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October 24, 1995 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-24

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 24, 1995 -3

lage weekend
Department of Public Safety reports
how a patient reported her purse miss-
ng Saturday at University Hospitals.
A patient left her purse on the back of
wheelchair and "a staff member wear-
ng a blue smock" took the wheelchair
way, police said.
When a DPS officer found the nurse
ho removed the wheelchair, she said
he wheelchair was given to a discharged
Officers searched the parking lot and
nside the main hospital for the wheel-
hair, but then staff from the parking
tructure called to say they found the
urse on the back of a wheelchair.
The officer returned the purse to the
wner, but "some of the money had
een stolen," reports said.
DPS was contacted 11 p.m. Saturday
ight about an incident of larceny at a
wedding reception in the Michigan
A woman attending the wedding ac-
cused staffmembers ofstealingherpurse.
When the officers talked to the
woman, she said $180 was stolen from
her purse and she believed it was a
guest, not a staff member. She did not
see anyone near her purse, police said.
A woman also reported to DPS at
5:30 p.m. Saturday that her wallet was
taken from inside her purse.
The purse was on an "aisle cart" on
the fourth floor of the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library when it was stolen,
the caller said."
The woman said she saw a teen-ager
it the area, but she could not provide a
She called DPS again at 5:36 p.m. to
say she found her wallet and nothing
was missing.
Trespasser escapes
by elevator
DPS reports indicate a male was seen
Saturday wandering through the fourth
floor of th6 Institute of Social Research
When approached by the building
staff, he ran to the elevator and went to
the third floor, police said.
Police released the following descrip-
tion: 5 feet 5 inches tall, eyeglasses,
dark hair and a mustache, wearing dark
dress pants and a dark sweater.
After a "complete search" of the build-
ing, police were unable to locate the man.
Woman injured
while sleeping
DPS reports indicate that a woman
fell out of a chair while sleeping at
University Hospitals. She was treated
in the emergency room for pain in her
shoulder and arm.
Lipstick graffiti
found in dorm
Martha Cook residence hall staff
called DPS Friday morning when they
discovered graffiti in the dorm, police
reports said.
The staff told police there was "graf-
fiti written in lipstick on several walls
in the building."

- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jodi Cohen
years ago
n the Daily
"...Three students from Kent State
University addressed nearly 1,000 at
a noon rally on the Diag yesterday,
beginning a half-day moratorium to
express support for the 25 people
indicted for protesting on the Ohio
campus last May against U.S. in-
volvement in Cambodia....Yippies,
anarchists and radical lesbians were
among the groups present...."
U AUANZA - Latino Organization,
weekly meeting, 764-2837, Trot-
ter House, 1443 Washtenaw Ave.,
7 p.m.
Q American Movement for Israel, edu-
cational meeting, sponsored by
Hillel, Hillel Building, Hill Street, 7
U Golden Key National Honor Soci-
ety, membership drive, 913-5409,
North Campus Commons and

Some faculty upset over new grievance policy

By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
The presentation of a faculty griev-
ance procedure that would give a new
board binding decision-making author-
ity drew fire from some members of
the faculty's Senate Assembly yester-
Thomas Moore, vice chair of the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, presented the recommenda-
tions, which SACUA has approved.
Under the proposal, a newly created
Grievance Review Board would make

final decisions that would be binding
on all parties, though subject to limited
appeal by another faculty body. The
current policy is not binding.
Access to confidential files would be
given to board members, and all Uni-
versity members would be asked to
hold the issues and contents of all griev-
ance procedures confidential until all
appeal channels are exhausted.
Moore read the recommendations to
the assembly without comment, but
offered clarification on the purpose of
the board.

