/ F: ATURES U S P 'u mm trr 00-Lecture by Dusthelmer 15-"Hedda Gabler," Sarah Caswell Angell Hall sit ~Ia iti MEMBER ASSOCIATED PR ESS VIII, No. 28, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1827 PRICE FIVE CENTS I ERNORS END MEET MACKINAC ISLANDI 1BOUNDOF TALKS4 VE GOVERNMENT SHOULD CT ON AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS FILLS MAIN ROLES IN SUMMER PLAYS, Henrik Ibsen's Drama, "Hedda Gabler," Opens TonightAs Seventh Summer Play By Barton As the seventh production of the busts and bustles of its composition, season of Summer Plays the Rockford 1890; but the present performance Players open at 8:15 o'clock tonight by the Rockford Players will be an with Henrik Ibsen's famous melo- attempt to release the play from anyi drama, "Hedda Gabler." Following a "period" tendency, emphasizinfg in- LEADING MAN OFI SUMMER PLAYERS h- 'SOME IMPRESSIONS OF SOUTH AMERICA' GIVEN IN ADDRESS BY REEVES :E A( CONTROLLINGBODY NAMED State Executives Discuss Financial, Labor And Industrial Conditions Of The Country (y Associated Press) MACKINAC ISLAND, July 27.-The 19th annual conference of governors completed its session today wit'. round-table discussion of matters touched upon, prepared speeches and an exxecutive session at which a next executive committe was appointed. Ralph 0. Brewster, Maine; John Hammill, Iowa; Adam McMullin, Neb- raska; John W. Martin, Florida; and1 Doris H. Durn, Utah, were named upon the new controlling body. Later, at an unnamed time, they will meet and decide upon next year's head of the . governprs' conference and the ieeting place. Round-Table Discussions In the round-table discussions the following observations were stated by the various members of the confer- anoe: Ritchie, of Maryland, thinks the government should take whatever ac- ion It can to bring about -equality of agriculture. Before trying some ex- periments he would like to see a real- ly represntative conference at which he farmer, labo'r, finance, industry and the railroads would sit and put the cards face up. He -said he thought :he Mississippi valley flood control is essentiallly a federal problem. He thought that hydro-electric power de- velopment hould be regulated by the states acting jointly in co-opeation whenever necessary. Also that the lection campaign expenses should be imited to -a definite -amount on the basis of the registered vote, and if he candidate violated the corrupt practice act he should be Ineligible to iold office. Governor Green said, "Very glad to have you heTre The whole state will be edified by the able discussions." Speaker Hull -of Massachusetts house f representatives, "Each state's prob- em is very much the same." He rec- ommended that the nextconference onsider the Massachusetts compulsory automobile insurance law. Fisher -Pledges Aid Fisher of Pennsylvania declared his wlillungness to join the several states [An a solution of the flood problem. iertain regrettable ballot trouble can- ot recur in Pennsylvania, he said, slnce the plaform of reform upon which he was elected has been enact- d into law." The governors refused to go on record in formal resolution, each pre- ferring to state his personal view, al- :hough a number of them merely thanked Gov. Fred W. Green for his aospitality The governors were left to them- selves this afternoon and went sight- seeing and indulged in various forms of recreation. Tomorrow morning the party will go to Sault Ste. Marie, mere it will break up after viewing he locks. \ DUSTIEIMER LECTURES ODAYi "The Meaning of the Nebulas" is the title of the illustratedlecture to be delivered at 5 o'clock this aftrnoon in the Natural Science auditorium by Professor 0. L. Dustheimer of Bald- win Wallace College. l rofessor Dustheimer is conducting courses in the University this summer. -- -AssArts that it will be fair and Elsie lHearndon Kearns I Leading lady of the Rockford Play- ers who takes the role of Hedda Gab- iler in Henrik Isben's play of that name, beginning tonight. ON CRUISER, PLANS London Fails Delegates I- To Alter Situation, Assert Position s lra HOIES FOR SETTLEMENT (By Associated Press) LONDON, July 27.-W. C. Bridge- man, first lord of the British admir- alty, and Viscount Cecil left for Gene- va this morning to participate in a re- sumption of the naval conference there. They had been in London a week, having come from Geneva to place before the cabinet a report on the status of the naval parleys and to receive futher instructions for their continuance. Before entraining, Mr. Bridgeman said: "We shall finish our work this time, one way or the other. We are going back after long discussions with the cabinet, and I think the position is clear. The sgovernment thoroughly discussed the whole situation and the position of Great Britain remains fundamentally unchanged. I can only say I have just as goodhope for a settlement as when we came back." Lord Cecil remarked: "I am always hopeful, but I regard the position un- questionably critical." The delegates are due in Geneva Thursday morning. Japanese are Hopeful (By Associated Press) GENEVA, July 27.