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November 07, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-07

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onight: Mostly cloudy, low
omorrow: Chance of snow,
ugh around 34-.
ther to
yJeff Eldridge
aily Staff Reporter
More than 500 mourners gathered
n the steps of the Graduate Library
ast night to reflect on the assassina-
ion of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Some cried or held candles, but most
tood in the 40-degree air listening in
"It's just remembering a truly good
erson. That's what it means," said
SA junior Pamela Barr. "Just the com-
lete fight for unconditional peace, that
as his goal."
Many in attendance said they felt
reat admiration for a man who de-
ended Israel in war and strived to
trengthen the nation through peace.
"It's kind of my way of paying re-
pectsto the prime minister," said Loren
hevitz, who graduated from the Uni-
ersity in 1993 and spent the next year
n Israel. "A war hero for 27 years and
great peacemaker - (Rabin's assas-
ination) is a big blow."
The vigil was marked by several
peakers calling for unity among Jews
f different political opinions, as well
s prayer and readings ofpoetry and the
ulogies world leaders gave earlier in
he day.
Some in the crowd joined Hillel's a
apella choir Kol Hakavod in singing
'Shir Lashalom." The lyrics of the
ong calling for peace and harmony
ere in Rabin's shirt pocket when he
as killed.
"Throughout our history, when we
ave been united as one we have been at
ur strongest," said Aryeh Caroline,
o-leader of the American Movement
or Israel.
"Even in the time when we were
nified we had our differences between
Caroline, an RC senior, said part of
he tragedy of the event was that current
olitical differences translated into Jew-
n-Jew violence. He emphasized that
he best way to pursue those differences
's through peace.
"When someone kills for the sake of

ife it's the ultimate hypocrisy," he said.
"I was horrified and I was shocked,"
arr said.
She compared the initial response to
aving the wind knocked out of her and
as disturbed that ABC-TV continued
howing the Michigan-Michigan State
ootball game.
Most of those interviewed said they
fished they were in Israel.

E .

One huindred five years of editorzal freedom


November 7, 1995


Remem e....red

Don't use
Code draft
By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs yesterday voted unani-
mously to urge the University's Board
of Regents not to approve the Code of
Student Conduct, alleging a lack of civil
liberties protection.
Martin Gold, a professor emeritus of
psychology and chair ofthe University's
Civil Liberties Board, said the CLB
would recommend hearings under the
Code be open to ensure due process and
said the list of violations is too vague.
He also said campus proceedings
should not happen simultaneously with
civil or criminal cases, and legal repre-
sentation should be allowed.
The board also said that interim sus-
pension is inappropriate until someone
is found guilty.
SACUA agreed with most of the
board's suggestions, but Chair George
Brewer said opening all the meetings
would not be possible.
"Many meetings can't be open, but
there should be protections afforded the
student in those situations where the meet-
ings can't be open," Brewer said, adding
that an unbiased observer would help.
English Prof. Leo McNamara took
issue with what he said were vague
terms in the Code. "This isn't even a
literate document," he said.
Viewing the preamble of the Code,
which contains a list of "essential values,"
McNamara said: "These are nouns. These
are not values in any sense of the word."
Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Flint Wainess said he strongly
disagreed with SACUA's actions, add-
ing it is the students' role to draft docu-
ments governing students.
Wainess found fault with faculty con-
cerns that simultaneous court and cam-
pus proceedings could constitute
"double jeopardy" for the accused. He
said there is a potential problem of
litigants sitting next to each other in
class with actions pending in court.
Wainessasaid he did not find the ac-
tions constructive for students and said
students were faced with a choice by the
regents: adopt the old code or one that
goes further to protect students' rights.
"SACUA chose the former option, I
prefer to choose the latter," Wainess said.
Brewer took issue with the changing
nature of the document, which he said
needed improvements.
"The instability of the document is a
problem. It's very difficult fora delibera-
tive body to hit a moving target," he said.
Brewer said SACUA was not opposed
to having a code, but said the regents need
to be patient and the re-drafts should
include input from the CLB.
"It's not at all critical to approve (the
Code) in the next meeting. It's better to
take a little time and get this right."
- DailyvStaff Reporter Jeff ldridge
contributed to this report.
Inside: The Code undergoes another
revision. Page 3.

SSA senior Rachel Lisman (left) and Engineering senior Bonnie Rubin (center) listen to speakers at last night's vigil on the Diag for Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
SIrael bues slai leade
inoutpoun of grie

The coffin of late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin lies in front of world leaders
including (left to right) France's Jacques Chirac, Britain's John Major and Prince
Charles, Germany's Helmut Kohl and Roman Herzog, U.N. Secretary General
Boutros Boutros-Ghall, Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, President Clinton and Dutch
Premier Wim Kok.

