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September 08, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-08

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Tonight: Mostly
sunny, high mid-60s.
Tomorrow: Morning rain,
high around 60°.



One hundredfour years ofeditori'alfreedom

September 8, 199

- -- - --- --- ---------------------

By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Report
When cnllei

drops to 24th in colege
"We worry that only two public insti- Baker said public schools - which Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
er tutions are represented in the top 25," are generally less expensive than pri- Since 1988, the University has flue-
ae-bound tudents nick said University spokeswomen Lisa vateschools-ranklowerinthesurvey tuated between 19th and 24th on the

up the U.S. News & World Reports'
annual "America's Best Colleges"
ranking next week, they will find the
University has dropped three spots on
the magazine's prestigious list.
In this year's report, which will ap-
pear on newsstands and in bookstores
Sept. I 1, the University has moved
from 21st to 24th.
But the University stands as the sec-
ond-best public school in the nation.
The University of Virginia, ranked
19th, is the only other public institu-
tion in the top 25.

Baker. "One has to ask what is wrong
with this picture. I don't think we want
to have a list that excludes public uni-
Flint Wainess, Michigan Student As-
sembly president, said he worries that
mostly expensive private schools are
considered top-quality universities.
"The report clearly points to the fact
that this country needs a renewed de-
bate on the role of public education," he
said. "The unaffordability ofhigher edu-
cation is one of the most pressing prob-
lems this country faces."

because ofcriteria such as average SAT
scores, student selectivity and spend-
ing per student.
But, she said, the University still ranks
among the best in the nation.
"The most important part of the sur-
vey is that it tells you what the best
group of universities are," she said.
"We are proud to be a part of it."
For the sixth consecutive year,
Harvard University topped the list
among all national universities, fol-
lowed by Princeton University, Yale
University, Stanford University and the

Faculty Senate Assembly chair
George Brewer said that while not much
weight should be placed on the
University's decline in rank, there need
to be some changes made at the Univer-
"I'm concerned about the amount of
our resources that are going into the
physical plant, the construction, the
renovations ... compared to the amount
going into the people aspect of the Uni-
versity," he said. "If we are undergoing
See RANK, Page 2

Michigan vs. Memphis
Tomorrow, 12:30 p.m Michigan Stadium
Weather forecast: Partly sunny with a
high around 70 .
TV: PASS (tape-delayed at 10 p.m.).
Michael Reghi and George Perles are
the commentators.
Radio: WJR 760 AM, WTKA 1050
AM, WWJ 950 AM, WUOM 91.7 FM.
Tickets: $30. About 1,800 remain
Line: Michigan by 20 1/2.
Series: First meeting.
Coverage begins: Page 17
to resig
Senator gives up fight


against ethi
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Senate Finance
Committee Chairman Bob Packwood
(R-Ore.) announced yesterday that he
will resign his seat in the Senate as the
"honorable" response to a Senate ethics
committee recommendation that he be
expelled for sexual and official miscon-
In a dramatic final chapter of the
sordid saga that began late in 1992 with
The Washington Post's pub-
lication of accusations by
more than a dozen women of
unwanted advances from
Packwood, the beleaguered
legislator gave up his fight for
vindication and bade his col-
leagues a tearful farewell.
"I am aware of the dis-
honor that has befallen me
in the last three years, and I
do not want to visit further
that dishonor on the Sen- Packwo
ate," Packwood told solemn-faced
senators, sitting in the chamber where
his wit and intellect had made him an
effective figure.
"It is my duty to resign," the 62-year-
old veteran of a quarter-century in the
Senate said in concluding a poignant,
rambling statement, his voice often
shaking with emotion. "It is the honor-
able thing to do for the country, for the
Senate. So I will resign from the Senate.
I leave this institution, not with malice
but with love."
Packwood was only the second sena-
tor since the Civil War to be forced to
resign in the face of a threatened ouster
move - and the first to face that fate
without having a prior criminal convic-
tion on his record. The gravity with
which the Senate membership viewed
the charges was the clearest indication
so far of the Senate's growing sensitiv-
ity to the public demand for higher
ethical standards.
"This institution finds itself in a fair
state of disrepute and is attempting to
restore some credibility," Sen. Dan
Coats (R-Ind.) said. "It is no longer a

