4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 16, 1995 UI1r ti.i uu O it JULIE BECKER ON TIE RECORD 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES M. NASH Editorial Page Editors Sihyig awayomtihe front in) es ofie a ortkrn debate I Unless otherwise noted, untsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Sexual harssment Complaints multiply as city neglects training E mployees of the city of Ann Arbor have something to learn about sexual harass- ment - but unfortunately, city administra- tors aren't willing to teach them. Sexual harassment by and against city employees has been in the public spotlight recently - the most immediate and mon- etarily significant case was decided within the past two weeks. Lois McWherter, the city's parking referee, was awarded in excess of $250,000 for enduring two years of ha- rassment by co-worker Dean Bowerbank. Beginning in 1990, Bowerbank targeted McWherter with suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior. In response, she filed a complaint with her supervisor, John Avendt. McWherter's difficulties intensified when Avendt punished her for reporting the crimes, misreporting her job performance on evalu- ations. Her fear of termination - validated by the discriminatory actions of her supervi- sor - forced her into silence for the next three years, until she filed a formal complaint in 1993 against both Bowerbank and Avendt. McWherter's case is just one of 11 sexual harassment complaints brought against the city since January 1992. The number of cases could be even greater if harassment victims did not fear the intimidation and threat to job security McWherter suffered. The fact that a supervisor can retaliate without oversight is a glaring signal that something is amiss in the hierarchy of city authority. If reporting to direct supervisors results in the same abomi- nable victim punishment as in the McWherter case, then confidential reporting to an uninvolved agency is a must. Furthermore, city administrators should not forget that supervisors also require supervising. There is a common cause to the decline of employee relations and the proliferation of harassment: the lack of harassment aware- Not only a Sex education shoul As the debate over sex education rages through the country, the North Carolina legislature recently passed a bill requiring public schools to teach only abstinence. Un- der the bill, schools are prohibited from teach- ing a comprehensive sex education curricu- lum without a public hearing. The reasons behind the North Carolina decision - and similar movements through- out the nation - are diverse and complex. Whether on rational, moral or religious grounds, many people are uncomfortable with the teaching of safe sex alternatives in public schools. While there is little conclusive evi- dence to support either side, many propo- nents of the abstinence-only policy believe teaching about safe sex and making condoms available in schools will lead to increased sexual activity, pregnancy and sexually trans- mitted diseases among American youth. When schools teach abstinence as the only option, they deny that it is just that -an option. While unequivocally the safest choice for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, abstinence is not the only choice American teens make. For those who make the decision to become sexually active, schools have a responsibility to teach them ways to have safe sex that will help prevent disease and pregnancy. Unfortunately, for many students, public school is the only place to get frank, reliable information about safe sex methods and dis- HOW TO CONTACT THEM Ann Arbor Mayor 1 Ann Arbor 100 N. Fi ness and training sessions. Instead of hearing and battling case after case, the city could encourage a much healthier and more pro- ductive environment for its employees by educating them. City employees have not been offered sexual harassment education sessions for well over a year. Only members of the police department are offered harass- ment education in any form, and that exists merely as part of their mandatory annual training. The absence of training sessions for the rest of the city cannot be attributed to a lack of resources - the city employs a full- time human rights investigator, who con- ducts training sessions but currently is not being utilized. The city also has hundreds of informa- tional booklets outlining policy on sexual harassment and the procedures for filing for- mal and informal complaints. This literature rests, untouched, in the boxes in which it was received several months ago. City Personnel Manager Robert M. Scott asserts that other mandatory employee programs - such as drug testing, diversity training and HIV/AIDS education - have monopolized planning time such that sexual harassment training has been temporarily left by the wayside. Of the stagnating informational booklets, he stated, "I think we were going to take another look at those." Ann Arbor is not a city that lacks social conscience - on the contrary, it has a repu- tation for being uniquely progressive. Given the availability of resources, and especially in light ofthe number of recent cases, the city is overdue for some positive action. Sexual harassment is a relevant issue, and education must not be lost in the shuffle. If city officials are upset by the recent $250,000 slap on the hand, they need only start educating - and start slapping some hands themselves. bstinence I include all options ease prevention. By blocking this avenue of education, lawmakers force many adoles- cents to rely on hearsay and rumors about methods of safe sex. Worse yet, teen-agers will practice unsafe