AM6 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 25, 1995 - 3 Wainess cancels meeting, angers MSA reps. Yale students suspected of cheating A number of Yale Divinity School students cheated on a take-home mid- term exam and were told to do penance for their infractions last Wednesday, students told The Yale Daily News. Divinity School officials and students said Prof. Leander Keck and his teach- ing assistants accused students of "not following parameters" of a midterm quiz for his "New Testament interpre- tation" course. No one has confessed to cheating, but Divinity School officials said un- usually high grades and inconsistencies in the exams convinced them there had been wrongdoing. The unknown guilty students were urged during the in-class announce- ment last Wednesdayto come forward, pray or do penance. Dangers on the info highway At the University of Idaho, Computer Services has encountered problems with students and faculty not being creative enough with their passwords. After running a password-seeking computer program named "Crack" ear- lier this month, Computer Services "cracked" the accounts of more than 1200 students. The revealed passwords of one in 10 students and one out of every six fac- ulty niembers. The university ran the program as 'part of a regular security check on all e- mail accounts. Holders of "cracked" accounts were notified of the possibil- ity of infiltration. "Crack" and other programs like it can be purchased by the public. At Brigham Young University, offi- cials have had problems with students accessing pornographic sites on the Internet. This is a direct violation of the honor code at the university where stu- dents are expected to follow the moral teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints. The university has created a warning that comes up on the screen before the Internet user accesses any of the more than 100 sites that have been identified as containing pornography. Ten students have left the university due to problems relating to access. Cornell IFC sets party policy In a closed-door meeting Monday night, Cornell University's Interfrater- nity Council approved a number of guidelines regarding the Greek sytem's policy on fraternity parties. The guidelines, which were brought forth by the IFC's social responsibility committee, serve to "reinforce the no- tion that we'll self govern ourselves .. so that there's no need for the police to be involved," Juan Uribe, IFC's vice president of judicial affairs, told the Cornell Daily Sun. The new guidelines go into effect Nov. 1. - Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Lisa Poris from staff and wire reports By Michelle Lee Thompson Daily Staff Reporter With only nine assembly members present at 7:30 p.m., Michigan Stu- dent Assembly President Flint Wainess canceled last night's regular meeting for lack of quorum. The required quorum is 25 mem- bers, according to the assembly's com- piled code. Although the compiled code states the assembly's chair should take attendance at 7:30 p.m., most meetings are not called for five to 15 minutes after that time. "It's very interesting that of all nights, they want to start meeting at exactly 7:30 when we wait usually 10 to 15 minutes before the call quo- rum," said LSA Rep. Olga Savic. "It's tradition that we usually spend those five to 10 minutes milling around talk- ing to each other and talking to con- stituents." About 20 members of the assem- bly, without Wainess or any of the other executive officers, stayed to lis- ten to comments from a constituent who would not identify himself. The man told the assembly of cable televi- sion broadcasts about a march for gay and lesbian rights. Wainess defended his decision not to call the meeting, citing the unusu- ally low number of people who were present in the assembly's chambers at 7:30 p.m. "I walked in at 7:30 and there were nine people there," said Wainess, who Ican't recall a meeting of the assembly that's started at 7':30," - Matt Curin MSA Pharmacy representative is the chair of the Michigan Party. "Rules are rules and I followed the rules. There was no quorum. It was not close. It was not an arguable point." However, many Students' Party and Wolverine Party members expressed concern over Wainess' decision. Michigan Party member Fiona Rose said, "It's a deeply partisan issue," adding that those who questioned the decision were challenging the hierar- chy of the assembly. "I can't recall a meeting of the as- sembly that's started at 7:30," said Pharmacy Rep. Matt Curin, chair of the Budget Priorities Committee and a member of the Students' Party. "There was obviously more than 25 people here ... if I could have called a meeting, I would have," said Curin. Under the compiled code, the BPC chair can call ameeting in the absence of an executive officer. Vice Presi- dent Sam Goodstein was present and did not call a meeting. "This whole year, Flint seems to rush through things he doesn't like, and I don't think that's right," Curin said. Wainess said, "There was nothing that needed to get done tonight on the agenda." The assembly's steering committee, which is responsible for dictating the agenda, did not make quorum at its Sunday night meeting, although other members also can sub- mit items for the agenda. Wolverine Party member Dan Serota said, "I think Flint acted hast- ily by adjourning the meeting." 