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November 10, 1995 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-10

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FRt A1VFOC 5 - r The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 10, 1995 - 3
"When a man assumes a public
trust, he should consider himself
public property:'

- Thomas.


Today's student
leaders are
America's future

Today the campus ... tomorrow the world


eadership crosses all boundaries
and divisions.

.6! Leaders of any group, regardless of
their cause or mission, must have certain
common qualities.
Leadership crosses the line between
college and the world beyond as well. The
presidents, chairs and coordinators at the
University today may someday sit at the
heads of conference tables around the
The skills and traits of successful leaders
are honed here, in the midst of a careful
balance of homework, meetings, social
lives and ambition. It is a readily available
opportunity for all those who reach for it.
Integrity, humility, strength and the
ability to listen are integral to the success
of any leader - campus or world.
-Megan Schinpf

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (upper left), Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole of Kansas (middle
left), first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (lower left), retired Gens. Colin Powell and H. Norman
Schwarzkopf (above), President Clinton (upper right), Rev. Jesse Jackson (middle right), and
House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia (lower right).


Executive officers have
learned much together

By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
Leading campus government
is noeasytask-especially when
issties like the Code, the presi-
dential search, student health care
and cuts to federal financial aid
plague the day.
-Michigan Student Assembly
President Flint Wainess knows
these issues all too well.
After his term as co-editorial
page editor ofThe Michigan Daily
ended in January 1994, Wainess
took the helm of the assembly in
"I'm living proof that the old
ma'xim, 'if you want to get some-
thing done, give it to the busiest
person you know' is undoubtedly
true," Wainess said, adding that
hiigrades have improved since
hi term began.
Wainess is pursuing an Indi-
vidual Concentration Program
degree and has focused his un-
dergraduate studies on health care.
Last month, Wainess introduced
to the assembly a plan for manda-
tory health care for University

Wainess and Vice President
Sam Goodstein have led the
Michigan Party and the assem-
bly, and they also served as co-
editorial page editors together.
The two say they have realized
many of their goals during their
term, including the formation of
MSA On-Line, student represen-
tation to the Board of Regents
and M-Corps, a program for stu-
dents to earn tuition waivers by
working for the University's De-
partment of Public Safety.
"I've seen that innovation pays
dividends, that ideas can become
reality at this institution," Wainess
"We've both always been re-
ally primarily focused on student
concerns, especially at MSA,"
Goodstein said. "We've both
grown a lot."
Wainess said that his activism
has taught him more than he
would have learned in classes.
"That which is taught in the
classroom is only meaningful
when it is applied to life; I've
been lucky enough to have the
opportunity for such application."

..... ...o [....
By Laura Nelson
Daily Staff Reporter
"There is a need for people
to do work to improve the Col-
lege (of Engineering) and get students involved,"
said Stewart Blacklock, president of the School of
Engineering Council.
Blacklock felt "obligated to fill that niche," he
said, by becoming a student leader.
A computer engineering senior, he took office
Sept. 13. After a year and a half as a treasurer and
executive board member of the council, he was
elected to fill the vacancy created when the former
president unexpectedly resigned.
As president, Blacklock said he feels even more
of an obligation to improve his organization. "No
one else is going to do it," he said, "so ... it's my

Balancing council commitments with academic
work isn't easy. "1 don't think I do a good job,"
Blacklock said.
During his term as treasurer, Blacklock said he
only slept four or five hours a night, sometimes in
the council's office.
He also missed about a third of his classes. When
a student leader needs to meet with a dean or a
professor about his organization, he said, "You
have to rearrange your schedule to fit their's."
Blacklock said the combination of serving as trea-
surer for council and working as a resident computer
systems consultant caused his grades to drop.
"What every person who gets involved learns,"
he said, is that "every minute is important, ... every
little 15-minute break, you should be doing some-

g council provides a sense of family

There are no special perks or privileges associ-
ated with being a student leader, Blacklock said, but
there are other rewards.
Besides the personal satisfaction of improving
the school and increasing student involvement,
Blacklock said he also benefits from "fellowship
with other society leaders" in the council and hav-
ing an office on "society row" in the Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science Building.
"It's really fun," Blacklock said. There is a "sense
of community - family- with these people that is
special to me.
As president, Blacklock runs council meetings
and acts as its representative on College of Engi-
neering committees, where he sits alongside faculty
and staff providing input on school's future.

