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October 19, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-19

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One hundred five years ofeditorialfreedom

October 19, 1995

V. CVI, NO. 1h l Adt fAibhrmsiciglnce
7 igi held to fiht domestic violence

By aI Mongkolpradit
Daily Staff Reporter
Laura Castellanos came to remember her best friend,
who was a victim of domestic violence.
"The impact that violence has upon the friends and
family of battered victims is very strong," Castellanos
Almost 300 people gathered on the Diag last night
for a candlelight vigil to remember the estimated 2.5
million women who are victims of domestic violence
each year.
Teri Weingarden came to join the letter-writing
campaign to secure more federal funding to educate
people against violence.
"Hopefully the political action postcards will be a
large enough indicator that federal funding is a step to
stopping violence against women," said Weingarden,
who graduated in 1991.
Participants signed postcards addressed to Senate

WWHundreds i yas of

abuse must come toan

- Aditya Ezhuthachan
Second-year LSA student
Majority Leader Bob Dole and House Speaker Newt
Gingrich to make them aware of the funding needed
for the Violence Against Women Act that was passed
as part of last year's crime bill.
Representatives from different campus safety orga-
nizations such as SAFEHouse, the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center, the Assault and
Crisis Center and the YWCA were present to offer
participants' information about preventing violence.
"It's hard to tackle a problem that happens behind

closed doors," said second-year LSA student Aditya
Ezhuthachan. "Hundreds of years of abuse must
come to an end."
Catherine McClaty, president of SAFE House's
board of directors, spoke on the steps of the Graduate
Library about the importance of preventing domestic
"It's nice to have these types of rallies on campus
especially because this is the first time being away
from home for several students and they should be
educated about how to be safe," McClary said.
Many students were glad to participate in the vigil
and hope that it becomes an annual event.
"It is important that men and women can come
together and support battered and assaulted women,"
said Michigan Student Assembly Rep. Olga Savic.
"It's only until all of us join together that this
problem can come closer to a resolution. Unity is the
first step."

Ann Arbor resident Andrew Perry, former Body Shop employee Jeffrey Stuits, and
Ann Arbor resident Patricia Rodriguez join the candlelight vigil held last night on
the Diag.

a U77,
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Bonnie White, a first-year LSA student, does flips for exercise on Palmer Field. She was a cheerleader and a gymnast in high shcool.
S sschangenottcal

President says he won't take
sabbatical, plans to return
to teaching next fall
By Josh White
Daily Staff Reponer
With a search for his successor about to get
underway, President James J. Duderstadt said
yesterday he anticipates there will be a need for an
interim president when he resigns in June.
In an interview with The Michigan Daily,
Duderstadt said he believes the Board of Regents
will have to search for an interim president start-
ing in January and, while he
will not be involved in the
search, he would help the
University as much as pos-
sible after he formally steps
along that rapidly, and I don't'
think that it will, (the board)
will have to look for an in-
terim," Duderstadt said. "I
feel there will be an interim Duderstidt
president, and I never close
the door on anything. The world does not come to
an end at 12 midnight on June 30. 1 am not going
Duderstadt said he does not expect the regents
to look to Provost J. Beranard Machenevn hough
several pisuus prcsnt b\ c com fo thc
prot! ps iSt lin.
We just got stability in the position of the
provost, and to boost him up to interim president
would not really solve anything because then we
would be without a provost," Duderstadt said,
adding there are several qualified people the Uni-
versity could look to.
Machen, who was appointed to the provost
position last week, said he is definitely not in the
running for interim president.
"The truth is that the job I've got is more than
I can handle," Machen said. "It would be foolish
to take me out of a job that I have just begun to
understand in order to do something else."
Machen said the University would do best to
focus on getting the presidential search started as
quickly as possible. He said there would plenty of
time in January, February or March to look for an
interim president if neccessary.
"After the first of the year, we will get an idea
of how the search is going," Machen said. "If we
then need to look toward an interim, President
Duderstadt has gotten all the executive officers to

