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July 31, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-31

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Continued cool, with prob-
able showers.






VOL. VIII, No. 31





"The Pot Boilers" and "Cinderella
Married" Are the Other Two
Plays to be Given
Three one-act plays will be pre-
sented August 10 in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall. The castes wil consist
of the members of the class in one-
act plays under Lionel Crocker.
'Judge Lynch," a Belasco Prize play,'
treats the unjustice done to the neg-
roes in the South. Alice Gersten-
berg's "The Pot-Boilers," is a very
clever comedy, a take-off on the writ-
ing of plays. If it is as good in final
performance as it is in the rehearsals
[t will be a screaming burlesque that
'6 bound to appeal to the audience.
'Cinderella Married" is the name of
he third play, and depicts the trials
ind tribulations of poor Cinderella
ifter her marriage to the Prince
'Will Play in Brighton
Arrangements have also been made
o present these plays in Brighton on
August 9. All of the advertising,
usiness, committees, etc. that will be

necessary, are to be taken care of
by the members of the class.
Mr. Crocker, director, has been on
the University Faculty for several
years, and has just returned from
the round - the - world university

cruise, on which he was the head of
the Public Speaking department. Un-:
der his direction the members of the
class attain a naturalness on the
stage which few directors produce.
Johnson Assists
R. M. Johnson, head of the Lan-'
guage department in the Barbour In-I
termediate School of Detroit, is assist-f
ing Mr. Crocker. Mr. Johnson is a
member of the Saginaw Little Theater
movement, and is at the head of the
Junior Little Theatre in Detroit.
It is interesting to note that Miss
Amy Loomis and Robert Henderson
are products of these University Play
Production classes.

