v TODAY'S EVENTS 4 P. 3.-Graduate Student Meeting. 1 P. M.-Educational Clu b Ball Game. :I, P. M.-The Comedy of Errors. al # ixntmpr - IL AdW i3a14 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. VIII, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 1927 PRICE FIVE CENTS ONEILL WILL ASSUME POSITIO ,N, PREVIOUSLY, HELD BY TRUEBLOOD HAS DEGREES FROM CHICANO, HARVARD; IS GRADUATE OF DARTMOUTH BEGINS IN SEPTEMBER Profesor O'Neill Author Of Several Books On The Subject Of Oratory And Oratorical Education GIANT BOMBING PLANE TRIED Professor James M. O'Neill will be- come the head of the department of Speech in the University in Septem- ber. Professor O'Neill has a record of extensive work in this field, and comes A new giant Curtis bombing p to Michigan to replace Professor ed in armoured turrets, is shown b Thomas E. Trueblood who resigned a Island, N, Y, year ago. A graduate of Dartmouth in 1907, Professor O'Neill took his NEW STADIUM SH graduate work at the University9of OF iN ONTHI EA Chicago and at Harvard . From 1909- i jfl 1913 he was instructor in English and assistant professor of Oratory at One month from today "there won't Dartmouth College. He then became be much of a job left in building the associate professor of Rhetoric and Michigan Stadium." The words are Oratory in the University of Wiscon- those of Fielding H. Yost who has sin, and since 1915 has been professor watched the building of the big bowl of Public Speaking in Wisconsin, and with hourly concern. The contract chairman of the Speech department. calls for completion on October 1, Professor O'Neill is a member of the two months away and the date of the National Association of Teachers of opening Michigan football game. Speech, of which he is ex-president, As the man who made the build- and is a member of Delta Sigma Rho, ing of the stadium possible spoke of National Honorary Forensic Fratern- its completion a month ahead of ity, and of Pi Epsilon Theta. He is schedule, he was looking at the big the author of Manual of Debate and cement mixer that has only three Oral Discussion, compiler of Models more stops to complete its journey of Speech Composition, and Modern around the bowl-six sections on the Short Speeches, and a lecturer on east side remain to be poured. On Speech Education. the south, he saw the wooden seats he- Under the leadership of such a man ginning to be placed and the iron the department of Speech at Mich- 9standards in place on a third of the gan is bound to be the best in the bowl. country. On the east side, where work was first started, the brick work, filling FULLER CONTINUES up the back of the seats that rise HIS INVESTIGATION above the level of the ground was Ocompleted, and the low brick wall OF FAMOUS TRIAL circling the rest of the seats was about half completed. The tunnel, (By Associated Press) J leading down to the football field BOSTON, August 2.-Gov. Alvin T. was almost all poured and the east Fuller remained late at his office to- side steps and approaches were all i day interviewing witnesses and ex-i.t perts on phases of the Sacco-Vazettiinpae Grdgtocmlehe i filling of the east side around the murder trial. Last week the gover- tunnel also was almost completed.. nor indicated that his decision, which Carpenters have most of the forms will spell life or death for Nicolo in place to hold the concrete on the Sacco and Bartholomeo Vanzetti, pro- large east side framework that holdst bably will be announced Wednesday night of this week. Jardine Speaks On F Late today Governor Fuller sum- S e k moned to his office at the state house,- I (By Ass J. Weston Allen, former attorney- EAST LANSING, August 1- ts general of Massachusetts, Capt. A. B. Armstrong, chief of the bureau of to stem the tide of the erodus of farm criminal identification, of the Boston residents to the cities must be dealt police department, and Inspector with by giving the farmer the benefits James R. Olafiin, police fingerprint which are offered by the life in the, expert. The two police officers were city, withholding the discomforts and closeted with the governor until long unsatisfactory conditions found in city after 6 o'clock. life, William M. Jardine, secretary of William G. Thompson, counsel for agriculture, told members of the the defense, also called on the gov- Country Life association at a banquet ernor this afternoon. He explained here tonight. however, that his mission was merely "We must assist the rural communi- to return several affidavits which he ties to achieve the highest possible3 had borrowed for the purpose of his standard of living on their income," argument before Governor Fuller last J'ardine said. "It will be to the dis- week in behalf of his clients. tinct advantage of every, individualt Although Vanzetti broke his hun- and to the American nation as a whole ger strike yesterday and continued to- to achieve efficiency in rural consump- day to