-The American and Japanese delegations to the tri- partite naval reduction conference sat down for another period of waiting today, being without information from London as to the precise nature of the terms which W. C. Bridgeman and Viscount C4cil will bring back .to Geneva. A suggestion that the British might ask that the present conference con- fine itself to fixing the number of 10,- 000-ton eight-inch gun bearing cruis- ers to be allotted to each of the three powers, leaving the questions of smaller cruisers, mounting six-inch- ers, and destroyers and submarines until a later date, possibly 1931, does not please the Americans. The hitherto prevailing 50-50 bet- ting on the chances of a treaty grow- ing out of the present discussions was changed slightly overnight, veering to- ward a break. The Japanese, alone among the three powers, maintain there still is a chance of arriving at an agreement. MELVIN T. SOLVE PUBLISHES BOOK ON P. B. SHELLEY Assistant Professor Melvin T. Solve, of the rhetoric ,department, expects to have his book "Shelley-His Theo- ry and Poetry" from the printers some time during the month of August, he informed The Daily yesterday. Uni- versity of Chicago Press is the pub- lishers. The work was written by Profes sor Solve as a dissertation for hiE Ph.D. degree, which he received from the University of Michigan at the June commenCement of 1926. series of six comedies "Hedda Gabler" is announced as the single serious bill of the season, and it is expected (o draw capacity houses during its five performances through Tuesday even- ing, August 1. "Hedda Gabler" is regarded by cri- tics as the most theatrically effective of Ibsen's masterpieces. The play presents no problem and is involved with none of the symbolism which clouds some of the author's works. In actual stage production it is said to become a pure melodrama, rising to the amazing third act curtain which is considered one of the most dra- matic climaxes in all stage literature. The story of the play is built around the title-role, a woman of ar- istocratic, neurotic temperament, who has married a prosiac middle-class professor in the expectation of wealth and social prestige. Maddened by her husband's hopeless dullness she al- lows herself to drift into a compro- mising situation with Judge Brack, a friend of the family. The action also introduces the fa- mous character of Eilert Lovborg, the poet "with vine-leaves in his hair." Driven to desperation by his Infatu- ation for the beautiful Hedda Gabler he is finally driven to suicide, whicch in turn brings Hedda's final dramatic tragedy. The character of Hedda Gabler is placed along with Lady Macbeth, Cleopatra, Madame Bovary and other outstanding portraits of the theatre as the perfect incarnation of every- thing that is fascinating and destruc- tive in a woman. The role is some five pages longer than Shakespeare's Hamlet and is regarded as one of the most exhausting parts to play ever written. Patrons of the company are anti- cipating an electric performance from Miss Kearns in this amazing charac- ter. The production itself is to be set in a distinctly modern manner as a contrast to the drab background traditionally given an Ibsen play. In recent revivals in New York "Hedda Gabler" has been costumed in the TWO OF THREE NEW BUILDINGS WILL BE OPENEDTHIS FALL Three new buildings are under con- struction on the campus at the pre- sent time. The architectural build- ing, on Haven street, will be ready for occupancy at the beginning of the fall term. Outside work is already completed, and finishing is now in progress. The interior decorating which has been started, together with installation of the electrical fixtures, is all that remains to be done. According to the contract the new museum will be' completed by Feb- ruary 1, 1928. Palmer Field house will be ready for use in September. It will pro- vide a swimming tank, bowling al- leys, club-rooms, parlors, lockers, showers, and storage for field equip- ment. MARINES TO RUN DOWN SANDINO (Hy Associated Pres) MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 27.