4f r - Faculty discusslecturer problem' ® Forum on non-tenure track faculty By Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporter Undergraduate education is plagued by "the lecturer problem," said Univer- sity faculty members who spoke yester- day at a forum on non-tenure-track fac- ulty. Of the total teaching faculty in the 1994-95 academic year, 16.9 percent were lecturers, said pharmacology Prof. Charles Smith, a forum panelist. Smith said the percentage of lectur- ers had risen from 12 percent to 27.3 percent since the 1987-88 academic year in the college of LSA, citing fig- ures from a report drafted by the Ameri- can Association of University Profes- sors' subcommittee on the changing nature of the professoriate. "The growth started in 1988, as a result ofa certain vision ofthe University by ... the administration," he said, adding that there had been a downward trend in the number of lecturers before President James J. Duderstadt came into office. Joining Smith on the panel was Ernst Benjamin, associate general secretary of the AAUP, Terrence J. McDonald, a history professor and associate LSA dean for academic appointments, and Ann E. Savageau, a lecturer in the Resi- dential College. "The AAUP believes relying on non- tenure-track appointments means cor- rupting the faculty as a whole," Ben- jamin 'aid. He referred to a recent Department of Education study that said 43 percent of the faculty nationally were only part- time employees.Placement of such a large number of employees in an inse- cure job position, he said, is "an exploi- tation of a market to pay low salaries and poor working conditions." Women, Savageau said, are dispro- portionately affected by the problems associated with lecturers. "The lecturer issue in the University is primarily a women's issue," she said. Compared to only 10 percent of male faculty, 37 percent of women faculty are lecturers, she said. Savneau also noted the "anomalous position" of lecturers who are not ex- pected to do research or make service contributions, since the administration considers them temporary appointments who should "just be teaching." "It's a classic Catch-22," Savageau said. "In order to move up, faculty must have evidence of research and service, but (they) are told not to (do so). "Lecturers have been dubbed the in- visible faculty. We have less than full citizenship ... substantially lower sala- ries and are mostly women," she said. Marine Engineering Prof. Ailan Chubb said denial of tenure is often due to a greater societal problem, in which women are relegated to stay out of the tenure- track because of time spent in care of children and elderly family members. Savageau agreed: "Often a woman's trajectory is different than the tenure track trajectory." McDonald said increased use of lec- turers is a product of changing needs at the University, saying that improve- ments in language and English compo- sition requirements "encouraged expan- sion of lower-level teaching." He said, however, that the College of LSA "has never encouraged a unit to-go for a cheaper method of labor." Residential College lecturer Charles Bright commented on the rigidity ofthe seven-year "up and out" process of re- view to become a tenured professor. "I'm aware ofa lot ofpeople not work- ing in their own lives at the pace that the tenure track provides," Bright said. Not all lecturers felt their presence was a problem, however. When Louis D'Alecy, a physiology professor, referred to the "problem of metastatic growth of lecturers," one par- ticipant in the forum called out, "We're not a cancer." After apologizing, D'Alecy called the growth of lecturers a problem that the administration inflicted on the faculty. "Lecturers are not a problem," Savageau said. "They are a symptom of a problem." Benjamin added that a system of re- view must be put into place for all fac- ulty, not just those in the tenure track. Faculty members will continue to discuss the issue and possible solutions at the Nov. 13 Senate Assembly meet- ing in a formal debate. The forum was sponsored by the Academic Women's Caucus, the Ann Arbor chapter of the AAUP and the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs. JOE WESTRATE/Daily Preparing for the holidaysJ Don Cuprey of Holiday Lighting Service strings holiday lights on Main Street. MSA members act on Washington, D.C. visit By Michelle Lee Thompson Daily Staff Reporter The Michigan Student Assembly's External Relations Committee has al- ready begun implementing strategies formulated during three members' trip to Washington, D.C., last weekend. Yesterday, ERC Chair Fiona Rose and two grassroots committee mem- bers held a letter-writing campaign at the East Quad cafeteria. The students were clothed in towels with signs that said, "Congress-Don't Strip us Naked," in reference to pro- posed cuts to federal direct student lend- ing. Rose, along with President Flint Wainess and federal liaison Andy Schor, returned last week from a weekend so- journ to Washington to attend a confer- ence and lobby legislators. All three assembly delegates spoke to Abraham's chief of staff and said Abraham's argument was "ideological, not logical." Wainess said, "Senator Abraham's chief of staff was a naked ideologue." Rose said, "He told us that even with- out loans, students will get by because he strapped through law school, and if Who They Lobbied: II Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R- ,Bloomfield Hilts) II Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R- Holland) 0 Rep Nick Smith (R-Addison) 9 Sen. Spencer Abraham (R- Mich.) Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) he can do it, anyone can." Schor said his visit to Moynihan's office was more encouraging because the senator wants to save federal direct student lending. Rose said visits to local legislators' offices also were dismaying. Of her visit to Rivers' office, Rose said, "The good news is that Lynn and her mostly Democratic colleagues are working hard to save direct student lending - the bad news is that they don't have enough votes." Rose's said her visit to Smith's office was discouraging. "They think basically that student mans amount to welfare," Rose said, adding that Smith's staff said they did not hear from student lobbyists very often. "He said ... 