es charges
privileged sanctuary. Its triumphs and
its failings are fully exposed to the
public. We're living in a different era,
and we can't operate under the old
All indications were that 74-year-old
Sen. William V. Roth Jr. (R-Del.) will
take Packwood's powerful position as
chairman of the Finance Committee,
where Medicare, taxes and other key
parts of the GOP agenda still remain to
be shaped this year. The loss
of Packwood leax.sI Repuh-
licans without one of their
most skilled legislator: and.
many senators said, adds to
the burdens on Sen. Bob Dole
(R-Kan.), themajority leader
and presidential candidate.
Dole is expected to take an
et n roniger role on Pi-
nance, a panel he formerly
headed and on which he con-
od tinues to serve.
The Packwood resignation also
means a special election in Oregon and
an opportunity for Democrats, who
have been buffeted by a wave of retire-
ment announcements, to take a seat
from the Republicans this autumn or
winter. Two Democrats and a Repub-
lican in the Oregon House delegation
immediately put themselves into the
Senate picture.
The timing of Packwood's departure
was still under discussion last night. In
his speech supporting Packwood's de-
cision to resign, Dole said "even the
sharpest critics" would allow "some
reasonable time."
Although Republican leaders ong-
nally proposed that he remain up to 90
days to wrap up work, a well-placed
GOP source said that, because ofobjec-
tions from Democrats and because of
Packwood's own wishes, the "talk is
now more like two to four weeks... in
Sen. Packwood's mind, it's probably
two weeks."
Inside: Packwood's accusers celebrate
announcement. PBeg s

As a niw building goes up, another tree comes
After decades of watching the University grow, an
aged tree in front of the School of Natural Resources
and the Environment fell victim to construction yester-
day, much to the chagrin of some students and faculty.
"It's kind of insulting that the University would cut
down a tree like that right in front of the students and
right in front of the School of Natural Resources,"
said SNRE senior Nadir Ait-Laoussine. "Talk about
The tree's cutting raises questions about
construction's lasting impact on the environment
around the Diag.
"A certain amount of removal of trees and re-
landscaping is necessary, but it's questionable that
this tree had to go down," said SNRE environmental
policy Prof. Tom Princen.
"This isn't the only tree that's affected by the con-

construction efforts.
"I think we do the best job we can, but we have to
do what's necessary," he said.
LSA senior John McCafferty agreed: "If progress
means impeding on the environment for the better-
ment of education, I believe it's a just cause."
Still, doubts loom in the minds of some students
about the environmental impact of the construction.
"They're putting out sand and that's not good for
the plants here," said first-year SNRE student Robin
Franz. "There's also the noise factor for the birds and
small animals that live here."
The noise and chaos caused by construction can be
a real inconvenience as well, students said.
"Though we know the construction is all for a good
cause, that is for the expansion of University facili-
ties," said Rackham student Arun Chhabra. "It also
has made the University take on the appearance of a
permanent construction site - not to mention an
unpleasant inconvenience."

struction. It's only in months or years that we'11 find out
if these others have been weakened by the heavy ma-
chinery and trucks that have compacted the soil," he said.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), however,
approves of the way the construction has been con-
"We've always tried to maintain the integrity of the
Diag: We try to maintain the campus as a place of

Luis clears; widespread
destruction left behind

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (AP)
- Lingering storms that kept the out-
side world from seeing what Hurricane
Luis inflicted on this expensive Carib-
bean playground cleared up yesterday,
revealing widespread destruction.
The island was virtually isolated
from air and sea access until yester-
day, two days after one of the century's
most powerful hurricanes hit. At least
13 people were killed as the 700-

Up to 2,000 people were homeless on
St. Martin, according to French admin-
istrator Michel Diessenbacher, who ar-
rived yesterday from his base in
Guadeloupe with 250 French soldiers
on a Transall transport plane.
Hurricane Luis tore through the east-
ern Caribbean with 125-mph winds.
The storm strengthened yesterday to
130 mph in the Atlantic as it moved
northwest at about 13 mph. It was ex-
4 -4 ,.,.. 4-1 U '..t.+ A ,

sue city over
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
The Ann Arbor Firefighters' Union
Local 1173 will push for a court injunc-
tion today to force the city to administer

i pry:: r 1

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