"This is clearly not a central judi-
ciary council," he said.
Associate Kinesiology Prof. Bernard
P. Maloy spoke out during the meeting
with a concern about the finality of
grievance procedures.
"The final decisions handed out
would represent a binding arbitration,"
Maloy said.
He worried that "opportunities to go
to the courts with grievances would be
The recommendations, Moore re-
sponded, were about trying to find the

best possible plan from the faculty's
"These are internal solutions," he said.
"They do not preclude people from
going through the court."
Maloy also disagreed with the
policy's definition of grievable mat-
ters, which included discrimination in
addition to violations of academic free-
"The main things that have been
grieved in the past are promotional and
salary concerns - also issues of ten-
ure," Moore said.

The assembly agreed to table the
motion and continue discussion at the
next meeting, as time had not been
allotted for complete discussion.
George Brewer, chair of SACUA and
the Senate Assembly, said, "Good ques-
tions were raised to help Senate Assem-
bly decide ifthey will acceptthe recom-
Brewer added that he expected ac-
tion to be taken at the Nov. 13 assembly
- Daily Staff Reporter Tim
O'Connell contributed to this report.

Assembly debates
tenure definiition

Flag twiring
LSA junior Mandy Carpenter practices flagcorp yesterday on Elbel Field.
Sig Eps ne

By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Senate Assembly
moved toward a new definition of ten-
ure in yesterday's debate on the rights
of tenure.
Thomas Moore, biology professor
and member of the Senate Advisory
Committee ofUniversity Affairs, led
the initial argument, asserting that the
tenured professors have a right to pro-
tected academic freedom.
Moore referred to Regents' Bylaw
5.09, which guarantees all tenured
professors the right to appeals and
review hearings when they feel their
tenure has been violated. It has only
been used once since its inception, he
"Academic freedom is in danger,just
as sure as constructive demotion is a
reality," he said, referring to a current
case in which a professor had been
denied a hearing by the provost.
Jacqueline Lawson, an associate pro-
fessor of English at the University's
Dearborn campus, led the counter-ar-
The importance of tenure in under-
graduate edcuation, Lawson said, is to
"expose our students to the very mat-
ters that will cause them the most dis-
Lawson said that introducing stu-
dents to the searing descriptions of
racism in books such as "Narrative of

the life of Frederick Douglas, an Ameri-
can Slave" is a way to get reluctant
students to explore the book's impli-
"Tenure protects not just our right to
teach disturbing ideas, but our obliga-
tion to do so," she said.
Bernardus Van der Pluijm, an asso-
ciate professor of geology, agreed with
Moore. "Support of teaching and re-
search are the rights, not the teaching
Other members of the assembly dis-
agreed with the premise oftenure. Louis
D'Alecy, a physiology professor and
SACUA member, said the system has
failed when non-tenured professors feel
pressuref toact with extra care while
waiting for tenure.
Bunyan Bryant, an SNRE associate
professor, tried to dissuade other
members from dismissing tenure so
"Tenure may not be important to-
day, but it could be in the future," he
Bryant added that the changing po-
litical winds could harm professors.
"I'd hate to tinker with (the definition
of tenure)."
George Brewer, SACUA and Sen-
ate Assembly chair, said, "I think there
is uniformity in that tenure is critical in
protecting academic freedom. There is
some disagreement that it protects
much else."

By Zachary M. Raimi
Daily Staff Reporter
More than a month after the former
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house burst
into flames, fire and police officials
said yesterday they are continuing to
investigate the cause and the people
believed responsible.
Fire investigator Ron Heemstra said
the Ann Arbor Fire Department, in con-
junction with the Ann Arbor Police
Department, is almost certain that the
fire was arson. They have narrowed

down the search for the culprits to a
handful of homeless people.
Heemstra said the investigators are
"looking for witnesses."
While the investigation has taken
longer than Heemstra expected, he said
it will continue "until we've gotten a
Once the investigators gather enough
evidence, they will take it to the
Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Of-
fice to have them issue a warrant.
In order to attain a warrant, the inves-

tigators must show specific intent. "Our
arson statutes require specific intent -
a legal term meaning that to be pros-
ecuted, there has to be evidence of will-
fulness or maliciousness (on the part of
the accused)," assistant prosecutor Eric
Gutenberg said in a recent interview.
Gutenberg said the penalty for arson
is up to 20 years in prison.
The house, located at 733 S. State St.,
caught fire Sept. 16, spreading smoke
across Ann Arbor and drawing hun-
dreds of witnesses.

