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November 08, 1995 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-08

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 8, 1995 - 13

Two members from the Michi-
gan men's cross country team re-
ceived Big Ten conference honors
last Thursday. But the Wolverines
are so focused on winning the na-
tional championship that there was
not much more than an announce-
ment and congratulatory statement
by the Michigan coach and their
One accolade was expected and
the other is a positive sign of things
to come.
Kevin Sullivan was named Big
Ten Cross Country Athlete of
the Year for the third straight
year and John Mortimer took the
Big Ten Freshman of the Year
Sullivan is coming off a course
record performance (24:21) in the
Big Ten Championships in Min-
neapolis, Oct. 28. The junior run-
ner is looking to add to his past
two first place and two second
place finishes of the season thus
far in the NCAA District IV Cham-
pionships Saturday in West
Volleyball fi
bench in cc
The Michigan volleyball team found
two unlikely heroes in its big victory
over No. 21 Illinois Friday.
Junior Colleen Miniuk and fresh-
man Karen Chase both came off the
bench Friday to spark the Wolverines'
comeback from a 2-0 game deficit.
The match was Miniuk's first real
match action following season-long re-
Michigan's No. I ranked men's
swimming and diving team faced Big
Ten rivals Wisconsin and No. 10 Min-
nesota in Madison this past weekend.
The Wolverines won 10 of 13 events,
including both diving competitions.
They defeated the Badgers, 165-77,
and the Gophers 155-88.
Women im
Although the Michigan women's
swimming and diving team was un-
able to defend its title at the SMU
classic this weekend, the Wolver-
ines posted some impressive results.
Senior co-captain Beth Jackson,
junior Rachel Gustin, sophomore
Talor Bendel and junior Melissa Stone
Last season, the Michigan
women's cross country team was a
consistent performer in all the
meets that it had entered. The
Wolverines won six of the seven
meets in which they had competed,
catapulting them to a No. 4 rank-
ing prior to NCAA District IV

This season, Michigan has been con-
sistent at being inconsistent, especially

runners Sulli
gamner Big T


The two-time All-American be-
came just the sixth man to win at
least three conference cross coun-
try titles. The last to accomplish
the feat was Indiana's two-time
NCAA champion Bob Kennedy,
who won Big Ten titles in 1988-
Michigan coach Ron Warhurst ad-
mired Sullivan's past performance.
"Kevin dominated the field,"
Warhurst said. "He will be one of
the favorites at the NCAA's after
the running the course the way he
Sullivan took the prize with pride,
but the junior has another award
that he is eyeing - along with his
"(The award) means a lot but the
team is much more important to me
than winning the Big Ten Athlete of
the Year," Sullivan said." "We need
to get to the National Champion-
Mortimer placed in the top 10 in
all five meets he participated in.

Inds two hero
)meback win

Maceo Baston
(30) positions
himself for a hF
rebound as Albert
White (44) i
shoots. Baston
has been ailed by
several Injuries inut
the early season.
BaRston aytos thetop
andas intensit n raCe


habilitation ofa strained medial collateral
ligament in her right knee. Miniuk tallied
14 kills, 14 digs, two block assists and
three serving aces in fourgames ofaction.
Chase also made her first big contri-
bution of the season against the Illini.
Her 19 kills, behind a .400 hitting per-
centage, was a career-best total for the
freshman and second-best on the team for

Ivan and
en awards
The freshman finished first in the
Michigan Open, Sept. 6 and placed
second in the
Maine Invita-
tional, Oct. 7.
Before the
season began, cl
Mortimer had
higher goals in Notebook
mind - such as
becoming an
All-American -
but it's not as if ._.,
he isn't pleased.
"It just shows how hard work
and conditioning pays off,"
Mortimer said. "It's a great honor
that I hope to build on for the rest
of my career."
The freshman hopes to follow in
the footsteps of his junior mentor.
Sullivan was given the same acco-
lade in 1993.
"Just by running with Kevin
helps me," Mortimer said. "This is
a good start for me that maybe I can
ultimately parallel Kevin's career."
--By James Goldstein
)es from its
over ilinois
the match.
But Miniuk and Chase should con-
tinue to come off the bench for Michi-
gan, according to coach Greg
"I don't want to start a position
controversy at this point in the sea-
son," he said.
- By Andy Knudsen
Jason Lancaster and Owen von Rich-
ter won the 400 medley relay, edging
out second place Minnesota by :01.15.
Buyukuncu, Lancaster and von Rich-
ter placed first in the 50 free, 200
individual medley and 200 butterfly,
- By Susan Dann
lation final in 4:22.47. Kampfe's stel-
lar performance included a victory in
the consolation final ofthe 200 butter-
fly. All-American Bendel won the 100
butterfly (56.17). Kim Johnson
chipped in a victory in the 100freestyle
- By Marc Lightdale
the polls
more Pauline Arnill to action after
almost a month off.
Arnill has-not competed since the
Michigan Intercollegiate, Oct.13.
Michigan has captured the District
IV title the last three years. The way
this season has gone, it will be difficult
to predict if the Wolverines will be