accapet the food brought to his tion." cell, Sacco persisted in the fast which Alarming decreases in the farm1 he began more than two weeks ago. population, amounting to 649,000 lastt While he showed sings of growing year-the largest decrease in any year1 weakness, after Dr. Joseph . Mc- since 1920-were shown in statisticas' Laughlin, the prison physician, said reported by Secretary Jardine. l that Sacco's condition gave little rea- "Many of those who leave the farms, son for alarm. and not a few of them are highly com- petent, are moving to town to give1 RESEARCH BUREAU their children and themselves thes IS INAUGURA TED benefits of the city's standards of liv-t IAing." Mr. Jardine said. "What hap-c pens when a fairly well-to-do farm-i ROCKFORD PLAYERS GIVE LASTI I SUMMER SESSION PRODUCTIONN Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Er- One of the most effective scenes in rors" with a jaz orchestra and modern- the dress rehearsal Sunday evening ist Persian costumes, will open tonight was the tragic prologue which pre- at 8:15 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell;ceeds the aectual farce. An elaborate Hall as the final pr duction in the series of steps and platforms are Rockford Players' season of Summer ) filled with black-cowled figures sil- Plays. Ihouetting the Duke and Aegeon who LESS ILLEGITIMATE EXPENSES The play is Shakespeare's only pure play the scene itself. NOW THAN OCCITRRED farce and centers about the burlesque Following Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler," IN '70'S complications of two masters and two which closed its run. last night, "The servapts that are identical twins. The Comedy of Errors" will close the sum- PARTIES NECESSARY one pair lives in Ephesus, where the mer season with an outstanding coin- action of the comedy is laid, while the edy, making seven out of eight ofO w Complicated Goivernmient, Advertising, other two come from the enemy city bills light in mood It is °'ound that Generosity , and Apathy, of 7phesus. The situation of such such farces and comco.lies aze most Increase Expense confusing mistaken identity makes iopular during t19e warm summer "The Comedy of Errors" one of months, "The seedground of the correction Shakespeare's most famous comedies, - No announcement has yet bhen made of political evils lies in the education The production of the farce by the jIconcerning the possibility of anothr of the people," stated Dr. James K. Rockford Players is expected to pre- scason by the _nnany unte, Oiie au- Pollock, of the department of Political sent many novelties from the costumes spices of tha summer ses.;io next Science in his lecture "What's Wrong copied after Max Reinhardt's recent summer; but the (utstandig financial With Politics?" which was delivered performance to the single setting in becess of th I-event ser.es indicate yesterday afternoon in Natural Science which the action moves, picked out by a continuence .f ;his popula.' addition auditorium. a spot-light thrown from the balcony. to the list of diversity att actions. "In order to have government we The Rockf'd Players are opening must have political parties in order nor a secondl year, in Rockfo'dr the first to' have political parties 'we must week in Octor3" , following Robert, have managers, and i order to have Henderson's sflet vacation in Eiiropel managers we must have money. between the two seasons The on- Therefore, the financing of candi f riete person-1 has not been an- dates and of the manager is the nounced, althoiigb both Amy Loomis k ernel of the whole political govern- (By Associated Press) have been re-engaged, ment, and we must realie that large DETIROIT August 2-,Edsel Ford The performance this evening of sums of money are necessary. The will back Con, Richard E, Byrd in "The Comedy of Errors" starts Anti-Saloon league,. the American his proposed flight to the South Pole, promptly at 8:15, and no one will be Brewers association, the Non-Parti- the Detroit Free Press will say to- 1sed din e olnogue. sTe pla san league, and other such societies morrow in a copyrighted story, isel ilessonins save fo spend as much if not more money 1 single intermission in the middle of Ihn orpltca ate.Mn Commander Byrd surprised Henry the performance. Seats may be r than our political parties. Moy and Edsel Ford with a visit today. ? spent for these purposes can not be 'erve.d at the S) tPat tre b ookct.rJ l ane carrying six machine guns mount- being tested at Mitchell field, Long OWS SIGNS RLYCOMPLIETION up the seats there and have the frames in ready for the pouring of most at the seats resting in the ground. Cer- pletion of this carpenter work will determine the rate of pouring for the big concrete mixer is capable of supplying an almost unlimited amount of mixed material. Working only four days a week, the other two be- ing spent in moving and not being used at all on Sunday, the. machine has kept well