Ann Arbor City Council
approves new city attorney



By Maureen Sirhal
Daily Staff Reporter
After nearly a year of vacancy, the
Ann Arbor City Council unanimously
approved a resolution offering the posi-
tion of city attorney to Abagail Elias -
a lawyer with the firm Miller, Canfield,
Paddock and Stone - during a special
session last night.
Elias was selected over three other
candidates including interim City At-
torney John Van Loon.
Concern erupted after a two-day in-
terview process with the four finalists
regarding the extent ofreference checks
on all the candidates. Some council
members questioned whether Van Loon
needed the background checks consid-
ering his 26 years of experience in the
city attorney's office.
Mayor Ingrid Sheldon circulated a
memo asking for city staff to comment
publicly or anonymously about the
qualifications of Van Loon. Those com-
ments were taken into consideration,
though theircontents were not disclosed
"We had four very fine candidates1
with strengths and some weaknesses,"
said Councilmember Christopher Kolb
(D-5th Ward). "Council received refer-
ences from the human resources direc-
tor and the ones the candidates pro-
vided and from members of the attor-
ney screening panel."
Councilmember Jane Lumm (R-2nd
Ward) said the delays in the hiring
decision can be attributed to the lengthy

background checks.
Elias was a former Detroit deputy
corporation counsel and also worked
as an attorney in the Federal Enforce-
ment Section under the Civil Rights
Division of the U.S. Justice Depart-
ment. She graduated magna cum laude
from Brandeis University in 1973 and
cum laude from Harvard Law School
in 1976.
"I was very impressed by her knowl-
edge," said University communication
lecturer Joan Lowenstein, who served
on the initial screening panel. "She is
well-qualified and I think she will be an
excellent addition."
Lowenstein, along with five council
members and four other Ann Arbor
citizens, interviewed applicants before
selecting the finalists.
She added that with regard to Van
Loon many people told her they felt
someone new was needed in the posi-
tion to give it a different direction.
Last night's decision brings an endto
a search that has lasted since former
City Attorney Elizabeth Schwartz left
the office in November 1994. Her de-
parture was attributed to a difficult work-
ing relationship with former City Ad-
ministrator Alfred Gatta and the prob-
lems the city encountered during the
YMCA legal battle.
After Schwartz left with a severance
pay of nearly $100,000, the council
appointed Van Loon acting city attor-
ney while the search to find a perma-
nent replacement was begun.


phone: 663.5800
1140 south university (above goodtime chadeys), AA
mon.-thurs.: 9:00a-10:00p sundays
I fri. & sat.: 9:00a-11:00p 00-8:00


"a " ' real music,M


* * 9q S
t a~f


9 e;al edei J

a 4qq
7 e

's happening in Ann Arbor today

*o0 ooff

Michigan Union, Watts Room, all
U "Discussion Group: Sexual Assault
Awareness Week," sponsored by
SAPAC, Michigan Union Ballroom,
9:30-10:30 p.m.
Q "Independent Filmmakers Who
Are Just Like You," sponsored
by Independent Filmmakers,
Espresso Royale on Main
Street, 7:30 p.m.
U "Information Meeting About
Study Abroad in Scandinavia,"

Q "Speakers From United Nations Con-
ference on Women," sponsored by
Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom and Amnesty
International, Michigan Union, Wol-
verine Room, 7-9 p.m.
Q "Susan Holtzer Reading From Her
Work," sponsored by Borders
Books and Music, Boder's, 7:30
Q Camnus information Center. Michi-

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