Summit addresses
ways to reduce
student drinkig
The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 8, 1995 - 7
LSA-SG president
proposes breaking
school into 4 parts
LANSING (AP) - Despite a spate
of get-tough policies on college cam-
puses, binge drinking is as prevalent
among students as it was 15 years ago,
research shows.
So universities are changing their
approach. Yesterday, during the first-
ever Michigan University Presidents
Summit on Campus Alcohol Issues, top
officials from state universities shared
their ideas.
"It car't just be education, and it
can't be just enforcement. It has to be
both," Michigan State University Presi-
dent Peter McPherson told summit par-
a ticipants in Lansing.
He pointed to two MSU policies - a
crackdown on drinking by under-21
students in dorms and a ban on kegs at
football tailgating parties on campus -
as two ways to make a difference.
"It sends a certain message on cam-
pus," he said. But he worried it may just
push the problem into East Lansing
establishments, with more students
drinking in bars or at off-campus par-
That's why the problem can't just be
addressedon campus, said David Ander-
son, co-author of the national College
Alcohol Survey.
"It's a community's responsibility,"
said Anderson, an associate research
professor at George Mason University's
Institute of Public Policy in Fairfax,
He worried that even officials who
say they want to get students to con-
sume less alcohol aren't bothering to
get at the root of why students drink.
* "Students are feeling disenfranchised.
They feel we're not listening to them,"
Anderson said. "If we fail to look at the
reasons ... we're going to have campus
unrest again."
Most of Michigan's colleges and
universities already have taken steps to
discourage drinking by educating stu-
dents about alcohol's risks and by insti-
tuting tough new penalties for breaking
the law, said Glenn Stevens, executive
director of the Presidents Council of
State Universities of Michigan, which
helped plan the summit.
"The universities are responding,"
he said. "That's kind of a change from
years ago, when people worked to main-
tain the best image" for their campus.
He said he hopes that a new approach
may be devised by bringing together
college officials with researchers, neigh-
borhood leaders and others such as sub-
stance-abuse expert Karen Schrock of
the state Department of Public Health
and State Police Director Michael
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA would break into four separate
schools under a plan recently intro-
duced by LSA Student Government
President Rick Bernstein.
In his proposal, titled "Academe
2000," Bernstein outlines his vision to
radically reconstruct the University's
liberal arts curriculum.
"I feel LSA is too big and overpower-
ing," he said. "Too few people have way
too much control over 18,000 people."
Bernstein said that the bureaucracy
mittee "far removed people from the
Faller rebutted Bernstein by pointing
out that several of the associate deans
are currently teaching classes. Faller
teaches a first-year seminar in Native
American literature.
Faller also said the executive com-
mittee, which iscomposed of six people
elected by the faculty of the college,
does not have the power to decide sal-
ary and tenure decisions. The Univer- a
sity Board of Regents makes the final
decisions, he said.
that exists in the
LSA administra-
tion can be elimi-
nated by dividing
the college into
four separate col-
leges: College of
Humanities, Col-
lege of Arts and
Letters, College of
Arts and the Acad-
emy of Science.
Each college
would be headed
by its own dean,
who Bernstein
said would be "the
best in its school."
"I feel LSA is
too big and
overpowering. Too
few people have
way too much
control over
18,000 people."
- Rick Bernstein
LSA-SG president
The plan re-
ceived mixed
reviews from
LSA faculty
"It sounds
like it would be
creating more
that's not what
we need," said
communi c a-
tion lecturer
J o a n
Physics Prof.
Larry Jones
Silver bells in the city AP PHOTO
Workers from Consumer Power Co. hang lights on the holiday tree outside the
Capitol building in Lansing.
MSU urges more students to study abroad
:11 Administrators propose going
abroad program that would cost
no more than normal tuition
LANSING (AP) - Michigan State University
officials hope that by 2006,40 percent of the school's
graduating students will have spent at least one
semester studying overseas
"This university is really a worldwide campus,"
said MSU President Peter McPherson. "In order to
meet the challenges posed by an increasingly global
society, our students need to be internationally expe-
Officials said they want to give every student the
chance to spend a semester abroad for no more than
it costs to study on campus.
"As far as we know, we would become the first
public institution that has tried very sincerely to
make this opportunity available to all of its stu-
dents," said John Hudzik, acting dean of interna-
tional studies.
"When you're talking about 42,000 students, that's
a tough assignment," he said.
In a survey, students most frequently cited cost as
the greatest deterrent to spending a semester study-
ing overseas.