ahead of the contract specifications. Night work also has not been a factor although carpen- ters worked overtime at the begin-! ning of the building. Over the west side the press stand, the only structure to rise above the level of the bowl is being started and workmen of the telegraph and telephone companies are engaged in laying underground conduits to con- vey wires to the press stand. The tstand is to accommodate a large num- her of operators and newspaper men. On the ground aroundthe stadium, proper, the final bit of drainage work was completed last week, the roads are being put in shape and a few other bits of work completed. As soon as the grounds are in shape, the erection of the ornamentall steel wire fence that will enclose the whole project will be started, this and the laying of sod around the margin of the playing field being the final bits of work. After an all day conference includ- 1nd at the door, and are priced at 75 ug a visit to the Ford factories andl cents. The final performance of the a luncheon, Edsel Ford announced that his interest in the flight was as season will be Saturday night, Aug. 6. enthusiastic as when Commander Byrd sought and successfully com- pleted his flight over the North Pole. It was understood that Edsel Ford furpished a large part of the money which made the northern flight pos- sible, Commander Byrd naming his plane "Joseph E. Ford," the name of Is Graduate Of Harvard And Was one of Edsel Ford's children. Professor Of iPolitics In "It is not for any personal interest University Of Tokio. that I am helping Byrd," Mr. Ford said, "although I do like to hear the NO CHANGE TO BE MADE adventures he has when we can get N C NB together and talk them over. It is Dr. Walter Wallace McLaren of principally because he is doing a ser- Williams College organizer and di- vice to aviation and that it all w rector of the Institute of Politics, now, are trying to do with our aviation in session in Williamstown, has ac- enterprise at Dearborn," cepted the presidency of the Floating JAPS ARE ONLY HOPE FflP PAI FY SIIFR a ,~a.v arm Relief Measures )ci~ted Press) his farm or places a tenant in charge. If the latter occurs, the farm must then support two families: The new man, as a general rule, has his fortune to make out of the soil. The prosperous farmer takes to the city with him years of experience and education in 'businesslike farm- ing, his wealth which was produced on the lad and his desire to live a more comfortable life, "We must study, too, community relationships," said Mr. Jardine. "The modern farm family will not live an isolated life. Yet we dQ not want the farm family to depend solely on the casual entertainment of the typi- cal village. The agricultural com- munity must be developed, with op-1 portunity for amateur music, ama- teur dramatics, aateur sports. This has been accoplished in some places.1 It can be accomplished in other places. "I cannot mention all the many as- pects of the rural situation that con- fronts us. We need to realize the complexity of the problem. We need to realize that it demands the thought of the sepcialists in every field. There is a nation-wide call that requires nation-wide consideration. I i f My Associated Press) GENEVA, August 2.-Successful Japanese meditation was said in the Tri-partite Naval conference circles, tonight to appear to be the only thing that could save the conference from failure, A lengthy conference of the Japan-i ese delegation was held today. This followed upon a meeting between Vis- count Ishii and W. C. Bridgeman, chief British representative, at which Mr. Bridgeman is reported to have askedI the Japanese statesman whether he had any suggestions to offer. The Japanese represetatives met to examine the situation from every possible angle, to determine whether any means could be discovered which offered a path for acceptance as a remedy for eight-gun cruisers which is causing the existing deadlock. From what meagre information seeped out to the press, the Japanese had not succeeded in developing a single formula which would bring the British and Americans closer to- gether on -this contested point. How-1 ever, it was undertsood tonight that the Japanese were continuing their study tenaciously. The British spokesmen did not spare their words today in criticiz- ing unfavorably the American propo- sal which was framed to permit re- nunciation of the treaty in case the British found the American construc- tion of cruisers a menace to British security. The spokesmen asserted that the proposal was fundamentally objectionable because it authorized no means of signatories until 1931, and renunciation of the treaty was not possible until 18 months after the end of 1931. University "Aurania," co-educational. The announcement is as follows: "The International U n i v e rsity Cruise Inc., in conjunction with the Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd., takes