'We're not going to lis- ten to silent students ... we can't re- spond to silence,"' Rose said of Smith's staff. Both houses of Congress are sched- uledto vote on proposed cuts this week. Schor predicted that Congress would approve the $10.8 billion in cuts to higher education, but that "(President) Clinton's going to veto all of them." Former ambassador to give Wallenberg Lecture Corrections I The Office of Student Affiars, not the Office of Academic Affairs, wrote the draft of the Code of Student Conduct. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily. John Madden was given a game misconduct Saturday. He was not disqualified for the Maine game. This was incor- rectly reported in Monday's Daily. Marty Turco gave up nine goals last weekend, not 10. This was incorrectly reported in Monday's Daily. By Jeff Lawson Daily Staff Reporter In 1945, Per Anger was serving as the Swedish ambassador to Australia and Canada. He was also helping his life- long friend and Michigan alum, Raoul Wallenberg, save the lives of Hungar- ian Jews. Tonight, Anger will deliver the sixth annual Raoul Wallenberg Lecture at 7:30 in the Rackham Auditorium. He will also receive the Raoul Wallenberg Medal at the fre public event. Through bargaining with Nazi offi- cials, establishing safehouses, distrib- uting false passports and disguising Jews in Nazi uniforms, Wallenberg and An- ger saved thousands of Jewish lives. In 1945, Russian troops abducted Wallenberg, his fate remains unknown. "For anyone who cares about Raoul Wallenberg, this is somebody great to listen to," said Vi Brenner, coordinator ofthelecture. "There aren't many people like this left." Anger's talk, titled "The Fate ofRaoul Wallenberg," will relay his experiences beginning with his service with Wallenberg during World War II and his recent trips to Russia to investigate Wallenberg's fate. Anger will receive the award on the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of Wallenberg and the liberation of the death camps. "It is particularly fitting that this year's lecturer be someone who knew Wallenberg well and who worked side- by-side with him helping to save the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews," Elaine Didier, chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Medal selection commit- tee, said in a statement. "In choosing University Wallenberg Lecturers, we have traditionally sought out individuals who can serve as role models for faculty, students, staff and members of the community," she said. Past recipients of the award include Nobel laureate Elie Weisel, Nobel Peace Prize winner and 14th Dalai Latta Tenzin Gyatso and South African legis- lator Helen Suzman. Anger will also appear informally on Thursday at 10 a.m. in the East Confer- ence Room of Rackham Hall. Students are invited to drink coffee and meet with the award recipient. Engingeering Prof. Andrew Nagy, a Wallenberg survivor of the Holocaust is scheduled to give a brief introduction. "Wallenberg is one of the most dis- tinguished and best alumni of this Uni- versity," Nagy said. "He stands as a living example that no matter how for- midable the odds are, one man can make a difference. "We must be sure that he is not forgot- ten. ... He fought evil with courage," he said. "I owemylifeto Raoul Wallenberg." GROUP MEETINGS Q American Baptist Student Fellow- ship, free meal, meeting, 663- 9367, First Baptist Church, Cam- pus Center, 512 East Huron, 5:30- 7 p.m. O AISEC Michigan, general member meeting, 662-1690, Business Administration Building, Room 1276, 6 p.m. Q Archery Club, 930-0189, Sports Coliseum, Hill Street, 7-9 p.m. 0 Hindu Students Council,weeklydis- cussion, 764-2671, Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room, 8 p.m. Q Latin America Solidarity Commit- tee, Human Rights in Guatemala, 769-8066, Michigan Union, Crofoot Room, 8 p.m. Q La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994- 9139, Michigan League, Room D, 7 p.m. Q Lutheran Campus Ministry, 668- 7622, Lord of Light Lutheran Church, 801 South Forest Ave., Taize Evening Prayer 7 p.m., Choir 7:30 p.m. EVENTS U "Environmentalism:TheAnti-indus- trialist Revolution," sponsored by Students of Objectivism, Michi- gan League, Conference Room 6, 7 p.m. D "Interviewing," sponsored by Ca- reer Planning and Placement, 3200 Student Activities Building, 4:10-5 p.m. Q "Job Fair 95 Pre-Conference Workshop," sponsored by Career Planning and Placement, 3200 Student Activities Building, 5:10- 6 p.m. U "Political Internship Informational Meeting," sponsored by College Libertarians and Ann Arbor Liber- tarian League, Michigan Union, Welker Room, 8 p.m. U "Problems of Political Leadership In the Contemporary Russian Transition," Archie Brown, spon- sored by CREES, Lane Hall Com- mons Room, 12 noon U "Reuters Information Ssin" Cflnn-,nrjPfIby irr and Maoist International Move- ment, East Quad, Room 126, 7:15 p.m. U "The Role of Academics in the Anti-Violence Movement," brown bag discussion, Sexual Assault Awareness Week, sponosred by Sexual Assault Prevention And Awareness Center(SAPAC), Trot- ter House, 1443 Washtenaw,12- 1 p.m. Q "Wednesdays in Leonardo's: Jonathan Motley," sponsored by North Campus Commons, Leonardo's, 8-10 p.m. STUDENT SERVICES Q Campus information Centers, Michigan Union and North Cam- pus Commons, 763-INFO,, UM.Events on GOpherBLUE, and http:// on the World Wide Web Q English Composition Board Peer . . - EMMMM02 great scores Law School Business School Denta School . . . 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