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October 16, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-16

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Tonight: Mostly clear, low
around 30.
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy,
high around 65%



One hundredfve years ofeditorialfreedom

October 16, 1995


Shiite Muslim guerrillas kills 6 Israeli soldiers in an attack


The Washington Post
JERUSALEM - Shiite Muslim guerrillas
ambushed an Israeli armored patrol before dawn
yesterday in southern Lebanon, killing six sol-
diers and wounding another severely. It was the
highest one-day toll for Israel in its self-declared
"security zone" in more than two years and the
second deadly attack in a week on the Israeli
army there.
Thousands ofresidents ofnorthern Israel were
expected to take to bomb shelters last night for
fear that their government would strike back at
the guerrilla group called Party of God, or
Hezbollah, and that it in turn would fire Katyusha
rockets into Israel.

All the Israeli dead, including the company
commander, a young captain, were in the lead
armored vehicle when it was destroyed by a
large roadside bomb near Jezin, according to the
first details made available. Gunmen then opened
fire with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades
and "fierce fighting" ensued, a spokesman for
Hezbollah told the Reuter news agency.
Israel and its proxy militia, the South Leba-
non Army, have held parts of southern Lebanon
since 1978 in an effort to guard against infiltra-
tion of Israel's northern Galilee region, as well
as rocket attacks on the area. Various Lebanese
factions, dominated in recent years by Hezbollah,
are fighting a grinding war of attrition to drive

the Israelis out. Three Israeli soldiers were killed
in a similar ambush Thursday.
Hezbollah has run what Israeli military offic-
ers acknowledge to be a skillful guerrilla cam-
paign. Although overmatched in firepower and
training, the Islamic militants have seized the
initiative in many encounters and grown more
technologically sophisticated.
Hezbollah uses radio-controlled detonators on
roadside bombs, for example, and has found effec-
tive ways to defeat Israeli electronic countermea-
sures. The timing and placement of the bombs
suggest good intelligence, some of it no doubt
from agents inside the South Lebanon Army.
"The Hezbollah are getting much better," said

Moshe Maoz, chairman of Hebrew University's
Middle East Studies department. "They are very
courageousand since they initiate these ambushes
we are on the defensive most of the time."
Maj. Gen. Matan Vilnai, Israel's second-rank-
ing officer, said late last week that Israel might
have to reconsider its use of routine patrols in
the security zone, a significant acknowledg-
ment that his forces are vulnerable and his
government unwilling to pay the price of a
military solution.
Israel has lost 22 soldiers in Lebanon so far
this year, which is not out of line with its
experience in recent years. But nearly half of the
deaths happened in the space of four days,

magnifying the political impact.
As usual, Israel saw a Syrian hand in its
Lebanese travails. Hezbollah is thought to re-
ceive most of its inspiration and funding from
Iran but is headquartered in Beirut and stages
operations from the Bekaa Valley, both ofwhich
are controlled by Syria. Hezbollah is the only
militia that Syria did not disband when it con-
solidated its hold on Lebanon more than 10
years ago, and Hezbollah's Iranian-supplied
arms are shipped overland through Syria.
Lt. Gen. Amnon Shahak, chief of Israel's gen-
eral staff, said yesterday afternoon on Israel's
northern border that Syria does not direct indi-
vidual attacks but has the means to prevent them.

'A perk of tenured
faculty,' sabbaticals
offer profs. time off

Men flock to
for march

By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
When students feel burned out, they
must either wait for summer vacation
or put off graduation for a term. Profes-
sors 'who need a break, however, have
another option.
They can take a sabbatical, with no ill
consequences, and receive pay through-
out the term.
University bylaws state that sabbati-
cal is intended to provide a staff mem-
ber with "an opportunity for an inten-
sive program of research and/or study,
thus enhancing his effectiveness to the
University as a teacher or scholar."
Although faculty members are eli-
gible for sabbatical every seven years,
approval is always necessary.
"Sabbatical is a perk of tenured fac-
ulty," said George Brewer, professor of
human genetics and chair of the Senate
Advisory Committee for University
Tenured status, he added, "does not
mean that if you request (sabbatical),
you'll get it."
Professors are required to submit a
well-considered plan for their sabbati-
cal, stating its intended benefit to the
individual professor and the University.
A report also is required upon comple-
tion of sabbatical, within 90 days of
returning to the University.
During the 1994-95 school year, 173
of the 1,667 tenured faculty members
began sabbatical. Those tenured pro-
fessors on sabbatical represent only 4.5
percent of the total faculty.
The expense of granting sabbaticals

