THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JUL II $ummrr Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica-) bions. . The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein.M Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, -ostofflce as second class matter. $ Subscriptionby carrier, $.50; by mail, Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP C. BROOKS Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles Night Editors John E. Davis H. K. Oakes, Jr. T. E. Sunderland Orville Dowzer Reporters Robert E. Carson Miriam Mitchell Wm. K. Lomason Mary Lister Bert Heideman W. Harold May BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURANCE J. VAN TUYL Advertising...... ..Ray Wachter Accounts ........... John Ruswinckel Assistants C, T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar G. W. Platt Night Editor-JOS. E. BRUNSWICK FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927 A HOUSE OF GOVERNORS When a group of politicians meets one can almpst be certain that some stupid idea or other will emanate from their fertile brains sooner or later, and observers of the governors' conference at Mackinac Island this week were not disappointed; for just as the conference seemed to be going along sensibly and smoothly, Governor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland dropped the characteristically stupid sugges- tion that the governors of the states organize into a "house of governors," to be guardians o state rights and to have no legal status Of course the strain of being adver- tised as a prospective Democratic presidential nominee was no doubti too great for the good governor to bear, but if something foolish had to be suggested it is rather pitiable that it couldn't be something a little less crazzy this this. As Governor Ritchie says, there would be no regular means of financing such a gathering; they would have no legal status; they could not make their views effective; and a rational observer might add; that. the governors would waste valu- able time which might as well be spent in a vacation if such an affairr wer organized. Then there is something very subtle about the suggestion "to guarantee' states rights." Of course Governor1 Ritchie is from the East, and there- fore wet, or at least moist, and the1 states rights blind has become the7 favorite substerfuge of the wets since they found themselves slipping as honest opponents of prohibition. Thet gentleman who has been mentioned with a straight face for the Demo-1 cratic nomination proposes such an1 organization for the protection ofl states rights, then, merely as a means of guaranteeing respectable opposi-l tion to law enforcement, and that is1 where the good governor from Mary-l land is wrong.l States rights may be all right int the East, where states are conceited1 and where states elect governors like Ritchie, but to the honest mind of the dry Kansan or Nebraskan the pros-f pect of opposing the federal govern-f ment with a purely superficial organ-I ization of governors is likely not to make such a strong appeal. The Maryland man loses sight ofI the fact that all the state governorsc in the Union are not wets, even though some of them do look thatI way on their pictures, and as a conse- quence he might find some opposition t right away in his house of governorsa to his own ideas. That would be aI serious reflection on the Intelligence t of the organization, of course. When conceived in its possibilities t the proposed new chamber becomes even more ludicrous than the gov- ernor of Maryland, for if consum-' mated we should have the edifyinge sigh of 48 governors, each supposedly9 an inteligent man, arguing and debat- v ing until the stars left their orbits t from exhaustion, and when the heated9 session was ended, what would the t result be? A resolution! If Governor l Ritchie had paid any attention to state and national legislative bodies s he would have seen that it is hard t enough to get men interested when i they can make or break, and have the O power to defeat or pass; if this is n difficult, then how many more times q difficult will it be to arouse interest h with no corresponding power? Then, too, there is the purely scien- tific argument that governors weren't made to deliberate; and that they are elected as executives, merely to en- force the results of other men's delib- erations. But this discussion is get- ing much too deep for governors, and there is no us in needlessly confusing them further. All in all, the speech of Governor Ritchie is rather unworthy of a man who has been mentioned for nomina- tion to the highest honor that the world affords. If he were observing he would have noticed by now that it is plainly foolhardy to advocate states rights in a nation which recognizes no national rights, and in a common- wealth that would as soon subjugate a weaker nation as