4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 7, 1995 ahIc Eiw n &tgi rIg JEAN TWENGE THE ERASABLE PEN 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI Street 48109 1 .1 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in chief JULIE BECKER JAMES M. NASH Editorial Page Editors A heros dilemma: Fezding the balance between fami', career Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofa majority of the Dail Vs editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. One stre fow1ard Latest Code draft has its strong, weak points T he fourth draft of the Code of Student Conduct submitted by Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford is bittersweet at best. Many glaring problems from the previous drafts remain. At the same time, substantial improvements in some ar- eas of language and treatment of violations signify movement in the right direction. The first set of improvements comes in the section on violations. Violation K, which previously penalized students if they refused to identify themselves to a University offi- cial, has been altered to remove the identifi- cation clause due to its glaring contradiction with constitutional rights. There are times when it is not in students' best interest to identify themselves to authority figures, such as during a protest or a gathering. Violation I, a policy on the disruption or obstructing of classes, has been modified to protect "behavior protected by the University's policy on Freedom of Speech and Artistic Freedom." While the language of what constitutes a violation is still inher- ently vague, the protections narrow the of- fense and remove the possibility of students being punished for displaying their views in the classroom. Further, Violation C has been altered so that the term "threatening" is no longer grounds to press charges under the Code. Previously, the term had been grouped with "hazing, stalking, or harassing" - effec- tively punishing words on an equal plane with actions. Violation N, which in earlier drafts extended the code to violations of all other University policies, now applies spe- cifically to computing behavior - an impor- tant narrowing of scope. The legal procedures of the Code are still far from just, and they do not guarantee legal protections of students. However, there are significant moves on the part of administra- tors that hint at a more just process. For the first time, both sides in a hearing may obtain records of proceedings prior to arbitration, along with facts and records of the case compiled by the resolution coordinator. At the same time, information may be withheld if the University deems it "private informa- tion" dealing with individuals not directly related to the process. Unfortunately, this can inhibit a student's ability to properly cross-examine witnesses. While the opening of pre-hearing records to both parties is a good beginning, the University's power to withhold information lends question as to whether this change is merely cosmetic. The problem of lacking legal representa- tion has been alleviated somewhat in the new draft, which permits students to have an adviser present with them in all proceedings. This does not mean a student may be repre- sented by an attorney, however, and it is not clear how extensive a role the legal adviser can play. While this change still leaves an inequitable power balance with the Univer- sity, previous codes had not allowed the presence ofan attorney or adviser prior to the actual hearing, forcing students to stand alone while being grilled by the process. The Code in its current form remains unacceptable, as it still oversteps the man- date established by federal and state laws for a policy on student conduct. The changes point to at least a grudging willingness on Hartford's part to correct some of the Code's oversights. Because so many problems re- main, Hartford must - before the Code goes to the regents next week - implement fur- ther changes that continue what is in some ways a positive trend in rewriting the Code. The session was held at 2 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon in a cubbyhole of a hotel ballroom at the American Psychologi- cal Association (APA) conference. It was called "Eminent Women in Psychology." I went there in search of heroes. Hearing the four women speak, I knew I had found them. I also knew I was more confused than ever about the question that haunts many young women: How can we balance professional success with a fulfill- ing family life? The women who spoke on the panel - Sandra Bem, Brenna Bry, Dorothy Cantor and Alberta Gilinsky - had all managed this balance amazingly well. Each was enor- mously successful in her field, and each had two or more children. Yet their route to success was very different from the path taken by most of today's young women: Instead of putting offchildbearing until after they had established their careers, all four of these women married before turning 25 and had their children before turning 30. Dorothy Cantor is the president-elect of the American Psychological Association, one of the highest professional honors a psychologist can achieve. However, she be- gan her professional life as an elementary schoolteacher during the late 1950s. (As she put it, "Secretary, teacher and nurse were the only professions open to women; if you went to college, you didn't become a secre- tary, and if you were Jewish you didn't become a nurse.") She married at 20 and quit teaching two years later when she gave birth to her first child. She had another child three years later. Nineteen years after she gradu- ated from college, she earned her doctorate in psychology. By the time she was spending long hours at the office, she said, her chil- dren were already in high school. Cantor is a firm believer in women's worth and