+Co-operation of University students,,lL B U JC FS A EPA ES PAY E A O T D S O~ 00LF C A PO S I
!and of teachers in Michigan schoolsI r(fi n1'j'uLANSINGfflO July 30-Govrnor Fred1
terest in the school conducted in theLEOA the pre-primary convention systemBH
hospital of the university. Young -tc
women of the university contributed ROCKFORD PLAYERS WILL GIVE JAZZ ORCHESTRA WILL BE mWay result in its tentative adoption by ANN ARBOR PLAYER LEADS FROM
time and talent as teachers, says H. A. LAST SHOWING OF "HEDDA USED AS FEATURE I the Republican party while the pre- FIRST HOLE UNTIL END
Haynes in his annual report to the GABLER," TUESDAY ObePRODUCTIONlsetadministratiif it is decideto tr
president, while schools of the state
aided by accepting work done in the DEANS WILL SPEAK KEARNS PLAYS ADRIANA1 the pe-primary, the firsanddatesfor nied HEWITT PUTTS POORLY
hospital school and by other bits of
co-operation. Men's Education Organization Will Is First Shakespearian Production States senator and state offices prior IHewitt Sinks Eighty Foot Putt After
The school had an average weekly Hold Annual Baseball Game Undertaken by Group of tothe primary election in the fall of Diplaying Poor Ability At
attendance of 114 with a total attend- At 5 O'clock Tuesday Rockford Players 1928., i Putting All Day
The pre-primary convention, which ___
ance of 1019. Daily attendance varied is
from 100 to 155 The distribution b "What Price Politics?" is the title Following the final performance to- not required by law in Michigan, (By Associated Press)
frm 00to15. heditruio b would be powerless to nominate can- WVASHTENAW COUNTRY CLUB
grades disclosed that 72.1 per cent of of the lecture to be delivered at 5 morrow night of Ibsen's "Hedda Gab- iould be eles o no can- PSIAN UNY CLUB,
o'clck ondy ateroon y D. li,"in arahCasel ngel Hlldidates. The delegates could go noF CLUB, YPSILANTI, July 30.-Johin
the children taking work in the oclock Monday afternoon by Dr. er further than to endorse their choices. Malloy, had been knocking at the
school were of the and inter- James K. Pollock Jr., of the depart- the Rockford Players will enter into ction o the i ins do of e tockaeglf h
scolwr fteprimaryan tr- . The action of the convention wuld in door of entry to state golf honors
mediate grades. ment of Political Science. The last the final week of their season with
,g production of Shakespeare's no way be binding upon the subse- since he appeared at Grand Rapids in
Everu effort is made in the school pertormadce of HenrikcIbsen'saHedea
says Mr. Haynes to return the ui da Gabler," as played by the Rock-, "The Comedy of Errors" opening unt primary as other candidates 1923 and became Michgans eleventh
fordMPlayers inSrhCseAgtousayennnhunncould enter the primary "and seek the golf champion today. He won in, a
to his community, home and schoolp ford Players in Sarah CaswemAngeri Tuesday evsing and running for five
and for this reason the co-oeratio Hall, will begin at 8:15 o'clock Mon- performances through Saturday night, party nomination regardless of the match memorable for its missed op-
anfof sc hols treso theco stprate i day evening. Aug st 6 .convention endorsement. portunities, 3 and 2, from B. L. "Bud"
of schools throughout the state has)dyeeig gi Governor Green and other pryHwtKlmzo
been sought to find out what work There wil be no regular 5 o'clock One of the interesting features of ree and th party Hewitt, Kalamazoo.
the individual child should take In lecture Tuesday. Instead, at 4 o'clock "The Comedy of Errors" will be the l
thear individualoul child th fishould nd etake.nsitIn
ome cases the children have ben al- in the Natural Science auditorium introduction of a jazz orchestra, in- primary endorsement would tend to the first hole aid Hewitt consistent-
somecase th chidre hav be al-. .reduce the primary fields. A candi- ly shot short- to the end., All through
lowed full credit for work done in the there will be a meeting of all gradu- cluding two saxophones, traps, banjo,rduce the eds.m n hr,
hospital school, while in other cases ate students in the field of Education, violins and trumpet. "Modern negrodate having the endorsement of the the afternoon round, howeveie had
the student has ben received into the the group to be addressed by Dean G. jazz," Robert Henderson, director ofrParty organization would go into the dangis opponies ut Hwinh's-
hys notna Carl Huber, of the Graduate School, the company, said, is exactly in keep-t's put-
schol-l ..arofH rauateSchoolt t nsaidi Ser nomination. This fact would undoubt- ter was unable to respond to them.
"Saginaw, Arthur Hill, White Pine Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Sum- ing with the spirit of Shakespeare's
Clayton, Marlette, Evart Royal Oak, mer Session, and Dean Allen S. Whit- own day and particularly -fitting in edly discourage others who might Then, just as the match was ending,
Hazel Park, Battle Cree, Owosso, ney, of the School of Education. The 'The Comedy of Errors' since it is jump into a free-for-all contest, this same putter holed off the most
ae a te ow Men's Educational Club will hold only pure farce." The Democrats have employed the applauded shot of the day.
Nagaunee and Flint have allowed full ei nEu al Celu game at 5 y FSre eepre-primary system for the past few Hewitt Sinks Long Putt
credit for work done in the school," ttyears. Leaders declare it has been It was the 16th hole, Malloy lay
says the report. "Cedar, Alpena, oclock at Ferry Field. This game A single setting uilt out of an a success. The candidate endorsed comfortably four feet from the hole in
Cheboygan, Jackson and Traverse City l by the pre-primary gathering has in- 3. Hewitt was 80 fet away with a
hltickets for which may be procured forms will. be used throughout with
have placed the children on trial. The. . ivariably been nominated in the pri- bad roll and a ridge betwen his ball
teachers of Six Lakes, Grand Rapids, from Professor Wilbert J. Carr, of but a single intermission. By picking
. . the SchoThusfiEdufaectn.hTheaRoak-antesmad tsecthals.oHetheostags stanth
Alpena, Howard City and Birmingham the School of Education. The Rock- out small sections of the stage for the ynotice of his choice as the party to putt when a straw hat blew off
h ford Players will present in Sarah successive scenes-much in the fash-ts
have ben very co-operative. Caswell Angell Hall Shakespeare's ;1ion of a modern vaudeville show- standard bearer and could plunge at and landed by his ball. He changed
Even Americanization work has "The Comedy of Errors," the curtain the mounting series of complicatios once into his campaign for election to his stance, stroked the ball strongly
found a place in the school at the ioffice, secure in the knowledge that and it started toward the hole. Up
hopital, beginning as a request on the nomination was his. This condi- and still up it climbed the sloping
the part of foreign-speaking patients will also be presented Thursday, Fri- lesque to sweep along to the final cur- tion would not be absolute on the green and went on the level and rolled
day and Saturday evenings at the tamn without the conventional scene