pleasure in announcing that Walter Wallace McLaren has ac- cepted the office of President of the Faculty and Educational Director of the Floating University "Aurania." President MccLaren takes office im- mediately. He has been given a free1 hand and full authority. He does not plan to make any basic changes, being in complete sympathy with the poll- cies of the co-educational Floating University, and any minor changes or new appointments which he may di - tate will be announced to the public as soon as possible.' President McLaren received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1908, and was immediately called to Japan to serve as Professor of Economics and Poli- tics at Tokio until 1914. He then ccame to Williams College, where he is now Professor of Economics and Executive Secretary of the Institution of Politics. During 1920 and 1921 Dr. McLaren was the consulting economist for Far Eastern countries in the department of state. He is a member of the Eco- nomic Association, of the American Political Science Association, and of the Asiatic Society of Japan. MANILA-Senator Elpido Quirino challenged as exorbitant the $15,000 travel expenses of Gov.-Gen. Leonardl Wood. Our WeatherMan I -Has a vague idea that it will be fair with showers today, and hot to- morrow. as well placed as that spent for the public cause, such as the political party represents. We are in advance of the '70's or '80's for less money is spent for illegitimate purposes. Poli- tics are no more high priced nor corrupted than business!' Dr. Pollock mentioned four rea- sons for the large expenses of pli- tical parties. They were, first, the complicated nature of the United States government, which is difficult for even close students of politics to grasp fully and which by its intricate processes makes the nomination and election of candidates a hard and long drawn out process. Second the large amount of money which must be devoted to advertis- ing. Third, the fact that a party must be generous and must not bother about financial details lest a bad impression be created. And last, the genral apathy with which the public looks upon the government as a whole which encourages spectacular campaigns and therefore greater ex- penses. In conclusion Dr. Pollock stated, "We must remove the mystery from government and persuade the peo- ple to think for once, they find the thrill and fascination that lies in thinking the political evils will vanish." ET EDUCATION CLUB TO HOLD PICNC The Men's Education club holds its summer picnic at Ferry field Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The com- mittee in charge has arranged a pro- grain which includes baseball games between the principals and school superintendents, for championship, and the teachers will seek to hand the cellar honors to the faculty of the School of Education. In the evening at 7:30, the Society of the L. Y. D., national education fraternity, will receive applicants for admission who will be presented by Professor. Thomas Diamond. The ini- tiation ceremony will be in charge of Professor J. B. Edmonson. Education club members can pur- chase their tickets for the picnic at the main desk of the Union, at Profes- sor G .E. Myer's office, in Tappan hall, and in Professor Raleigh Schorling's office on the third floor of University high school before 9 o'clock today. BASEBALL SCORES tix' Associated Press) American League Cleveland, 2; New York, 1. St. Louis-Boston, rain. Chicago-Philadelphia, rain. National League New York 6; St. Louis, 3. } Brooklyn, 2; Cincinnati, 1. Boston, 4; Pittsburgh, 1. Philadelphia, 5; Chicago, 6. A new Bureau of University e r search is to be inaugurated and rooms er moves to the city? H either sells 201 and 203 in University Hall are to GRAD S TUDENTS be altered to accommodate it. In the W GRAD STUD NTS Old Physics building five rooms ire W ILL CONVENE being redecorated for offices, and an improved lighting system will be in- stalled. Concrete is being poured into It has been announced by the chair- the cracks in the coal bason at the rman of the graduate committee of power plant. the School of Education, that there i ,I i f F "f . -E I est to all graduate students in edu- cation. Members of the faculty of the School of Education are also urged to attend this meeting. FRANKFORT.-Three men in a thirty-foot sailboat will try to cir- cumnavigate the world, starting from Frankfort. LONDON-Scotland Yard frowns on the proposal of Lady Ossulston to eliminate laundry marks in a laun- PARIS.-Germany has lived up to every undertaking subscribed to un- der the Dawes Plan, is the verdict of the reparations commission after a general meeting here. will be a very important meeting of all graduate students in that depart- ment, at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Deans Huber, Kraus and Whitney will make announcements that will be of inter- dry she is to start in London.