- - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 1, 1995
U Va. cracks down
on senior drinking
Cornell newspaper
accused of printing
racist cartoon
The Cavalier Daily
Alcohol, Tobacco -and Other Drugs
Advisory Committee is digging in its
heels to fight an established University
of Virginia tradition - the fourth-year
The fourth-year fifth is a fifth of
liquor some fourth-year students tradi-
tionallytry to finish the day of Virginia's
final home football game.
"Some people can deal with lots (of
liquor) but it's pretty stupid," said
fourth-year student Colin Topp. "Most
people don't know how to handle it
and the problems become too much."
The ATOD - which includes repre-
sentatives from the administration, the
university police department, Univer-
sity Union, Interfraternity Council, Ju-
diciary Committee, the Women's Cen-
ter and Student Health Services - is
focusing on creating greater alcohol
awareness as a way to decrease the
number of students engaging in binge
The fourth-year fifth tradition could
be its first victim.
"I think it's a ridiculous, crazy tradi-
tion that needs to go," Health Education
Coordinator Stephanie Roberts said.
"We have the best and the brightest at
U.Va. and those decisions (to drink) are
putting you at risk to get injured, mess
your future up and die," Roberts said.
Traditionally, far too many fourth-
year students have been willing to bear
the dangerous risks associated with
drowning themselves in a fifth of any
liquor the day ofthe final home football
game, advisory group members said,
but some students had a less severe
view of the tradition.
"It sure sounds like a good idea to
me," third-year student Jason Wall said.
"My main concern is that I don't want
to see anyone get hurt," said Marcus
Moody, a Judiciary Committee represen-
tative to ATOD and fourth-year student.
"Although peerpressure isn't the only
cause, it is difficult for many students
not to become involved with the U.Va.
tradition," Moody said.
ATOD hopes to discourage such tra-
ditions when it sponsors ATOD Aware-
ness Week, Nov. 12-18.
"Our focus has been to find the most
important problems and solutions facing
not only those who drink but the non-
drinking students as well," Roberts said.
"One-third of university students
choose not to drink and we need to be
sure that we meet their needs too."
The week's scheduled activities in-
clude a five-kilometer run and a non-
alcoholic student tailgate, both of which
will take place Nov. 18, the day Virginia
hosts the rival Virginia Tech Hokies for
the notorious final home game.
Students on the advisory group have
asked the football team to come out
before the game and make a plea to the
students not to drink, she said.
- Distributed by University Wire
Penny Parade
Rep. Peter DeFazlo (D-Ore.) leads the Penny Parade, yesterday on Capitol Hill.
Paraders brought money collected to Congress for The Fund to End the Deficit.
The Cornell Daily Sun
ITHACA, N.Y. - A collective of
African-American students known as
Simba Wachanga held a press confer-
ence Monday in Ujamaa Residential
College at Cornell University to dis-
cuss the black students' response to
alleged racism at Cornell.
Students held the conference in reac-
tion to a cartoon by syndicated Florida
artist Don Wright that appeared in The
Cornell Daily Sun on Oct. 17. The car-
toon depicted a conversation between
two black youths, in which one says
"O.J. Simpson!" and the other says
"Louis Farrakhan!" The first then com-
ments, "A wife beater and an anti-
semite!" to which the second responds,
"We're hard up for role models!"
During the press conference, the stu-
dents placed demands on both the uni-
versity administration andthe Sun con-
cerning the cartoon, program housing
and the recruitment and retention of
African-American students and fac-
first described the "racist cartoon that out-
raged our community," and called for the
"resignation of the Editor in Chief Andrew
Friedman, who sought the cartoon out and
has taunted"'the African Americancommu-
Vaughn also called on the University
to sever all ties with The Sun and asked
the Board of Trustees and administra-
tion to denounce the Sun's decision to
print the cartoon.
Morse called the conference an "at-
tack on the Sun."
"I was disturbed by many of the mes-
sages set forth in the press conference.
I felt that the attacks on the Sun and the
demand for my personal resignation as
well as that of the associate editor were
unwarranted," Morse said. "There are
other means for discussion and debate
than attacks."
Morse said the Sun provided such
means by offering students a forum in
which to air grievances and concerns.
Susan H. Murphy, vice president for
student and academic services, re-
sponded to Simba Wachanga's demand
that the university sever ties with the
Sun by saying, "I don't know that it is
appropriate for the university to get
involved" because "in my opinion, (it)
is an issue between two student
The university, however, will "prob-
ably be saying something about it
(soon)," said Henrik N. Dullea, Cornell
vice president for university relations.