freedom, yet also favors the pat- tern of "sequencing" that characterized her own life. "Women can do it all," she said. "but not at the same time." Alberta Gilinsky, an established author- ity in visual perception and cognitive psy- chology, came from another generation of women who had their own ways of doing things. In 1934 at the age of 16, Gilinsky left home to begin college at Smith. She fell in love with a farmer and married him a few months later. At the time, married girls were not allowed to attend Smith; the faculty met and decided Alberta could continue her edu- cation as long as she 1) lived with a house- mother, and 2) didn't talk to the other girls about sex. (!) This was fine with Alberta, who found living with a housemother "very conducive to studying." She soon divorced the farmer and married again in 1943. Her husband was in the military, so she turned down a teach- ing position at Columbia so she could move to be with him. In return she received an angry letter from the head of the psychology department, threatening to kick her out of APA for turning down a position for per- sonal reasons. Later, Gilinsky and several other women brought a successful class- action lawsuit against Columbia. The stories of the women on the panel were encouraging and enlightening for many reasons: Their unflagging determination, their conviction to succeed in a climate hos- tile to women and their choices to combine career and family are all heartening mes- sages. Yet I wonder if I could lead the lives they did, marrying young, having children young and only then going on to pursue a career. It's a possible solution to the problems and choices young women Mace today. Yet it has many problems which don't make it viable. The average age of marriage will probably continue to rise for both men and women: I find it doubtful that we will ever return to the 1950s norm of women marry- ing at 20 or 21. "Sequencing" also requires that someone (presumably the husband)work full-time to support the family; this is not only economically unfeasible for the major- ity of American families, but it leaves us back where we began in this long, hard fight: at home while the men go to work and miss their children's growth. The 1 990s solution is to put off childbearing until you're in your mid-30s. This doesn't work very well either, because at the very time you should be building your career, you find yourself with primary re- sponsibility for a child. This is where both models fall apart: They leave the father out of the picture. Ifwe are ever going to find a viable solution for balancing our lives, men must fully partici- pate as they never have before-taking time off, arranging their schedules around the children as women have done for decades. Having both partners equally responsible for children and for making money is the only solution. The women on the APA panel are my heroes both for the professional battles they fought and for the choices they made to achieve all of the joys in life. People who manage this delicate balance - both men and women - are the true heroes. - Jean lTen ge can /e reached over e- mail atljeant 'ajum ch.edu. MATT WIMSATT MOOKMi'S DILEMMA N NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'All is not fair in love and war.' - Univerlsiy Law School Prof/ Cutharine MacKinnon, speaking Saturday on Serb sol- diers rape of Croatian and Muslim women This gasp's for you High court should limit tobacco advertising /72ZIV C Sm -/LI Lr;- - [ @ 0 Y 11995 T he U.S. Supreme Court agreed recently to review Rhode Island's ban on liquor- price advertising. The court's decision in this case, expected next July, could set a prece- dent for later rulings on tobacco marketing. Overturning the ban would set back Presi- dent Clinton and the Food and Drug Administration's proposal to increase gov- ernment authority over tobacco product ad- vertising. Clinton's plan is designed to ban tobacco advertising that specifically targets youth. The proposal would prohibit cigarette adver- tisements within 1,000 feet of schools and playgrounds. It also would limit the use of pictures and colors in advertisements and ban tobacco billboards at sporting events. The proposal stands up to influential, pow- erful tobacco companies like R.J. Reynolds, which often give substantial financial sup- port to candidates for federal office. By tar- geting ads that are designed to impress young people - such .as the friendly cartoon ani- mals that have become the icon of some cigarette brands - the government is at- tempting to stop the tobacco industry from seducing another generation of smokers. The tobacco industry bases its opposition to the proposal primarily on the First Amend- ment, claiming the plan will infringe on com- panies' right to free speech. The court will draw heavily on a 1980 ruling that sets some precedent for issues of free speech in adver- tising. That decision states that commercial speech that is truthful, not misleading and concerns a legal activity may be limited only if government has a "substantial interest." Furthermore, the limitation must advance that interest and be no more extensive than necessary. The court's decision in the current case will clarify the line between harmful advertising and First Amendment rights. The government certainly has a substan- tial interest in the health and welfare of America's youth. Officials must counter the profiteering motives of the tobacco industry, which seeks to hook young smokers before they reach an age where they can make an educated and responsible decision. Clinton's proposed limitations, in the lan- guage of the 1980 ruling, only would restrict advertisers in a way that advances the sub- stantial interests ofthe government. Banning cigarette billboards within 1,000 feet of schools would help to protect young people