able to win Districts consistently for
the fourth year in a row.
- By Nancy Berger

men key men


Senior diver Alex Bogaerts won the
one-meter springboard with 259.4 points
and the three-meter with 284.4 points.
The Wolverines had a strong show-
ing by the underclassmen. Freshman
Andy Potts finished third in the 1,000-
freestyle and the 200 breaststroke. Potts
and sophomores Derya Buyukuncu,

By Brent McIntosh
Daily Sports Editor
Maceo Baston single-handedly keeps
several bandage companies in business.
That may be an exaggeration, but
with all the wrappings he wears during
practice, the Michigan sophomore for-

the NCAA basketball preview edi-
tion, and -at least in this part of the
country - Taylor, the Wolverine
sophomore forward and 1994-95 Big
Ten Freshman of the Year, shares the
cover with in-state rival Quinton
Brooks, a 6-7 senior forward from
Michigan State.
The expert at TV Guide also tried his
hand at picking the conferences, plac-
ing Michigan second in the Big Ten

bition game for missing his urban
planning class. Fisher expressed hope
that Taylor would be in class from
now on.
"1 hope it's behind us," Fisher said.
"That's what my goal is."
And what did Fisher think of Taylor's
reaction to missing the easy Wolverine
"He handled it all right," Fisher said.
"He had no other way to handle it."

ward does bear a
slight resem-
blance to a
with a large ban-
dage brace
wrapped around
his chest and over
his left shoulder,


I want (Baston) to be a little more
cautious M
-Steve Fisher
Michigan basketball coach

press at S MU
set a new meet record in the 400-yard
medley relay with a 3:47.97 clocking.
In addition, Michigan won three
championship finals on Friday evening.
Kerri Hale took first place in the 400
individual medley with a time of
Junior Anne Kampfe won the conso-
fluctuatin in
in the polls. The Wolverines have fluc-
tuated from third to 15th this year.
According to the most recent polls,
Michigan stands in 12th place. The
Wolverines knocked Penn State out of
that position after Michigan jumped
two places from 14th.
Michigan's unpredictability has a lot
to do with the steady flow of injuries
that have hurt some of its top runners.
The Wolverines look to return sopho-

along with a
smallerwrap on his right wrist and thumb.
The shoulder brace is intended to
protect his loose left shoulder, which
has caused him recurring troubles. The
soft brace replaces a hard brace that
Baston disliked.
"I want him to be little more cau-
tious with his reaching and
rambunctiousness in practice," Michi-
gan coach Steve Fisher said. "He
t esn't want to."
Maurice Taylor is accustomed to be-
ing on TV, but in TV Guide?
This week's issue of TV Guide is
Continued from Page 11
made his announcement to stay for his
senior season.
Watson finished with 61 yards on 10
carries while Wheatley rushed for 148
yards and two touchdowns last year.
'atson looks forward to travelingto
AdnArborforarematchwith Michigan.
"I'm looking forward to playing
Michigan just to go home and for all
rdy family to come and check me out,"
vWatson said. "I'm looking forward to
getting booed."
This season, Watson'spotential may
siay dormant as he shares time at
taiback with Rogers. But Watson's
poietial may turn into pressure next
season as both Rogers and Alstott will
have graduated and fans will look to
Watson to be the leading rusher.
I'Any good athlete wants to carry the
load," Watson said. "I want to defi-
nitely carry the load. I'm looking for-
ward to being the feature back like
Mike,but if I'm not, I'm just going to
play my role whatever it is. I just want
to help the team any way I can and

behind Iowa. Indiana took third in the
poll and last year's champion, Purdue,
was fourth; in order, Michigan State,
Penn State, Illinois, Minnesota, Wis-
consin, Ohio State, and Northwestern
.rounded out the register.
After losing Taylor for last week's win
over Athletes in Action, Fisher is con-
fident that the Wolverine standout will
be dressed for tomorrow's game against
the Russian Select Team.
Taylor was suspended for the exhi-

gan fans who waited in line for games
during the early Fab Five years may
remember Asher Stoller.
If you're among them, and don't re-
member him, it may be because you
weren't close enough to the front of the
line. Stoller was routinely first in line
for even the biggest games, and rarely
ever behind the front row.
His seats have moved even closer to
the court since he graduated. Stoller is
now a manager for the Wolverines.

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