any of her states. This subjugation is nice, of course, because it is a steady trend towards ocmplete internationalism, 4hich we have so nobly encouraged by our par- ticipation in the League of Nations; thus if Ritchie had reflected he would have sen that from a purely practical standpoint his proopsal is scorcely sound.? On the whole the conference which thd governors held this year was ideal. Two days of vacation pre- ceding it then al few harmless resolu- tions; and a boat trip following. For the lighter side of the program there was a speech on purifying politics, followed by an address given by Mayor William Thompson of Chicago, a type of irony an humor which even the governors ought to appreciate. Thus, after hearing of the peril of Britannia from Thompson, the dele- gates were well prepared for the boat trip, having a start on the persons who don't get seasick until they are two days out. If governors can have such a dandy conference as this with- out even organizing, why spoil them and their fun? They have furnished endless copy for newspapers; two or three of the speeches were worthwhile; and al in all it was a very successful vacation for them all. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded, The names of communi.. cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. British Negotiations The tri-partite naval arms limitation conference at Geneva seems to be in a state of crisis resulting in a deadlock by failure of agreement between American and British proposals. The British, according to one re- port, desire 10,000-ton cruisers on the ratio of 12-12-8 and the treaty speci- fication that all secondary cruisers shall carry no larger than six-inch guns; whereas, the Americans declare that such an agreement would give the United States a fleet inferior to that of Great Britain and desire to permit unrestricted construction of ships and the use of eight-inch guns within a certain total tonnage limita- tion. Several other proposals have been made by the British, but in the opin- ion of ithe Americans any of them would give the United States an in- ferior fleet. The British ought to use discretion in urging such proposals since our acceptance of one of them might give us an "inferiority com- plex" and greatly hinder our develop- ment. These tactics of the British diplo- mats at the Geieva conference re- mind one of some negotiations car- ried on a goodly number of years ago by some other Britishers. Their tac- tics were recorded by that eminent English novelish George Eliot. In "Silas Marner" it is related that Dunstan Cass took his brother God- frey's horse "Wildfire" to a hun for the purpose of selling him, but when he met his friend Bryce he declared, "But I shall keep Wildfire now I've got him, though I'd a bid of a hundred and fifty for him the other day," etc., etc., and thus they mutu- ally understood that Dunstan had a horse to sell. George Eliot, evidencing her acute understanding of the British mind, adds in parenthesis: ("horse-dealing is only one of many human transac- tions carried on in this manner)." The British are reproducing true to type in the opinion of Hugh Gibson, American Ambassador, who is chair- man of the delegation at Geneva. It seems to be the natural course of events for the European diplomat to go through a certain role of maneu- vering and bargaining in his negotia- ions, and therefore since we are ac- quainted with this fact it would seem, hat the American people shquld not ose patience in the delay. A However, it might be sugge ed to some English Literature .oWessor hat her is a poignant and. interest- ng illustration to be quoted as proof of the existence of "realism" in the masterpiece of George Eliot and no quibbling graduate student could deny 4is logic. B. A. Music DDrama BROADWAY IS STILL RUNNING AT THE GARRICK "Broadway" has finished its fif- teenth week in Detroit! And is still in demand so that "all who run" may stop and see. The play seems to have a peculiar fascination for theatre- goers for hundreds have seen the play two, three and even four times. "Broadway" is a night-club clas- sic: it has in some way caught the spirit behind the scenes in the metro- politan cafe. Perhaps it is the dash- ing in and off of the choruses as they leave the ante-room to put on their various "acts". The staging is clever and detailed, even to the change jangling in the pocket of the loosely- jointed bell-boy. Then there are sharp contrasts| of low and high scenes: a mourder fol- lowed by a rehearsal; a suicide fol- lowed by an essentially humorous feminine quarrel in which the hard- ened "Nell" nearly chokes her jealous opponent. It is dramatic-yes, and of the day. The excellence of the company has often been commented upon. The leaders include Wallace Ford, who has made himself a tremendous fa- vorite in Detroit in his role of Joseph King, the hoofer, and