for school work corresponding to that a amtrdaeegSatrdheFaith Republican side, however. The Re- along and disappeared in the cup.
of the night schools. All of the e nei at publican nominee for any state office The yell that went up at the shot
Americanization pupils have ben men afternoon beginning at 3:30 o'clock. Shakespeare's own stage," Hen- i
) in Michigan usually wins the office. had larger volume than any that
"e"bj "aDickinson to Lecture derson pointed out, "allowed scene
fery wards where they have long "The Progress of International Co- after scene to be played consecutively, I This encourages many to sek th ma- greeted the wonder shot of Malloy
operation" is the lecture to be de- and if directors revive this tradition jority nomination. The reverse has yesterday, and it was given voice by
periods of waiting for their opera- been found to be true among the Malloy's supporters.
tions, when they feel the need of im- livered by Professor Edwin D. Dickin- the usual drastic cuts in his text are
tinsn ftheLwShoa 'lokfuduncsay Democrats, where candidates fre- Fielding. H. Yost of Michigai, who
poving their time. Most of themson, of the Law School, at 5 o'clock found unnecessary."]uetl
Wednesday, while on the same eve- Fills Kearns Plays Adriaa ~etY have to be drafted. There is left his stadium long enough to
have ben referred to the school by WednMs.abel n Rhea sanist,- £l s l ad y AdraFano crowding to get a place on the watch the final 18 holes, paced the
thesocal aseworersthereprting Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, Elsie Herndon Kearns who has
the social case workers, the report a h i Democratic ticket, but there is on the I put distance and announced it was 81
sy.and Mrs. Marian Struble Freeman,;scored such an emphatic hit in the ReIlcnfe
says. voiit il d ilRepublican. --feet.
Dr. Haynes expresses the hope that violinist, will present a joint recital, title-role of "Hedda Gabler," will The proposed Republican pre- The Morning Cards Were
TweilorniygCardsis rs
the school library may be enlarged under the auspices of the School of play Adriana, while Amy Loomis is primary probably would limit the Malloy, out 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 5-38
soon, with a trained librarian in Music, in Hil auditorium at 8 o'clock. cast as her sister, Luciana. Charles field but undoubtedly would not en-,Hewitt...6 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 4-39
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Associate Direc- Edgecombe and Paul Faust will ap-f
charge. or of Anthropology, University Mu- pear as the twin brothers, Antipholus irely eliminate contests as it ordinar- {Malloy, in .4 3 4 3 5 4 5 3-37-74
t osefum, will lecture on "The University of Ephesus and Syracuse; and Robert ily does in the case of the Democrats. Hewitt ....5 5 6 4 5 5 4 6 3-41-80
U0CCE W ITH of Michigan Expedition to the Philip- ( Henderson and William Bishop will Tle Afternoon Cards:
of MOTTAWA-Tourists from the United Malloy, out 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 5 4-38
"H EDATLE", ine Islands" at 5 o'clock Thursday. take the parts of the two Dromios. States hereafter will b'e permitted to Hewitt ...,5 5 3 5 3 4 3 5 4--37
"FEDDAzX GjABILER The lecture, which is illustrated, will The supporting cast is large, in- remain in Canada for a period of 90 Maloy, in.... 5 5 4 5 4 4 * *
take place in Natural Science audi- cluding Frances Horine as the Ab- days, instead of 60. Hewitt ........4 5 4 4 5 4 4 * *
HAROLD MAY toriuin as do all the lectures of the bess; Robert Wetzel as Aegeon, father days,____f_6_._Hewitt,_......_.4_5-4_4_5_4_4_*_*
leaves in his hair" the ominous por- week. of the two Antipholuses; Franz Ro- PRE-PRIM ARY CON VENTION PLAN
tents of Hedda's approaching doom Excursion to Jacksoni thier as the Duke; Helen Hughes as
eints ofHd'sa ppmu oahinoxtwoihh kExcursion, number eight to the Lesbia, the courtezan; and Samuel W ORTH TRYING, SAYS PO LL CK
Michigan State Prison at Jackson Bonnell as Angelo, the goldsmith.
ure, frustration on frustration, her will start to Ann Arbor by noon Sat- Use Parisian Costumes j "An idea worth trying" was the ago, Dr. Pollock added, in which the
inability to face the future and the urday. "The Comedy of Errors" will be the F way in which Dr. James K. Pollock of party would place its candidates'
consequences of her own actions, Tickets for Visitor's Night at the first Shakespearian production the tm names on the ballot in the pre-
Observatory may be obtained at thethe Rcfr lyr aeee rsne political science departmetn
makes Hedda take her own life. For Observatory may be obtained at the Rockford Players have ever presented primary convention, and then other
Office of the Summer session. These and in keeping with their policy of termed the plan of a pre-primary
her egoistic and merciless Hedda Misspoiyocadatsoudgthernmsn
tickets are intndd for students of experimentation it is expectd that the F party convention favored by Governor the ballot by petition. In this way
Kearns deserves al manner of praise the Summer session who will present performance will be thoroughly novel. Fred Green, in discussing the advisa- the people would be able to know
-even gratitude. 1 their Treasurer's receipt when apply- Special care has ben taken with the bility of its adoption by the Republi-~I whom their party endorsed.
Amy and Robert Are Good ing. The supply is limited. costumes, which have been copied can party in Michigan. There Has Been Agitation
Although Miss Kearns stood head from Max Reinhardt's recent produc- Dr. Pollock stated that it would notI In 1914 the Michigan Republican
and shoulders above the rest of the TO ENFORCE NEW tion of the farce and which are Pa- be wise to return to the old modified ;tate committee adopted unanimously
company, she could not quite obscure RULE AT TEXAS sian in design rather than the conven- convention system instead of the di- a report of a sub-committee, favoring
the acting of Amy Loomis and Robert tional Elizabethan period. rect primary in Michigan, although it a pre-primary convention. The mat-
Henderson. Amy Loomis, in her por- AUSTIN, Texas, July 30.-Rigid en-i "'The Comedy of Errors" will be might be in some such states as Ohio ter was referred to the legislature for
Heneron Ay oois i he pr- AUTI, exsthe eighth and final production inth wer the two parties are well,
trayal of the admirable Mrs. Elvstead, forcement will be made of the new thckford a srodseon the where In thi sate h r, te' sanction, but nothing further was done
performed so brilliantly that she al- Rockford Players' second season of matched. In this state, however, the at that time. There was agitation
most equaled with the pace set by ruling by the Board of Regents of Summer plays under the auspices of primary system needs improvement, again in 1925 and in the 1927 session
Miss Kearns herself. Robert Hender- the University of Texas that begin- the Summer session and for the bene- he said, and the pre-convention plan There seined at both times to be a
son, almost metamorphosed, was as ning with the fall of 1927 all stu- fit of the Woman's building. The is at least hopeful and might help. disposition favoring the proposal, but