"We're doing everything we can to minimize
financial and curricular obstacles to enable our stu-
dents to study abroad," Hudzik said.
MSU sends about 850 students overseas each
year, making it one of the largest foreign college
study programs in the country.
Kalamazoo College does even better. More than
85 percent of its graduates having spent at least one
quarter overseas.
"For a public research university, what they're
doing is quite exceptional," said Michael Vande
Berg, director of the Center for International Pro-
grams at Kalamazoo College.
McPherson's interest in expanding Michigan
State's international programs is partly attributable
to his own extensive experience overseas. Among
his former positions are service in the Peace Corps in
Peru and overseeing the nation's primary foreign aid
"This is a perfect example of what happens when
the person at the top comes in and says, 'I think this
is important.' The natural support that already ex-
isted on campus was catalyzed to make it happen,"
Hudzik said.
Most Spartans who study abroad go during the
summer. Europe is the most popular destination.
Hudzik said in addition to the university wanting
more students to spend semesters overseas, it hopes
they will head more often to Latin America and
"Our students need to start looking across the
Pacific as much as we look across the Atlantic," he
"Each college will be more special-
ized and specific. It will be able to weed
out teachers and professors not living
up to standards now," he said.
But LSA Associate Dean Lincoln
Faller said he did not expect major
changes in the near future.
"I appreciate the effort and energy
that goes into this plan," Faller said. "It
is an idea that is not likely to win much
support from faculty."
Bernstein said students would be the
key beneficiaries of the plan. He said
the trickle-down effect of having a dean
who has specialized in a specific field
will transfer through the faculty and
eventually to the students.
Bernstein's proposal also aims to
bring the administration closer to the
He made several charges against the
LSA Dean's Office and the LSA Ex-
ecutive Committee.
In a statement, Bernstein called the
dean's office and the executive com-
suggested the
University look at other large universi-
ties as models to see how they are
"I think it's a very legitimate issue
and I'm glad the student government is
looking at it," Jones said.
"It's a healthy discussion to explore
what's out there."
Bernstein said his plan is simply a
vision of his and an invitation to open
dialogue with the academic community.
LSA Associate Dean David Schoem
questioned Bernstein's invitation.
"Rick Bernstein has ignored all my
efforts to meet with him or with the LSA
Student Government," Schoem said. "By
not wanting to talk about these proposals
with the LSA dean or faculty, it makes me
wonder how serious he can be about his
own ideas."
Schoem indicated that the dean's of-
fice wishes to have a strong relation-
ship with student government, though
it "has been made difficult with govern-
ment not responding to calls and ignor-
ing requests to meet."
State Senate panel OKs pregnancy bill
0 2
LANSING (AP) - A bill that sets
extra penalties for assaulting a preg-
nant woman if the fetus is hurt or killed
passed a Senate committee yeste.rday,
despite criticism that it carries anti-
abortion overtones.
"This is avictims' rights bill which is
long overdue," said the bill's sponsor,
Sen. William Van Regenmorter (R-
Hudsonville). "It is my hope that this
act will significantly deter violence
against women."
Under the bill, a person who caused
the death of "an unborn child" by as-
saulting the mother would be guilty of
a felony and could be sentenced to
prison for any length of time.
A person who injured a fetus by attack-
ing the mother would be guilty of a mis-
demeanor punishable by up to a year in
prison and a fine of up to $1,000, or both.
Penalties also would apply to drivers
or boaters who cause the injury or death
of a fetus.
The bill was approved 6-0 by the
Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired
by Van Regenmorter, and now goes to
the full Senate. A similar bill is sched-
uled for action in the state House.
The measure was criticized by some
opponents who worry about language
recognizing an unborn fetus as a crime
victim and other sections that could
have implications for abortion.
Despite backers' protests that it will
have no impact on abortion rights, op-
ponents worry that it would make the
fetus a legal person, thus moving abor-
tion closer to a crime.
"Thisbill, which is similarto what Right
to Life has introduced in other states, at-
tempts to make the fetus a person - from
conception to birth," saidJudy Karandjeff,
public affairs director of Planned Parent-
hood Affiliates of Michigan.
"Planned Parenthood believes that
the legislative declaration that the fetus
is an unborn child will only be used as
a tool in the continual battle over abor-
tion and do little to protect women."
The American Civil Liberties Union
in Michigan said the bill "misidentifies
the fetus, rather than the woman, as the
victim of a crime."
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