A-V A^^r' -F chers olces of he March ou came N tat the of Louis rakhan. t you ye gathered here at e call of God." - Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam leader ne million men are ht to be standing up r personal sponsibility, but one ion men do not ake right one man's Shanita Ba essage of malice and March yest vision" - President Clinton at you're seeing in I af ashington today are ndreds of thousands pOS] black men coming Los Angeles gether not to celebrate WASH] on a privy ouis Farrakhan or to treetops, t mixture o y into his agenda or they pond ity on the speak in racist terms, Even fr t to begin to uplift museum, stood out c ack men and uplift cated to bl ack capture ti can Americans to be chasm in of an inclusive March unf "Inthe e erica." The key is rc . Coitake this c - Gen. Colin Powell munities," Washingti he call of this march participate cal thher "solids tat W"Someti discontent added Her - Marcia Gillespie s. magazine editor in chief VAF wish the black men continued ould show solidarity in standing day's march but mark bow Civil ri ould go back Rosa Par among do morrow and take care ers who sp i w glass. Ste' Maya Ang iieS." crowd to your race. - Katherine Calzada Gen. Cc cosmetics executive tend the m spect yest aif of our public cess in sta "I wish airs stais absent of the ide rather than day. ... It's prettytodCS " " " told CBSI 'et around here. O.J. Sir march, but ormally our phones double-mu ,, demonstra e ringing all day long. of Simpsor - Maureen Peratino shirts that FCC spokeswoman At a sp dent Clint pressed di M N The M ichigan D aily - T uesday, October 17, 1 995 - inspire hope, resentment in others 7 Women divided over request to stay home sylor, 21, of Washington, holds a sign urging people to remember the plight of black women during the Million Man Aerday at the Capitol. Lites hope rchhas itive effect Times INGTON - They gathered ate balcony high above the heir white faces evincing a f curiosity and aloofness as ered the sea of black human- sun-drenched Mall. om that lofty perch of an art the dozen-or-so white folks on a crispy autumn day dedi- ack men; and they seemed to he state of the black-white America as the Million Man folded. end, it's going to take all of us. to come together - and then ommitment back to our com- said Sue Ann Hecht, a white, on-area social worker who ed in the march to demonstrate arity" with the marchers. hing has to be done about the among black Americans," bert Goldberg, a Jewish man Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON-Cheryl McCrim- mon of Washington heard Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's mes- sage for women to stay home, but chose to ignore it, feeling that her 9-year-old son, Ray, had to be here -because his father wasn't. "Somebody had to bring him," she said, squinting into the bright sunshine of a brisk fall morning. "I don't know where his father is," she added, shrug- ging her shoulders. "But isn't that what all this is about? Black men taking responsibility for their families?" McCrimmon said she deliberately brought Ray, a fourth-grader, in order to expose him to a positive image ofthe black man - different from the only one he knew. Although a number of women were sharply critical of the march's deliberate exclusion of them, others were more un- derstanding-and even supportive-of the approach. Black men are confronting a staggering, painful array ofproblems- from crime, drugs and violence, to unem- ployment and hopelessness - and must find the strength within themselves to overcome them, many ofthe women said. And the long common struggle against racism always has had more immediacy within the black community than other battles, such as sexism. "America and the world needs to see our men assert their unity, strength and commitment to their families," said C. Delores Tucker, chair of the National Political Congress of Black Women. "The present social, economic and spiritual crisis in black urban America demands that we put aside our ideologi- cal and political differences.... "This is a cause which I hope will be turned into a hurricane force to rid our communities ofdenigrating music, vio- lence, drugs and crime," she added. "The world needs to see black men standing straight, marching tall and dedicated to assuming their rightful place in this nation and the world." But if Tucker- a veteran civil rights activist and feminist- couldtranscend the exclusionary vision laid out by Farrakhan and his supporters for the event, other prominent women's lead- ers could not. Critics-amongthem Angela Davis, former Black Panther and now college professor, and