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November 03, 1995 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-03

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OP seeks
or e debt
Washington Post
ASHINGTON - Congressional
ublican leaders said yesterday they
seek a short-term increase in the
t ceiling, abandoning for now their
rts to extract budget concessions
President Clinton in return for a
porary extension of the
ernment's borrowing authority.
nable to meet their deadlines for
pleting work on their budget
nda, GOP leaders also said they will
a two- to three-week extension of
mporary spending measure to allow
government to continue operating
le Congress struggles to complete
k on spending bills for the fiscal
r that began Oct. 1.
owever, they warned that the new
porary spending measure would be
chtougher" and"morerigorous"than
yplan Republicans andthe White
e negotiated in late September.
Since we are the ones proceeding
the work, we will proceed on our
s - not the terms of the President
his party," said House Majority
der Richard Armey (R-Texas).
e decision to go for the extensions
reached the morning after House
kerNewt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Sen-
Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.)

The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 3, 1995 - 7
Suicide bombings
injure 11Israelis;
9 radicals blamed

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) preside over a meeting of the House-
Senate Budget Steering Committee.

failedto reach agreement with Clinton on
a new temporary debt ceiling during an
hour-long White House meeting.
Gingrich and Dole told Clinton they
were loath to approve more govern-
ment borrowing authority until he
agreed to negotiations on budget talks
that would lead to a balanced budget in
seven years. Yesterday, however, the
GOP leaders stressed the importance of

moving ahead, with or without an agree-
ment with the President.
Republicans are worried about the
adverse political fallout if the Treasury
cannot issue checks to 43 million So-
cial Security beneficiaries Dec. 1 be-
cause of a government default.
"We'll do whatever is necessary to
protect Social Security," Senate Major-
ity Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said.

Moreover, Republicans are still
weeks behind in working out differ-
ences over the remaining eight of 13
spending bills for the fiscal year that
began Oct. 1. With the temporary spend-
ing bill due to expire Nov. 13, Republi-
cans need to buy more time to complete
work on the spending bills and a huge
budget and tax cut reconciliation pack-
age now in conference.

(AP) - Suicide attackers set off back-
to-back car bombs near Israeli buses in
the Gaza Strip yesterday, injuring 11
Israelis in apparent retaliation for the
slaying of a radical Palestinian leader.
The first bomb went off shortly after
7 a.m. near an army-escorted bus carry-
ing kindergarten teachers and baby sit-
ters from Israel to the Gush Katif bloc
of Jewish settlements in Gaza. Three
soldiers, the driver, five bab sitters and
two other women commuting to work
were wounded.
The second attack was botched. The
bomber tried to approach a bus and other
vehicles waiting for an escort into Israel,
but his car blew up 50 yards away.
The bloodshed raised questions about
Israel's willingness
to honor a plan to
pull troops from
most West Bank I was
towns and villages g .
by the end of the M
year. Israel has said Suldd n
it would freeze the
pullback if Yasser piece
Arafat does not rein
in Muslim militants. c
No one immedi-
ately claimed re- The bus
sponsibility for the
bombings, but Israel covered
has been expecting
violence since the
leader of the radical
Islamic Jihad group,
Dr. Fathi Shakaki,
was shot dead in Malta last week. Is-
lamic Jihad has blamed Israel for the
assassination and has threatened to take
Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin blamed
Islamic militants for the bombings yes-
terday and complained that the attacks
were planned and carried out in the
PLO-controlled Gaza Strip.
"We expect from them more effec-
tive activity in the areas under their
control against the organization and
carrying out of attacks," Rabin said.
Asked for a comment yesterday, PLO
leader Yasser Arafat said curtly: "You
know we are against it." He said he
didn't think the attacks would delay the
Later,the PLO leadervisited Shakaki's
family in the southern Gazatown ofRafah
to offer condolences. Palestinian sources


