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July 28, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-28

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anUid the speakers scarcely worthy of
our time. We should always bear in
mind, also, that it is the sole right
of the people of a nation to establish
Published every mornng cepit Mondaiy the type of government hey desire;
the ILuard in Control of tudnt 'uli and that if we don't like it we can
tions0 stay out. it is from htese experiments
The Associated Pres is exCttively en in gov 'unment WhiCh goad society has
titled to the use for repIUblcation of all news
dispatches credited tn it or not otherwise uniformly ostracised at the outset,
crdited in this paper and the Jocal news pub- that every, great political advance in
i Edereen. years has blossomed and thrived. As
Entered at the Ann Arborseon casM1ichigan, lngas othier ationls are willing to
'otoffice as second class matter.ln sohrntosaewlm o
Subscription by carrier, $.5no; by mail, make these experiments at their own
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, risk, why should we interfere?
Ann Arbor, Michigan.

I 4

Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern
City Editor..... Joseph IE. Brunswick
Feature Editor.Marian L. Welles
Nighid Editors
John E. Davis H. K. Oakes, Jr.
T, E. Sunderland Orville Dowzei'
Robert E. Carson l\ iriam Mitch '11
Wm. K. Lomason mary Lister
Bert Heideman W. Harold May
T'ekli'T one 21214
-dvertising............Ray Wa..te-
Accountst.......,...John \ uiisx wncel

C, T. Antonopulos
C. W. Platt

Governor Green may have had an
eye for the taxpayer's approval when
he advocated a radical reform in ithe
taxing of personal property. Regard-
less of his motives, the idea will meet
with sympathy from all parts of the
coUnnfry, for both city real estate and
farm property are hearing too great
=a load already.
1eavy taxation is only one of the
farmer's numerous worries, and it is
small wonder that he is restless. He
sees manufacturing and shipping pro-
teCtd with the taxes from his own
toil in the hot sun; his-requests for
help fall on indifferent ears. Agri-
cultural resentment is growing stead-
The farmer works in the heat and
the cold,, in tire drought and the rain.
ie plows the land, plants the seeds
and the shrubs, sprays and fights in-
sects, har=ests the crops---if the weath-
er spares any--pays heavy freight
rates on his produce, sees the com-
.ission merchant extract a fat per-
enag. The farmer then has the ex-
quisite fun of watching the middleman,
in one swift, smooth transaction, take
his pound of flesh-usually from 100
lo 1 l e cent of the jarm;_, ter's check.
What's left the farmer can have, And
the next spring either his assessed
property valuation is cireasel or else
the tax rate is boosted.
When he buys a farm implement
well, the iice or steel keeps mounting
with everything else but arm produco.
It's poor policy to laugh off the con-
dition of agriculture, Certainly it
won't help the si I nation by calling the

8. 5. Perar

Night Editor- ORVILLE DOW Z
The American Federation of Labhor
is the last place one would usuay
look for alarmist and conservative res-r
olutions, still even there, in the recent
pan-American congTess, the delegates
fell for the Red Terror myth, and
adopted a resolution decrying "An in-
sidious endeavor" on the part of the
communists to convince people of the
truth of their doctrines.
Now, of course, the communists are

undoubtedly wrong; and there can be farmer a fool for sticking at a job he
little truth in what they teach. Yet ca't let go. It must not seem queer
that in itself is a very good reason for that the rurbal populatin is getting up
allowing them to exist, for by sup- on its hind les. The man with the
pressing them they become surroundeu steaty icone-in fact, all income---
with a halo of persecution that multi- must assume the htrden of governmen
plies the attractiveness of their doe - costs which is crushing the property
trines many timpes. To flatter them by owner, if the burden of taxation is to
mentioning their activities at every be euitably ditributed
06nference is more mention than they