President looks
next 20 years
By Amy Klein
D) ily Staff Reporter
While President James J Duderstadt in-
tends to step down from his post nextiune, the
University's leader is still looking 20 years
down the road.
Nearing the gates of the 21st century
Dudcrsfadt said h seeshe ' ,Untiversity re
maiing ta4eir in ed'ucation.
"We managed to take the University in 10
years to the point where we are the strongest
public university in America, possibly the
strongest in the world," Duderstadt said.
We're positioned to lead higher education
into the next century.'
While Duderstadt wasreluctantto outinethe
specific aspects of his vision, he did say educa-
tioninthe future would bemore comprehensive,
"I see a tniversity that -is less and less
focused on packaging the University in. de-
grees and more focused on providing .t~e
opportunity to learn throughout life,
Duderstadt said. "I expect the distinction be-
twx een a1umni and students to blur."
While the function of the U iversity
changes. so will the practices within theUni
yersity. Duderstadt said that in the nex t wo
decades, students should expect less empha-
sis placed on classrooms andlectures.
'it will be a cyberspace university that
provides education and iniormation when-
ever students want it, wherever students want
it, and in the form they want it,' he said.
A stronger focus on computers and technol-
ogy will open new doors to education that em-
phasizes creation ratherthan analysis, Duddrstadt
said. "Space and time, physical identities like
campuses will become less important.'
stay on and do their jobs. It would seem that we
would look to those people to do the job of interim
Duderstadt said there are people inside and
outside the University who know the University
well enough to take the position of interim

said yesterday he has adjusted his tone on key
Republican issues such as abortion and the
religious right because his "thinking and views"
have sharpened--notto cater to conservatives.
'As if to prove his point, Powell said he
believed the attention he has attracted during
fis book tour shows that the Republican Party
"is a broader party out there looking for lead-
ership thanjust the part represented by the very
ctive right wing."
Powell did not deny refining his language
on a number of issues prominent in Republi-
can politics, from abortion to the House GOP's
"Contract With America."
But the retired general said the shifts came
imply because he was "sharpening my own
kinking and views" as he travels the country
nd gets more involved in the day-to-day po-
itical debate.
Hisaides acknowledged that Powell, or as-
ociates acting with his blessing, have con-
cted several leading Republicans for advice

on how to better articulate his views on abor-
tion and other issues.
Nonetheless, Powell said, "I'm not trying to
change my message from day to day to appeal
to one constituency or another." He made his
comments before a book
h zsigning session in subur-
ban Detroit.
Powell applauded the
but took issue with those
who say he would have
little chance in party pri-
maries because he is a
"Rockefeller Republican"
with moderate to liberal
Powell views on social policy.
"The answer I give to
them is, well, find your revolutionary who
gets more than 8 or9 percent ofthe vote and let
me know when you get it," Powell said.
He did not single out anyone by name, but
the remark was an apparent reference to the

poll standings of GOP presidential candidates
who lag well behind Senate Majority Leader
Bob Dole.
Three in that group regularly compete for
conservative support and have suggested they
are best suited to carry out the 1994 Republican
revolution: Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, former
Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander and com-
mentator Pat Buchanan.
As he delivered his modest salvo, Powell said
that he will decide whether to enter the race in
mid- to late November. His book tour ends this
week and he wants to spend sometime discussing
his future with family and friends.
While Powell denied any political calculation
in the recent tailoring of his language, the shifts
have come on issues prominent in GOP politics.
At the outset of his book tour, Powell raised
several objections to the House GOP agenda
and said of Republicans in general: "There is
an edge to them and a harshness to them which
tends to hurt those who are in a minority

AIDS group hands out
ribbons, condoms

Citingw ditzt Ggrc
questions debt extension

ly Laura Nelson
or the Daily
Despite a successful first day on the
Diag, members of the University's only
tudent group dedicated solely to AIDS
wareness said people need to become
ore involved in preventing the dis-
ase and educating others.
Members of The Names Project/
IDS Education Is On Us were on the
iagyesterday distributing red ribbons,
ondoms and information.
"Certain people just want a ribbon
nd don't care about anything else,"
id Riki Mitzner, one of the group's
ounders. "The ribbon has become trite
nd unmeaningful."

"The ribbon has
become trite and
- Riki Mitzner
Member of The Names
Project/AIDS Education Is
On Us
Stephen Fenwick, an Engineering
"People seem to be taking a real in-
terest," said Mitzner, an RC sopho-

Speaker Newt Gingrich backed away
yesterday from an offer to temporarily
extend the government's borrowing
authority. saying Clinton administra-
tion warnings of a crisis by Halloween
could not be trusted.
In the latest exchange in a war of
nerves, Gingrich said Treasury Secre-
tary Robert Rubin's projections that the
federal debt limit would be reached Oct.
31 could be "a Halloween trick to try to
scare people." Before agreeing to raise
the debt ceiling for even a short time,
Republicans would insist that Rubin pro-
vide details on the government's bor-
rowing needs, Gingrich said.
White House spokesman Mike
McCurry, expressing administration

an issue he would rather avoid.
Theadministraton, on the otherhand,
wants to see the debt limit extension
separated from the budget issue, which
would make it easier for Clinton to veto
the G OP package. White House officials
say they would like to see the debt limit
extended until after the 1996 elections,
or at least until
his Christmas,
when the year's
budget may be
Gingrich and
terdaycto continue
discussing their
differences. said
Treasury spokes-


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