THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY POSTOFFICE WITH LANDING ROOF P ROPOSED Book Bargains ointerest Teachers, Preachers, Librarians and Summer School Students 9sUNIVERSITY WahrsBOOK STORE - - - i I HALLER'S- Edgeworth smoking State Street Sketch of the proposed new $12,000,000 Chicago postoffice contempla tes an enormous building with a flat roof, 320 by 800 feet, for landing and launching airmail planes. .. .... Jewelers ' ernor of Michigan, addressing the banquet last night. "Major General Lassiter recently T spection trip in Panama and told me T I .Fcame to the Soo directly from an in- that he regarded the Soo region as of strategic importance next to Pana- ma," Osborn said. "This should mean, if adequately translated, the installa- of appreciation to the club over his reception here. READ THE 'CANT AXIS is a part. of colle e education An Arbor Says This A (Continued from Page One) forcement of the Volstead act. If the states can be called by the executive government and can be told what their duties are, why is it not im- portant in this era-of expanding cen- tral power that the states unite and tell the federal government what their rights are? roposes Discussion "The states have no sustained agency to stimulate such questions, or to shape and direct them, or even to thrash them out, save only the cen- tral government at Washington. Could not a working House of Gov- ernors become such an agency? The rights and duties of the states could be furthered by( such an or- ganization to a vital extent, the gov- ernor told the banquet guests. He proposed a consideration of the mat- ter to be . reported in discussion meetings later during the session. Emphaszes Importance Of Soo1 That the Soo canal and the region in the vicinity of Sault Ste. Marie ought to be made a "center of gov- ernment interest second only to Panama" and that the region tribu- tary to the Soo and its locks should be regarded as next in strategic value to the Panama canal and environsj was the statement of Chase S. Osborn,I of Saulte Ste. Marie, and former gov-a tion of a great airport and other modern features of use, convenience and safety." FU'NDAMENTALISM NOW HAS PASSEDHIGH TIDE, Ka F, MATH ER DECLARES (Continued from Page One) scientific truth as we today under- stand it. He directed attention to the fact that he scientific theories of 3,000 years ago had been supplemented so greatly that old theories are no long- er tenable. "Sicence and religion are not ene- mies but friends," the professor stated.' "It isn't necessary to do viol- ence to religion in order to teach evo- lution." Burton Speaks Before the lecture, Elmer Hess, of Port Huron, accompanied by Cleo Fox, pianist, played the following violin solos: . Kreisler's "Old Refrain," "Minuet," by Boothoven; Massenet's "Elegie," and "Souvenir," by Drdla. Prof. W. R. Burton, of Chicago Uni- versity, who has been visiting the school of Education and its faculty the last two days, spoke a few words II A GENUIS AT WORK lAN CHANEY, tHE.MvN 1No use handling any pipe with gloves on! Midsumtmers Most Sensation. ally Received Attraction Also A Mermaid Comedy SURE CURE Sportlighit Local Topics And News Ui Policy 2:00 35 With loc Norman 7:25 Kerry 9:00 and 35C Joan i500 Crawford le Sunday 111 Shirley Mason in aut "SWEET ROSIE O'IGRADY" Ju1 10V N r IM AJ- E- S-T&I IC t ...- ) I THE COeCOLA COMPAY, ATATA,C). The Glass of Fashion NOBODY hates a fight more than old man pipe. Easygoing and easy to please, he's a born peace-maker. And if life with him isn't always rosy, it's certainly no fault of his.. . Now keeping a pipe at peace is partly a matter of slow-burning, smooth-smoking tobacco. And mellowness.' But above all it's what you call staying power. Pipe tobacco must taste good and sweet. morning, noon and night. The secret of such a tobacco lies in the way it's mellowed and the way it's cut. That's the secret of Granger RoughTCut. No tobacco was ever mellowed in quite the same way. No tobacco was ever so sure to sweeten a pipe and keep it sweet. Being rough cut, too, it burns slow and smokes smooth and cool. Smoke it all day kI1 . 'V' j s t long, it's so mild and mellow. smoke a peace-pipe smoke. Every >> '4 GRANGER ROUGH CUT Fashions come and fashions go but figures prove that Coca-Cola is still the most popular of all beverages. Pag-aq rnd ?fs af6 ' ugh Social 1N EDMEUND low KATHRYN PERRY- DOUGlAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. CYRIL CHADWICK-PHILWPPE DELkC .asodida eAiwtbp Janus Gleasond JchwzIV ""'Made for pipes only!~ . 1 ~ / ti , . a M r n' q 5'W+ v . ; _ i IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS - 7 MILLION A DAY i 12L Granger Rough Cut is made by the Liggett Myers Tobacco Compwny Tomorrow Night at 8:15-Henrik Ibsen's Melodramatic Masterpiece The Rockford Players Second Summer Season Every Evening Except Wed.-Sat. Matinee 66 edda abler" !Ii IhhhuhhlU hl111111lhihlhihll hlliaiitlII Sarah Caswell Angell Hall (above Barbour Gymnasium) All seats reserved at 75c at Bookstores and Door Matinees 50 and 75 Cents 11iii1 ii llllil" " 1iiiilltUlili With Elsie Herndon Kearns as Hedda j 4o