Lather IIwrx t ght: Decreasing clouds, *rnp rrow: Partly cloudy, around 54°., One hundred five years of editorialfreedom Tuesday October 24, 1995 eltsin pledges to send Russian troops to Bosnia [YDE PARK, N.Y. (AP) - In an xpected move toward agreement, sian President Boris Yeltsin pledged resident Clinton yesterday that Rus- troops would help enforce peace in nia. But the two leaders remained dlocked on the key question of ther Russian forces would serve er NATO command. We have the responsibility to work ther to make the peace work and we do that," Clinton said after four rs of talks at Franklin Roosevelt's estral home overlooking the Hudson er. (eltsin, in an emotional statement, I the talks defied negative forecasts were "the friendliest meeting, the t meeting, the most understandable meeting." Despite the declarations of friend- ship and progress, the two leaders re- fused to budge from opposite views on how to structure a Bosnian peacekeep- ing force in the event of a war-ending agreement, senior administration offi- cials said. Yeltsin insisted that Russians would not serve under NATO, the Western military alliance initially formed against Moscow. But for Clinton, having NATO run the operation is essential. The two leaders directed Defense Secretary William Perry and Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev to meet this week to find a way to bridge the dispute. "It's not a political impasse, it's a military question," said a senior Related Stories Fidel Castro says Cuba could learn about business from the U.S. A Gteenpeace activist skydives to display an anti-nuclear weapons message. -Page 2. U.S. official who sat in on theetalks. "Our position is that we're going to have an operation that works," Clinton said. "We want Russia to be involved in it." Yeltsin expressed confidence a solu- tion would be found. "You are underes- timating the presence of two such great powers," he told reporters. Clinton and Yeltsin summed up their meeting at an impromptu news confer- ence on the porch of Roosevelt's man- sion, a site chosen to evoke the spirit of World War II cooperation that united Washington and Moscow. The grounds of the estate - now a national historic site -were ablaze with autumn color. Clinton and Yeltsin talked very little about NATO expansion eastward to- ward Russia's borders, thereby bypass- ing another contentious subject. Yeltsin had warned Sunday that expanding NATO eastward would risk new con- frontation and divide Europe into two blocs. Looking for accord, they agreed to work for a ban next year on all nuclear tests and to improve security at Russian nuclear sites to guard against theft of weapons materials. AP PHOTO President Clinton breaks into laughter after Russian President Boris Yeltsin made a comment about journalists at a news conference in Hyde Park, N.Y. After a six-month effort b the code workgroup and the Office of Student Affairs, a draft has been made public. The Board o Regents is sit to vote next month on whether the policy will become ... e I A lased on values, draft tresses case mediation Me'st Amy Klein ly Staff Reporter Taking strides to end a battle that has ted I1 years, the Office of Academic fairs has written a first draft of the w Code of Student Conduct. Michigan Student Assembly Presi- nt Flint Wainess released a copy of draft to The Michigan Daily. ainess said he gave the document to Daily in an effort to solicit feed- ck. Vice President for Student Affairs aureen A. Hartford said that unlike st codes of non-academic conduct, e proposed policy is based on values d mediation. "In the old document we tried to say, his is not a speech code.' I hope we're st that," Hartford said. "This is a lue-based statement and we outline ose values in there." The Code would also encourage com- aints to be addressed in mediation oceedings with a resolution coordi- tor, rather than being heard by a panel jurors at the onset. A hearing before e panel remains an option, but under e new Code the panel would be ap- inted by each school's student gov- ment instead of random selection. In the upcoming weeks, Hartford will rculate the Code throughout the Uni- rsity community, gathering reactions d input from faculty, staff and stu- ents. The revised Code is scheduled to be oted on by the University Board of egents at its November meeting. If dopted, the Code will replace the State- ent of Student Rights and Responsi- ilities, which has been the interim olicy on non-academic conduct since an. 1, 1993. Hartford. whom the board asked to reate a less legalistic, more concise ocument, said she feels the new Code ves up to the regents' requests. "Would I have written it exactly like is?" Hartford asked. "No. But that's K because it's not my document to rite. I think it responds very well to hat the regents asked for." Consistent with past policy, the Code vas sent to the University's attorneys ast week for legal opinions and feed- ack. "When the previous code was drafted, he same thing happened," said Elsa Zole, general counsel for the Univer- sity. "We mark where things are un- slear. (This time) we asked them to :larify five or six words." Hartford formed a code workgroup See CODE, Page 13 This is a value- AK X Major Changes An emphasis on mediation rather than on punitive measures. Narrowing the scope of the Code from 30 miles to "the city of Ann Arbor," with exceptions. based statement an we outline those values in there" -- Maureen Hartford Vice president for student affairs , 4.S' t AS7 . ' ,n , l\. -. F4_, " . k, s "4. * ? . ,.A r s+'^ Yi .Rf l' "4 4 .. . ""v- . ,": ..,t+ . L C"- .c, r e _> z y .I "' V..W'<< l More Information The text of the new policy is printed, in full. --- Page 12. A flow chart of the way the current code and the new draft handle complaints, sanctions and appeals. A timeline detailing the history of the University's policies, including speech codes, anti-discrimination policies and the protests that surrounded them. --Page 13. s , tV.4' .:" E.A: ,44 '4t vllL 1^ t ' ^ 4 ' t ..; . ~ y P -, 1 d.""' , .l+ +'S e ti '* 4 3 - '' Sy4 . . _ y ~ .GA " C s+ . Opl q4 ma Ci lt Ot E~~yti* g~C."t wt L aX. XA -.