sex because they are unaware of the dangers of sexually transmit- ted diseases such as AIDS. This ignorance is not only potentially deadly, but it is also expensive. It is cheaper to teach students about safe sex and make condoms available in schools than to treat them for disease laterin life. The student who practices unsafe sex because he or she never learned it in school will be the one receiving expensive treatment for AIDS in the future. Rather than place an additional burden on the already strained medical care system, law- makers should ensure that students learn about preventative measures through public education. One role of public schools is to educate America's youth about the realities of soci- ety. One of those realities is that lethal sexu- ally transmitted diseases exist - and they can be prevented. The best way for the schools to fulfill their role is to present all the infor- mation about all sexual options, from absti- nence to methods of safety. If society is not comfortable teaching chil- dren about safe sex, it will have to deal with the consequences - unwanted pregnancy and the plague of AIDS afflicting a genera- tion raised in ignorance. When I was in high school, a friend of mine got pregnant. She told me of her condition, and what she was planning to do about it, one day as we were waiting for class to begin. I nodded my support and then excused myself to the bathroom. I stayed there for 15 minutes, until I was sure I wasn't going to throw up. A month later, I sat with her as she cried in guilt. For all the rhetoric, for all the legal terms that have are bandied around the media, this is really what abortion rights are about: a woman, her choice and her conscience. In this week's issue of The New Republic, femi- nist writer Naomi Wolf criticizes the mod- ern pro-choice movement for taking the morality, the essential humanity, out of its arguments. "Abortion should be legal; it is sometimes even necessary," she writes. "Sometimes the mother must be able to decide that the fetus, in its full humanity, must die. But it is never right or necessary to minimize the value of the lives involved or the sacrifice incurred in letting them go." Wolf's words strike a chord with those of us who are pro-choice but who, through direct or indirect experience, can no longer view the debate in a completely cold and analytical framework. At 17, I thought I had all the answers when it came to the abortion question. I had done my reading; I had fol- lowed events in the news and formulated my opinions; I had even marched in Washing- ton, D.C. I could give anyone who asked - and sometimes those who didn't - a 15- minute speech on the legal issues involved and a woman's essential right to privacy. I was walking propaganda for the National Abortion Rights Action League. And then my friend dropped her bomb- shell. And I was in the school bathroom, thinking over and over that my friend had a baby inside her, and that the baby was going to die. If there is any middle ground between those for and against abortion rights, it is that moment: a recognition of the tragedy. In the years since Roe vs. Wade, the two sides have each moved further and further away from any such recognition, at least in their public voices. We in the pro-choice movement couch our arguments in a legal framework, speaking of the Bill of Rights and the issue of "a woman's control over her own body." In setting out our case for an opponent, how many of us have used that phrase? How many times? Yet in speaking theoretically of"a woman," we obscure the women - the ones who exercise that control every day. In working to protect women's rights, we have neglected women's thoughts, emotions and struggles. The right-to-life movement, on the other hand, focuses its rhetoric solely on the life being aborted. Members set up graveyards of crosses representing all those killed by abortion and sell items with the slogan, "If you can read this you weren't aborted." Waving their plastic fetuses, they go after doctors and abortion clinics as the murder- ers of innocent children. If they mention the woman at all, it is as a faceless being who is either too ignorant to understand the choice she is making or too immoral to care. While there are undoubtedly women who fit both of these characterizations, there are many more like my friend - desperate to get out of their situation, and desperately sorry for the way they have chosen to do so. The right-to-life movement has little use for people like her. Neither does the pro- choice side, many of whom equate the ad- mission that abortion is wrong with an attack on the right to choose it. Yet my friend --- who told me that she regretted her decision and, if she had it to do over again, would act differently - also told me that she still considered herself pro-choice. If only the activists on the abortion issue could understand this, we might be able to move closer to some sort of agreement. While the legal debate might still rage in the courts and the legislatures, we might come to treat each other with some semblance of civility. Currently, this is next to impossible - this is an debate whose opposing sides cannot even agree on what to call one an- other, much less admit any validity in the other's point of view. Yet moderate voices might someday prevail, if we could manage to focus not on faceless mothers and faceless children but on real people. Real people like my friend, real people like me. - Julie Becker is an LSA senior and a Daily editorial page editor. She can be reached over e-mail atjhb@umich.edu. ,.