Taking One Off
About 10 percent of the tenured
faculty take a sabbatical any given
year. The numbers for the 1994-95
school year:
Took sabbatical:

has some members ofthe University com-
munity wondering if they are worth it.
Meredith Williams, an LSA junior,
said she thought the cost was warranted
ifthe professor's research directly helps
the University.
"But if their research doesn't, then
they should just use sick and vacation
time, and not sabbatical," Williams said.
John Cross, associate dean of LSA
budget and administration, said he
thought the faculty privilege was not
overly costly.
"Across the college of LSA, the cost
of sabbaticals is not especially large,"
he said. "One term in 13 is relatively
small, and, moreover, not all faculty
take advantage of them."
Cross added that regents' bylaws

WASHINGTON (AP) - Black men
converging on the nation's capital for
today's Million Man March described
it as a unifying, uplifting event that
transcends its controversial originator,
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
"It's not about a march, a man, words.
It's about a movement," the Rev. Vernor
Clay said after sermon yesterday urg-
ing the men of Lincoln Congregational
Temple in Washington to attend.
The event, actually more of a rally
and prayermeeting than march, is called
"a day of atonement and reconcilia-
tion." Supporters describe it as a call for
black men to take responsibility for
their own lives and families, and to
dedicate themselves to fighting the
scourges of drugs, violence and unem-
Organizers asked women -and men
who can't come to the rally - to stay
home from work or school to mark a
"holy day," and to avoid spending any
money as a demonstration of black eco-
nomic power. No one knows how many
will take part.
The idea originated with Farrakhan,
and he has been its chief organizer, with
the help of ousted NAACP chief Ben-
jamin Chavis Jr. But it has attracted a
wide coalition of support, including
Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks and several
black members of Congress and may-
ors and ministers. Many say it's unfair
now to characterize it as Farrakhan's
"It was his idea, he dropped the
seeds," said Clarence White, a postal
worker who traveled from San Anto-
nio, Texas, for the rally. "But it's no
longer his. It's ours."
Scattered early arrivals -black men
of all ages and several women, too -
milled about the event site on the Na-
tional Mall. Several exchanged greet-
ings of"Brother!"or"Hey, black man!"
Vendors hawked T-shirts and hats
that said "One in a million," and city
crews began closing some streets along
the Mall.
Three members of the Coalition for
Jewish Concerns appeared on the Mall
with signs that said "David Duke and
Louis Farrakhan - two sides of the
same coin." They got in a brief shouting
match with some black passersby.
Farrakhan's remarks have infuriated
Jews, Catholics, gays, feminists and
others. He has called Judaism a "gutter
religion" and recently defended his use
of the term "bloodsuckers" to describe
Jews or others who open businesses in
minority communities and take the prof-
its elsewhere.
Huge speakers and giant video
screens were being set up on the grassy

Doing whe lies
Mike Fern sails over buddy Kevin Gauss in front of the ISA Building yesterday.

'U students
Will attend
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
At least 100 University students
boarded buses and loaded into cars
this weekend, heading to Washing-
ton, D.C. to participate in what is
expected to be the largest demon-
stration in the nation's history.
More than one million people are
expected to attend today's Million
Man March in the nation's capital.
"I feel like it's going to be one of
those moments in history, and I'm
excited to be a part of it," said
Omega Psi Phi President Shawn
The originator of the march, Na-
tion of Islam leader Louis
Farrakhan, has designated today as
"A Day of Atonement and Recon-
ciliation." Farrakhan and other or
ganizers of the march describe it as
"a call to black men to take charge
in rebuilding their communitiesand
show more respect for themselves
and devotion to their families."
"I want the world to see that it's
possible for a million black men to
get together as one to stand up for
something," said Joseph Giles of
Omega Psi Phi.
Giles and five of his fraternity
brothers left, for Washington yes-
terday afternoon.
Originally, Farrakhan and the
other organizers had exclusively in-
vited males to march, however after
drawing criticism from prominent
black female activists, Farrakhan
reluctantly included women in the
Black Greek Association Presi-
dent Patrice Petway said she was
not offended by Farrakhan's ne-
glect for female participation.
See MARCH, Page 5A
Mall yesterday afternoon, and yellow
tape marked the spot behind the Capitol
where organizers planned to erect a
Crowds were expected to begin con-
verging on the Mall soon after mid-
night. Some city subway stations were
opening at 12:30 a.m., five hours earlier
than usual, to accommodate them.
Activities start at 5 a.m. with prayer
and African' drumming, followed by
speeches, music and more prayer
throughout the day.

