THURSDAY, THE~ SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY_______________ I uilding And Grounds Dkepartment Cares 1 or Campus Needs, With Many Division s Few people realize the extent of the j desks, laboratory tables, cabinets and irk carried on by the so-called B. cupboards used on the campus, and d G. boys. This buildings and even the operating tables used in the University Hospital. The finished )unds committee is the largest in products are then sent to the next y university, and provides for prac- room to be glued, and to still another4 ally all the needs of the campus so to be sandpapered, painted and var- 1 r as repairs and ;equipment are nished. icerned.a Under it are nine main' In the plumbing department the partments, among which are the steam and water pipes are threaded binet division, plumbing, electricity, and fitted; in the sheet-iron division eet iron, painting, janitor service, 1 the huge heat pipes are ma ide and mipus crew which tends to the trees, soldered. rubbery, grass, sidewalks and keeps! More than three miles of tunnels ecampus clean, laundry and heat- connected with the University heating; plant. plant carries the heat to all the build- [he shop is an eye-opener for those ings on the campus. tacquainted °with the work which Although' the famous B. and G. boys department does. Lumber is have been the object of many jokes, ught in from the camps and dried their work is certainly to be cone- d seasoned by a special process in mended, especialy when we realize shop. It is then cut to the de- M that the work it does for Michigan's ed lengths and sent to the cabinet' campus is unequalled by that of any m. Here a force of 25 expert cabi- similar department ini any other unil- Smakers design and contruct the versity. JILOOK FR CTTO Europe, or whether the new crop will CO CRSOBSERVE.RS ;find a ready market abroad. It CONCEN._1 _ promises to be stronger than at first (By Associated Press) ?anticipated and is following the great- WASHINGTN.-Department of Agri-' est single year of production in United Iture officials are concerned over States history. fo oeg 1Curtailed demand'fo freg iQ [mmeiate future demand fors countries and a strong new crop ad- Zited States cotton in continental;'d~d to last year's surplus may result rope. in a future price reduction, authorities 6overnnment reports indicate that: say. reign textile industries are catching with the demand. The, French A BASA OR HIERRICK diners' Association says that pres- REPO ITED IMPROVING t activity can be maintained only at___ loss. Italian cotton goods exports CLEVELAND, July 27.-Myron T. tve been virtually cut off, and stocks Herrick, ambasador to France who "e accumulating at the mills. I underwent a major operation at Cleve- In Central Europe, however, parti- land Clinic hospital Tuesday, was re- larly in Germany, consumer de- ported recovering today. While Mr. ands for cotton continues strong! Herrick was; suffering considerable th no indication of an oversupply, pain, attending physicians said that he Government observers here sayt rested "fairly. comfortably." It will sere is no definite information on the, be several days before he is out of nount~ of American cotton held in danger. DR. NEWTON WAILL' TEACH IN DALLAS Miss Annabelle Newton, P1h.D., who received her Doctor's (legree at the' commencement in June, w ill teach next: year in the Southern Methodist I University at Dallas, Texas. jHer dissertation, for the rhetoric de-partmnent, entitled "Wodsworth in Early American Criticism" attracted some attention, and is now being pre- pared for publication by Universityl of C"hicago Press. I iss Newton received lher A.B. and! her MA. fronm the ljniisily of Cih- cago. She taiughit for at few yearsE before comling to :1;h-higan to prepare f'or her DoctLor';; deeeo. uook Bargains f in.terest Teachers, Preachers, Librarians, and Wakir's BOOK SORE. T hEaN T ADS STARTS 1TODAY _,A-W M , 7- A cSIicimni eo khii hriiiil id; i ( u lilt. r i d'1 aitl sp)aIklig ' vitl ich:iiiiih~evmecmeN Laill enjoy i ti ensbely. 1 f S 1.'p J A .. {I { IT Ja .4110S L lli A SI I~thIt1"k"T 0' I 1 U .011 Yokel vin a A Homespun °Story of Story Without Rival be-. Sheiks or, Sex tween the city "Feller" and Z'1h "ik d TODAY IS THE DAY- The T"imes Newis-MTajestic 'Movie "FLAMING YOUTHy"- wil be tokeni rihlt' before your eyes ON THE ST'AGE _ Complete Local Cast will be chosen on the _= I stage of the Majestic Wednesday evening____ ______LADIES ONLY F riday morning starting at 10:30 a. per- formance for ladies only of the entire show will be given, including a talk on "Beauty and How to Keep It" by Mr. Meadows, chief I cosmetician of the Berhova Productions. An opportunity no ladies should miss. All seats A. "> i41.. Kutcl'i on's Slo ry "ONE INCREAp SING PURPO . SE" -. Next Week-'RICHARD DIX nnt J)E'Ai) EASY RbieM 'l l ra mati- ftriils, ricki comedy, sutperb H(obbie Vernac , a,e this the iniest pictuire produc- T(day's iNeis S I N IA SHIRLEY MASON IN 'SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY" a . a ;; - - The SECOND S. S. RYNDAN COLLEGE CRUISE POUND THE WORLD -4 CSEPTEMBER TO MAC~ w Why stay within four walls when i The World and all the Countries ' i Of the Seven Seas are calling You? THE WORLD IS OUR CLASSROOM " A University for Men. College Courses studied dur- ing a school year around the World. Enrollment limited to 375 young men, 17 or more years of age. 3 Visit 27 countries. Study under competent h iEprofessors and instructors, aboard ship, in foreign lands. For illustrated booklet and catalog with courses, write. Co liege Cruise Student:: at University Travel Association, Inc. Kraft:akura\ Japan 285 Madison Ave., New York City V Sunday-Rod La Rocque in "RESURRECTION" Subscribe For The Michigan Weekly RP Y il aa- o4 - a - - We haemd-ane ntemngmntt nueyuofee etrfo -v 9111k11lI119111191111991990939lll9919i1619 I1i1111U 191111111999111991ti-l11119&91111 -11191961999111999 I 1C1II 111111119IIII911111111U 1I1111991U 1111f9f9t9#i1I11 111111fill 11111111- TONIGHT at 8:15- -Ibsen's Thrilling Melodrama f Fhe Rockford Players econd Summer Season -very Evening Except Wed.-Sat. Matinee_ 64 oddy abler" Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (above Barbour Gymnasium) All seats reserved at 75c' at Bookstores and Door The 'Greatest Play of the Modern. Theater with Elsie Herndon Kearns.