From Daily Wire Services
JERUSALEM - A shaken world
said its good-byes to Yitzhak Rabin in
a sun-washed pine grove yesterday, lay-
ing him to rest with the praise of presi-
dents and the tears of a granddaughter.
The simple pine coffin, draped in an
Israeli flag, traveled in a slow-moving
procession past thousands of weeping
mourners to Mount Herzl Cemetery,
named for the country's Zionist forefa-
ther, Theodore Herz].
Israel came to a standstill as the fu-
neral began with the wail of a two-
minute siren. It was the same bone-
chilling call that commemorates the Nazi
Holocaust each year and on Memorial
Day for the war dead. Drivers stopped
their cars, got out and stood in silence.
The host of world leaders attending
Rabin's funeral was testimony to the
authority of the slain prime minister, a
warrior who looked beyond his years on
the battlefield to make peace with some
of Israel's most intractable enemies.
The dozens of dignitaries from the
Arab world who put aside their differ-

ences with Israel to attend his funeral
proved how radically Rabin helped
change the face of the Middle East.
King Hussein came from Jordan to
urge other Arab countries to take the
road to peace. President Hosni Mubarak
of Egypt also 'made his first visit to
Jerusalem under Israeli rule, as did min-
isters from Morocco, Oman and Qatar,
countries without ties to Israel.
-In a stunned Israel. Jews were still
trying todigest the ugly fact that one of
their own - a right-wing extremist
opposed to Rabin's peacemaking with
the Palestinians - had shot him to
death at a peace rally.
In a day of tears and raw emotion,
Rabin's successor, Shimon Peres, saw
a gleam of hope in the gathering of
world leaders.
"This is the crowning glory of your
efforts, all of us here together," Peres
said. "The man who murdered you will
not be able to murder the idea that you
"Farewell to you my elder brother,
the bringer of peace."
See RABIN, Page 7

"It is a time, I think, for all of us to
come together and mourn, and do it in
our own community," said Rebecca
Line, a junior in the School of Educa-
tion. "I got an e-mail message from a
friend (in Israel). He wrote that it was
very sad and sorrowful, and that every-
thing there was closed down."
Despite the uncertain future ofIsraeli
politics under the leadership of acting

Prime Minister Shimon Peres, the vigil
was touched with great optimism by
speakers and attendees.
"I think after the peace process gets
back on track it could actually strengthen
the Israeli resolve for peace," Shevitz
"I think there will be even more re-
solve not to let Prime Minister Rabin's
work go in vain."

Speakers clash about
etroit newspaper strike
Stu Berlow never seen such hostile bargaining."
aily Staff Reporter While the audience of about 50 peopl
Representatives of both sides in the wantedtoknowwhenthestrikewouldenc
early four-month-old Detroit newspa- -some screamed demands for a specific
r strike clashed yesterday in a debate date - both said they could not predic
ponsored by the University's Institute of when a settlement might be reached.
Labor and Industrial Relations, giving Mleczko accused the papers ofdelib
local residents a chance to catch up on the erately losing money, attempting t
ispute. break the unions and providing unfairl)
Law Prof. Ted St. Antione moder- low wages. He also said that the nego
ted the question-and-answer session tiations were being controlled by man
ith Lou Mleczko, president of Local agement, calling the talks a "sorry ex
2 of the Newspaper Guild, and John cuse for bargaining."
aylor, director of labor relations for "Whenever we tried to steer the ne
Detroit Newspapers, the agency that gotiations, the reply was a 'We're no
ublishes both the Detroit Free Press interested,"' Mleczko said.
and The Detroit News. The two also Taylor replied by saying, "All thi
ave 15-minute speeches. talk of union-busting is out of line.
"The parentcompanieshave declared "I don't think we need to apologize
war on the unions and the employees for our wages," Taylor said, adding tha
they represent," Mleczko said. "I've the company provides high salaries
been around the unions for 21 years and such as some mailroom workers earn

Low turnout expected in.
today's council elections


Lou Mieczko, president of Local 22 of the Newspaper Guild, and John Taylor,
director of labor relations for the newspapers, debate yesterday.

By Maureen Sirhal
Daily Staff Reporter
Election day has once again arrived
forAnn ArborCity Council andthisyear
the turnout is expected to be very low.
Despite the high turnout last year,
Ann Arbor city officials are predicting
a very quietelection day.
"I would be surprised if we get 20
percent," said Ann Arbor City Clerk
WinifredNorthcross. "Peoplejustdon't
think council seats are very important."
The participation is expected to show
a dramatic decrease from last year's
rate of about 47 percent of the regis-
tered voters in Ann Arbor because those
elections coincided with state and na-
tional elections.
"Local elections do not generate the
interest that state and nationals do,"
Northcross explained.
Student participation is traditionally
very low in local elections. This year's

Michigan Union
Alice Lloyd Hall
Bursley Hall
Mary Markley Hall
Angell School
1608 S. University Ave.
East Quad


"We are trying to run this company
as efficiently and profitable as possible
and we don't apologize for that, but we
can't return to the wasteful days of the
past," he said.
"I have problems with both sides, but
there's sympathy for the unions since I
used to be a part of it," said former

winner Jim Mitzelfeld, who is now in
law school. "For three years there was
no cost of living increase; pay wasn't as
good as it should have been."
The audience - a mixture of stu-
dents and the general public - tended
to sympathize more with the unions,
yet looked for answers from both par-

South'Quad 4-1
Mary St. Polling Place 4-2
926 Mary St.
Ann Arbor 'Y' 5-1
350 S. Fifth Ave.
Voter registration cards show your precinct.
Councilmember Peter Nicolas (1-4th
Ward), who is not seeking re-election,


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