{ , JIM LASSESSHA IN MY )AY, MONEY WAS FREE! ' K PLU / PCy ~-.8 VIEWPOINT Mandatory health care restricts NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'Farrakhan is a lightning rod for both blacks and whites, and he tends to send them in different directions, in- creasing black solidarity and white concern.' - Andy Kohut, pollster for Times Mirror, on one of the organizers of today's Million Man March in Washington, D.C. choice plan in which students must prove their insurance to be "equal or better" to receive a refund seems to place the burden of proof on the wrong party -not to men- tion the arbitrary nature of com- paring health plans. Lastly, it is simply no business of the Univer- sity to mandate a health care plan and restrict the freedom of choice in such a personal area as health. The proposed mandated health care plan for students should be attacked on both utilitarian grounds as well as philosophical grounds. While there is definitely a problem with student health care, there is no basis for a man- dated plan - especially one that contains no input from students. Yet again, it seems as if the University, along with help from administration-loving student leaders that sacrifice students' rights for the sake of a personal political agenda, are going tocash in on 35,000 students at the Uni- versity. This leaves students with one course of action: Fight man- datory health care; fight for choice, fight for students' rights. By Gerard Castaneda, Jonathan Freeman and Greg Parker The word "mandatory" should raise the eyebrows of any thought- ful individual. The words "man- datory student healthcare"'should not only raise the eyebrows of thoughtful individuals, but should raise their voices as well. The proposed mandatory stu- dent health plan is a tragedy of bureaucracy. It is the folly of an administration trying to address the problem of student health care without input from students them- selves - and then mandating participation from the uninvolved students. Government with the consent of the governed? Not at the University of Michigan. For starters, statistics for un- dergraduate student health care at the University must be found. Castaneda and Parker are chair and vice-chair of the MSA Health Issues Commis- sion. Freeman is an LSA representative to MSA. Simpson observers miss the point To the Daily: I have heard this and that about the O.J. Simpson trial but the bottom line is that he got off and there is nothing you or I can do about it. Being a black man in America, I didnotseeitasawhite or black issue, just an issue oftwo people who were murdered and trying to find the killer. Before a health-care plan of any type should be constructed, ques- tions concerning uninsured and under-insured undergrads must be answered. There are no statistics available to justify a mandatory health care plan for undergrads - the plan itself recommends further inquiry into the undergrad health care situation. In order to justify this plan, these statistics are crucial. Statistics for Rackham stu- dents, however, are available, but a 13-percent uninsured rate does not provide conclusive need for a mandated insurance. In addition, if a significant percentage of un- insured and under-insured stu- dents cannot afford health care, then forcing them to pay for health care solves no problems. Sure, the extra $500 a year is covered by financial aid, but who wants to be $2,000 more in debt after four years of schooling? Coupled with the state of mind of the U.S. Con- gress, the prospect of increased financial aid is grim indeed. Coinciding with the lack of substantive statistics is the lack lies, but Marsha Clark says that has no bearing on the case. This man says that he has planted evi- dence and hates blacks by calling them the "N" word, but he has no bearing on the case. I laugh at that ha ha ha. Then Rosa Lopez wants her day in the sun for the defense. Both sides were shady and there is no doubt about that. There was a reasonable doubt from all the glitz and glamour going on. No one tried the real case and that was the case of two people being murdered. Trying to get fame. Reasonable doubt - that is the of student involvement in the plan's construction. Students were not consulted during the plan's construction-which was initiated two years ago. There were no student forums concern- ing the problem of student health care. The only form of student participation in the matter is with Michigan Student Assembly President Flint Wainess. Of course, if Wainess was really in- terested in soliciting opinion of students, he would have let MSA know about the proposal long before its creator appeared at an assembly meeting, answering the questions of unprepared and sur- prised assembly members. It was only the day before the meeting that the representatives learned of the plan - through the Daily. And it seems that Wainess ig- nored the opinion of MSA's Health Issues Commission, miss- ing a meeting and refusing to in- clude the commission when speaking of the plan. Students need to play a sig- nificant role in administering the plan. The idea of a health care Headline on Daily photostory misrepresents bowling To the Daily: This is in regards to the head- line on the back page of Weekend etc. section of 10/5/95 which read "Sex, drugs, rock 'n' bowl." Is this a joke? The cute little "pun" is not funny. This is the most disgusting headline I've seen in a long time! What are you trying to promote? It made me sick to read it, and no, I'm not some old fart party pooper. Bowl- ing is a fun sport and has no connection to sex and drugs. You have misrepresented the sport and have displayed very poor taste. Julianne Pinsak Mathematical Reviews Ingrid B. Sheldon City Hall fth Ave. WHAT'S AFFECTING U THIS WEEK