passionate and artistic an Eilert Love- dents must live in approved houses series has attracted consistently large In a oneparty state," according to f nothing definite was done.
borg as one could well imagine; for unless given special permission by the houses throughout the summer and is Dr. Pollock, the nomination is all- The Democrats have held pre-
once, it seems, he forgot himself. dean of men or dean of women, ac- expected to net the Woman's League important," and any means of making primary conventions for some years
Robert Wetzel, too, as George Tess- cording to V. I. Moore, dean o fmen, fund a substantial amount. it more truly representative should be but Dr. Pollock pointed out that the
man, covered himself with glory; his who will also be dean of student life Nearly $1,500 has ben subscribed in welcomed.
Tessman is the best thing that he has beginning this fall. season tickets alone, and the sponsors Colorado Has Good System from that of the Republican party
done this season. Charles Edge- Freshmen girls will be required to of the season feel particularly pleased: The comparative advantage of a pre- where there is always a contest for
combe's Judge Brack was a good piece stay in dormitories except in rare of the capacity audiences that have I primary convention, he explained, de- the nomination, due to its assurance
of work, and his rendition of the cases, said Miss Ruby Terrill, dean attended the productions. pends largely on the kind proposed. of election.
famous line "People don't do things of women of the university. First ! Governor Green favors a sort which Would be Helpful
like that," was admirable. Betty Hor- year men students will be required HERE'S A GOLF WIDOWER would need no legislative sanction, and Dr. Pollock stated that the pre-
me, as the auntie, did not have much to live in approved houses, said Dean (By Associated Press) would have no power of actually put- primary convention would be helpful
to do, but she did that little well. Moore;. however, there may be more. NEW YORK, July 30.-Nova Angus- ting candidates' names on ballots, but for three main reasons, saying "It
It seems to the reviewer that the in the case of upper classnien stu- tus Brown, who represented himself could endorse them as the party as- would tend to give more leadership
best way for the players to avoid dents, he added. as a golf widower, has been divorced. pirants. Colorado has had such a to the primary, it would bring into
___________ system for many years, and various . hF pnarnemnsta r o
dramatic old age and the acquisition He averred his wife was on the links sa the open arrangements that are now
of a shell of trite tricks, is to avoid FORD TESTS CAR sother states have tried to carry them i made in secret, and it would tend to
as re tc s ad (By Associated Press so much she never could sew buttons out. In Ohio in 1924 a pre-primary encourage party responsibility."
p.lays ike "Cradle Snatchers" and f(Bym.ShAssociatedcre n cnvnPress)hed, u-itwa
"Pigs" anid to use the many really DETROIT, July 30.-Motor and for him. She obtaied a decree on convention was held, but it was Governor Green is supported in fa-
good plays, such as Shaw's "Man of speed tests of the new automobile other grounds. . found to be fruitless, since the party) voring the plan by the State Central
I3estiny" or Gene 'Neil's "Desire Un- shortly to be introduced on the mar- ---was unable to agre in the session on committee, and Dr. Polock indicatd
der the Elms." The performances of ket by the Ford Motor Co., are being NEW YORK-A prize of $100 for its candidates. that there should be little difficulty in
"Fanny's First Play" and "Hedda Gab- made personally by Henry Ford, it was the words for a hymn for airmen is Former Secretary of State Charles' accomplishing the proposal If the
ler" point this out nicely, announced today. offered by the Hymn Society. E. Hughes proposed a system years party seined to favor it in general.


