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July 27, 1927 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1927-07-27

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7, to Put-In

Is Next Saturday,


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- .-

II, No. 27

Jack Sharkey Takes Count; Dempsey Watches



(By Associated Press)
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 26-
United States marines and Nicaragu-
an constabulary have again come un-
der the fire of the irregular forces of

upha'sized Strategic Value Of Region
Tributary To Soo And Locks;
Foresees Airport
(By Associated Press)
ouse of Governors," composed of
vernors from all the United States,
ganized to effectively uphold states'
hts and to "play a powerful part
the non-partisan political life of
country" was advocated -by Gov-
tor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland,
a banquet last night attended by
governors, here for the annual
?n organization, "on a stronger
I more comprehensive basis than
yearly association meeting, with
competent secretariat and trained
,istants and adequate facilities"
s pictured by Governor Ritchie as
ideal outcome of the annual, con-
ence held by the governors.
Would Check Centralization
It may be true that an organizA-
n such as we can form would
re no legally recognized standing;
t ways and means of meeting its
3enses would have to be 'thought
; that Congress and legislatures
;ht ignore its efforts; that in the
t analysis it could only consult,
ate and agree or differ; but it
ms to me that such an organization
I suggest, permanently alert and
eking to. protect the true scope
I to assert the rightful functions
the states themselves, could not
to check the modern drift to ex-
sive centralization and could not
to be an agency of government
a very real and'high sense," Gov-
or Ritchie declared,
trong and effective state action,
her than "remote and uniform
eral action" is desired, the gover-
said, and the proposed House of
ernors-a "league of states," as
termed it, could so function as
uphold state rights and could be-
e, in effect, "almost a third house
he Republic.",
Action Would Be Voluntary
Such an organization could act, to
sure, only in a voluntary and co-
rative manner; and its activities
uld be without any legal sanctions
legal compulsions or legal effect-
ess," Governor Ritchie said. "Yet,
roperly organized it would be In
sition to solve or shape the sol-.
Lof many problems that now are
ed upon by the federal govern-
t, often with a show of consider-

General Sandino.

One marine and

several of the constabulary were in-
The skirmish occurred yesterday
near San Fernando, about 20 miles
from Ocopal, a, little twon where only
a few days ago a handful of marines
and constabulary, aided by bombing
planes, killed 300 of Sandino's men.
An attempt was made by Sandino to
ambush Major Floyd's troops, and
nearly succeeded, but good handling
of his troops prevented this and en-
abled him to speedily rout the at-'
tacking forces, who lost several and,
a score were wounded.

Miss Mabel Bragg Tells Of Effects
Work Of Organizations In
Newton, Mass.


Need for a more efficient system in
health training was discovered by the
medical examinations given at the
time of the war, according to Miss
Mabel Bragg, assistant superintend-
ent of schools of Newton, Mass., 'who
spoke before the Women's Education
club last night. These examinations
proved that many people were suf-
fering from physical ills that might
have been corected in childhood.
By way of eliminating these condi-
tions, the child health organization
was established in 1927 with the pur-1
pose of interesting children in their
individual growth. This work has
been successfully carried out since
the war in the schools throughout the
Extensive Program
In discussing the health program
which has been installed in Newton,
Mass., Miss Bragg stated that after a
few years of work the malnourish-
ment of the elementary school child-
ren was reduced from 24 to 4 per-
cent. From this successful begin-
ning, Miss Bragg has arganized an
extensive program in child health
training which in addition ' to special
activities throughout the schools,
give particular attention to physical
defects by means of physical examina-
tions. Specialists in the medical field
officiate at the examinations and thus
the child is given every opportunity
to obtain good health in early child-
Health Rally Day
Followup work in this program is
done by means of a health rally day
when -badges. are given to the child-
wren who have lived up to the stand-
ards of health which were establish-
ed in the schools. Miss Bragg em-
phasized the fact, however, that child
health training in the schools cannot
be successfully executed without the
complete cooperation and enthusiasm
of the teaching staff.

Spectacular knockout of Jack Sharked-, the Boston gob, by the former heavyweight champion, Jack Demp-
sey in the seventh round of their sc heduled fifteen-round battle at the Yankee stadium, New York City. Shar.
key is seen, prone on the mat, being cointed out by the referee, Jack 0' Sullivan, while Dempsey, leaning
against the ropes, looks on,


By Philip C. Brooks r
We predict a great future for Fanny f his consequent rise to favor, comes j
judging from her first attempt at as an almost too fanciful turn after h
play writing. When she asked her a series of improbable circumstances.-
father for a presentation of her play JBiusy Buildings And Grounds Commit.
as a birthday present, she probably The lines of the play, however, form tee Has Crews On All Parts Of
couldn't have hoped for such a per- a masterful exposition and are full of Camipus And Buildings

formance as the Rockford Players drant innuendos, aspersions, and

gave. I

Of course no one would ever believel
a 19-year-old girl composed the work
-its insight into the unutterable
folly of "respectability" must have
been the product of a far more ma-
ture mind. So far as that goes,4ve
would be much more apt to think
that a young girl like Fanny wrote
"Pigs." It is about that profound.
As a complete upset of society, or
a thorough commentary on the ridic-
ulous soial relations it maintains, the
play seems rather lacking in its con-!
clusion. The sudden discovery that
the butler is a Duke's brother, and

University Of Wisionsin's.'