Court orders Minnesota Daily to surrender
unpublished photographs of '93 fight at rally
Graduate Leslie Alexander then ad-
dressed the issue of program housing,
saying the "unresponsiveness of The
Daily Sun is indicative of a larger prob-
lem which plagues Cornell University."
Alexander said Ujamaa is a source of
strength for the African American com-
munity, and that in recent years the
university has "consistently made ef-
forts to disempower this institution."
In 1992, the university introduced a
proposal to ban first-year students from
program houses, which was met with
overwhelming disapproval from stu-
dents, Alexander said.
Alexander expressed concern with
the Residential Communities
Committee's draft report, which in-
cluded a dissenting opinion that rein-
troduced the proposal to ban freshmen
from program houses.
She then outlined the African-Ameri-
can community's objections both to the
report and to the dissenting opinion.
She said first-year students should
not be limited in choice of housing, that
"the focus of Ujamaa is not narrow," as
suggested in the dissenting opinion and
that restricting the number of first-year
students in program houses is a threat to
Ujamaa because it is largely composed
of first-year students.
The last speaker, graduate Frances
Henderson, addressed the issue of re-
cruitment and retention of minority stu-
dents and faculty.
She said "the lack of representation
of students of color creates an unfamilar
and uncommon environment" for in-
coming students.
In addition, she urged the administra-
tion to commit itself to attracting African
American students, to increasing minor-
ity faculty and working toward keeping
students of color at Cornell.
In response to Alexander's claim that
"restricting the number of freshmen is a
direct threat to Ujamaa because Ujamaa
is largely composed of freshmen," Resi-
dential Communities Commity Chair
and consumer economics Prof. Jennifer
Gerner said, "The RCC report is a strong
supporter ofprogram houses.... Ujamaa
would be unaffected" by the restric-
The group also asked the administra-
tion to form a commission composed of
a cross-section of African American
faculty and students to study their expe-,
riences at Cornell.
After Henderson spoke, members of
the press and the audience were given
the opportunity to ask questions and
comment on the issues raised.
- Distributed by University Wirer
The Minnesota Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - The Minnesota Daily must
surrender unpublished photographs of a 1993 brawl
outside Coffman Memorial Union for use in a court
case, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Monday.
Minnesota Daily staff members say they believe
turning over the photos would make the paper an agent
of prosecutors and erode public trust in the press.
In October 1993, a rally against racism outside
Coffman Union took place in response to a Nazi rally
expected to occur at the same place and time.
The rally resulted in an attack on Daniel Simmer,
whom some in the crowd called a Nazi.
Kieran F. Knutson has been charged with two
counts of felony assault against Simmer.
Pictures taken by a Minnesota Daily photographer
might determine whether Simmer was wearing brass
knuckles during the fight, a point on which eyewit-
nesses contradict each other. Knutson's supporters
say he acted in self-defense.
Hennepin County prosecutors subpoenaed the pho-
tographs. In June 1994, The Minnesota Daily got a
judge to override a subpoena demanding the photos.
The prosecution appealed the decision and had the
subpoena reinstated. The Minnesota Daily, in turn,
appealed that decision, resulting in Monday's ruling
by the appellate court.
Another judge has already ruled The Minnesota
Daily reporter covering the rally must testify if the
Knutson case goes to trial.
The Minnesota Daily has the options of appealing to
the Minnesota Supreme Court, surrendering the pho-
tos, or refusing to comply and facing contempt charges,
Editor in Chief Michele Ames said.
"We are certainly considering all our options," Ames
said. If The Minnesota Daily refuses to turn over the
photos, Ames faces the possibility of going to jail.
Marshall Tanick, The Minnesota Daily's attorney,
said he considers the ruling "a middle-ground deci-
sion" since it only requires The Minnesota Daily to
surrender the photos for a judge's inspection, and not
necessarily to the prosecutors.
It is important, Ames said, that newspapers not
become an arm of law enforcement and prosecutors.
"Let's say five years into the future it's become
normal operating procedure that the police use our
unpublished negatives and reporter's notes, and ev-
erybody knows that about the news media," Ames
said. "How do I know that a crowd of 150 people
aren't going to attack a reporter and photographer and
break their cameras and physically hurt them?"
Although the ruling said no specific source is at risk
if The Minnesota Daily releases the photos, Ames
said it would threaten the trust between the paper and
potential future sources.
"If that basic barrier of trust and respect between a
newspaper and its sources breaks down, I have noth-
ing left to protect the integrity of this newspaper
with," Ames said.
-Distributed by University Wire
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