said the family asked Arafat tohelpbring
Shakaki's widow, Fathia, to Gaza from
Damascus, Syria.
Other Palestinian officials suggested
Israel was to blame for the bombings
because of Shakaki's assassination. Is-
rael has not confirmed or denied in-
volvement in his death.
"Israel bears responsibility for the
attacks," said Mousa Arafat, the Pales-
tinian Authority's intelligence chief.
"We are against suicide bombings, but
when Israel does the provoking, it has
to accept the consequences."
Mousa Arafat, a cousin of the PLO
leader, said Shakaki'smurderdestroyed
what he called a "gentleman's agree-
ment" between Islamic Jihad and the
Palestinian self-rule government to halt
attacks on Is-
rael. That
agreement ap-
talk n5 to parentlyissepa-
rate from asimi-
I ndlar deal emerg-
s w ing between the
Palestinian Au-
thority and the
! larger Hamas
creams. militant group.
More re-
driver was venge attacks
by Islamic Jhad
in bloo -d could now be
expected, the
- Ora intelligence
raeli babysitter chief said.
The bomb-
ings took place a
minute and a half-mile apart, not far from
the Kissufim crossing between Israel and
Bus driver Chico Danino said a Pal-
estinian car was driving slowly in front
of the lead army Jeep escorting his bus
to Gush Katif.
"The soldiers signaled for him to
move aside, but he didn't respond,"
Danino told Israel radio from a hospi-
tal. "The minute the Jeep passed and I
started to pass on the left, the car en-
tered my lane and exploded."
A babysitter on the bus, identified
only as Ora, said: "I was talking to my
friend and suddenly I saw pieces of
glass, chaos, screams. The bus driver
was covered in blood.
"They took us off the bus, and then:
we heard another explosion," she told
Israel army radio.

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Lcker di

es in school

incident; kids OK'
1ACH, Fla. (AP) - For the device turned out to be a small
ninutesyesterday,anedgy canister resembling an oxygen tank,
all bag stood on a school and police found no weapon.
lisabled children aboard, The youngsters were on the way to
iching into his jacket as if their school, Blue Lakes Elementary,
and threatening to blow when Sangtforced his way aboard at a
stop near the Palmetto Expressway
the bus, surrounded by southwest of downtown Miami. He
it traveled 15 miles of pushed aside a mother putting her child
ghways, came to a stop at on the bus and told the driver in Span-
request. Each time, he ish, "I'm taking control," according to
n and gathered his whim- police.
hostages around him to In addition to the driver, an aide and
f from the police. the mother of one child were on the bus.
tiations failed, police shot The students are in kindergarten through
it the door of the bus and fourth grade.
nto an alley. A convoy of pursuing police cars,
s over, the crying children lights flashing, quickly formed around
autism or speech impedi- the bus as the vehicle, with the door
e taken into the crab res- wide open and the bus driver obeying
the hijacker was a waiter the rules of the road, traveled at a cau-
n Cokes, french fries and tious 35 mph to 40 mph, below the 55
mph limit. Two students and two adults
ker was identified as were let off during the stops.
k" Sang, 42, a native of "The bus driver said she felt threat-
an Republic who had ened, because the subject, when he ar-
n the United States since gued with her, would reach inside his
jacket. She thought he might shoot her,"
n angry with the IRS and said Pat Brickman, a Metro-Dade po-
he wanted to go to an lice spokesman.
olice said. The nature of "She kept the subject calm, she kept
was not immediately reasoning with him. She said I'll take
RS spokesman said the you where you want to go. I would give
iot discuss a private her a lot of credit not just forkeeping
s. the kids calm but for keeping this hi-
hijacking, Sang carried a jacker in a lucid state so that he didn't
olice he had a bomb. But shoot anybody."