Iraqis aflinn support of President Hussein'

Los Angeles Times
BABYLON, Iraq - The people of
Iraq rallied behind President Saddam
Hussein yesterday, from the teeming
metropolis of Baghdad to this cradle of
ancient civilization, casting yes-or-no
ballots in a surreal referendum designed
to give Hussein seven more years in
It was not exactly, as the government
contended, an exercise in democracy,
although it did mark the first time Iraqis
have been asked to vote for the man
who has held power by force for the
past 27 years. 11
But the take-him-or-leave-him refer-
endum, whose outcome was never in
doubt, was seen by many in Iraq as a
way to protest five years of U.N. sanc-
tions by showing support for their leader.
Iraqis crowded into thousands of
crude polling stations to vote, placing
their palm-sized ballots in tall white
boxes. Many stayed throughout the day,
feasting on food from local tribal lead-

ers and chanting "Yes, yes for Saddam
Hussein" under the hot sun.
As the polls closed, Hussein backers
took to the streets, waving banners of
support for the president. In downtown
Baghdad, the sounds of singing, drum
rolls and trumpet music mixed with the
mosques' sonorous calls to prayer in
the clear night air on both sides of the
Tigris River. The sky was filled with
tracer bullets fired by celebrants. Even
before the results were announced, vic-
tory parades already were scheduled
for today.
"Saddam Hussein must be the leader
of Iraq," said Dhya Hamandi, a 47-
year-old pediatrician who voted in
the dilapidated gymnasium of the
Babylon Sports Center, about 60 miles
south of Baghdad. "He is our teacher.
Our helper. Our leader. All the nation
is with Saddam Hussein."
Hamandi spoke after emerging from
one of a group of voting booths made
from four threadbare pool tables turned

on their sides. He held three ballots -
one each for him, his wife and their 18-
year-old daughter - and they all had
check marks in the yes box.
Although the vote count hadn't been
completed by late yesterday, an over-
whelming yes vote and a high turnout
were certain. Many opponents of the
regime now live in exile, and opponents
inside the country said they were afraid
to vote no, fearing retaliation from the
In the days preceding the election,
not one of this country's 7.5 million
registered voters dared, either in the
newspapers or on television, to pub-
licly advocate a no vote.
In its opinion poll on the election, the
government-run daily newspaper in
Baghdad didn't even bother to ask how
voters planned to cast their ballots. In-
stead, it asked people only why they
planned to vote for Hussein. (Opinion
was divided evenly among those who
consider him a symbol of the country,

those who love him and those who cited
his leadership qualities.)
Refusing to cast a ballot was not
really an option for Hussein's oppo-
nents either. Although it appeared that
ballot secrecy was being respected yes-
terday, each polling station had a list of
voters and their birth dates. And many
worried that the government might ha-
rass citizens who declined to vote or,
worse, might take away the food ration
cards that are the keys to survival in
Iraq these days.
"I must vote," said a Baghdad nurs-
ery school teacher. Asked why, she
replied: "Please don't ask. You know
Hussein does have significant sup-
port in Iraq. And the U.N. sanctions -
which were imposed after Iraq's 1990
invasion of Kuwait and have sharply
curtailed oil sales and prohibited the
import of anything but food, medicine
and other humanitarian goods - have
solidified that support.

Engineering faculty would welcome Duderstadt back

By Will Weissert
For the Daily
President James J. Duderstadt began his
work at the University as an Engineering
professor and spent much of his academic
career climbing the University's administra-
tive ladder._
Now he is poised to
begin the climb back
down to where he began

I have no doubts about his effectiveness
as a teacher
-William Martin
Associate Engineering dean of administration

brilliant people I've worked with."
Despite an absence of nearly 10 years from
the fast-paced field of nuclear engineering,
Engineering officials say that Duderstadt has
been able to keep on top of the major devel-
"Through his service on the National Sci-
ence Board, he has kept up-to-date with many
ofthe important technological trends and could
easily meet the expectations we have for senior
facuilty members" Knoll said.

first established."
Nuclear engineering Prof. William Mar-

computational science.
Martin admits it will be difficult to require
Dwerti t tac'h ce'rtaiin coures and not

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