THIS IS ABOUT THE only time of
the Summer session that is anything
like the middle of the year and the
only time when students are leaving.
The fact of the matter is that some of
the Law students are about to leave
Ann Arbor. Accordingly, since we re-
yet their leaving us we offer them
this toast:
The bride may kiss the groom goodbye,
The flower may be kissed by the
The sparkling wine may kiss my glass,
But you, my dears,-----farewell!
AN) THUS THE lawyers leave us!
onts this is the Sumner session and
none of them will be requested to leave
at once. To is who are here for
the whole year it is nothing to see
many students going home because of
poor health, financial dificulty and al
those who admit the low grades.
AND NOW TO JUMP to the land
of sports, we see that New York and
Chicago are debating over the ques-
tion of,which shall have the Dempsey-
Tunney fight. Personally, we are of
the opinion that the cities concerned
will debate until two days before the
fight and then that promoter, Tex
Rickard, will have it just where he
wants it anyway.
that the two cities call out their re-
spetive bands of gunmen and stage
a regular battle over the affair. We
are sure that every casualty would
be a gain for society, but fear that
the Chicago machine gun artists
would have little trouble in doing
away with the New Yorkers and the
Eastern metropolis would be the only
city to benefit by the battle.
columns we find that Mr. Dempsey is
not such a bad sort after all. it
seems that the intelligent, wonderful,
ox-marine who was acclaimed the
world's champion after he slapped the
great Dempsey on the wrist a few
times, is in trouble that an honorable
and intelligent fighter should not be
in. Several friends, who are no more,
of the intelligent boxer and thinking
of bringing suit to collect various
amounts of money that he is supposed
to owe them. Verily, this game of
prize fighting should take a bath.
of sports we turn again to the gov-
ernors' meeting at the northern end
of the state. Ralph Brewster, the
governor of the State of Maine, said
that it took 25 years to make the
state of Maine bone dry. Well, well,
well, there is still a little time to en-
joy oneself in the dry United States.
Maine is small, and if it took 25 years
to dry up a little bit of land like that
state we predict that the United
States will not go dry for at least an-
other 5 years. Take cheer, my heart-
ies, one may still live and enjoy him-
self, if he is careful of what he en-
. . !
Arbor and our campus we regret that
the B. and 0. boys are actively ruin-
ing our campus. What with their
putting down all new sidewalks for
the heavy roller skate traffic of the
coming year, we fear that students
will be lost in the maize of walks'
when they return for their studies in

the fall; and then they will either
have to make paths on the walks or
be lite to classes. We are sure they
will be late in order to comply with
the request of the. secretary's office.
LAST OF ALL WE must announce
that the judges in the scenario con-
test are busy judging. It is hoped
that the winner will receive the prom-
ised sandwiches, but Rolls strongly
suspects that Kernel stole the sand-
wiches for a picnic he attended last

T Wa gVy To G.To
Toums- III CAIN formerly 2nd
enade and upper Main Deck.
The extensive deck space means
practically the run of the ship.
Also inexpensive ($385 up).
(with college credit if desired)
under the managenet of the
118 East 42nd Street, N. Y. City
Special Student Summer Sail-
ings to and from France and
England July and August.
8-10 Bridge Street,.New York
or Local Agents

While you are here for the summer
get a Rider
You will enjoy it the rest of your life.
Made in Ann Arbor
Rider's n Shop
313 State Bfr..t



The open-air swimming pool adds
to the detigh of the voyage.

deserve, and places them right in a
class with the Ku Klux Klan as far as
advertising is concerned. After all
there is little danger in allowing any
kind of a doctrine to be propounded,
for it is only by comparison with the
unsound ones that we gain an appre-
ciation for the sound, and if there
were no fanatics the rest of us couldc
not be half as certain that we -are
Then too, the radical steps of the!
present are the accepted standards of

.s .a. _ l lT'e names of coun! i-
ias ever, be regrded as
esterda oin TeDaily pu-
lished a letter in this column which
ireally leservcs no answer. It is gen-
erally recognized as a poor Iol'cy to
argue with such correspondents, es-
pecially when iteir obvious lack of
knowledge of their subject makes their
letters'- insignificant. Call this an

HState Street
All the Latest
"its" on
Player Rolls and Victor
Records Are Here!
Grinnell Bros.
116 S. Main St.
"Everything Musical.

For This Week Only
For $4091,$45, $55
By special arrangement with the ADLER CO. we are
able to offer 100 new fall suits at this unheard of price.
Here are three hot special for you-
$2.50 White Broadcloth Shirts .. .$1.69
$1.00 Athletic Underwear, 3f r..w$1.50
75C Fancy Socks, 3 pairs for..... .. 00
We invite you to come in and look over the quality of our
merchandise, we will not urge you to buy. /
213 East liberty

The Graduating Seniors
Are facing the question
Some of you ew. ell foxed; you
have a family business to work
with. It will be to your interest
to think about the new develop..
mrent, Group Insurance, which will
be a factor of increasing impor-
tance in the relations of your
business to its employees.
Some of you have a decided bent,
and are going to follow it. One
way of making sure that you will
finish the course of lfe you have
chosen is to take advantage of
Annuity, Endowment,and Straight
Life Insurance.
Some of yoga have wgorked for
'your' education) and must earn .s
much money as you can, as quickly
as possible. The selling of Life
Insurance gives the most and
quickest return for hard work; it
also offers the greatest frdedom for
original enterprise. It is not a
push-button job. The John Han-
cock is looking for men like you
and would like to hear from you.
Write to us in regard to {any of
these points. We shall answer
your inquiries without any ob-
ligation to you. Address the
197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.
If your policy bears the name
John Hancock, it is safe and
secure in every way.