Marcia Gillespie, editor in chief of Ms. magazine-denounced the march as degrading to women. America and the world needs to see our men assert their unity, strength and commitment to their families" - C. Delores Tucker Chair, National Political Congress of Black Women "The call of this march was a call that wasblatantlysexist,"Gillespiesaid. "Lis- ten carefully to what the leaders of this event are saying:' We've been bad mas- ters, now we're going to be good ones.' Many women have said to me: 'C'mon girlfriend, don't rock the boat. This is a start.' But I also think there are great numbers of women who have been made profoundly uncomfortablebythismarch." And Davis said: "No march, move- mentor agenda that defines manhood in the narrowest terms and seeks to make women lesser partners in this quest for equality can be considered a positive step.... There are ways of understand- ing black masculinity that do not rely on subjugating women." At the Mall, however, many of the women who came did so not to protest Farrakhan's edict, but to show an un- usual display of solidarity withthe men. "I don't feel excluded at all," said one woman, who did not identify herself. "This is something by the men and for the men - something they need to do." Lisa Powell, a graduate student at George Washington University, said she came to support the opportunity presented by the march to enable black men to come together in an atmosphere of warmth and love that could help dispel negative images long held of them by white America. "This is the time for them' to say: 'We're not like this, and we don't want to be thought of like this, as violent, or drug adicts or thieves,"'she said. "This is a unification of all African American men, for them to take their rightful place in our community as well as in society. The message to America is that we are human - just like everyone else." Unidentified protesters denounce Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan at a rally by the Jewish Defense Organization in New York. from Skokie, Ill., who stayed in Wash- ington after a weekend meeting to attend the rally - despite Louis Farrakhan's well-known anti-Semitic views. "This is such a momentous event. Other people should be involved," Goldberg said. In Denver, Jean Easley, a 53-year-, old realtor, said the march came too soon after O.J. Simpson's acquittal for her to feel any empathy. "I think the Million Man March is a sham, another fraud," she said. "Maybe it'sbecauselcan'tgetpastLouisFanakhan." Around the corner from where Easley was having coffee, Earl Gordon, a 44- year-old black man who is the guest ser- vice supervisor at Denver's Regency Ho- tel, said the woman has missed the point. RCH from Page 1. erect in suits and their trade- ties, lent an air of solemnity. ghts veterans Jesse Jackson, ks and Dick Gregory were zens of back-to-back speak- poke from behind bulletproof vie Wonder sang briefly and gelou read a poem urging the do right by itself and "save blin Powell, who did not at- iarch, expressed grudging re- terday for Farrakhan's suc- aging the rally. somebody else had thought a of the Million Man March Minister Farrakhan," Powell News. mpson never surfaced at the racial tensions exposed by his rder case were apparent at the tion. Vendors were selling out n-related merchandise, such as read "O.J.'s Free." eech in Austin, Texas, Presi- on praised the rally but ex- sapproval of Farrakhan Church officials in Michigan esti- mated at least 10,000 men came from the state, with 30 bus loads from Detroit alone. But nobody knew exactly how many there were. Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer took the stage shortly after noon, asking the men to look beyond the march. "Let our choices be for keeping our villages, our neighborhoods and our communities safe, clean and disciplined and let our choices be for keeping our brothers free of drugs, free of crime," Archer said. Michigan Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R- Holland) said he listened to about 20 minutes of Farrakhan's speech. "I have a lot of problems with the messenger," Hoekstra said. "But I re- ally think a message of men taking ownership in their community, that's a really powerful message." Several women spoke on stage, but few were scattered through the crowd. Farrakhan had asked them to stay home to pray, fast and teach the children. He also asked all black Americans to stay home from work or school and avoid spending money. - Daily Staff Reporter Ronnie Glassberg contributed to this report. .6 arun,. talk n thephona a.6sil 0k a ELECTIO S ARE Co I G "C' '~, ., ~ ",.\ A %EC~' :q.:c+" ;u2: ..i% :f