Continued from Page 1
Though he tackled many serious
topics, Louganis' speech was not with-
out comedic moments. He made light
of accepting the Robert J. Kane award
in front of 1,000 people in 1994, after
being introduced as "an openly gay
athlete." He said the annoucement
caught some members of the audi-
ence off-guard. "This was a break-
fast," he said. "Knives and forks were
He also boasted of his cooking abil-
ity: "Great marriage material," he ad-
vertised with a wave to the audito-
There also were many moments of
happiness, such as when he discussed
February's "20/20" interview with Bar-
bara Walters. "That was the first time in
my life that I gave myself credit for
such beautiful dives - and I cried," he
Following the speech, Louganis took
almost a half hour to answer questions
and comments. Many people sought
Continued from Page 1
victimized by Serb "genocidal sexual
atrocities," Zilber said.
"She's been doing some exciting
work in her current case," Zilber said.
She said MacKinnon's current work
corresponds well with the topic of in-
ternational human rights.
WLSA member Emily McCarthy
agreed: "She's been instrumental is
getting rape recognized as a war crime.
"Her voice is extremely important
for the women's rights movement,"
McCarthy said.
Six panels will speak on various
women's issues such as "Violence
Against Women" and "Economic Em-
powerment of Women."
"They are extraordinary people with
extraordinary stories to tell," Wood said.
Panel discussionsbegin at 10 a.m.
tomorrow morning and will run until
approximately 6:30 that night. The panel
discussions will be held in Hutchins
Hall in the Law School.
"We realized we had too many excel-
lent speakers" to limit them each to 10
minutes, Zilber said, explaining why sev-
eral panels are running simultaneously.
The Michigan Journal of Gender
and Law is partly sponsoring the sym-
posium. The journal will devote most
of its spring/summer 1996 issue to
submissions from symposium partici-
"Iphope (the symposium) will maintain
Michigan's reputation as a feminist-
friendly law school," McCarthy said.
More information on the speakers
can be obtained on the World Widej
Web at http://www.umich.edu/
~youngsd/sowihr. html.

advice, shared theircown coming out
experiences and commended his
strength and courage.
Audience members seemed to re-
spond to Louganis' honesty.
"The positive image - he can send
out to the Ann Arbor community, the
University community and the United
States at large," said LSA senior Mat-
thew Robeson. "Showing that you can
be happy as an out gay person even in
the face of HIV and AIDS. It's also a
challenge to the heterosexual commu-
nity to re-evaluate their pre-conceived
University graduate Gretchen Cham-
pion said she was impressed by
Louganis' down-to-earth demeanor.
"He told me he does not like to display
his medals oraccomplishments. He was
very real," she said.
And though he squints at flashbulbs,
shrinks away from applause and
shrugs off titles like "role model,"
Louganis' words left a powerful mes-
With one phrase he sent out universal
acceptance to the Power Center and to
himself: "We're just human."


a ~O4 ' cormpany


tinued from Page 1
should allow access to the public to
mine it."
ne change in the procedures section
lps to grant greater access to records.
addition to the resolution process
tes that both parties in a hearing may
ve access to all information compiled
the resolution coordinator prior to
e hearing.
Another change gives the dean of
dents and the vice president for stu-
nt affairs the right to "modify a sanc-
n to include suspension or expulsion
extraordinary circumstances," pro-
ed that they articulate their reasons
writing. This changes the previous
cumentation, which said that neither
ficial could "increase a recommended
LSA sophomore Anne Marie
lison, amember ofthe Student Civil
berties Watch, called giving the

power of increasing a sanction is a
negative step.
"It is a big jump and I was surprised
to see it there," Ellison said. "I guess
that it just takes the Code closer to
Regents' Bylaw 2.01. It really says,
regardless of whether there is a resolu-
tion process, you can't account forjus-
tice. Regardless of the outcome of the
hearing, there are still things that will
be out of students' control.
"That does not sound terribly educa-
tional to me," she said.
The new Code draft also states that
students, faculty members or staff mem-
bers may submit a complaint based on
information that another person reports
to them.
Although the regents have received
copies of the three drafts, they have
refused to comment. Hartford said she
has received input, in writing, from
several of the board members. The re-
gents are scheduled to vote on the pro-
posed Code at their November meet-

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