from the friendly cartoon symbols masking a deadly, addictive drug. These proposals are a progression of the precedent set in the past decade banning cigarette advertisements on television. Like the television ban, this plan seeks to protect children from a deadly product. The tobacco industry is using the First Amendment as a smokescreen to further its essential goal - profit. Any interpretation of the Rhode Is- land law must transcend this smokescreen, upholding the initiatives of Clinton and the FDA. LETTERS To remember Rabin is to fulfill his vision To the Dally: Yom Kippur. the fast of re- pentance on the 10th day of the Jewish year, is well known among Jews and non-Jews alike. Most, however, are unaware that this solemn day marks the second fast of the Jewish calendar. The first fast is known as Tzom Gedalia and it falls on the first day after Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Tzom Gedalia commemo- rates the assassination of the last major Jewish leader in the land of Israel following the destruction of the Second Temple. His death was one of the final steps in the beginning of the Jewish people's exile from their homeland. Un- fortunately, it came at the hands of a fellow Jew. Throughout the history of the Jewish people our proudest mo- ments have come when we were united, as we were under Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon. Our most tragic memories are rooted in the times when we have al- lowed our disagreements to di- vide us. This is not to say that we had no disagreements during the times that we were united; the story of two Jews and three opin- ions has always held true. In our times of triumph, however, we never permitted those differences to drive a wedge between us. Trag- edy has befallen us when our dis- agreements have caused us to for- get our unity as a people and a family. Yitzhak Rabin's assassin claimed that he was driven to action by the word of G-cl. In truth, he could not have found a more base way to defilethat word. In Psalm 34,King David instructs us to "turn away from bad and do good, seek peace and chase after it." By this he is telling us that we must not simply search out good- ness by acting blindly on what we feel is right, but must take every action necessary to ensure that our method of searching is moral and good. When differences arise among us we must always make every attempt to resolve them peacefully. Should we, G-d for- bid, fail in this endeavor, we risk destroying the very fabric of the people whom we are ostensibly trying to help. We stand today shocked and bewildered not only because this was an act which went against the democratic principles of a demo- cratic people, but especially be- cause it was an act that threatens the very foundation of the Jewish people. The murderer may feel that he acted in defense of G-d's law. In fact, the ultimate victim of his attack was that very same law and all those who truly seek peace through it regardless of what side of the argument they may be on. Now, we are faced with two choices. We can start pointing fingers and allow the hate of this one man to spread among us. Or, we can resolve to begin the rec- onciliation that could stop this from ever happening again. Even if all that we resolve is to agree to disagree. we shall at least he do- ing it as friends. We can, thus, make Yitzhak Rabin not only a martyr for peace, but also a mar- tyr for unity. Aryeh M. Caroline RC senior American Movement for Israel To the Daily: A harsh blow was struck against the Jewish community of the world on Saturday when Is- raeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. We must not ever condone the killing of any individual by another, espe- cially the killing of a man who has done so much to further the course toward peace between Is- rael and the Palestinians. The death is all the more up- setting when you look at the events that have transpired in the past months, years and even those minutesjust before the assassina- tion. Since 1993 when we all watched with great anticipation as Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands on the White House lawn, until minutes before Rabin's as- sassination Jews and Arabs wro'te a new chapter in their history. A chapter filled with hope, and the promise for new beginnings. The death of the great leader who took us into this new chapter is a very sad moment in our his- tory, yet it is important to look back to see the factors that led to the assassination, and look to- ward the future and the peace we cannot abandon. It would be un- fair to directly blame the murder of Prime Minister Rabin on the right-wing political establish- ment. However, the ideological message of the right wing fed the mentality that led to this murder. When leaders of a political party attend rallies that depict Rabin as a Nazi officer and call him a trai- tor without stating this is an inap- propriate message to be making, they are implicitly feeding the growing animosity of belligerent Jews toward terrorist activity. Rabin had to sacrifice a great deal to bring Israel where it is: on the verge of a true peace. Indeed, Rabin refused to allow terrorist activities to derail the peace pro- cess. Rather than allowing this recent tragedy to stall the peace process, we must redouble our efforts toward supporting the peace initiative. We must not al- low the quest for peace to die with Rabin. Members of the Progres- sive Jewish Collective How TO CONTACT THEM University President James J. Duderstadt Office of the President The ShapLi? Tn ha f aitI densome: The ShapLi (pro- nounced "shapely"). Certainly the new lonk of the lihrnrv de- attention. The code only affects those in MSA who can use it to af-t nr-arodm, neAlivit rnd heln this may be a eery serious in- fringement on our individual ri ?hts. it is not someihin' that I or