the best stage detective in history; Grace Huff, Mar- shall Bradford, Gustave Rolland, Ed- ward Ciannelli, Jay Wilson, Allen Jenkins, Joseph Granby, Harriet Mac- Gibbon, Catherine Collins, Lee Smith, Maurine Maye, Julia Knox and Harry Blivon. THE "LIFE" OF THE PAST SEASON Robert Benchley, veteran dramatic critic of "Life" gives his semi-official review of the past dramatic season in the current issue o fthat magazine. During the past year 264 openings took place in New York City. "Of' these," says Benchley, "it is pretty safe to say that 250 were terrible!" During the season there were 39 so- called "successes". Some of the espe- cially favoured ones, especially fa- voured because Mr. Benchley ap- proved of them, were "The Captive"; "Spread Eagle," in which patriotism received a jolly outing; "The Silver Cord," where the great national insti- tution of motherhood was scientifical- ly examined; "Chicago," in which several cherished American virtues were "kidded into insensibility"; 'Saturday's Children"; "The Road to Rome"; and "The Field God." "All in all, a rather remarkable season in some respects, and in some others, rather dull-but aren't we all?" concludes the up-standing and long-suffering Mr. Benchley. KEITH PRESTON ON "THE FRAN- TIC ATLANTIC" One of the last bits of verse writ- ten for The Periscope by Keith Pres- tno, two days before he went to a hospital fatally ill, was on "The Frontic Atlantic" by Basil Woon, one of this week's best-sllers on the Al- fred A. Knopf list, and was called: The Rime of the Modern Mariner The modern tar who sails the sea Inside a floating hostelry Will find no better pilot than This Basil Woon, much-traveled man! He'll steer you round all ocean bars: He'll point you out the shining stars Of stage and screen who cross the seas In quest of consorts; or decrees. He'll tell what millionaires and wits Are found on every floating Ritz. (King C1 Gillette, the -razor man, Embarks on the Leviathan.) One will not find in a blue moon A sprightlier buid than Basil Woon: Of all old salts that sail ithe sea Much the most effervescent he. K. IP. SOME OF THE AUDIENCE LEFT DURING THE THIRD ACT Witter Bynner's play, "Cake," published recently by Alfred A. Knopf, has just been given its pre- miere at the Pasadena Community Playhouse, where it will be repeated during July. Mr. Bynner writes: "There were many in the audience who laughed, but others who were persistently silent; there were even some who left abruptly during the last act." A railway train is the best work- shop, according to Sigmund Spaeth, who recently wrote ten thousand words on the fundamentals of music while speeding along the tracks from New Yorl: to Iowa. State Street Jewelers The Graduating Seniors Are facing the question of "'WHAT TO DO NEXT" Some of you are well fxed; you have a family business, to work with. It will be to your interest to think about the new develop- ment, Group Insurance, which will ybe a factor of increasing impor- tance in the relations of your business to its employees. Some of you have a decided bent, and are going to follow it. One way of making sure that you will finish the course of life you have chosen is to take advantage of Annuity, Endowment, and Straight Life Insurance. Some of you have worked for your education and must earn as much money as you can, as quickly as possible. The selling of Life Insurance gives the most and quickest return for hard work; it also offers the greatest freedom for original enterprise. It is not a push-button job. The John Han- cock is looking for men like you and would like to hear from you. Write to us in regard to any of these points. We shall answer your inquiries without any ob- ligation to you. Address the INQUIRY BUREAU, UFE INSURANCE COMPAY 197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. If your policy bears the name John Hancock, it is safe and 1 secure in every way. E y to Reach-- and Worth Reaching owosso FUN 0c ma ide amOxfod LANSi NG o*l *- Mt Lem, BLLANTERN FJ ERIOOM YISLA AINARBOR - ~ I~ 4~er~ n TAkEs ______ _______ faura ..r.nt do ' n, . ,, , ; ~v The Geographical Center of Danceland Ball Room BLUE LANTERN islandk Dancing Nightly Exce pt Mondays Sunda Matiees,_htot COT TON PICKERS ORCHESTRA A Jean Goldkette Presentation I .NA The Way To Go To Comfortably and Sve Money TOURI1ST III CA.131N formerly 2nd classmostly amidships onProm. enade and upper Main Deck. The extensive deck space means practically the run of the ship. Also inexpensive ($385 up). STuDENTand UNivERSiTY TOURs (with college credit if desired) under the management of the SCHOOL OF FOREIGN TRAVEL, Inc. 110 East 42nd Street, N. Y. City Special Student Summer Sail- ings to and from Francesand England July and August. BALTIC AMERICA. LINE 8-10 Brid Street, Now York or Local Agents i { i The open-air swimming pool adds' to the delights of the vioyage. 4A I /