- * CIA' Specifying that only students, -faculty and staff are allowed to press charges under the Code. Eliminating the process of randomly selected panelists. Instead, each school's student government would appoint a number of the panelists proportional to that school's enrollment. Four new sanctions, including a designated period of disciplinary probation, restriction from employment at the University, completion of an educational project, and a restriction from entering University areas and contacting certain persons. Shapiro gives view of ideal education By Jeff Eldridge and Stephanie Jo Klein Daily Staff Reporters Harold T. Shapiro, a former Univer- sity president and current president of Princeton University, returned to Ann Arbor yesterday and presented his con- cepts of an ideal undergraduate, liberal arts education to the faculty's Senate Assembly. "As we look ahead, do we see a radically new university emerging?" Shapiro asked the assembly. Using the Internet as an ex- ample of the cur- rent era's techno- logical upheaval. Shapiroanalyzedawy . university's need to change. He called such com- munications ad- vances useful supplements to the Shapiro more traditional form of undergraduate education. "Change, as always, will notbeeasy, and it is certain to be alienating to some of those who have strong, mean- ingful, and understandable attachments to an earlier world," he said. The functions and responsibilities of higher education have changed, espe- cially in recent years, Shapiro said. "The aims of a liberal arts curricu- lum are to achieve important educa- tional objectives," Shapiro said, "such as thebetter understanding of our cultural inheritance, a better under- standing of oneself, an examination of the foundations of mathematics and science." Shapiro also stressed the need for truly shaping university students into a "certain type" of student, one with the "capacity to make moral and political choices that will give our individual and joint lives greater and more com- plete meaning." Rebecca Zurier, associate profes- sor of history of art, asked the speaker his opinion on what universities can truly offer their students in times of change. "Thoughtful change is extremely important," Shapiro responded. "A uni- versity is nothing if it's not an indepen- dent center of thought." Shapiro acknowledged the chal- lenge of getting students to take ad- vantage of their opportunities, but clarified that faculty members have great responsibility in the educational process. "If students think thinly on the way in, that is their fault. If they think thinly on the way out, its your fault," he added. ACLU lawyer supports draft; professor cites problems By Josh White that a student code is essential," Friedl said. "S Daily Staff Reporter In$U$ inevitable that there will be a code. Rather American Civil Liberties lawyer John Friedl said engage in a battle of having a code or not, we s] he is impressed with the University's new Code draft, they$constitutional at least work to make the Code the best it canb .- . . .r n - - . .. , . 'r «a: ,.f.1+ 1 .1 o it is than [ould be. despite years of fighting the University on behalf of students' rights in relation to the code. And while Elsa Cole, the University's general counsel, also reacted positively to the draft, Joan Lowenstein, a lecturer in communications who spe- cializes in freedom of speech, says the code still contains the same legal problems it has had in the past. Friedl said the new document goes in the direction of meeting the previous concerns the ACLU had with the Code, and that the problems that remain are almost trivial. "My reaction to the new draft at this point is very favorable," Friedl said. "I still have concerns with this draft, but they are much less serious. With some tinkering and fine-tuning, this is definitly something that the ACLU could be very satisfied with." protection. In the University system, they don't have squat" f -Joan Lowenstein Communication lecturer In a letter to the University's Board of Regents last month, Friedl expressed the ACLU's concerns with the drafting of a new code, saying that if it were not properly revised, it "would seriously compromise the legal rights and civil liberties of students." Friedl said he no longer has those worries. "I think that the University has made up its mind With a couple of exceptions, I think that, yes, we are almost there." Friedl said the problems he still has with the Code draft are in the area of "Concurrent Legal and Code Proceedings," or paragraph G of the Related Proce- dures section of the proposed Code. While he says it is an important improvement to allow a student to delay the Code process while they face an outside criminal or civil case, he said he feels a student should not have to accept a suspension in the meantime because the offense may not merit such a sanction. He also cited the Violations section of the Code as something he could "tear down," but said the clearly defined criminal nature of the offenses listed is a step in the right direction, away from ambiguous, non- See LEGAL, Page 13 200 handicapped people occupy state GOP ofce Wilson endorses Dole, won't go for No. 2 spot LANSING (AP)-About 200 people in wheelchairs or using crutches and canes took over the headquarters of the standoff with police. They carried signs that read "Free our people now" and "Up with personal Los Angeles Times WASH INGTON - California Gov. hedroppedoutofthe race late lastmonth. Senior Wilson political adviser Craig IE .4. A