tomorrow, and while we cal not con- answe if you will, but it is rather a
ceive anything so terrible as a sovi rambling comment on the letter, re-
regime, yet it is possible that ven View', lie layers and life in gen-
from the doctrines of the soviet we tral.
may be able to gather something val- So far this summner thie Players have
uable. received largely favorabl mention in
Smuppression is in nearly all cases revies. The negligible quantity of
a bad thing when adult human beings ieiors to lime editor wOuld indicate
are the subjects. It is only by know- tit the readers ame sat isied. Note
ing that we can progress, and the type I contrast the reaction of two years
of reformer who would . put dark aa when Robert henderson was him-
glasses on mankind in order that they s01f Music amd Drama editor of The'
may not be polluted is merely inciting Daily. Several uraa'orable reviews,
humanity to buy a telescope. What we written as sincere erilicisms aIpeared
need most of all for communism is not and a lage Yolue of cotununiemtions
a modest drapery, but an exposure of brought elarges of instructed reviews
all its deformities to the full view of amd threats of violence. Tme charges
mankind in general. Comumunism has were of eourse ridiculoas The ulet'-
already failed miserably in one spot signed i-eu a :e of tme tiraies
en the globe. We do not need to hide himself ad kto wihereom he speaks.
or misrepresent it to save the rest of Ti ' reviews h; summer have been
the universe, for the rest of the uI- likeise m-mi cle, and if l have
verse is competent of saving itself. If turned 1 1 he ndntag of the ayers
Central America is so gullible as to that wuld apaa- a laiy good sign
swallow in one gulp the rantings of that the de rvyd tme t-ntntndatiom
the Moscow emmissaries, it is likely 1hev hate teuoi x o flon numerous tn-
to be too gullible to pay any attention hiaseti ('ru-s
to the warnings of the American Fed- As lo "13. A .'s" charges. They
eration of Labor. were io dui imsim o by a desire 10
There is no more vicious cause of be spect cular and here'oie i-t be
ill-feeling, what is more, than that typo diseontito about hal.2t lm e hoiflg
of ill-feeling which comes fron mis- admissioms r-a'diig the authom's
representation. - We are all too ready knowledge of tme i-are do not ad to
to see in every shadow the form of a its cOlvincinginess. Ito mentioms
bewhiskered bombthrower from Len- Shaw's bi as a dranalist" in


Felt and Fabric Designs
These felts have a soft flexibility of crown and brim, and
are stitched trimming and intricate handwork, which gives--
then that individual touch. The crowns 'are draped in
becoming folds, while. the brims are rippled becomingly :f
around the face. Brimless hats, too, you will find at the
top notch of the vogue. Another new note is the velvet
trimming-little inserts here and there, that give each hat
a real personality.
Maria Guy, Mme. Agnes, Suzanne Talbot, Reboux and
many other French designers have been used for these
models by Hylands, Yvette and Tenne, whose hats we carry.

lpgrad, and all too unready to turn speaking of a play viich is no more
the spotlight on the figure and find dramma tha a decanmation nttl, and
that it is a mere delusion. It is such resembl-s ott -onsidemably. lie speaks
resolutions as that recently adopted of th 'ole of the Iitllr, f)tm of oppor-
that make the labor organizations look tunities for' a demontration of 1iesse,
ridiculous; for they should be the last really a delightful pami, as "miserable."
to pale with fear when someone says This will not essay a defense of the
"boo," without tearing away the veil poor aued cr1tc, Mtr. May, His
and finding who the boogy man is. We knowledge of tme suhje and his writ-
are all too prone to 4e afraid, when u ;g abiis cmpard ilt thmose of
we should be inviting our antagonist his atttcker phtce lm above the need
out in the open, where he will make for defemse.
himself ridiculous. The reiimaik t ,at Miss Hughes should


Prom queen whereas she sincerely de-
sired rather to deserve commendation
as an actress, has merited that ap-'
proval completely, and her work in
"Fanny" was a splendid bit of charact-
A continuation of contributions to
the editor, disagreeing with the critics,
would be a healthy thing for the pro
motion of intelligent discussfon, and
more letters are solicited. Nothing
could be more ridiculous, however,
than to accuse the critics of servitude
to the Players. Their pursuit of the
drama gives them a strong common in-
terest with the Players, but it is only
sensible to give them credit for the
ability to view the matter objectively
and without prejudice.
Philip C'. Brooks.

Incendiarism thrives on suppression,+
it wilts and dies to a feeble fiamet when
exposed to light. Free speech is a.
great thing, and Americans should be
the last to abrogate its exercise, even
when the doctrines are nonsensicalI

only "be used- pitoay," however, is
not only ungracious and tactless, but
anot hem sign of the 2uthoi's ioor judg-
ment. Miss llughes, working under
somewhat of a difficulty due to having
been hailed as thh stuniig Wisconsin

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