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July 24, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-24

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
ostoflice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern
City Editor..Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
Robert E. Carson atrty PLver
Wm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus I
Telephone ;21214
Advertising............. Ray Wachter
Accounts.. .....John Ruswinckel
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt

and Senator Moses. If Hoover should
clearly announce his intentions of
running, or should Coolidge for a
moment give intimation that he
might retire, the boom for the secre-
tary o fcommerce would assume se-
rious proportions indeed; and per-
haps it would be interesting to have
an engineer in the Wite House.
Glen Cove, Long Island, has passed
a municipal ordinance against the
digging of worms within the bound-
aries of the town by anyone except
residents of Glen Cove. The meas-
ure is passed to protect the city from
a possible serious worm shortage, and
to safeguard the lucrative business of
selling worms to fihermen.
Municipal legisation has reached
ridiculous lengths before, but never
has anything like this been done.
Such humane consideration of the
worms is almost too inspiring to be
true, and the national humane society
will undoubtedly, dispatch forthwith
a word of congratulation.
Broad minded as the act may seem
on the surface, however, it is not
without its political significance, for
it is very plain that the city of Glen
Cove is trying to pacify the worm
vote, and possibly to influence the
Worms' National Convention to
choose that town as its convention
city. The increased safety which
members of the race would have at
Glen Cove ought to be an influential
Perhaps an old age pension for the
worms will be the next step in line
with the humnane policy of the city
administration there. A child labor
act for worms, and maybe even a pro-
hibition act, protecting them from
use in salt water, will be in order.
If the city would furnish at cost div-
ers' costumes for all the worms, they
could be used as bait with consider-
ably less danger of drowning, and
that would require also the installa-
tion of air pump apparatus on all fish-
ing boats.
The thoughtfulness of the Glen
Cove council has passed all bounds.
Of course, underground policemen
will be appointed immediately to take
roll of the worms each morning, to
see that the ordinance has not been
violated, and foreign worms seen en-
ticing fish near Glen Cove will prob-
ably be required to carry passports
with them, proving their legitimate
In this age of unhuman actions by
all mankind, it is certainly delightful
and gratifying that one city, at least,
has gone so far as to think of the wel-
fare of its worms. If only the feder-
al government could take a lesson
from this humane action, and pass
some national law protecting worms
and the citizens of Nicaragua.

Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN
SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1927
Apparently President Coolidge i
not going to have the clear sailin
for the Republican nmination in 192
that once seemed to lie before hi
Smouldering embers of disconten
throughout the nation, waiting the op
portunity to be fanned into flam
must cause the cowboy president a
least a small measure of anxiety, f'
he has decided to run in 1928, an
not the least of these movements i'
the growing sentiment in favor of Her
bert Hoover, secretary of commerce.
When one looks the facts in th
face he cannot help but be impresses
with the idea that perhaps Hoove
would make a good president. He i
not spectacular, to be sure, nor an ex
ceptionally good politician (or h
would have had the Republican nomi
nation before), but he has showed i
his cabinet post that he is a mai
of tireless energy, of . quiet ac
complishment, and a man with tre
mendous facilities for grappling wit
difficult problems and solving'them.
The injection of Hoover into th
national spotlight introduces a iie
type of man into American public life
for Hoover is neither a lawyer nor a
professional politician ,as -Americani
presidents have usually been, he is
an engineer. He is a man who has
completed a career in business; and
who was out of touch with the United
States and its conditions for almost
half of his life. Since his return
from London, home of his consulting
engineering firm, he has held suc-
cessively and successfully two high
offices of public trust, being national
food administrator in 1917 to 1919
and holding the position of secretary
of commerce since 1921.
As secretary of commerce he has
left what is undeniably an enviable
record, and a successful one. Ile has
raised that department from the min-
or position which it occupied to the
front rank of government agencies.
He has taken over radio control, and
his work in city zoning, foreign trade,
aviation, and patent reform is sig-
nificant indeed. Hhe has been one of
the leading advocates, throughout, of
the St. Lawrence to the sea water-
way, and came into even greater
prominence recently with the Missis-
sippi filood, during which he declared
himself flatly for a comprehensive
federal program of protection.
A break between him and the presi-
dent has been immient since Mr.
Coolidge, some weeks ago, petulant-
ly and needlessly remarked that if
Secretary Kellogg resigned Herbert
Hgooer would not be considered for
secretary of state. Though the state-
ment was withdrawn later, and
though the president has attempted
to demonstrate since then that he is
not the least bit jealous, even to the
point of driving 16 miles to meet
Hoover at the -Black Hills reilroad
station, the rupture between the com-
paratively unimpressive chief and his-
able and impressive lieutenant is only
a matter of time.
Recently the Hoover boom has been
given added impetus by the deflection
of Will H. Hays, former postmaster
general and chairman of the Repub-
lican National committee, ex-Gover-
nor James Goordich of Indiana, Bas-
com Slemp, former secretary of the
president, Nathan Miller of New York,