A Review, By
Because of their understanding of
Hedda Gabler, and because of their
excellent realization of all the po-
tentialities of it, the Rockford Play-
ers, in their last night's performance,
deserve praise of the highest order.
By their superlative acting they not
only convinced their sceptical audience
that Hedda Gabler was not beyond
them, but won for themselves the
rank of genuine artists. They seemed
to forget, in their effort to really
bring their roles to life, all the sterile
stock in trade tricks that they, in
their previous acting of the vaporous
Broadway farces (Broadway-the su-
preme arbiter of Ameica's dramatic
fortune. God save us!) had apparently
so permanently acquired.
Miss Keans Played Well
If Ibsen could have seen Elsie Hern-
don Kearns take the part of his Hedda'
it might have taken him a long time
to recognize, in her, his own daugh-
ter, but he surely would have acknowl-
edged Mist Kearns' Hedda as convinc-
ing and as tragic a figure as any that
he might have had in mind. Bored'
beyond life by her commonplace and!
ineffective husband and by the small
town, with its pettiness, in which herI
lot is cast; filled with a fierce desireI
to be, like an eagle, free, powerful;
and dominating; baffled by her in-
bred and ineradicable cowardice and'
t frustrated by it in her every attempt
at revolt or dreamed of deed of dar-
ing; Hedda Gabler is as tragic a
woman as was ever conceived by
Aeschylus or Sophocles, just as help-!
less in the hands of fate, and just as
" much its victim. From the incident,
early in the play, of Auntie's new'
bonnet, until Eilert Loveborg, in the
third act takes the pistol and promises
to "do' it beautifully" and "with vine


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