- stead, sheerly theatrical enius of the melodrama. Amy Loomis is cast as Mrs. ElvesteO, and Robert Henderson will play the famous part of Eilert Lovborg-"the poet with vine-li r,,, in hs hair"- whom Hedda driv: sta his death. Charles Edgeconmb will appear asl Judge Brack; Robert WetzAl will be Hedda's husband, George Tesman; and Frances Horine and iolen l ughesI will play Aunt .Julia and Berta, the maid. The production of 'H-edda Gabler' brings the end of the season definate- ly in sight, as it will be followed on August 2 with the final play of the season, Shakesneare's "The Comedy of Errors." Concert Presented By Mrs. Okkelberg (A Review, by Miriam Mitchell) Mrs. Maud Okkelberg gave a com- mendable concert in Hill auditorium last evening. And if her playing lack- ed the emotion and soul that an audi- ence usually look for, we can over- look it in the realization that her tech- nique is faultless. Mrs. Okkelberg is much better as a soloist than as an1 accompanist, and evidences her ex- perience in concert work through the country. Beethoven's "32 Variations" was not as effective as it might have been had Mrs. Okkelberg been playing underI ideal conditions. The echoes which were a result of the rather small au- dience drowned out many of the tones, especially in the louder movements.) Several of the variations were really beautiful. Chopin's Waltz in E minor showed perfect technique and good feeling. In the Etude in C sharp min- or, by Chopin, was shown the involved technique that is so characteristic of Chopin. "Forest Murmurs" by Liszt, evi- denced the difficulty of the work more than Listz usually does. There was a beauty in the freedom of the move-. ment that greatly appealed to the au-, dience. The Impromptu was pleasing and very peaceful inatmosphere. The dancing tune of the Wagner-Liszt "Spring Song" was swift in movement. There was just enough of Schuman in "Spring Night" to make it appealing. Moskowski's "Barcarolle" possesses a beauty hardly surpassed by any Bar- carolle. "In Autumn" by the samey composer was a good contrast to the Barcarolle but had the same inherent) beauty. "Travel On," by Otterstrom, reminds one of Vachel Lindsey's "Congo." One hears the native "Tra- beling" through the African jungles, and then the footsteps and the noise of the tom-toms dying away in the distance. PORTRAYS SIMPLE SKETCH THE MOST IMPORTANT COUNTRIES Herbert Henderson Director of the Rockford Players who has played leading roles in the plays given by his company during; the summer season. NEWELL FOSON SPEAKS N CHILD RELA TIONS Comments on Emotions of Children And Present Divorce Problem of The World SOCIAL HYGIENE WORKER Newell W. Edson, of the American Social Hygiene association, spoke to a mixed audience of nurses and teach- ers in the Dental auditorium at 4 o'clock on "Guiding the Relationships of Boys and Girls." This is the third' of a group of four lectures Mr. Edson is giving at the university this week.. Since the objective of every normal child's life is a future home partner- ship, Mr. Edson contends* that educa- tion in successful homemaking should' .he started early before the emotions are colored by harmful stereotypes. "The emotions frequentlydconflict with reason, and, when they do, usual- ly the emotions dominate," Mr. Edson' stated. "Character is not dependent on the intellect but upon rationalized emotions. " Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Phil-I adelphia and Los Angeles are fore- most in teaching completely the home- making phases of human life. Detroit is doing excellent school work with. the biological aspects of sex. In commenting upon the present di- vorce problem, as Judge Ben Lindsay sees it, Mr. Edson said: "Lindsay is tryinig legally to make his way out of a bad situation. I think he is mistaken in citing a few j WAS JURIST DELEGATE Describes Leading Cities On The Continent; Cites Santigo As Beautiful Modern City "Some Impressions of South Amer- ica" was the title of the lecture de- livered by Professor Jesse S. Reeves, of the department of Political Science, yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci- ence auditorium. Professor Reeves stated that a gen- eral impression of South America was almost impossible since that continent was composed, of such a heterogenous group of states. Therefore, he simply gave a sketch of each of the important countries. Peru, and especially the city of Lima, was first mentioned by the lec- turer. "Here," he stated, "the old and the new jostle one another. Lima, it- self, has all the charm of an old Span- ish city, yet modernly equipped in a great degree. The chamber in which the Senate meets was formrly a cham- ber used by the Inquisition. In the new districts of the city one would hardly know what city he was in. In the midst of one of these districts there is a modern country club with a nine hole golf course where. in some eases old Inca tombs form the haz- ards. In Peru, in general, a sharp dis- tnction between the Incas and the Spanish may be felt." Describes Chile In speaking of Chile, Dr. Reeves men- tioned this country's attempts to ad- vertise her assistance to Africa. In' this instance Chile is promulgating the building of a modern eight story hotel in the city. "Santiago," said Professor Reeves, "is a beautiful, modern city. It has no. bull ring, showing an escape from Spanish tradition, while its race course is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful in the world." The Andes, according to Dr.Reeves, are too large, and too extensive to impress ope as the Alps do. Crossing from these mountains to Buenos Aires may be found, as Dr. Reeves termed it, the largest wheatfield in the world, an almost continuous stretch 500 miles wide and 800 miles long. Buenos Aires is Great Port "Buenos Aires is a city of 2,000,000," remarked the Doctor, "although any citizen will tell you that it is 3,000,- 000. It is not Spanish at all, but an Italian city with a large amount of French architecture. It is wealthy, the pro capita being $2500 while the pro capita of the whole Argentine is $1500. "Here are located the best docks in the world, and the city is the center of a well developed railway system. There are shops which rival those of Paris and London, while great amounts of money are spent on clothes. 95 per cent of the automo- biles used are of American make. The OF , , ' ;: ,,!: - c_ Iinstances as being universal. Mar- DA VID WARD WINS riage is very successful in comparisonI MEDALIST HONORS with other forms of business partner- ships. Over any 20-year period, 75 (By Associated Press) ' per cent of business partnerships YPSILANTI, July 27.-David Ward, either break up or fail financially. Michigan's 1926 champion, won the Marriage does ever so much better. medalist honors for 1927 tournament We can improve our record, however, here today when he turned in a card by teaching wholesome, ethical rela- of 72, just even with Carr. He went tions to the child mind." 'out in a marvelous 33, three under par Before coming to Ann Arbor Mr. and was going strong to set a new Edson was conducting a round table record for the local cpurse when he discussion in social hygiene in a group found trouble on the famous 17th hole of 1200 persons at the national con- and took a six on a par four hole. He vention of the American Social Hy- slipped another stroke on the 18th to I giene Association held in Oakland, be even with supposedly perfect fig-1 Cal. From Ann Arbor Mr. Edson goes ures. ! to Hampton, Va., to deliver a series Howard Lee, Detroit country club, of lectures at Hampton institute for was second man, playing after the Negroes. s i 3 3 t American Marines and native con- stabulary were awaiting orders today to run down the band of irregulars of the recalcitrant Nicaraguan Gen. San- dino, which tried to ambush a column of Marines and constabulary under Maj. Oliver Floyd at San Fernando Monday. A number of shots were fired in this attempt attack, a Marine and several constabulary men being wounded, but the irregulars were routed with loss of several killed and a score wounded. Military circles here expect an ac- tion will soon take place between the irregulars and the Marines in which airplanes will have a part, just as they did in the battle 10 days ago at, Ocotal, when Sandino's men tried to capture that town from a handful of Marines and constabulary. Maj. Floyd was sent to the region with a contingent of Marines after the Ocotal battle to prevent reorgani- zation of Sandino's forces. rain, this veteran of almost 20 years of tournament play turning in a 74. He was even with par for the most of the tourney, but slipped on the 14th and 15th, losing one stroke to par on each. DAILY WILL PUBLISH GARGOYLE SUPPLEMENT Tomorow the Daily will give over page three as a supplement to the Gargoyle. The page has been com- piled by members of the Gargoyle 'staff who are in Summer school. The first professional course in ath- letic coaching and the teaching of physical education was established by the University of Wisconsin. BASEBALL SCORES (By Associated Press) Amerlcan League Detroit, 3; Philadelphia, 1. St. Louis, 1; New York, 4. Chicago, 7; Washington, 4. Cleveland-Boston; rain. Natlonal League Philadelphia, 8; St Louis, 9. Boston, 7; Cincinnati, 2. Brooklyn, 1; Pittsburgh, 2. New York, 6; Chicago, 4. people in general are very pretensous and worldly and do not like to feel that they are excelled by anyone." "Paraguay," said Dr. Reeves," re- minds one of a pond in the process of evaporation. It is obsolescent. This is due to the fact that from 1810 to 1870 three of the worst tyrants that ever lived occupied the throne. They practically isolated the country from the rest of the world." Brazil, Professor Reeves charac- terized in closing, as being of her own culture. "She has a different at- titude towards the United States," he said in closing, "because we are one of her best customers." Dr. Reeves returned about the mid- dle of June from South America where he was one of the official delegates ap- pointed by the President of the United States Ito the International Commis- sion of American Jurists to study the codification of international law. Mqre than 20,000 non-resident stu- dents were enrolled in correspondence courses of the University of Wiscon-. sin Extension division in the year 1925-26.