of Commerce School of Speech School of Education School of Journalism Send for FREE Booklet Booklet, "Education Plus Recreation " describes the co3urses of NORTHWESTERN UNIV~ERSITY SUM- AR SESSION and its recreational and educational advantuges. Address WALTER DILL SCOTT, President NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY A aARENCE BADGER p AGO. G T 1 O N wITN MARY BRIAN ADUOPI4ZUSOR ... JESSE LLA7 c qzrwn u ,~ct~~ AND THE IURPHYS r ks tlere's it BUTT'ERFIELD THEATIE a Twin Feature Mid-Sunnier Bill That You Wou' Miss SEE IT TODAY Subscribe For The Michigan Weekly Engagement Limited Thru--Wed. ONLY well-dressed man will ride in OU can zoom the Erskine Six up to sixty, hold it there, and float down the highway with the comfort of the Twentieth Century .. Four-wheel brakes will ease you down to a smooth, quick stop without the sceaming ofsteel o, the burning of tires ... It wihl dodge into the smallest of parking It will fit into your vacation plhns like a ball in a catcher's mitt -=will arouse shirieks of superla- tives from feminine lips. And why nmt? A saucy coupe for four-in- spircd by continental ideas-body designed by Dietrich; chassis by Studebaker - truly a "Little Aris- tocrat "Trim as an oil king's yacht --and as graceful-it reflects Euro- pean manners to the nth degree... Plan your summer an whees- in an Ecknlce Sport Coupes On disply at all sivesdcbaks ,ewe'e ERSKINE SIX SPORT COUPE $995 S # CER / SEtdautj BussCwp.4; f SIXf "ME UTT"i ALESTOC&AT) t t ' r f fr,, ' BEN BURBRIDGE'S Masterpiece of Realism! PLEASE INOTE This classic should be not confused with the ordinary adventure film...it is a compaulio production to ALASKAN A1)VEN TURES. 'Tihe Mngt. Without a stop! Surely and swiftly the preference for natural tobacco taste is trav- elling right across the country! * 4mum --f And Our Special Feature Number Two HARD BOILED ROSIE! as impersonated by diminutive Shirley Mason i4; Its Got Laughs and 1111 - Thrills Galore t -and yet, they're MILD SUNDAY Jolm il~ibert in TWELVE MILES OUT with Ernst Torrence 'INl THURSDAY Esther Ralston in FASHIONS FOR WOMEN with Raymond Hatton 11111 i i ll It 111 1 11111 11 11 111 The Rockford Players Second Summer Season Every Evening Except Wed.-Sat. Matinee Last Play of the Season-TONIGHT at 8:15 "The Comedy ot Errors" Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (above Barbour Gymnasium) All seats reserved at 75c at Bookstores and Door Matinees 50 and 75 Cents 1111111111111i 111111111 111111111i 11 11 Shakespeare's Riotous Rhapsody in Blue