. . University authorities have decid-
ed to renew all sidewalks on the
campus, laying them on a twenty.
five foot foundation, it was announc-
ed at the office of the buildings and
grounds. and sidewalks. department
yesterday. The change is in antici-
pation of the heavy wear they will
receive next winter from roller
skates. The old walks are already
being torn up.
This is positively the last time that
the Rolls scenario writing contest
will end, it has been announced from
official quarters. The task of sorting
and judging the manuscripts will be-
gin immediately.
As long as it seems to be fashion-
able to have coronations, Rolls has
decided to hold one also. The victim
has not been selected; but whoever
it is he wil have more power than the
king of Roumania. We will feed our
king adequately and promptly.
No more excursions have been held
recently, since most of the excur-
sion-going public has not yet recov-
ered fro mthe trip to Niagara. In
place of excursions, however, the de-
bate class is providing free enter-
tainment on the fourth floor of An-
gell hall. Friday night they decided
the question of whether the Repub-
lican party should be returned to
power at Washington.
No clear definition was established,
however, and the negative could not
tell whether the Republican party
necessarily included all cowboys or
No admission was charged to this
debate, but it is rumored that the
audience failed to get its money's
The state of Michigan is to have a
member of the White House family,
Rolls learned today, with the appoint-
ment of a Michigan collie to the post
of official presidential dog. A giant
reception is planned for the Michigan
pup when he reaches the Black Hills.
He will be the victim of Mrs. Cool-
idge's blue and pink ribbons until
he succumbs as his predecessor,
Prudence Prim, did.
It could not be learned at a late
hour yesterday whether the new dog
is a Puritan like Prudence or not, It
is known that the official family is
broad minded, on religious matters,
however, and it is said that the ani-
mal has been trained to drive all
members of women's parties away
from the premises.
He has also been trained to disre-
gard grotesque sights, so that the
sight of the president in a ten gal-
lon hat will not ,give him a convul-
Because Michigan has been short
of representation in the White House
family, it is probable that the Michi-
gan Mice Hunting Expedition, when
it returns, will give the president a

pure white mouse. Mice, it is said,
look even prettier than dogs with
pink ribbons around their necks.
Greenland, where the University's
militaristic expedition is holding
forth, has not issued a single state-
ment. Several inactive volcanoes
have become quite animated, how-
ever, and the wind poles of the earth
have shown considerable life since
being informed of the price of paci-
It is hoped that all of Michigan's
expeditions, including this one, will
return safely.

Michigan has achieved an enviable
reputation as a regular Republican
state. So secure are we regarded by
> the leaders of that great national po-
litical party that the Michigan elec-
toral votes are counted in before the
election, just as those from Missis-
sippi and the unenlightened states of
the south are counted for the Demo-
crats, and nothing but a miracle or
national cataclysm could possibly
budge our fair commonwealth from
these columns.
The state has never asked for any
'reward politically for this regularity,
and generally no reward has been
given. There is no use distributing
patronage to one's friends, when one
can inollify enemies with the same
pat'onage. Edwin Denby was made
secretary of the navy, to be sure, but
then the more astute and less upright
Republicans proceeded to use him as
a cat's paw and a blind for a colossal
graft, and that ended his service to
the Republican party.
Then Charles Beecher Warren was
mentioned for attorney general, but
the Republican Senate, always a bul-
wark of meticulous honesty and pro-
priety, refused to ratify his appoint-
ment, and again the state was left
without a representative in, the high-
er posts of the government-and still
the Republican party, which Michi-
gan so nobly helped to keep in office,
remained in power and distributed its
patronage with a reckless hand.
Now the state is finally to be re-
warded, however, and though we
have had to wait a long time the end
was worth waiting for. We may not
have a member of the cabinet, or a
high government official, but we shall
have a representative outranking any
of these-we shall have the White
House dog. Prudence Prim, with
whom President Coolidge has posed
a number of times while the photo-
graphers took the dog's picture, has
died, and the opening thereby created
will be filled with a Michigan puppy,


.{L o other cigarette ofers
a like measure of natural
qualities, naturalness of.

an honor we scare could have hoped
We have thanklessly recorded the
vote of a state in the Republican
columns for year; we have contribut-
ed through our citizens millions of
dollars to national campaign funds;
we have become and remained totally
Republican, and all this we have done
without any reward whatsoever. Now,
however, the state and its citizens
will achieve immortality, for Michi-
gan is to have a collie pup to repre-
sent it in the White House family-
truly, the reward of Regular Repub-
licanism is great.

a ,-t p.i yii ,iia
and genuine tobacco good-
ness. Natural tobacco taste
gives all that-and then
ojand yet, they're MILD

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