Panhel brings sororities together

Anyonecanb Jina group
Out Which ofthe Uncome a leader, with a little initative To find
best for you, take a trity's more than 600 sc v. Student d
Assembly. e P to the offices of the groups is
There, staff members will be h y p igan Student
all of the registeredstudent g chappylt Provide w iCo
names and phone numbers to help make the selecithonay.
Tihegn Unseb, oOffices are locatedon the seectioneasy.
anhiUrn0, or call 763-n324 . df th


By Christopher Wan
For the Daily
Laura Shoemaker is not just another member of
the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She also chairs the
Panhellenic Association, which governs campus
"My three goals from last year when I ran (for
president)," she said, "were empowerment of the
women within of the system, unifying the sororities
within the system and building pride not only for
your individual chapter but also for the Greek sys-
tem as a whole."
As president, Shoemaker coordinates the jobs of
the executive board officers who are in charge of
various areas including programming and rush.
"I work with my executive board on setting goals

Hillel leader gains real-world experience


By Megan Schimpf
Daily Staff Reporter
Leadership goes beyond the books during college and
beyond the University after graduation, said Mark Bernstein.
"I think the University of Michigan is a microcosm of the
environment in which leaders will function upon graduation
every possible community that exists beyond the Univer-
sity-exists here," said Bernstein, chair of the Hillel student
governing board.
Bernstein is in the third year of a master's of business
administration and law program.
"I was committed to making sure one of the things I
learned went far beyond the lectures and the books into the
fantastic organizations that exist in Ann Arbor and especially

the University," he said.
As an undergraduate, Bernstein was active in LSA Student
Government, the executive board of his fraternity and the
governing board of Hillel. He also established UAC's View-
point Lecture series and managed the program for four years.
"As a leader, you really have a significant impact on
campus, directly on the lives of the student body," Bernstein
said. "Some of the things you do can both improve and hurt
the quality of life of the students."
Following graduation, Bernstein spent six months work-
ing at MTV, a direct result of his involvement with UAC.
"If you learn to be an effective leader in this environment,
you'll have the skills necessary and experience required to be
an effective leader in the future," he said.

TIt was important
to me not. only to
excel academically,
but to find some-
thing that, I can
believe in
-- Laura Shoemaker
Panhellenic Association chair

and focus areas and
then they in turn use
their positions to sup-
port those goals," she
The Panhellenic
Association coordi-
nates the activities of
the 17 sororities on
campus and serves as
the governing body
of these groups
should there be any
policiesmade. Itmost
recently conducted
the formal rush pe-

Greek Week
director advocates
getting involved
By Christopher Wan
For the Daily
Greta Grass may be trying to break some
records by being a very involved person in
nonacademic affairs. As co-director of Greek
Week, she is one of the top leaders in the Greek
Greek Week, a nine-day March event that
promotes fund-raising for charity among the
sorority community, she manages, together with
her co-director, a 30-person committee where
people are in charge of various aspects of Greek
Week such as publicity and graphics.
She also deals with business relations regard-
ing sponsors forthe Greek Week activities, which,
range from blood drives to community services.
As president of Alpha Phi sorority, Grass
spends about 20 hours a week fulfilling her
responsibilities by doing general management
work, running meetings, filing weekly reports
for the international chapter, going to social
events and delegating for her sorority. Living in
her sorority house means she is involved in the
subtleties of her position all the time.
Grass, an LSA senior in communication, has
ever since high school "been a strong advocate
for getting involved in some type of organiza-

is .a

riod that took place in September.
One of the reasons Shoemaker joined the associa-
tion was "to able to be involved in activities and take



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