"Half the issues that now eventu-
ate in federal legislation and fede-
ral bureaus could and should be
handled by the states," ;the governor
declared, "but there is no effective
medium by which or through which
the demands for progressive state
action, or for uniformity or concord,
can make themselves felt, except
Through the federal government itself
or through 48 separate movements in
48 separate states."
Just because an infinite variety of
contracts and conflicts are inter-
state' is no reason why the states
should not work them out if they had
some organ of expression 'or direc-
tion, Governor Ritchie pointed out.
Business Gives Example
"If business finds it profitable to
organize its permanent conference
bodies and association," said the gov-
ernor, "why not the states? Indeed,
most of the great post-war problems
of the day from Geneva to Locarno
seem to be handled by practically just
such bodies. Even the League of
ations is doing just such work.
"I do not discount for a moment
the work of this conference of the
benefits which accrue from these an-
mual exchanges of views. But they.
are only annual. In my experience,
and this has extended now into three
terms of governor, we have met to-
gether twice outside of out yearly
meetings, and both times at a call
d - __ L T ' L ~ T _ _ ~ ~__ _

Maud Okkelberg To
Give Faculty Concert
Mrs. Maud Okkelberg of the Univer-
sity School of Music faculty will give
a concert in Hill auditorium at 8
o'clock this evening. Mrs. Okkelberg,
a student of Albert Lockwood of the
School of Music and Mr. and Mrs.
Josef Lhevinne, has engaged in con-
cert activities several years before
joining the faculty here. Her pro-
gram is as follows:
32 Variations-(Beethoven), Waltz
E minor-(Chopin), Etude F minor
(Chopin), Etude C sharp minor-
Forest Murmurs-((Liszt), Improm-
ptu-(Liszt), Spinning Song-(Wag-
ner-Liszt), Spring Song-(Schumann-
March-(Dohanyi), Etude Op. 7 No.
4-(Strawinsky), Barcarolle-(Mosko-
wski), In Autumn-(Moskowski), Tra-
bel On-(Otterstrom).
The general publii with the excep-
tion of small children is invited.

Will Publish In New Plant I
Beginning With Fall
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., July 26.-The Daily
Cardinal, student newspaper at
the University of Wisconsin, expects
to begin publication in its own print-
ing planit with the opening of the fall
semester in Septemer.
The printing plant, which will be
on the campus, will be student-own-
ed, as has been the newspaper since
its beginning 35 years ago. The news-
paper is published by a non-stock,!
non-profit corporation, known as the
Daily Cardinal company, whose mem-
bership includes all the students in
the university.
Looking toward a printing plant,
the student board of control and the
faculty advisory committee of the
paper have been carefully investing
the paper's surplus funds for some
years. The sinking fund has now
reached a total which warrants the
purchase of printing machinery. A
new non-stock, non-profit , Cardinal
Publishing Company has now been
incorporated by students, faculty,
and alumni associated with the news-
paper to purchase and operate a
Contracts were signed last week
for a Duplex press with a capacity of
3,500 an hour, as well as for- two
Linotypes equipped with the new'
Ionic No. 5 body type and the latest
faces in headline types, and other.
necessary equipment.

outright slams. One might out of
pure sympathy regret the ruthless
treatment of the French, and would
hesitate to accept the lieutenant'
praise of English and American free-
don with some qualms. The slight,
ever so brief but poignant, at Ameri-
can millionaires, was worth the
whole evening in itself.
Prologue Is Enjoyable
The prologue and interlude, not
only as something of a novelty in
presentation, but for their clever lines
was enjoyable, without adding greatly
to the worth of the play. Given by
an inexperienced though sincere
group of actors,- and written obviously
in such a way that the play could beE
given without them, . they appearedI
quite separate from the rest of the
We agree with Count O'Dowda, the
spirited and delightfully made up
father of the authoress, played by)
Samuel Bonnell, that there is no ques-
tion as to the ability of the actors.
Amy Loomis, with her pleasing frank-
ness and remarkably effective char-
acterization; Helen Hughes, repre-
senting the "respectability" admirably
in her very convincing acting, show-
ing a stage presence and ability of
interpretation which mark her as an
accomplished and versatile actress,
besides appearing in one of the most
completely effective makeups imagin-
able; Miss Kearns, splendid in her
characterization and as always the
finished stage performer; and Robert
Henderson, who seemed to get more
out of his part than it was really
worth by his enthusiasm, and still
made it quite convincing, stood out.
Frances Horine,. in another fond
mother part, difficult for the excess-
ive amount of listening to others talk,
practically amounting to so much
pantomine, was decidedly in part and
pleasing. Robert Wetzel and Paul
Faust also played difficult parts with
their usual sincerity and merit appre-
Extras Play Well
For the "extras," Marian Welles,1
pleasingly natural in her appearance
as "Fanny," yet with an air of con-
fidence, was an excellent choice for
the part. Paul Kern and Clifford
Maduro gave good performances as
ciitics, although the latter, who was
termed the ''Hearst critic," and the
other two would profit by experience
in public performance and knowledge
of some of the tricks of "getting


Alterations on the campus are con-
tinuing in full force. Yesterday 1,100
square yards of linoleum arrived and
will be laid immedately in the prin-
cipal offices in Angell hall. Part of
Tappan hall is being altered, and
partitions are to be put up to pro-
vide more office room, New offices
are also being arranged for in East
Engineering building.
Several big painting jobs are in
progress. Painting in the Lew build-
ing will cost $1,800, in the East En-
gineering building it will amount to
$4,000. The Health Service, the exter-
ior of Hill auditorium, East Hall,
Chemistry building, and the Universi-
ty laundry are all receiving fresh
coats of paint.
Clean Drapes
in Alumni Memorial hall all the
drapes and curtains, which have not
been removed since the building was
built, are being taken down, and will
be dry-cleaned. The hapl is also re-
ceiving. general repairs.
The Dental building is being re-
paired and painted,and new equipmentI
is to be installed. New electric equip-
ment is being installed in the univer-
sity laundry. All shower-room equip-
ment in Waterman gymnasium is to be
replaced by new, the ventilating sys-
tem is to undergo a change for the
better, and a new wrestling-ring is
to be added.
New Lights In library
Probably the improvement most
welcomed by the students is the new
lighting system intheLibrary which
will greet them as they return in
the fall. A new switch-board, and
heavier. feeding lines will comprise
the new lighting system.
An order has been sent to the
(Continued on Page Three)
Mrs. W. L. Henderson, chairman
of the fund campaign fo rthe Women's
League, will give an illustrated lec-
ture at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
the Wrest Gallery of Alumni Memo-
rial hall. Her subject will be the
new Women's League building, and
she will show slides of the proposed
plans. Every woman on campus and
any town-people interested are urged
to attend. Refreshment will'be serv-
ed by the Women's League.

Tennessee School Teacher, Ousted For
Instructing In Evolution, On
Geology Survey
Before the largest meeting of the
Men's Educational club this summer,
Prof. Kirtley F. Mather, of the geo"
logy and geography departments of
Harvard, spoke last night on "The
Teaching of Evolution in American
Professor Mather told first of the
Dayton, Tenn., trial, where he was
one of the experts aiding the de-
fense. After characterizing the Scopes
trial as "the high tide of anti-evolu-
tion in America," he expressed the
opinion that the fundamentalist
movement had waned with the death
of William J. Bryan.
It was the testimony of the scien-
tists, before Judge lIalston, which
educated the people of the country
concerning the truth of evolution.
Most of them had been prejudiced by
false reports. This 60,000-word tes-
timony was mimeorgraphed into 200
copies from material assembled and
set up in New York, London, San
Francisco and Sidney, Australia,by
12 leading world scientists.
John Scopes, at present,.is on his
way to Venevuela on a geological.
murvey for' oil.
Suggested As Geologist
After the Dayton trial, friends of
Scopes secured sufficient funds to
give him two years of graduate work
in geology at the University of Chi-
cago. Shortly after Scopes had com-
pleted his wokr there, Professor Ma-
ther was requested by the state geo-
logist of Tennessee to recommend for
him a responsible assistant. It was
with great pleasure, the professor-
aid, that he suggested John Scopes
for the position. However, the rec-
ommendation was ignored. '
Georgia defeated an anti-evolution
law, modeled after that of Tennes-
see, shortly after this material had
been given publicity. California and
Texas have dropped proposed legis-
lation, without bringing it before the
people. Mississippi and Thnnessee are
the only states which forbid the teach-
ing of anything contrary to the di-
vine theory of creation in the Book
of Genesis.
Truth Is Truth
Because of fundamentalists in Tex-
a on the textbook committee, school-
books teaching evolution are not
adopted. However, books which
teach "development" are perfectly ac-
ceptable there.
"'Truth is truth, if it sears the eye-
balls,'"quoted Professor Mather.
f"We shall teach the results of our
findings. Facts are facts, and scien-
tists must have the courage of their
convictions. There will be no trou-
he teaching in the schools if we teach
-not preach-evolution. Give the
children the facts, and let their ac-
ceptance be optional.
Professor Mather thought it un-
fortunate that many could not har-
monize their ideas of religion with
(Coninued on Page Four)

American League
Detroit, 10; Philadelphia, 4.
St. Louis. 1; New York, 15.
Chicago, 1; Washington, 5.
Cleveland, 7; Boston, 2.
National League
St. Louis, 10; Cincinnati, 11,
Brooklyn, 5; Pittsburgh, 6.

_ C - a -


-Opines that it is going to be fa


I and plenty warm.

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